The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-05-13, Page 3THUBSI).^t5.", .MAY 13th, 1)48 Local and ,'�7r::. George rlstti��l. spent the <Mirt•y Johnstonni`r�(Irstty` spent the here' home. ..• Mary Porteous Alma College, St Melvin Stewart is ° a crew of< the lake OsIE*r'"i He sailed Toronto; on' his first and Mrs.:Cecil F'o of Palin ��ton s ..with r': and , M h �, k •s. Harold and nald°of�.Toront;o� nd � at tke� horse Quillin and Mr.. an Mr. . ,Ho.dgins of Wo)week-end with M s. • Miss ,of" Wes- fern. Wieek-. • end.; at' miss was hc)111E�* from Thomas, for the metnbe of the freighter, . s. s. „ recently from T rst trip. Mrrster and Mr. pent. Sun.,: dal ..w rs• James Fotreste Mr. D.a wsnn ani Do aPe t the. week - e s ' oaf' M r •: Ed °Mc ,•Dawson. THE l.[;C.1RNOW .SEN' 1.41CKNOW, ONTARIO:. . ,PAC.K BRUCE 'O General� ���- j M0111c 1•'5 Ia 13 :r,lr,t'., "I1ll vll1,,. .,1II:d Mi;. 11Ii. 1 h„+111).",.(41 .H,•,:, ' Bob 'I'llt,inps tr, :Air Win, lit ,va", Robert and Nanc;y,, of- ',Minya and l Miss, Hole)) •'1'ht>inp.4:011 of - Ilan. Week -incl v isitt)i at the home .:. Of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong' Last ,week's issue of The :Sen were. Miss Mai•iokl Martin of Clif- 'tined carried the first of a series' ford. RussollAi•n» 1 t Fint; of Hum• of four advertise rents ber•stone .and Wilson Arnistron . . publici -, I, "ing the • rut~e County hQn ecom- of Nobleton•. , 'nig celebrations.. These ads: 'x.,. Mr Mr.s A E, Ms•Kint,'w,1s'Bi '1`r)r�. issued by' the County,• Committee onto last Week Gitti:ndini •a: Girl `'old 'appear; in all county papers, :Guide Pr;ovin ial c'arrt-p coininit I•n addition •to The Sentinel's. tee, . Meeting Mrs, Mcl irll is : regular subsciibers,, the . issues.' chatimrin',dr,this provincial corn- g 'carr,ir.' mi.taee ;' ��; • .carrying theae advertrsisinen.ts �• :are being.' sent. to' all' those' whose Miss .i•tlizat)eth :Tlobirr"sc):i whi)'`raarnes have.been. furnished to the h;as,: not been'.in good' .health/ re-- . lo.cal :C,olnmittee: centl.v; went ,..tO: i w. Iand)n'o M<on. day "Eris x- Vast • w iiek • some 400 extray ,. rays• She l c turned hui i( that evening d cop- ies •werc.'mailed to olid boy.S and ' • to coastan.. scat-. ('r( throughout th:e:States.. PAGE THREW. . Mr; and. Mrs. P: H. JTprrance. 'North Bay °""Would: