The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-03, Page 8n•
THURSDAY,: JUNE. 3rcl, 1948
10..6RESSIV....(.ONSERVil1 1•
Publish.d by the .Progressive Conservative Patti, of Ontario
The ashes , of the late Harry
Turner, whose death occurred at
New York on Febrtxary 5th : ,last.
vere brought : ,,,to ;a Y, anilorr
Saturday, May 22nd , and ,interred
in )tile. Dungannon'.' Cemetery,
where his first wife, Polly Why-
ard Turner, was: •buried: 'Besides'
Mrs: Turner, thesurviving widow,
andMrs EI
tonRxghni e f V 1
N: ., there were ,Pre-
sent the : late ,Mr. Turner's sister,
Mrs. Walter' Black, Mr..Black and'
their son, Gordon' of Toronto;.
Mrs. N. F. Whyard-,and. `Mr. Bert
Whyard of'. London and Miss _ Ida:
' r`: `f., 'P �e_• ••-
V�hy�i_tl ca_ Dttngar�non..,.�h..•bur
iaF sere ee was conducted y 1iev,
'C. ' W. 'Down of they Dungannon
United' church: •
�r u
Se i
lVI'r. John Johnston, a. lifelong
resident of Kinloss Township,
passed' away at his bone on the
Ninth. Concession on 'Thursday,
May 20th, lie had, been poorly for
some time and death was, due to.
a stroke., • '
Mr. Jpston waborn .68 years
ago. o.n farm now owned by
his. brother,- 1Vlark; on the 8th
Concession. He .was one of a. fam-
ily t seven children born• to the
late James Joh ston and Margar-
et Boyle,
As a'young 'man Mr;. Johnston
farmed On the' 12th Concession,
and since his Marriage 32 years
ago to -Liza Jane; Stanley, ..had.
farmed ,on, the•_••9th Cncession
where he passed away,,
. The funeral service , Was, held
'at' the.: late 'residence -.
..on .Sattir
lay, May 22nd;' conducted :' by Rev.
J. A. Smith 8! ' Kinlough . Pres-
byte•ian''::C-li.urch: -Interment was
in ,Greenhill• Cemetery with''`six
nephews acting • as pallbearers,.
Eddy Johnsto.n;: Kenneth. John-
ston,'' Kenneth McFarlan, Orland
Johnston, Clifford' Johnston and
Keith: 'Johnston. Neighbors acted
as 'flower. bearers..:
The Johnston horrid had 'twice
been 'saddened by death ..befq'r,e
the father's passing.. In.' late :Jan-'
uary of 1947, their. son, William
James Johnston,: age; 28 years,
was killed in; a , car -train crash
near Kincardine• Ten years before
that -another son, ,:Melvin, age—I4
'e.41.,, dice ..fro n a ' ebiraii1 in u;ry.
.received: in ''a haying mishap,
.w,hen' the tine of the.hay fork'
pierced. his skull.. '
Besides his bereaved . widow,
Mr. Johnston is survived by ,three
'daughters, Mrs.., Chester Emerton
(Irene),, ,Ripley; MrsClarence
Lavoie (Verna), • Kincardine; Mrs.
Robert Fairish , (Ina),, Ashfield;
and •by one, son, Stanley, on the
home faun • •
Also: surviving, are four..bro
thers, ;,Ja;mes s •and, Dave :Of .'Kin=
cairdine,. ,Mark . of Holyrood! and •
Fred of L' istowel Two sisters pre Showered Bride -Elect
A'large number. 6f 'relatives and:
friends of Miss Y a,virine.fiNlartin
gathered at her horn •Brat .)! rich.
evening to showe'if hi r•• with, good
Wishes, and,: gifts beiur e. her tear-
The death of: Mr .. Daniel Joseph ridge. On June .2nd: A shor t pro
i1 Muriay :' occurred on Saturday, gt am consisting of , sulcrti :h Mrs:
May 22nd at=itis horns iiaWalk J:=Mac'aislr, Mrs.;lluzis( arr7p
erton where he has resided for (bell and a` duet by. 11is'Vlarion
the.•past.:ten years :He "was in his- and 1VLaigni:etl'Gra'hx�rn, a.rcadin ,
76th y,,ear and. had. been' ill • for .by'. Miss Annie: McKay 't,nd a, con-
three months 'test by'. Mrs:.Ir a l�i'cku lli�, 'Mar
The late Mr. " Murray :w .4's born ga i et, :; MacDonald : . lir s ilei
near Holyroodand,spent•his early Dickie opened..and.,pr,�setrttd the
life. there. When •a young man he
married: Agnes li.eonard .of Chep
stow, on', January 26th, 1909, :and
for many .years they 'suicessfully
,farmed: ,in, .Greenock : Township.
Teri years ago' they' retired from
active. farm life and ,had since, Don Maclver. _
• made their home in. 'Walkerton. -.South. Kinloss W::II �, �� ill licit
Besides• his wife, he is survived
RR E�A.Dof the :'home of �9i W. k iw?ac
ald; Thuis
by'two sons, Wilfred:Murray of l DondayJu
.:ni• °3rd.
