The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-24, Page 4• . • • . OAGE FOUR • • • * os, 6 THE. LucKNo-vcr $ENTINtL, ,IJUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JIINE 21tn, fit). • T. r, y I 1.14 f 41; „4t 0 • 214 .,; • "WANT AD" RATES -1St insertion 2. cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care. ' • of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legal advertising 10 cents per - count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE -- 3 -year-old horte.• AVON PRODUCTS rieecth a rep - James Devereaux, R. 2;'Lucknow• FOR, SALE two -Wheel trailer, Robert Malcolm,- •R, 2,, HolyrOod. , . FOR SAIM -3-piece beclropm ;suite'. Apply 'at Sentinel, Office. . • WAITRESSES WANTED at Venus .Restaurant; Goderich. ... • .. FOR SALE -little over '500 " -feet • of hemlock plank. Henry; Caesar, LucknoW. • FOR SALE --- Buckwheat seed. Raymond Finnigan; Phone -'78'r;••5 Dungannon. ' • • ' FOR .SALE-wopc1 or coat range 7in good condition, Water, front - Apply .at' Quality 'Shop: . • ...LOST-2-year-old'red heifer, no horns,: due to freshen now; Wm. Rutherford, R. 2, -Lucknow. • WANTED. -- A baby's playpen. 'Apply to Mrs. Wm.. G. :Minter, Phone 69-r-1 Dungannon., • ' • t. FOR SALE -Collie ptWile.i.bie Wilkins, R 1, Lucknow, Phone. ' 76I5' .Dungannon. , WANTED -----=--a small, unfurnished' apartment or a couple of :rooms.. ,Apply at Sentinel Offiee. . • :BARN 'FORSALE-=-20x32. Call after six or: on. Saturday' at Win. Ashfietds. . . , FOR SALE -- Quantity of -rape 'seed at a reduced price,' Govern- ment tested'Andrew:Gaunt, A. ,l, . LuCknow. • -. , • :< ,POR SALE -7 -field staading hay, 1.,principally alfalfa-,... also 2 mows ',loose hay at Lot 7, Con. 7, Kirr- 'Ioss. Richard -Baker; LucknoW.'4. • •. „ . GIRL. WANTED --clerk for grOc- eteria„ experierice preferred. but • • • not necessary. Apply at Co -Op. , . • FOR SALE-17'pigs ,a.roand 100' ' 9 7:week •pigs; yearl- ing Durtiarri'•cattle: Jack. Curran, Phone 78-r-3 Dungannon. e • • PROPERTIESFORSALFL-.-West. • 'Lot 48; 1/S.acre more or less with' foundation. arid ,cellar for build. ing, ivorkshop; gara;ge and stable on property; also 2 East lots, 66 .*165, ft Apply W. S. Reid, Box 166, LUcknow. ' • • •6 i• . , FOR-SALE--Llioover, 1/4' 1-11":‘ 60 /.cyc1, with „deuble drive shaft; ? • .3 -burner hot .220. volts;. good well Water :pump; cord dry _cedar; soil pipe in 5' ft. lengths; jig •SaW, 12"... throat, cheati; 30 • bags stove coal. Apply W.S. Reid,- : . • Box 166, .Lucknow. . • the parties entitled. therto, hav- ing -regard only to the .claims of FAST GROWING COMPANY has which. the Ekeciitot shall.: then opening in • your district for en have 'notice: . • .• erg.etic and ambitious person.: •Splendid OppOrttinit3r..for aggres- SiVe individual. 'Excellent :earnO - •ings assured' With.future, security -- and. independence. Apply Blue Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra; O „Montreal., Of, '• CARO OF THANKS .1 wish tp express many thanks to all who kindly remembered me with letters; cards, flowers and fruits during my "illnesS. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. ,• I wish to thank all my friends whO sent me cards, letters, flovi- ers, fruit and treatsof all kinds while 1 was in the hospital. I did appreciate it very Much. Mrs. ,James Gaunt. resentatwe to 'service customers Kith Collyer wIshes to most in Lucknow. Write Box 38, Luck- Sincerely thank, all those whio.so now, Ontario. kindly -remernbered hirn in vari oils ways clurkrig 'his long stay in the hospital. ! These. kind •and thoughtful acts ;Were Much ap- preciated. • ' . • FIRE 'EXTINGUISHERS I rib' rri,‘ ,$2.58 up. All types from ,bonibs to automatic sprinklers. -See Art Breeldes, LucknoW, proprietor Sentinel ExtinguisherS.. • • .AUCTIQN .SALE of farm stock and Iniplements, Con. 6? 'Kinloss • Township,' Thursday; 'June 24th at 1.30. See bills. Terms cash. Noble Pierce,'Prop.; Well., Hen- dersOn, Auc. • 6 • • `• ' . • .;,Bobbie 'Struthers • Wishes 'to :thank everyone , who . so kindly remenibered him 'With eardS, bOOks, flowers, - fruits and other. gifts. vvhile. he was sick.in ..the hospital .and at horne, They Made the .days Seenshorter. .1 . NOTICE. TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE of :livestock at , In The Estate of Christena Lot. 28, Con, 2, Kinloss,. Saha- ‘Buckirigharn, deceased.; day, June.26th at ,,2,30- o'clock., A 11- Persons having' claims Terrns cash, see bills: Robert. J. against the estate of Christena Laidlaw, 'Prep.; Well.-Henderscin, Buckingham,' late, of the Town-. Atte. ' • • - ... ship of Ashfield, in the County .of Huron; .Spinster, deceased, who. died on or about the, 19th day, of March, 1948," are lie'reby not-. ified-;to send in••tO the Undersign- ed- Adrinnistratori. on or. before the 30th claY d June, .1948;. full particulars of their claims.. . '. • Iininedia tely • after • the 'said 314101 day of June '-1948,. the assets' ef the •estate will. be distributed . • arno.ngSt. , the- , parties . ' entitled thereto, ha•ving : regard. Only .. to clatos.ef which the. Administra- tor sh 11 'th'en have. notice.. .- . Dated.at LueknowthiS. 5th day. of • June,. 1948;',.. .. :.; . . Williarn M. l5uckiosham;.•.. ' Administratcir, • •:. R. R. 7,, Lucknow, Ontarib"; 11', AV. Andrew,. . " • Immediately after the 15th day... .. HisSolicitor het ein.., . . , I of '.July, 1948, the assets of the. _, _, AOTICE To cii•Eorroas estate will be distributed amongst . Inc':he matter pf the Estate Of t1 parties entitled thereto, hav- •,:',.• marY.' Jane Darrow, late .of the ing regard only to-' the .clainas cif :.WhiCh-the EkeC'utor-S' shall: theft. Tcpowuilnisyl-iiof ,olif ii• rtsnh,fi:ewittotivn, :cithee,,.. have nOtice.• . .. , . • .. ' . Dated : at Lucknow, :Ontario, ceased' NOtice is hereby given, Puy- thiS '21.St -day ,of June, -1948.: • • _..i•:' C...-Wesley-.Ritehie---and. Russell suant to the' Statute in that be- lialf,-thaFairCreditors and others Robertson,' Executors. •0 . R. ,W. Andrew; their Solicitor herein. .. . ....., . • , . ,•', . : • . • MAN WANTED 'for '. Rawleigh business. .Sell to .1,500 families. .God profits for. hirstlerS. Write today. Rawleigh 'Dept. ML-F-271:- S,-MOntreal, Que. • ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In :ihe Estate of Catherine Ritehie,.;Deceased. • „. • : - • All persons having ,c 1 a rns gaingt the . estate ..of Catherine .M. Ritchip,'..lat6.of: the .Tbwnship of ' Ashfield,- in the CouritY of Huron, deceased, , Who 'died on or about the 30th day of: April, 1948, tare hereby 'notified te send,' to. the, undersigned Exe- cutors :on or befOre the. 1.5th day .of July, 1948, full partictilars of their •claims. ° • . •• NOTICE .TO CREDITORS' In The The Estate Of •MARSHALL E. B.. GRAHAM; Deceased. : ' . . . 11 , persons having claims 'against the estate of, Marshall E. B.. Graham', late of the Village of Lucknow, in ,the County of Brute,' Gentleman, •deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of of. April, 1948, are hereby .notified to send 'to' the Undersigned Exe- cutor, ,on or before' the 4th day 'of July, 1948, full particulars °cif . their claims. ,• • °Inamediately after the 4th day .:of. July, .19,48, "the.asset of . the estate Will be.distributed amongst • •.:Dated Lucknow; Ontario, this. 14th iday June',. 