The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-10, Page 1•$2,00 r. Year—In Adya>race; 50c Extra to U. S. A.. H.annajs. Again Riding Wiin�r The Drew Government was, re- • turned. to power in Monday's, el- ection, but'with its strength re duced ,by thirteen seats, • and its • leader,. the Hon, George. Drew,. meeting „personal .defeat', in his 'Toronto High Park riding., , 1n Horan -Bruce John Hanna, •- Progressive Conservativ. a won" ' out over Hugh Hill; Liberal, .'by a• majority of 278• .votes. It was the third ..time in 'five years that • ue now for burial rr] Cemetei teen'h.ill' r.• Hanna has s b 1V1een elected' i Th- ,Y e CU_'; 321 'n7nitta" ser'viCe this riding, long •considered fa Lii,b-• I was condtrct(d by Rt v. J, W. Stec Oral stronghold, but in Monday's wart.. balloting.his majority.was sharp- •A ,*heart co. nditio' p 1M1 cin pitievented Cut 'from 19` lye 45, when he led'. W J, McKay. ,by over 2;000 votes. At that time the' C.C.F.. condidate • polled 1348. On Monday it, was' a straight •two=party: fight in LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; "�-- FROM HE K IC WEBSTER BUYS FORMER MINIST• ER DIED ART ATTACK ' GRADUATED' LAST WEEK . •T�• ASSIST WITH ,Rev. J. S. Duncan, ' who�tUALlTY istered in - the Lucknow Presby A local businne Le�•ian' Church from; 1910 to 1916,' ss transaction e passed awaymuch interest,was announced- .the .suddenly last .Wed latter part of the week,: nesday at Orno ' in the Fergus.- i by which. Guelph district. Rev. Dunt Charles Webster . becomes G elph with: • rtev. ar on was prietor `of ` The Pro btasis • about t a..m Y throm- the first of Ju Quality Shop at . that, morning' Th• ly. Tho Quality ,Shop has :been• op - at The Parsonage and succumbed,P within' 15 s, crated•. under a ' partnership o f D ggart o W,Hustonand •U ., f Si. Columba ' lary Tre•- min- 'S•HOP r. "Niels esley 'Huse • rated Church T � t: eaven.afbr, more t orontb•Y-edhduct i theypane d t e •s busi- ed' the '�fucrer'al • sei•vrce at Orno having purchased the • on Friday afternoon,, after which'nes' of Ben Feariznan in Mayof the. remains s 1945.• L k s wcr e brought to L ast weeks transaction, _ brings,. Mr, and, Mrs,` Webster and _Jud • back' .., , Y k t 0 t' ' ow n ` They e • Y previously. ,operated a • restaurant • here, . and after selling out to HarveyHall rs; lluncan:,#ram aceorri %vent to Stouffvill'e where `Ch ck' the : panying „operated _ i e tune 13 rated a ral.cdairy - • cortege bu e min toe s gLs. uSinee knc I • Surviving.. b c now..e 'disposing of it .hast fall, they `have l g besides his widow resided • ir. •Osh.aw a r: are two sons,,Kenneth of Toronto' while "look -1 and Tom of Sault 'St l rill; ariiund Ste. M I. which .Mr. Hanna polled 667'7• hi 1L0WtinedIVlrsDui•eh;C4:�ShER BEA.,uncap cme}1er;e asATREi,'Nl0UTSr'C'ONTESTabi•ieleTl}�N Rev:' D s.uncapwad votes w ch was approximately Presbyterian Ch l i 300' less 'than the"ciivilian,;vote -he. .I polled.in 1945. ;"Mir , H'ill . with 6399 They were much beloved i CELEBRATION . 1 votesvotes polled over 1500•more votes by •then'. congre .t ori I �' polled Liber 1 e.ornrrr i g . "atid 'fon_ dotal : Bru a, candidate in the un ty dad Ric���.. ce County Re= ncan.s,. union h '• 4 ministr orn, "t ,. • J9 5 election mi tta •. r.. . yh s.et nsic. .err n. g. EIGHT PAGES Miss Ctherine Jolirrston, dao-1 !LVET CANVASSghter.f air, andMrs. W. V.. John -stop, and a graduate t?f the . Un= • ver . - Fifty member sit of s were .Y Toront rese ,Sehool of the' June meetin p nt atNursing, eceived her degree of. g of txi Llie o rBachelor Rf. Science . of Nursin � ch Zrad.ies': Auxiliary tonow $ranlaac 'elorko . • ien a ofi g;' the Legion'•on occasion of the f on :Hall. ,ficial vist. of the Zon esMissJohnston graduated with e Represfirst class : honors, " entative "Miss Dorothy Ho le• StY o-rat;`'or . h r. and Mrs, Johnston attended epresident; Com-.te grada,to2. , r ! x'ade •KathleenForester., ..was ihe.chrr and o n Crducted theness o bus f the evening. It was rde,BOUGHT ,VILLAGE HOUSE tided t a, accent. an invitation tocater'` to a' wedding intheMr. Bert Treleaven. of. Ashfil "'Roo Legion' d mson June 26th ' Comradeshas purchased the village resi- Kathleen Cdente of Mrs. ,Coni a Naylor. Mrs. 'MaeJohn tone ,..Zell. Crawford, stone and Eya BNa lr Is !tick Yholdiri-a eauction sale ori S g leariingvolunteered. to help the..'13illetngaturday of next Com'mittee of the; Bruce Countweek. •1 Old Bo s� Y Re1� y union in�conducting Mr. and Mrs Treleaven:' will • a house to' house canvass " -for obtain possession•or thehome on I r.omns. Th'•July ,lst. , eLadiesAuxiliaryare•( planning to` serve meals ':in their • • rooms 'on Lucknw da ' onB:L;Y BONE INSTRY Juiy ATHROY • . Two new 'mem'bers ',were: ,I` Mr. •and Mrs W. S.: Reid • and! rated: into the A.' children, Bob and K en,. - i'Hoyle: Mrs. F uxiliary by. Miss .. � calices,' Cowan and' ,, plan to move to Strathroy al5o`tit the firstMrs:' Anna• Brow n .Mica Hoyle.. of August. They have.. bought a, presented a. beautiful. • framed . o: me .thef=t-.. and o•b.tain possessor' l photograPl�'"'cit: • tile. King to. 'the " iI at•'. that date. •, Bill has Lucknow.'B s .acce•pted a � ranch:� the "ga've "'..the'.. , position with the .Middlesex ;Fur Auxiliary mernbers . 'a splendid. niture .Company.. • He is presently' i taik, • e_rnphasiz' 'g that their first -.: mployed at the. Luckno.w Indus ;work is to `the veteran and; his ries plant,.;and will rerri in here. 'dependents and nota to forget the rn.any. veterans. •still.'in in, - , hospitals. Miss Hoyle ,was pre- ' sented with'. a gift .from the.•'local I Branch: • .' • :."'l he ,past •president's diad e ' g .was:'. presented `'to Comrade,•`; Thelma '- IV1acD:onald'.;bby •Miss••.Hoyle. ,It. was • lento. He; has accepted a decided to' dispense with the: Jul • p gov- •1 and Au y nment •appoi:ntrrient at, `Ottawa:'' 'ha : dust' meetings, A "social rior to'the. war Gordon -tau ht � 'half hour was •enJoyed '• by the. Se at e. war a .or and aught members afte the.' meeting,' with hool o - n Holy I the' 'June ..social � co . ,mrnittee- ;int 'charge. - ere" wa ...;r,• i • s .11 urtiul one sta zn g �h.. g t In the 1943 tltct.iorr $ eau y contest in con= !'anile :e= vection: with ''the 'Lily c'ei,ed 4544' votes .H1 -44 ' 13TH POWER RILL_BRI y 80th'cele- ,.. 1 03 and; POWER' REBATE • .NGS `. , i braton:here..' Lantz 3Q53. OF • X6;589 I The . ro o e ' p p sal ..comes•fro In L' • m Kin.- 1 uckno w ori Monday 561 Lu cardiae hat- v .t se. LOO Fm f " as ceiwe�d ' ge.