Toronto' and :Leonard of 'Walker-
ton, and -three daughters, (Dor
FOR .'THE H WORLD D othy) Mrs.. Alex Reinhart 'and
• Dont let onve d►sabtrou�"fire yips
out the results of years of lahous•
let us•etudy your property, estimate
the protection you need, and pyrite
a Pilot Insurance Pulii•y to` give
you adequate"protection:
e write Pilot lt�surar,1ee to coyer
:selected: risks in Auteniegile,Tirei
Personal Property. 1'lo fter, .Burg:
Lary, .Plate Ghass,'Rublic Liability
and, other general insurance,
'Phone '8, Litcknow
llisut nee Agency,. Luekuuw,
•> e»resentin
Miss Margaret' .:Mur•Donald .and
:her pupils •attended tife ;field day
in• Ripley •last; Thuisdav,
deceased . him,, Mrs. • Arthur Mc-:
Lean“Maggie) arid Mrs. Andrew
Hamilton (Sarah):.•
gift's to,.•Laur•ihe•, who, thanked the
givers: fittingly
arid • Mrs. • Fi r,nk ":M u]den
and., son .:,of Kihlo;u' h . �.�nd' Mrs.
..Thos. Blake. of �fie]d were
Sunday .guests at t i!: bums' of
•I; (Margaret) : Mrs. John ,Ferguson,.,
Jr., both of Walkerton, and Sister
asset' -Harris; Combines enable .one man in M. 'Stella ' of Wastiingtori' D.C,
t The funeral; which -Was' ''largely.
one,day', to harvest wheat for 5S i000.loaves...
Yes" more food`s•.available, for
. _ ., ' : ••` ; i
the world today .when,, its ; need is des erate,,..because
Canadian, farmers withv only' a two-thirds in numbers _R
o er 1900, are growing •.
,d1/s' times as much •grain, producing 21/z 'times as` Much, milk, feedin
• • , many ,cattle. twice as
and 21/i times cis many hogs,;raising 5 times•as. many chickens•, because they
,- i , h y are•providing.
food for' 2 /2 times 'as many people. in .Canada and :exporting 30 times as much •wheat �.
and. 10 'times tet.. much f lour,
Farmers 'are doing, if : because individually. • they produce more\ today•
ay than,n" 1900,',
;but' It* means hard. work. And there is no horde ,working group' ofi people in the world
thanthe Canadian farmers - - - • .-
results. They do' it by. a combination' of hard 'work and modern machinery.:
T.yp cal of the great, efficiency -increasing machinery of the 'far'm today is the Self=
Propelled Combine, pictupred above, which Massey -Harris first introduced in 1939..With
this machine, one man.can ut and. thresh enough wheat in one'•.da . to mak'-
• y e 55,000 loaves
,, bread
Modem farm . m
' • yp ve .capacity of .Canadian :a . r -
a•chiner has increased the - productive roduct g
°Buthard work alone would not be enough to accomplish such
culture to where it providesan abundant surplus for the, needs of those in other:' lands'
and makes an important contr;butii n to Canada's great export trade:
Similarly: Massey Harris machine are � helping °to' increase farm production in 72
countries of 6. continents.
Establiihed ,1847 *'
. Winnipeg, Brandon, Raegina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yotkton, Calgary,
Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton
attended,' attesting , the high 'es:,
teem yin' Which the .deceased' was
held by many friends; took' place Mrs. Richard Johnston's residence
on' Tuesday morning -:•from. the at the other`end of •.the' village
Fedy, Funeral Home to . Sacred Cause of. the aldrin was a bad.
H,eart.. church where a requiem chimney fine,: which h;y the time
rriass was celebrated at 9 o'ci k : firemen arrived had '•Pretty well
Following the Service the remains ,buirl d, itself out.
were interred • in Calvary cem- _
etery. ,
The °.pallbearers` :were Messrs.
Archie McKinnon, Alvin Sternall,
R Wilhelm, Arthur Brown, Wil-
liam• Spitzig •and James Me•a•gher:
A' fire alarm sin Saturday! morn-
ing • took • firemen 'and ' others on
a ,"wild goose • chase" t:o Elmer
Johnston's garage', win; it was
learned''.that the aril' was from•
.1f .
We.• are pleased to report that
Mrs; Robert McCormick ' has .re::
turned from London much im
proved in' health •
Those here for. South Kinloss
anniversary were Mr... Rennie
Graham: and sister': Anna from
Toronto, '' Mrs. Peter' McKinnon
and Miss Helen 1VhacIntyre from
>♦ lint, Mich. .
Mr, Austin • Martin ° Was in.
Guelph Friday in the interests of
the Junior Farmers, •
Mr. ' Dan MacDonald lof Ripley
and Mr, Jack' -'McKinnon -'of De-
troit were callers at 'L. , Maclver's
.last' Th'urrday
Visitors with • Mr, and .Mrs, E.
Zinn were , Mr.. ,and Mry., Elmer''
Zinn of Belmor•e, •ivir. •'and Mrs..
Lloyd Zinn:. of Goder reit-' anrI Mr°
and Mrs. Gaunt'`Urd frrrarily' of
Londesbor o - `• , :` 1.
:Mit.'' and Mrs:Lau'ridice Tre.•
main and Kenneth of Simcoe and".;.
Mrs, Hattie Tre1'caven wet e .hol
iday visitors with Mi•,. mind i Mi�s, ,
Bert Treleaven.
Mr. arid.. Mrs." i'4lrnei KilPt-
rick, }Irian' and 'Cheryl: of Ion
onto snt•the week -anti with Mr.:
acid •' s: S: J; Kilpatrick ' and
Mr.. and Mrs Ron< l.rl 'T`a'elcaC'en'
and' .Linda ttisited Mr. and, Mrs• ..
Harvey, Siliib, Cedar \ tile, on
Mr. and MrS'4,Linfidd ,An'dcrsort
and' children of: Detroit vtsiled"
with Mr., aria Mtas, Jaen ..urian.