The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-24, Page 3TauRsvAy, JUNE 24th, 8 Local and ' eneral Beni y Caesar recently under- went ,.r seriesof operations in. Wingbant Hospital. • Mrs, Win• Middleton and • dau- , ghter Note'en, of - Forest visited with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mid- dleton, . ir; Jones, .Moderator Of the - United' Church, • • will speak at. Underwood on ;Sunday .evening at 8..00 -o'clock.. Jack Stewart of town is spend ing, the navigation season em- ployed on a sandsucker working out of Windsor SPECIAL,' at The:•Playhouse, June :18,29, 30, "Silver Wedding • An- niversarY".' of our King & Queen: - Coming ;soon at. The • 'Playhouse,. '«Rpn2estrete h„ Mrs.. Russ Johnstone, Mrs. Mary Ross, Miss Margaret • G.' Murray and Mrs. Knetchel ' spent a day with 'Mrs: McKibbon of, Wing - ham! Tloyd Mr.• Ackert, recreational director at., Listowel, was one of° a foursome from that 'town who spent last . week vacationing' in Chicago: Mr. and t•s. Chas.. �Cook,,.Jack Gillies; . Mi George Fisher, 'Jack Cook,. Bob, McIntosh, . ' Misses ihir ley,Mason' and. Una. • Elliott .were ..•guests' at": the : Poe- .Krueger• wed- • • ding at Detroit on Saturday... '. T` 'Ctfultal. LucKNOW Rev: `•J • W. Stewart, .1444 'B.D.• Pastor .. S11NDAY, JUNE 27th, 1948 Io a.m.: Sunday School 11 a.m.: "Christ ` Wanted to be Remembered" Story "Something to • Hold on to" Sacrament: of `The• Lord's. Supper. 7 p.m:' Evening •service with- drawn' to give everyone';a chance, to hear the Moder- , ator,';Dr, .:LJones at Under-' lit • TUE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL; ItUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lloyd Stewart was guest solo ist at the Manic -,Enright weddin in Olivet 'Lvangelical United Brethren Church, Kitchener, on Saturday. y Mr. J. ' E. Smith .visited here last week. `'Ted" who is aMaster. at Ottawa Normal, will spend six week.S, f' his vacatioh'as a sum - .mer ' tour e instructor. at Toronto Mr.. and Mrs. Orm 1Vl&fiat, lar- ilyn and Judy' and Mi. and Mfrs. Spencer and son on of Toronto wette recenyt visitors, with Mr' and Mrs, S, C.: Rathwell. , • The June• .meeting', of. the' W6- meri's • Institute, will be .held • in the Town Hall on Friday, June 25th, at 2,30. Direi:'tors, MW. J,. Douglas ;and Miss C. McGreg- KAIRSIIE:A INSTITUTE'IOST `T() DISTRICT .')RANCHES . The June 'me g of the Kair- 1 .. shea. Women's -Institute"was 'held in the Holyrood -}fall, when the ladies ..entertained members 'of the, Lucknow, ip1ey, Teeswator aid Holyrood ' branches. The president, Mrs..A. MacTntyre, pre- sided : and, , gave the address of . welcome. • • • • • A very interesting. , program •. Made up from thethevisiting .. clubs followed: There were several readings given by Miss Mary Mc- ' Leod, Lucknow; :Mrs,` Ken Mac-: Donald, Teeswater, Mrs. 'J. Boyle, Holyr oodMrs. rs. Duffy,' Teeswater and Mrs, W. Steele of Rlprey Solos were given by Mrs.• Dun-•' rs:'• can •Munn,' . Ripley;, • Mrs. Joynt, ' Lucknow, Mrs. 'Ernest; Ackert, Holyrood and Mrs.;' Kirby of ' Teeswater • There:Were alsp•sereval•'lovely duets by . Mrs. 'Martin and Mrs. Ge enamel, .Ri.pley; .Mrs; Colvin and • Mrs. MacArthur.,' Teeswater; Mar, 'garet Rae and Doris' Taylor, Lucknow, .and the 'Murray •girls from .Holyrood. • The district president; 'Mrs. P, Stewart, inade a few appropriate >remark. ,'and the' meeting closed with, God Save The King.. ,• • ,A, 'social hour_;and .'lunch lowed, The next meeting will Abe. held at the' home of Mrs. R,. Mar- tin, "Directors; • Mrs. W. F. Mac.; Donald, Mrs; • E; Little,"Mrs: Graham and, Mrs 'P. Moffat. •. ' Mr.