The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-05-20, Page 8i' R Irl 4 4; 4 r 'wY �r. 4; • w ji sr .K •P 1;• PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO MONDAY, MAY 24th. THE FIRST SUMMER HOLIDAY Holiday sso.ries BLOUSES—You will want a new blouse for your suit or Ballerina skirt. They come in washable crape or organdy with 'eyelet embroidery ' trim. ' Others in 'sheer or crepe with collars and bows, sizes ll -t7 & 36-42. . NYLON. HOSE. in• the new., shades to compliment your sum- mer outfit.. ' 3 . . IIANDBA,GS-New styles to swing over; your shoulder or carrya.in your .hand; $3-75 & up 'empleton RALPH NIKON PASSES • The death 'of Mr.- Ralph Nixon occurred at. Port Elgin on Tues - was in his 83rd year. The Iuneral ::service wif l .be' held , a the home , of his son-in-law, Wes-. ley Ritchie, .Con,• 12, Ashfield, this •� afternoon' (Thursday) at 2.30 O'clock, with interment•'in Green- hill reen- hi... .. •1. COTTAGE? PrcN GARDEN? c. for the .forget the Beans . 28c_ 43c Fish Whatever* your plans 24th May be, don't eats. . Burn's Weiihers & Tin .. ....:..........:.........: York Brand Sausage Tin Light Seat. Tuna ;> -1 Tin 49c Dedlund's Meat Spreads 2`tins ..... ) ..25c lions .Cpf fee: ib. tint 65c Borne's Peanut, Butter` 9 oz.. glass. ' 29c McLareus Sweet Gherkins ' Picnic size' .............. ... ...... 25c Dads:,Oataneal Cookies:.. Package :'.,. 23c Christies. 'Ritz : Biscuits Package .....:.........: ...:.,.. ',20c. E. ::: • ,THEY'RE 2 Packages C% -0 ,NEW! .19c THOMPSON'S. The Store of Friendly Service.; 'PHONE; 82: ' . WE DELIVER • W. A. GROUP BIDS -KINDLY,; •FAREWELL TO MRS. DECKER '.The Kilpatrick -McNay. Group, of :the , W.. A. met'. at the Sunday. -School room...of of the church , with. eighteen:ladies .present. Mrs Kit patrick presided:.. Mrs. Roy .Girl bert read:the scripture lesson. A story and prayer 'was given : •by lrs. ,Mel '• Morrison. Mrs. Joynt" sang. verses 'o. Church i'n . the Wildwood• and .:all 'joined in the. chorus A huinorous' reading was:• given by:''Mrs. W. B Anderson. A quilt Was :quilted at., tliis"`:m'eet . ing and donated to the Red- Cross' •As • one :of. `'our•.':merrihers, 1Vlrs:' C:.Decker, • has -so:ld 'her ' home and' isMoving toKitchener,.a'special• treat was prepared by •the. pro gram': committee;, Mrs. Robb and. Mrs. Havens:' We, shall'. riiiss• Mrs. Decker very much • as, she was : a: •'willing helper ..in all the activities of: the.•church.::Her 'home was so. conveniently' ., situatedwe had .many . meetings :there' :And we were .always sure of a warm Wel come.Our kirictest sFies •go ,with 'her'to` her . new home. All sang "`Blest be the' tie that .binds" Mrs.' Decker closed ',the :meeting : with prayer ' • HARRISTON. PLAYERS HE, NEXT • WEDNESDAY ( S A riot of 'lag . is. assurred Concert goers next week wl'ren St. George's A.Y.P.A. of Harris - ton ' present their play, '"Aunt Cindy Cleans Up", in the Town Hall, Lucknow, next Wednesdays May,26th. The play is under aus- pices ' of the. Agricultural Society. .and Will be followed. by dancing to Farrier's orchestra. . This is the same. cast which prem =w sented : the Fall Fair concert. in, Lucknow last year for two nights They are-;totning back again ,popular demand with an entirely new' play: :PLAN`. FOR CENTENNIAL AT ASHFIELD CHURCH The ''May. meeting, of -the .Ash- field W.M.S.' metat the home of Mrs. Russel: Bissett,: The pr e�sr I: dent, Miss Sadie Johnston, pre4'_ pared a Mother's '.day program. The scripture reading .was- taken by Mrs. D. R.' MacKenzie..f'rayer was 'offered „by Miss.' S..Johnston. Mrs. .D: A. -,..McDonald Was •ap-.. pointed 3rd vice president to.'suc teed •Mrs. (Rev.). ‘ Rhoad Mrs. E. 'Howes gave the readingfroin the 'study 'book "The Work of John McK'fiy ar a ' Dr. James Robert:. Son". . Mrs. Hec,tor McLean read a ,ia_paper on .Motlier's Simpson,; read:,.the Mother". Mrs. p.,. A. McLean. read a paper. 'Prayer . "For', Mother" Was offered. by Mrs.. 'Collinson.. ' Mrs. Einle `McLennan .offered! 'prayer: The.. meeting 'closed with the benediction ' ' Refreshrnents. Were served by the hostess;: . Dis'cussion i fyllowed in consid- -:eration of : the • centennial: to • be. .held in Ashfield church July:. 