•�siri'rilar • n� I its 13th power bill... contests, :with, only 4._` , which n rebate o t g e o f Ha Hanna's $6.589.63, m ao a cit •• This li I b ., . J . . y ere was 75 'rebate represents the n Ci•i r Holiday' to compete hit votes cast, while inckno�� Hydro SVst has i c re arrows rriunicipalits thelast •t sta 1 'election • • y 58, people voted brings `a bhrch the winners gar t Kincardine votes, down 25 Fromm 1945. between, sen, s . d.if#erence th'r;�, .title.'of, Miss e or the actual cost. of power d goo .County; In. Bruce. riding, p .� er ,who. in to g, :the 'sitting .and the.estimated cost of . turn would. go to Horn- ineraber, J. P. Johnstone : went foie the fiscal `Power iltori st. • compete in the Do year ,' ending in VETERAN PIPER` TO BE ,. err zng ' 'Oct - or -the . time being,• �, Gradexates At aWesterrti ' Gordon Campbell•of Amberiey• was a 're'cent honor` :graduate •of Western University. in business administration :, a n d political Qct- .contest ion.. dawn' to' defeat to Liberal canil•i;= 'ower 35-st, .1.94?: •''.. • - ' date Konz"re The' idiscussed c 1 s.ter.' In' South 'Hurndes was .discussed ,at ter ming zttee ;meeting on'Fria '.er on, Thomas Pry.,de, :elected in a lda ev-. late 'winter bye. election, was ''re-` 'n f'i'g' and may. be adopted.'y • : r P this' meeting it was 1 also dee- �I. s' ,. HERE FOR REUNION turned with a na>urow mar t ci.ded_ - to :hire :a professional' .clown r'o o`ver•Frank'Fing .,. land ,,�•ber;�l, g�2i ass cif Toronto 1g ay :: Friday; Thomas 'R o, and becomes the official ,his summer home near Lar gsr,de.: oppasitIon .,with 22 seats,. ,:as A -piper, "of -note, Mr: IRoss` carr'. against' 8 :in;. the last: a isl 1; stir""' :L�a—'a l:i=ve1- - �+ g ature. i ., y� -(liner—ni�: -the•: The 'r 'er 1 party headed by.Far- f P1pes' i•n `spite of his' age•. He. was •quhar Oliver -won only, ; 11 seats,�:85 years old last '• Chris a loss of one in ystill steps along sprightly, carry- � e part :stand- I 'g• carrv- ing.in;the last.:house: Ling '' his more than • six feet' as .., s t ono band 'f:�r the big C C.F made• big gains iii. ?� at Ju13= 30th.: , . . Toront pen a , few `d ys last week •Returns -."by municipalities in. Huron -Bruce, and by!ling sub M divisions , in adjacent municipal- ities are as follows: pal - I straight 'as a Whip.... r '-r.. -Ross' pians 10 be back for • Ashfield Hanna .Hill 451 352 the :Br uce horn coming and no doubt he'll be • doing • bit ing •while. here Blyth '193 1.66. POLES ARE :NO ssels � U Culross Carrick, • ':` Colborne � Hayick .Huron Kinloss ''Grey • Luckrlow Niildiiray nlorri :Ripley . Teestvut...r• Tui pion v E W�tu'aru,sh W YY,;a4;tivi01Fl,•;;1L, 'inghaiii -216 '23.1 360 FO'R' ••PAR 40.6: K' LIGHTS , • 298 • ' 825 • .. 173 .. 337 .Th e, pules ftit` : ar Y ing•• „682':574• floodlights ;in ,tilt Ceti tdci::,.<,n. 478 :267 Iai khy.d,i , 383^ 284 0n .Siiturtia..v u. • ;a 'h 326 •495.:'stallit�; thc /( ,(:cline '31'8 243•Thc�,t, s. t.,t.).i f..t. c 5 144 245 bet, Nlaloi'ity ft;t :',Ha, Ltrtioio v Orange Hall Bed's' RinloS ` ° Elackii; sir 414 364 • 138 119 234 207 357 ,31 262' 275 . 352 ' -,3:08 897,; 3.83 0677.'6399 �. t ° 1s.t• bit ,,c• t �, .,,, . r .1 na 278 boli �.+ C T Hanna Hill . being, c .,ri .,i.ut tt cl' e>! ..t trkitt ci., ' ' CO1' • ll t•(' 1 ' J NT's r p��intrllcnt T1s ap O�tr r[nder •«' ho'' •establisll J5` l f m end ' the n •, io est{ +.., r h '"tt ith tilt 1:• halt •,!,.tt :. a d , ti°11 C' , located, til°n cn;1 r.