` and : Mrs. Joe: Conley' _of town 'and -their 'daughter, Miss Agnes .Conley of Brampton,' left on Monday on a three weeks' trip to the West, Mrs. Conley will Visit ,a sister whom she has not seen ,in 22 years .Mrs,: Louisa 'Naylor held `a Sue- cessful sale of •household effects ori', Saturday She' has sold her home to• Bert' Treleaven, and 'is '11.6w residing' at. the. home of Misses 'Per' and; Elizabeth Hen 'derson • Mrs. M. L San'det son of. ,Saint John, N,B: '.and Mr:. and Mrs. Fr441. King. end ,Rilly-of 17f11-mto' -were':'.Sunray 'Wath Mrs: James •M D'oniild as well. as MP. and Mrs. Kosinyna: and ,son Jrrrr• in.i.e of,'Toledo,: whohave:,.been' holidaying here.: .. WAGE TIMEX A Delicious Coal Drink Directions: Make: 'tea exactly as usual' , ; . While still ' hot "'pour into glasses' flied with cracked. ice .. •. Add sugar and lemon to. taste . ; Mrs: Campbell Thompson . and Mrs... Aylmer :itchrson of town and Mrs. Eric Cox'. of Rothsay were at ' G'uelph last Wednesday attending the General Hospital Alumnae Assoc:a ion diamond jubilee banquet. Mrs. E. J: Thorn and Patricia Thompson went as far•;,as Fergus :where:they•,vist'ed with Mr, ;and Mrs;, Alex Woods:• FIVE,'HEAD BRING $1,777' S 'Wilson of Ripley shipped 1 five head of 'beef .cattle to ,Torr ,. Onto' for Less Congram;. Con. 8, Kinlos, that' set something of .a. record •for: the price received. The :five head realized a total•of $1,777 • or an, average of 241/2 cents a ib •one 'steer' brought almost ersar Oi ST. PETER, S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, 'JUNE 27th ervice • 11 a.m.—Preacher, The Rector 8' pm—Preacher, Venerable Archdeacon Towns *hend of London.. A Cordial limitation IS Extended To Ali, KINLOUP'S . CongratulatiOnS to Mr. & ,Mrs... �. Ale;a ;Percy'`on the gift' of a. baby.' boy A nutuber from here' attended the meeting at Holyrood Hall on Ha "'Crb Will ; Hair A .. Be Light... .4. I Ili 1 •ursday;.;aftei'#aoon ;:vtri�en 'the ,. , y The hay : prep :'�:has: been ' hard' were guests'. of the Kairshea In-:. hit by the''continued. city, spell. 'ati:tute. .:, Showers might yet help the tirn-The`,Holyrood::: W . gardenL othy: some; but.' the 'cIover,•is in. party will; be held "on Thursday blossom '•and _ cartSbe .a#�'thita e:vehrt othts w - - i; .i g eek. else.'but a, skimpy 'crop,Miss Catherine. Gibson.'of Luck 1.; ..✓ACKED BY' THEON.GEST TIRE. B,U,•ILDINC :°.EXPERIENC'E • IN• TN. E WORLD • Vets of Auto° Truck; ems, Agricultural, Ahe,alr. Motorcycle and �icytL' iira< Aufe Aue,<°1<, Indufif1°1 Rubber products; " Dunlopillo"tale] Foom Cu.rh,onrog'end Golf !lolls Inger Sewing , Cesar N®ViER We. Have A • Limited' ' Supply' of Singer T ELECRIC AND PORTABLE .• . h. MACHINES ACHINES: also' Tredles UARANTEED REPAIR ':SERVIC E 'f A Write .or 'Phone and have us 'call at our ho Y me 'Phone'' 403, ;Hanover Library Truck. Making Rounds . • and Mrs. ' George Tiffin 'of' Lang - :The Huron`' County Library As side. socration service truck will sta a' tour .of: Huron 'this": week, ex- changing -books arn.ong the.. vari- ous Bounty -libraries„ The .itiner. :ary xs completed next-, Tuesday when• the truck. `visits this . • lis -no and graduate ofStratford'trict.as follows:: Dungannon, 8.30 a.m:~`St. Helens;' 9:30 • a:m.' Bel - rt Misses Annie ` and Mary ,Laid....� law visited one, day. last :.week with their • uncle, ;Mr. Win: Purr Giron,'_ Nor mal School :has been engaged as teacher in this school ,''grave `10 45' a.m.;. 'Wi• ngham 1: p.m.; Miss Helen Schumacher spent: Whitechurch 2.30 pan. Lucknow the week -end with, Mr. and Mrs, 4,,00:.p.m.• •:' i We are, sorry to :report `that Mr.s." W J MacLean isunder the' doctor's care. "'We hope, she `will Soon'. be ..well again. MernbersOf the Women's Aux. i'liary were ,guests: of the Kingarf Auailiaty when Mrs L. G Cyoz: ,ier.