25 .Anyone who• *ishes .. relatiyes or friends invited,: will they kindly send; their'. address to Mrs. • •D.`' A. `McLean,. R:; 3, 'Goderich ' United 'Church W. A. Group3 Group: 3: W.A.wheld at . the home of Mrs. A., J. Wilson :After the. opening '' hymn Miss Hazel Webster:, led in prayer: The ;min.. Utes.: of the. last meeting :4werre read and adopted. After" :the • busi. mess period, Mrs T Anderson. read the: scripture Readings .' were given by Mrs. • W.: Hunter, Mr.s., Woolley and 'Mrs, H.' Ritchie. An: instrumental was given • by M•rs. • :,Webster and* and a solo "by Mrs. ,L C. -Armstrong. Miss •Hazel.Web- ester gave a reading. The roll:call was answered' by °•.a garden hint: Mrs. 3.. Smith conducted a very ;:interesting contest." After . lunch Mrs Woolley gave , a . humorous reacting'' and: Mrs: Q:" Jones thank ed," the hostesses.: . W. I. 'DISTRICT ,ANNUAL' TO BE"HELD. HERE IN• JUNE. ' The Lucknow :'Women's." Insti • Lute meeti• ng. Was held..•on; May 14th. with Mrs A. J .Wilson `pre siding:' The minutes • of the last: meeting were read ;and atfOrov-` ed Mrs: IDouglas •reported having two :of the standing committees filled,: Mrs. . Campbell; • Thompson_ 'for " legislature.. and I Ins .:: Wes Huston for ;,homeeconomics. The. guest speaker was' Rev. 'J W: Ste wart' who' .spoke .on God's beauty. through h , gh the flowers:: Flowers was our theme: for the meeting. •, It .was moved`:by••Mrs. T. J. Salkeld 'and' -seconded by Mrs.'. McCallum that we: take ' mVdern dressmaking for a 'shgrt course to begin early in October 3f available..Miss;Mary McLeod" took the chair for:.the program which opened'with com munty singing ;'followed "Thy the motto • by Mrs. •Wes Huston and. a• readingy Miss,' Margaret. Rae.: . hl, :Mrs.: Joynt and MrsSalkeld were 'captains for, a spelling match,. Mrs., Salkeld's side.: being the win - nen ''An invitation °'was read 'in- viting the Institute .to ,,be present • BORN • 'at the.` next meeting of. the•,Kafir- shea Institute and. was. accepted. Mrs. Wilsons and. Mrs. Stewart Werenamed' Wilson. transportation committee and•,M,rs Joynt on the WHITE In 'Wingham„General Hospital, on Sunday,..May 9th,, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred White,. (nee. Mary Brophy), a sora, John Thos. • • THURSDAY,, MAY 20th, 1943 Bargains° irk c oasts d, .Dresses Black Slips 32-40 Nylon French Bras Nu -Back -Corset in all: sizes,• Men's .Cambridge Made -to -Measure . an Ready -to -Wear ,Suits -in n 9. ,Worsteds. "and "Gabardine Summer Slacks and. Slack Suits Peabody's Overalls and Smocks Biltmore, Hats MOTHERS at :the' Sweaters ;-1 to 6, 7' to 12 Cardigans and Pullovers for . the teen-ager "T"Shirts , `R.oriripers;. S><n a variety ;of:.materals' • and colors resses - silks, broadcloth,.spun rayon,, plaid' and •checked gingham; sizes 1-6, 7-12, 14,1.6 oys Separate , Pants,. Overalls:' -' „NYLONS► 51 ''GAUGE n. st hart • suinamer . shades. l""‘"\"‘""‘"♦>‘""\\‘‘‘""e"W.%♦ %e%\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / r / / / / / / PLENTY .OF :::BARGAINS :LEFT.: In'.Our. • Clearingle • .. of Mens , Women s • and Children s: Shoes LADIES'' DRESS SHOES Regular to 6.50:` Clesri at 2.49` $2.95 GROWING`" GIRLS' LOAFERS, O�fFORDS, :B•ALL:• Values to.:$6,00, at $2.49 &YS''$3,49 MEN'S .CAMP SHOES With , rubber - and ' lea=ther . sales, .Clear•in at ..: 52.99 MEN'S.: WORK SHOES • 95 Regular to ,50: 'Sal. I'PriCe ... SS3• MEN'S yWORK SHO$5ES Go odyear welted sewn � double.;soles, outsi'd e. . A Real Buy' at ....a ..:.. ......: ..::. . 49' Many other outstanding values for the thrifty shopper s,, Buy now.; and avoid disappointment., thw!11 / / / / / / / / r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / •/ AW A / / / / / ONO% \\\\\\•%s \\`: Baa •••t\♦ •••••a%♦®%%‘• : v.a♦ ' r pro• g arra . commrtt . e;, , : Final .ar- rangements. were made for the` district annual meeting to be, held, here on. June lOth.1 Buys Ashfield Farm °' i .Ray Dalton has p urclased the. James Bowler , farm ;on. Pa; Ashfield. • •QUANTITY 'OF UP-TO-DATE AND WAISTS ,AT ABOUT USUAL PRICES $1.95, $2.95 and 43.95 e The BLOUSES .HALF. ar. soap W'th The stock,. r NEW. LOT, OF CREPE AND SATIN, .SLIPS q• AND: PANTIES .REDUCED TO $i.95 anci $2.95