The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-24, Page 1a $2;00 A Year -.-In Advance; 50c Extra to (J,, S. A;a,, ASHFIELD AREA SCHOOL PICNIC The second annual Picnic -for the pupils and ratepayers of the Ashfield School Area was. held ,at Canrrp lCinta.il on June 17th, •The trustees and committee in•charge of the event spired no. effort to. 'make the picnic 'a, real success.'. Harold: Greer attended with }f i:5' �ublic'• address "system; • Which R :greatly, aided with, the announce-:. mentis. throughout the. afternoon.' The. following were prize ners ..in the various Races --- six years, arid under girls,_ Margaret • Ann • McDonald; Eileen Vitcella, Eileen McNae; boys,. Jimroy Blake: Wane • wart, .Tommy' .Dixon. -Eight—years. and under: girls, Elsie Essex, Mary Carter, B, Va • ce]ia; .boys,. Billy Hayden,, Geor..ge Hackett, Mike Dalton: • . Ten years and :under.:. • Girls, •Yvo ne ,Vascella, Ann 'I?oherty, Dolores• McGee boys,: Norman Stewart; • Barry Hackett, Douglas Atthill', Twelve years' and under, girls'. Joyce Little, Carol Gardner, Rat Ha.inilton; boys, Leslie Hal= lam; Carman Nixon, Stanley Doh-` : erty. • 1.4airs 'and..•u,nderls,..:Shir- : - r Y. g iC ley .1'~iamil,ton,: Jeanette. ; Dixon„ Joyce Little; boys, RussellAlton,; . Sta i '. Doherty.•' Fr ink . Alton, ey ix, 1 Young.wromen's race, Edna Ste - 'Wart; •Shirley ''.Ham lton,. Jeanette Dixon. . Young nxen's'iace,:Eddie Tigert, 'Fink Alton,:Raymond Haggitt,. • Wheelbarrow race: • girls,. Eve;; lyri ,Atthill, Isabel Tigert; • ette Dixon, Edna Stewart;, Joyce Little, Shirley:, Hamilton; .boys Eddie • Tigtrt;, Leonard Hickey; Chester Hackett, Ken •Brown;, .Frank Alten, Kenny • Alton:' Three-legged' ,race; girls,. Edna Stewart, • Jeanette Dixon,; Isabel: T'igert, • '.E elyn• Atthill.; Freda . 'Hackett,,,:R ith Raynard;. boys Kenny Dixon; Eddie Tigert; `Bar-•• ry Hackett,• Carmen Nixon;,• Les:. ie Hallam;, ` Kenny. •Ayton;:.th'er •scl ool age -'A :lan Backe t;: mar= old,Maize;_Kenny •Brown, Chester Hackett:,” Sack race girls, .Jeanette D.ix on; Dolar'es McGee, Jeanette Doh- erty boys, Jr;,: ,Irwin C.a►ndpbell, 'Franklin Stingel, •Barry::Hackett;• boys,' Sr., . Eddie .:Tigett, ° Carmen 9Nixon,. Ross "'Rivett. - Relay race .(inter='sehool) :Porta Albert; -:Belfast, Crewe Running high. jumpJr.; Girls,. Dolores ` • McGee, .. Mary • • Doherty, 'Yvonne. Vascella; Sr:girls--dna ;Ste'wart, Evelyn 'Afthill,-Jeanette. Dixon:' Jr.':boys,. Norman Stewart,; Dougla's Atthil3, Kenny: Alton;' Sr. boys, Eddie,,Tigert,'Fjrank. Alton, ` Wilmer',' Errington. Running broad jump Jr: girls; Dolores• McGee Yvonne. Vascella; Mary. •DohertYP Sr.: g ii~Ise • Edna Rivett; ,Evelyn. Atthill; •Jeanette: D'ixon; Jr boys,`'Raym.ond•' Chis holm, Norrnan ;,. Stewart �: David Kirkla,d; Sr., boys'. Eddiel, Rus Tigert;g' e1 � .Swan, ; Jacob Fokkens; young men, Eric Moore,' Duncan' McKay, Aldie • Tigert " • Pole vault: Jr. boys, :.Norm'n Ste\ijart`••Dou Blas Atthill,. Billy Hayden, ••:Srbo: s' +:Eddie. 'Melt! g P I3ob'Bowden,-.Leonard Hicke ': Y Softball throw: Jr: girls, Jean-" • ette Doherty; Margaret Carter,. Mary ' Doherty';•.•Sr: . irls, . Joyce Glenn, Jeanette' Dixon Shirley 'Ilamilton;::Tr. boys, 'Barry Hack ett,•Harold Parrish, Norman Ste- Wart; Sr, • boys,' Eddie Tigert, Don= trld Rooth, Stanley Doherty,: a • Following• the sports a basket .• lunch 1 Weis,.sc rv.ed by., the corn- . ~:rniitecc and teachers.