The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-05-06, Page 8o • , THIO. LUCKNO,W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO s DAY SUNDAY, MAY 9th, IS MOTHER'S 'DAY ,Remember her with a gift. Something,. she needs .or know she wants. ' - . .... A FEW SUGGESTIONS; •• • . GESTYONS: NYLON '• HOSE, .new shades... CREPE HOSE,: new. shades. A BLOUSE to' wear 'with her suit,... blouses and skirts • •are popular this year.,, ••- youi HANDKERCHIEFS=Lace :trimmed, petite point: MA.DERIA EMBROIDERY -a big range to choose from. '25c to '$:1;00 from- ' -Priced '" •. , ..:...,. • ' BLANKETS • OR THROWS "in pure 'wool. WO©L COT .reversible Sateen binding, or•. flette blankets., Leto HAD HIGH SCORE{ NtacDori:ald,• • Leonard'. MacDonald, • The quintette- from the local plant of . Silverwood. Dairies. have: a team • entered in :.the inter. _branch bowling league, .including all • Silverwood ' branches . in the province. • The local five include Floyd .Nilson, the organizer, end Cain Quix Soap Powder • Special' • ::• : , ' 29c "Safe, for. silks, rayons and II. 'woollens'" "iaureker & better for" •dishes". Made by the:; makers of 'the famous. Maple ;Leaf' Soap Flakes. :1Cre-Mei Desserts 2:, Packages ... .. 19c• These°' new, dehcro.uspuddings come in : flavors to suit your taste -!-chocolate; vanilla, :but terseotch,.pep permint ch_o_co=; "late .and lemon pie filler: • Try them. Horn's Peanut • Butter 9 oz.- jar:: 29c Paeked in ,attractive cut glass' tumbler: Nut, Spread ; also available • in . tumbler. Pi re . • Maple ..Syrup, • '16` oz, bottle • 45c Kellogg's Pep.' Package 16c Free • Colorful. transfers in • . each ,package. •Aylmer Whole Beets . Tin 2261 With'. that ,"fresh -beet fIavor. EDDY'S' ,TOILET TISSUE. 3' ROLLS THOMPSON'S The 'Store of Friendly Service 'PHONE 82 . WE DELIVER' Mac, M•acLenia4 and Redve"rs •"1V1eff" Johnston. They play a 3- weeks' • series •of ;••five games a week, with the scores submitted to headoffice. During Ithe last five -game ..set .with 1328,• "Meff" Chalked up the high 'individual score for all brarnches. The .local team. plays : each Thursday on the C rail i.r'�eJ callouses 1 � , ram ere BRUCE REUNION (Continued, from page 1), • in London 1 would like .to find out whether ,or not my birth is registered. All those I remember, including my cousins (George Burgess family) have• either left or are dead, I was born May 15th,: 1874. Dr, McCriimmon was the attending physician.. My father's name .vias William Kennedy -who • had a 'store in. Lucknow, ;at 'that time. His: partner was Capt.John; I: MacPherson"; ** Bruce County a Special• ..T e "Bruce', 'County Special Tr in'," will leave Vancouver' .on Fri ay, July .16th, Return fares will . be a fare and a third,- but in ord. er tp .get:::phis excursion rate' -Certain • instructions must be . fol- laved carefully and exactly. Pur chase .a SINGLE- 'ticket: at any ,, y station in •:Cariad • :for'' either. Walkerton, Kincardine, .Fort ; E1 gin or Wiarton, and receive a re=' ceipt. You purchase a return, ticket any. time within • 30 ,days l at one-third single fare, plus a validating fee of '25 cents, at' any 'of, the'.` four 'points mentioned, above: This gives a '.cheap rate and:. is available over all,. railways • in Canada. 