1:948. • W. L. Aintay; 84;Maccionnell Avenue, ' . • Toronto, Executor. :R, W: Andrew, • .,His Solicitor, herein. • „ • .HAVE' Drive Ou Our Quarters' are now larger,. allowing for a Greater Stock" and Better ; $ervice.. Try The 'EAST - END FEED STORE '• . For FEEDS, : TONICS, • " 'OYSTER 'SHELLS, • SPRAYS, SPRAYIELS • ' POULTRY SUPPLIES, SALT, 'MINERAL, & INSECTICIDES. • E. Crawford's PHONE 77-W LUCKNOW, ONT. • HEREFORD SALE NEARS TEM GRAND • 1 en,rere.e.,e, The Sale of registered fleregTel cattle from the herds of George' Kennedy and /I, J. L. EedY, held atMr. Kennedy's Pine Echo Farm on Saturday; attracted a large Prowd,,- arid brought very eatis- factory prices. The buyer, from the most distant point was Alvin Hunt of Phillipsburg, New Jersey. Mr. Kennedy., had 22 lots in the sale and Mr. Eedy, four.. Total, price realized for the. 26 lot's was' $9,260. The average pri0e,' was $325. Females 'averaged' $365 and the lots averaged $356..All the bull,s said were,nrider 12 months. Top price at the sale•wzas $670'for Pine Echo Miss': Tone , and her haVIng claims �r demands :against the Estate of the said Mary Jarie Darrow who •died on.0 'orabout. the iritfi Day of May' A.:13. 1948 are required ,,on or- before the, 'Tenth 'daYbf. july A.D..1948. to. send by, post Prepaid.cir deliver' to the undersigned Executor of the last Will :and 'TeStarrient .of the •;deceased, their'•:riarries, :ad - .dresses and deteriptions,•full par- ticulars ,of.their ;claiinS, a state - Ment of their-,accouritsand 'the nature of: the 'seeurities. (if any), 'held. by them duly verified by affidavit: • • ." . O And, take notice. that after the last mentioned date -the said. Ex--, ecutor will proceed to distribute, the assets •of the; said 'deceased among the perSoneentitled, there- to, having regard: only .tp, the claims of.' which ...he shall ,then have notice., . . Dated at. Liicknovit,._:Ontario, this 18thday of, June. A.D. '1048. Donald' J. MacCharlei,' • •• • Executor, Lucknow;,Ontakio7 The animals, the price and„the 151.1YerS were as t011ows;.bull, Pine Echo Beau Zento 2nd, $370, Alvin Hunt,. New Jersey; bull, Pine Echo Beau Zento 3rd, $340, Al- lan R. Linton, R. 6, 'Cabotirg; Pine Echo Beau Zento 4th; $260, A. W. 'Petrie, R. 1; Dungannon; bull,. Pine Echo Beau Zento 5th, $320, Albert 1VICGee, R. 1; Dungannon; bull; Pine Echo Beau ZentO 6th, $340, .W., R.' Fergtisoni R. 3, Gait'• . • • . Fenaales-45ine EchP. Miss Boca' Statiway5th, $400„ Ralph E. Fos- ter, R: 3, Goderich; Pine Echo 'Miss Bocal Stanway 00 .9th„.' $310, Elmer R: Ritsswurm, R..• 5; Mild- may; • Pine* ,Echo1V1iss . Domino MisChief„: $300, Harry :A. Parker, RS,1,._-:Forrnoski;•; Pine. Echo. Miss Bocal $tanway 8th, $265, Frank Grey',. Agincourt; Jane .Dorinno,. $275, •• W. J. White, °Clarempnt; iIIa:Dorninat $325,'Chas. Fisher,. l?„.Railieborp;. her, •calf; $260, George,Rodanz, StouffVille; Pine Echo. IVIisS None 12th; •$320; 'Jas. A.' Sibbald,. Leith; her calf,0$240; R.: 1VI. Aitken, ' R. 2, Teeswater; Pine Echo 'Miss. Tone, llth, $290,1 Wilfred ,Stevenion„ R. • 3; God- k. erich;' Pine Echo Miss Tope 17th, $340, Wrn, Cash k, 2, •Tees - :Water; Pine Echo Miis !Tone, t8th, 'Albert .McGee, R. 1.1,1)4117 gannOp;. her calf, $370;• 'Ronald DuCkikorth;, Uxbridge; Sundritn. Domino Lady and calf„:.