(, '1n with til ctt»;..t,t • Left Far West `i'ueS d• a • y lcft on Tu. _. Ziyo,n. esday :on a:trip; to Rus- sell,; Man., where ''he will visit with his brother Alex,. -'who is•87 years of age. 'Mr. McDonagh was accompanied by.:. Mr:' Edgar .Rit- •chie wha.. will go as far• as: Cork '"ney, Sask., to visit'his sister,.•Mrs. ' Grant • They'.expec to about: a Month..t be gone' Mr. C E MCI)olla h of .CLEARIN all.. Girls'. ers, •,. pullovers; •dtxcerl. • Prices.' STORE 'lines : •of'• Men's;' and Boys' sweat, cardigans at 'i'e- THE; • MARKET ORDAINED 25 YEARS;*• RESE;I� TED WJ On • • Trinity 'Sunday, May 23rd at'St. • John's' Church, Globe, Ari i zona, -the rector, Rev. '.E.;:O..Gal-•- lagher,:, celebrated the 25th a c pili versar y f < his . ordinati:on The - i Bishop. was present • for the ; rite' of'' confirmation; , and , the - 1 congregation 4prescnted Mr. 'Gal agher with tta' Chevrolet car as' a• token of appreciation of "25 years - Of, service to •,the;."chur.ch The Guild .of Saints . Chapel. added gift.. of. ,$25. ` • , Rev .•Gallagher Was. a-' forme r ret: r 'of St. • Pe'ter•''a'Church,: . . Lucknoay.'He, went from. here to:: Ow .ri S.,•und. and NAME •...%tt/� dater , to,,W' ` OCO-OP ' ST4RE F 11 , • .•• r. F MANAGER, 3s rnin%ste ham where hp: W rag. ri:ng ; :: at' the tirr.e he accepted thea. Ali.- t zona ; r ectorshfp: : Director; of the :Lack/low' Iris-: tr rc t.• Co- Oprr a'tive, Incorporated; I THE PL :• 1 ar"c{ -� r'rreayrit.I�. an�el: Selected AYHOi,'.S>,r.:TI€1;ATRE tri -Mr. .RE -OPENED ;FRIDAY ::t• t� 111' T s of P�.ik,la�ill' to•r NIGHT, •:�t•c• . (r'',n',ci•��cttr .',can-1,1111,Y th.fore 't��hich' The ��: 'tarn• .t:,c ,.� i Pla,3 house.•They' � • � , ., + Y II •tizke v �•itre, :Was • 't. ;;r t:i , over 1MIi' b ....o ,. as t .third d trni;E • in d.�J. �r',,, I,.. .., pc�nEd 'on Fi•idri • >.. c C?rrtr.ies at thew .1c erring; (iLlact`. ` •. .the . ... fiend Of the � ���'�°k:, with 'a cap�tct-, dr i .• i'r�t�i .'�hc fete of 1'r:•nupn�th•,7 .� o«•d in 'if '1 ht''_l tY�iii'r : •° � _ �' 1 .: '` .t '1..,' i...;'11i1"liirn :Liberal] fr - /1t . > > I iitt•endan:ee, This t Stt.«t Was 011(3'.0 heatre •'forme) - •tits l rct'zrtl • :,.hc t;i:l; :1 inti rrn-iir'tace, f several a�l.:li`; The Rex plica', fes'heatrc, had, .been date,''ry icor, *the position He closed Since. .� , ;I t e circ cc ,mrd Febr war fol Tuv�: oto y • r•s' 'on Tues-' lowing' the" unfirnel - .i�,� night and acee. to l. y death o� Rei;.' 8t) ( 121 54• list :"n ti' }` o a • i IVIr: ' Stevens ,.has .been asista'n r°n'ager of the Parkhi'.1 'self - serve Co -Op store for the ' past four vi ars He is a • narri.ed r and has ono 'd•�ught T pane; ns family , will reside in : the apartment above the store. 117. 94 318:.243' Hanna Hill Klnlough• 45 21 'olyrood 86 59 2nd . -„ --92 -� Con, 81 Langside y2' 81. VI►° h 5 ]techur cif 7 $5 383 '284 Ashfield • 1.O�ngannnn '.tont. Hill Flnls�ys ' .. , .... .. 71 46 , '2aon r 39 38 Pt. Albert 97. 4G'. 4 Pt. rt ,' in..,..:.. 6 8 ksbricigo .., 1 71 ar--xs. 39 7X. !large , r r it 4 tons 0 03' ' ,. 49 • 64 :(Conti " itped o, .,•w �y: 45:1. 3'52 ' page 8) - r. They, ,ti•rll t;tC'(')nlz,clt tt` s:',11 c , t t Y'1 AN `E AT, ST ALTGUSTINE hundr•rtl, s it.ctater.:rs ' i':;i' ivu—' '1;�'ic 1 t. '0,111".:1•,;g • a: dance at:. St. Y -I ,. f t ttt i :�tt 'utitiirt .l?• rt s'wat's ate 13c tris built in . t r 5. °? 