'But remembelr this point -be sure to recerve::a.recetpt when you `purchase your one- way ticket back to Bruce. If :you; don't •ha've this receipt, you won't be able to. secure the ,cheap rate: • :yt *, . • It will be noted that tickets can be purchased to only one 'of tour abo ,mentioned point 0 • THURSDAY, MAY 8th, .1,948 emember ,• Ot.. er Cin Her Day, ...Mai 9th,, with :SWEATER • HOSE, LINGERIE PURSE.," GLOVES 'DRESS •from UALIT Weare bringing you :Positive, Reliable and; Speedy Relief The Fingoints thhs location of the .Anterior Transverse ; ArCh..When this Arch weakene,'the tiny bones .are. de-..- .ppressed, .uneven .pressure is pro - diced, andtheunevendistribution ro- duced,andtheunevendrstribution ; of the; person's weight causes a,' . ! r burning ..sensation,' callousea 'tender spats, contracted toes, and 't ,r} severe crampuhke pain. ` The foot . • widensandspreadaovertheahoee, the small toe and,great toe joints, • ,.become inflamed' • and enlarged - bodily '. fatigue and. nervousness • result. Heed .tliefrst danger signal!, Stop your Foot Troubles before they impair your comfort and daily efficiency An Exposition of the newest, most advanced scientific .methods of relieving and correcting Foot Troubles, will be held .: at our Store: on edries.day, M -ay i2tit A specially trlived .expert' from the staff ofW. R. Scholl, Ai D. :, the° world's most noted Orthopedic authority..Will clearly explain how ,these methods give instant foot comfort. • Don'traise seem this You will 'also be given a e¢ogra hprint 'of your atQckinged,feet: All this without coat or Obligation. g e. lJapert at our store on above date. • S. C RathweII 0 • nSh�ppe A SILK COAT AND BONNET SETS, size 1 and 2, p BABY DRESSES -=Hand :embroidered mad><era, short' sleeves :' - SILK DRESSES:. Sizes 1, 2,3,.pastel.shades.• • • CRIB SHEETS—White or. pink. OVERALLS -.--Corduroy, .'cotton, and 'drill; sizes 1.-6. SLACKS—Girls' and Misses' tailored Alpine: slacks, sizes 8-14. 14-20, INE W 3OI: ‘ SOCKS . in pastel;shades in; assort! 'ed 'sizes. _Howevor,„:•1oca1 committees. 'ander inont_oriSaturday., July 17th, 7 relatives will arrange-;. tol meet' p.m.; Saskatoon, Sunt ay; July1l�, homecomers Will ' these points to 4 a.m.; Brandon, Man.', : Sunday, 'transport them . to' their .destina'• July lath, 2 p.m.; W iminipeg, Sun - tion in. ;other parts of the county. Here• I the daily scheduled "stops of the:Bruce ..County' Spec- ial: o-.: . Leaves Vancouver, B.C., Friday, • :day,: Ju)y 18th, .5' p.m.:, Sioux: Lookout, Monday, •July• 19th, 12 midnight.:: • Arrives Toronto. Tuirsday.• July 20th, at 5.30 ,a..m •Guelph; 8:25 a.m.;. Palmerston, 9:25 a,in.;. Ju1i 16th at 6 p m New. West-• Waliker1on, ' 10 am. minsters Friday, July •• 16th, ` 8.15 • . p.m.% Kamloops, Saturday;, 'July :'` For further. Information write.' 17th, 3, a.m.;,. Jasper, Albertan Sat.. .Mi' Ed Mahon, Suitt, • No 8, 1565 ur-day;•., July • 17th, 1:25- pan • Ed- .West.13th Ave:;; li ancotAer; :B:C. / / / / / / s / / / / / / / / / / / / s / / / / / / / / 1..1.10•••••••••••\\1. •1.♦ ♦447S\\%\\\\ Thereis nothing; Mother would appreciate !' more than 'a, :lovely �- and . Sauct r •1411.%%% Wide, Selection To Choose From At. eweler. Lucknow w 14•a••.•%�••‘•`••••••o�1.a1. PECIA PRINTS GINGHAMS, COTTONS, •.. • SHEET'I1'VGS, PILLOW,; SLIPS DRESS •,'MATERIALS, LINI.NG•S