$390;Chas, O Taylor, . Liticknow; ' Ringwood. Donna: Dominci -5th, $310,- CharleS .Fisher,,Bailieboro; tilla D.S. 2nd. dsisw.arld•CaLLP75,..Rebert Smith, R: 47Kincardine; Gleriquaieh Vista'Las's, $340; MiltOnFiisinger,;, Miidrray,. Rose .,Dorrilno,„ $230; Wm, .Hayes,.Kincardine; her caif, .$140? James CUrrie, RI 3,, Wing: - ham; 'Violet "DOrninO, $220; Allan Linton, R. Cobpling; 'Calla Dorninp, $250, Eliner:RtissWiirtn, R. 5, Mildmay.. '.:E.eclY • Cattle IttPinino, $430, :Earl Jessop‘„ Orkin; Miss Gay Claire,.' $330, John' Hussey,: R: .3 . Goderich MSS' day Claire : j ' • 2nd, $360, Andre* Morris, is; Miss True Canieo„. $2,614 Holmes,. R. 2,-Wingliam, ' ' • -0 Raised Over' $48. • • , The Navy League•tag flay. ducted locally by members of tho Girl Guide troop, raised 4.1 Of $41.27, . • " .11•11111•111111) MORTGAGE SALE: Under: and by virture.of the p'owers0 contained in certain 'two • mortgages; which will be pro - O duced at ,•ttie. time .of sale, there will he Offered fOr sale by Public Auction. on Saturday, the 26th day of June, 1943, at 2.00 p.tn. at the lands hereinafter •deScrib, ed, in one parcel, 'oby Public Auc- tion; t h e following property, O namely: Loth, 21, 22, 27,' 28, 76O 77;" 78,-79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85,' 96, 97 and -104, .in Paxton'S Sur-. .vey, Plan 231, in the Village of Kinlough,,, in the Township of Kinloss, in the County �f':Brude; • subject, to a reserved bid,. Terms:, 10 percent Of the pur7 chase money to 'be paid .4..time of Sale, 'balance, in 30 days. . O For 'further,partieUlata ' and conditions of )sae ,apply t.4 Charles, 13onnett, Mortgagee., By, /Li „Solicitors, • RobertSon & Robertson, • Walkerton.., Ontario. W. Henderson, Lucknow,. • AUttioneet. ; • ° • R.S. Hetherington/ ICC. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and tucknOw •• • .IN LUCKNOW . Each • Monday & Wednesday Located On the ground floor jil;the front of O „John Kilpatrick's Building • •• ' 'Phone Wingham Office 48 •• Residence 97 ANDREW.. •BUrristers and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Office:. in the Joynt •Block • , • Telephone Office 135 Residence 31-.1 P. 'Swart MacKenz'ie BARRISTER' & SOLICITOR • ' ;• 'yvalkeFtok Oiitarf.o.'. '2 NLUCKNOie's/' • • . : • • . . • Each.. Wednesday OFFICEIN . , . .HENDERSON BLOCK • TICE e Accounta • Alt accounts :,.owing The Quality Shop must be paid on or before June .29th, as.- • :the:business hits been. sold. domminmo.. Automobile wners •' Don't pay two pries for your. insurance. . For .the 'most economical. 4nd reliable protection ' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LIFE' INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE SICK &. A.CCIDENT s 'INSURANCE HOSPITALIZATION ' See or Call • • T. A. CAMERON Luknow, Ontario. 'Phone 'Dungannon 70-.r-10 1"116MIENEr : • ? ACCOUNTANCY Service 'for the 'Small Mer - Chant, Professional 'Man and the Farmer. In Lucknow Tues4 Thurs. and Friday. . 'Office in Kilpatrick Block.4* P Y MN4 P.O. BOx 74, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 23 '• INSURANCE FIRE,' CASUALTY. .. . -and . • ' AUTOMOBILE TO Protect. Your Jack .hiture With.Jack Today . • . . J. A. McDONAGEI. .k.R. 3 Liacknow, Ont. Phone' 61-5 .Dungknnon • O • Insure, In Sure Insniance atifederation Life • .FIRE.7--ereterred--itAtes 00 :preferred roks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult JOHN FARRISR. 'Phone 7-r-15,Dungannon 111•1••••••••' ••••••••M .0" ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN CroomFKmoNN 0;0, WEDNESDA, EAfl 10 a.M. to 6 p.mO . AT WM. SCHMID'S STORg •