•Oouglas 'Att= hill was presented with his prize won at the Gderich Music Fes- tival. Thr.. schools were divided intti. twci softball 'teams' for' the final spurts event: ' ----;The interest 'and -co-operation of trustees. parents and teachers :411 contr,i ,ti ed `to the pleasiure of • till tiy:n:, attended' phis � popular Mita°c. • , . • 1ilEn• .4. Z BOWS' ,work clothing, overall, pants,' shirts, finder - wear 'n MARKET STORE. '8 ,• ( r LUCKNOW ONTARIO,- THURSDAY„eJUNE 24th, .1948.. REUNJON MEETING MONDAY There wasn't a quorum at. the . regu'lat Mondaynight rnee't]n1g.ot` the reunion eonunittee this week. With the' bg' . event . onlya month away,. Y, and planning yet to 'be done, a full attendrince of all committecw ' is essential 'at' net Monday's meeting. • There are many . Arran ements ' be et to b, • , Y rrra•d(•, -,1nd a :great ma`hy, details yet ;tri : be. decided '.upon if. .the event nt "is id go .off" 4inoot - ly and successfully Next week's e m t<trng, ..oi' an*. meeting for' th.it, : flied' not. bt, confined to committee. rm€rrib(rs. There are' several sub- committees. yet to.b . named, 'and any citizen who is genuinely in ter;ested ih .the • succ•(ss of this horniectrrning cupula attend and be ready to help, HOLD••suNDAy, EVENING •SERVICE ::A`T 8 O'CLOCK ' • ,'•• •Sunday; �eivice :in:µSt',''Peter' Anglican ChurchLuckno\v i ' o \. s naw• held at,'i,-ig,ht. o'clock in .the ev ening.; It is a radical .departure,., ; • fr,orn. the long, established custom • of morning worship .at eleven o'clock but • is being well ie (c it �' l by etre 'eorigrcgat :ir . u itii irripi•oti•ea'-attrtind inc , The: Sunday rtirierar ' of the EIGHT PAGES DREDGED • RIVER THROUGH. 'VILLAGE Work of dredging :a sectit n of the Nine.Mile River;'through the village was completed on Mon- day.. The work .was • done by ..an 8 -ton bulldozer of the Sandy Construction Company, .operated by Harvey • Wilkins. Cost of the work -will b'e:'less than $300. The work was carried out from .i ' pbi'nt,, at'. the. rear of Johnston's Feed Barn Southward to the Flak. Nirll: The,. course^ of the rirver. \'as' straighten d; cu't• ..and the. river hE d cleared..,of ..sludge anti river. bank growth that .was plugging. the channel and hindering pro- per drainage within the, muni-' ci.pality.�• :The • bulldozer w.or•ked across the stream pushing • back the banks, and then made a . centre channel the width of the blade., • This lowers the river bed con-. siderable and • provides. a ;free u'atLr : Course,. 'although -further \A, ork' may be riec'es:ary next year to fully.. completL the° dredging job... ... rector, Rev. R, A t J'oselyTn,' nOw provides for early �mcorning ser; •vice. at : Ripley, followed . by; .11 o'eloi.k. service at.. Port •,Albert eDungannon.•• Parish • has -ser vice 'i.n the afternoon,• with Rev. Joselyn ' 'back . 'horne ler. evening worship in St.. Peter's. The Sunday°; services Will .-.be held: Morning • and • evening to mark St.''.. Peter'•s• . anniversary. The •_Rector will ''speak•.: at 'the or•ni g .service, with Venerable rch•(.= : cin Townshend of Lon=' •:, - : •r aching' at • the .evening 'service..at 8.00 .o'clock, DECIDE' ON LOCBEAUTY AL • • A beauty contest is`• to be held in Ludknow _•i'n conjunction with . the County-widecompetitions to piek Miss Bruce .County.Thea event will,. b.e •a- feature o f the Bruce'Reunion homecorning.•act: lvities ancci w•i11' con_lude at carding.'On: :Civic .Holiday, when municipal winners wellcompete for the ,title•of..Miss .Bruce. County and a top prize.of; $500 • cash.. '' On Saturday: Satday afternoon ', the. Local committee met \viih 'Mr: • Steghcn .Jones, 'direc'tirr ' ref • 'the' ."Miss Bruce' . County c'onte'st. when it was. definitely, ,decidccl.•to Ort)ce& with a :.16eal :ccrn.test, the winric1oi which will: 1)1 e. •('lr:gib'l,r. to .c,onipete.* at Kinc.ircline , : • 'Only contestants; •tligil.ile Eta the Kincardine •E'\'('rat.• .aro 1'1'1' t iliac a \\'innr•1',: in t}t4',n .1oi ��1 ('tach 'Pe:tition. This :win c•crntinc. • flit, Miss Biu.rcu•Lo:uintsj;•-c;ont(�:'tart( 1() a chic\'rmirrll of°,zlb(rirt '12 Indies, A'.tn.otig' the .rtiit� in(i xt',rtiti-1-; tion 1'. (Jrl( w'llrt'll :'�.tr,te +' cit 11n ite.ly thr:1t e \ ('1'y' cont.( rfa�rrt 111 :