• of .Walkerton 'was the guest: Speaker. Mrs. Charlie • Hodgins: will be the' hostess for the Girls •'Auxi1- 1aI y Meeting on'; Saturday.' after- noon., •` Mr, and Mrs. Everett Johnston. and little • son ;of ,Barrievisited with ±Mr, .and•'Mrs:. Maurice. Hod= :gins.' ' a. very successful auction sale of, Mr,' and .Mrs A. Trafford and farm'' stack and 'implements on'• • family of D.urham:spe'nt the week last_ Tuesday: end .;with relatives here. Mr. anal : Mrs George. Kennedy "..Brethren !of tle Orange Order had a • very successful • Sale .'of urll attend serviee in the Ang- some of his Hereford cattle on, lrcan•:•(:hunch ori Sunday after- 'Saturday noon 'next, June 27th, at 3 o'clock: Everyone is ', welcome.' _ Mr, and .Mrls;:B.ert.' •Nicholsorfi' and, family visited on, Sunday with Mr: and .1/,[r's: G. •'Canipbeli' a't Am ber ley: , Mr; Dirk Neil, Mr. Dowie' De;• Frc'. ; Mrs, Omar, McVey -and Mr. and- Mrs, Arthur .Simpson : • of C1andeboye were Sunday visitors with Misses Edna and.May Boyle. Miss Evelyn . McLean and .Mr. S' Carson ref •London spent 'the week -end ather home here. Mr.; and 'Mrs, Maurice''EgQdgins, Ellwood . and Miss, Grace Weath- et'head• returned • frost.• .Detroit' where they spent last w, ek-end. Mr `Cleve Hill' had a easant sir pl rse when the passeng 'of 'the 1-1. S. bus. Which he has driven. during the' least • year, presented • him With' a leather billfold .for his -kindness 16 them. Reltttiyes, •fr'oin here attended .this 'antinual. Scott .picnic which was held at the .horne of Mr. and Mr;s, Ed White at i<ingarf. WH:ITE:CHU�CH; • Mrs.: • Roane ' visited ''last- week 'with her daughter., Mrs. George, McKague oaf Teeswater. Congratulations to Mr., & Mrs. John MacMillan' >:on .,celebrating, their' 25th ' -wedding anniversary' recently. • • Mr.' and Mrs.•; Lance Grain` and Mr and Mrs. Orton ' Grain ' re- turned home on ".Saturday from the . West where they motored and' .sperit:t,he last three .weeks. Mr, and :Mrs. ' W3•n. Dawson had' 'Mr. and' Mrsi, Victor Errrerson spent Sunday ` with her sister, M. and Mrs•Russell ;Ritchie of; Langside. ,' •.• The, .Gaunt' reunion was held at Goderich on Saturday w•heri quite a number of, the relatives from here were 'present. About. 80 rel- atives 'were present 'from .differ- ent :places, 'Mr.and Mrs. ' :Tack. Henderson. of Lucknow visited on. Sunday with her 'sisters, •Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas Moore,. and .. Mrs. Mac ROSS. ; •Mr. and Mrs."J. J. Duston Bee-: croft ',left on Monday this week for •a trip to North Bay. Rev. W. S: Sutherland preached anniversary' services at Bluevale Presbyterian. Church last Sun- day,: when Rev: Jorgenson .of Thluevale • preached anniversary services at -Langside. Quite a ntt`f' ber from trere were present:.'' ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Sr., visited last Thursday with Mr, WO Mille • • • If you are'. contemplating a trip to• the. United States; • here•are two important' facts' to remember: • You may not .bring back -with you.. any. 'merchandise which is prohibited under • `;the Emergency ,' :Exchange: • Conservation Act, Find.out''in advance, . from'. Canadian ° Customs officials whether you • may bringl in anyy cditem-, Plated ' purchase.:. "i' 'To conserve all available U.S. dollars for . 'essential" • purchases, a travel "ration •of .$150 :'U.S.' per person' for 'the 12• months between •Nov: 15, 1947 and Nov. 15, 1 948 has been. estab- lished: Be sure to get the necessary '•forms'and details •at your` bank; well' in ad-1 vance of your trip„, This caution:'is 'given, to help avoid possible 'em- barrassment: at border points. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA • FENs