1,1, Hall on':'•u e5 .1 u r r u .. in the, arena, Thc•,••,vorli•i.4 all on r"rY .t,.r(�],ith, Farrier 's orches - .�•olun't-ary basis 111tici it or • v till. Gcn•ts.:S1 00: .• Ladies »•fie made 'available at the 'Lucknow ; ,Ltll r h s,••1 ;'rcl,, ' 1ndustrie:s oh' Saturday. tai'. pre �'• 'HACKET• T°• pare the `lutnl:;tYr frit t1ic� tileai'fit�isT A1�NI�ERSAR. . 1 , Anni�•t;i Cory' services: at • Hack - and, plant tnipl ,yi:e ebiltribUtii 1'61i United. Church- Sunday, their tirrie for this v: oiz•k, Several 1 r June I 13th t 3 . 11 and 7,: 30 :m ,�,p m _ ,. embr. r s of the Legion on liar c., been ['rust.' s, , oilier•; Rev.. J. W. Stew giving; of'their tini in flit§ pro, art, 'G w J s .c t ~;.,lois( Sunday marn- Ject rvhich ,will be a real boost ' itIU. Miss Jean MacMillan::. Blyth, for' night sport anci other park t 1i,«".c� .iluat'tttto at evening.' ser" .activities, eI A; bit .of t:nnstetfiais'ini �. • caused at at the • end cif :tae.' , � ,t,}, °11'` .• y AT` IVIII.TECHUR . H when it. r,! . , , .. , : that yid c. ;.,r;., c c 'y 't ...: �j •.. tits( c>� c r c cl tz�a•t tlst ,, 1. , til tc tet .play "Tic big. elm in c-entrc field had et Fr ; Dut(i 1,)t tt r tivc-'' presented , in cut dr>vtm,Tills old lltnd'ii,' h �t•:;:.� �i'ltrf( 1:.:rc S:, C:`„ *;;.rtrt:iiy .Memos- a hindrance. to the d'u'e 14th b3, now ball tieCl .and., vas(wickI }t` i ' i«s;°ja,. • t'Jr ?tbyter'.ur:i laid low: • ' under 'rt.t , ic't, Whitechurch . All'li.nrnc' £itr11E4'tit' local. teaiiii 1ttiti (':•i',rit:, *W• A, t;omrncYicitig have been pt~;stponed for areouplo -•te. t``t h,rrc 1'r�ST, C Ino and enjoy S 1 4 while park 1 : geed :•y� j. Admission. . N. of �� t t weeks, va,rrlt, v;�cirlt at the p��� It •1 ° �re,r. �d>;rlts is in progre,sg,► !fir :..a,ic',t ;, r-. , • er, lie Stev- °s 10 \C; soi'rie two•vears earlier. ° • t . '1110 '111 new proprietor p priet- ' M . Basil Pappas, who .:also owns the theatre at. Arthur. Mi Pa as'.:. Was, introduced ' to. the audience COUl1NCIL APPROVES' -' HYDRO ! ,;T 111: TRUCE •. At' the June �• meeting of. the. Village Council;' a'• motion .`b y Councillors Lavery and Sh• c Vons adopted er wood •authorizing the' li3,dro Committee to purchase a • half -ton'' truck for • hydro ,.use,. Pi°ices are to ,be' ' obtained from: local dealers, . -•---,---;---,-H-7.—..,,,..._7_,-- fteceeived His Degree Mr., tend Mrs.. A. E. McKim arici Jack • were in Toronto last Wed" 1 nc�sthay attendingUniversity' th'e . 'of Toranto convocation. exercises!' when their son Reid :, d ret y er e d` armacy. t1 'the degree of Bachelor of Ph • ark Friday evening ., by L. •:C, Thonmpsorp,- who extended a •wel come' ';to." Luckriot• to Mr. and, 1 Mrs: Pappas and extended :'best' ' wishes for success in the 'opera-.• tion of; The 'Playhouse. ' Mr. Pappas ad p § 2 he • Would' e' - n deavour to bring the best'and; `latest in screen entertainment to 'The' Playhotase;, . and, appealed to the children •to be ort. their 'best behaviour while.', attending the shoe,; Mi , : and' Mrs. Pappas,who. are Members tif the Anglican Church, are et pre's°ent residing' at the home of Mrs, Margaret Dudley riles intend' remaining here to operate the playhouse, while Mrs. Pappas' brother, ''George Nang%, will run the Arthur show: • Gil t • obrough took a couple cif flash 17ietui.c:s of .the.oponing 1igllt' iiUiGr10E, • •r• • r•