The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-05-06, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY -Otter 1.949'4 Lyceum Theatre' VYINGHAM• Two . Shows Each Night: THURS., FRJ., sSAT ,. MAY. 6th, 7th, 8th DENNIS MORGAN, • • • JANE WYMAN • 111 .11EYENE` '.: Matinee Saturday 'rat 2", p.in MON., TI;JES., WED.. MAY .f Oth, +kith, 12th PEGGY ANN. GARNER,. ._ .LGN McALLISTER under, in the Valley • • „.7: Edrairrmir _..,..c..a...=•711Ae•:ar•urcum,,>w.. .., :1.44x o tme-��- .....:.!►iM.w:trk I'HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO P UR HP •L E G R ,Q V E H BOJNDARY RAST PAGE FIFE the week -end Alberta Mcl innoR•.spent oRN'•..-•fn W a1 Hospital end in London ` . Mr. Dan. McLeod' of Kincardine Visited around the Genua, Mrs. Helen Swan and Rosalind spent the wec.%-end in London. - Miss Doreen CQ1Hns., wash:oirle for the week -end.: Mr, and Mrs. Jack Emerson vis- ited :at . Mr. Saris Emerson's on Sunday. Mr.,and Mrs. John Colwell,' Mr, and Mrs. George-, Colwell . and m farly, and' Delbut HedleY, and Currie Colwell visited atMr. Don McCosh's, on Sunday. A very enjoyable evening' has, spent On Wednesday night of Iasi week at Holyrood ha1I''wheh ;Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thompson :were' I?Z'esented•with r:,purse ,o. f Money, Mr, Jacks Efei•so,ra 'was 'chail'man t'or. the -program , Weare -sorry .to - lose such ,fine neighbor's: • r)n pill 23rd to' Mr, and Mrs. Huntley Dawson, a .son; Congra-. tulations. . Mrs. Henry Mather's .spent last week with. Mr, and .Mrs.' Pharis Mathers. Mr. -and Mrs. Cliff Haekett and son and Mr. and Mrs.' Alex }tack- - ett, Sr., were Sunday visitors •at the Mathers .home,' Mr; and' Mrs. 'Cecil Robb and` Rose Marie ,of Lucan• visited with: M. and Mrs `George Kennedy on Sunday. •. George .Kennedy. is laid •up with. a sore back. Pat, McMillan and Gordon risen ; had0..the hydro' turned on last .week, Mrs, Wm. Evans spent a, few "days last week ;in. : London; --Mr,; and . Mrs. Win,' Brown of Riversdale and Mr, Roy Hudson Mr. Calvin Robertson • spent and Sohn of Goderich visited•with' Monday• . at Mr, ;Kenneth Bob-: ertson's at Arinow.. 'Mrs.' Burton Collins visited at Mts.'Hudson -and Gretta.':• • Mr. and Mrs. 'John ,McMillan !Mr, Andrew Patterson's recently. London. 1 spent J:he first of the . week ; in M aster 'Geer ge'vBustiell 'vis;ited• his cousin. Mary Brecklcs; Luck - ..now, '.iietently. . Miss Winn•i'frc'.d McFarlane .vi- ' it'e•d her grati.dmirther, Mrs. lean McFarlant, recently'• I'resbyteriari: Y.P.S • • _ _ • • The . wetkl\ -: meet.ing. of :±h AS H.:F'1E L'D Pr'esbyter:ii Guild «'as hu10. on Mondry night .with: a .very, large arid, MI's, Mac' $el:l .cif Lon- a —, drip' 'ane �ti ;" �irict •iVlr s '' rr role Suuu , od Peggy ,i,t 'Guulerielr ir�re week. c ricl•guests of •Mr 'and ' Russell B•tssett•. • • „11r. and Mrs. George McGi eg b a of Harnilton spent Sunday with 1, h� mother 1VIr 5 . Neil J,. Ma:c li,� .henzre. Sunday school ,.has: comrneri'ced , M :in the'. Pr e$bytet�ian church, for, h the sunnmer. months.. It is: :held tie ":before :the moi ping` service : in •m 'W. O Rhoad bapp:zed'' he. '.B infant son' of M1 and .Mrs. Keith•G :.Johnston at ':the church' 'service el ori Sunday morning.. Se • UilhU1;/■/!s•!!■//■. /'jj//i'\//// ttend�ince.' The nl etin ; opt*pari �r't-`r t:shi � r 7: or 1 33• .TaMor ��rttjrit l •.jtti•'ii a:4 c� •the scr i•ptur e reading.: '1ar limn then l•c�ci•.in• pr aV('r, f•ol1o\t',e y the'. Bible study b Muir(, tict)onalcl It w: s dee•idc.�d' old a 5r>cittl nc xt Mcrnci�r night king invite:�l' Whitechurch Gu,i1c1 -ii 'preset t a', play: The 'following onday:night a picnic. is to -b eld a 'K.intail' Camp. . Seyei•.al lecticir s ' , W4r''€ rendc'i•ed by •ernbe:rs : 'cif. -the High Sc.h:oo and... '.A reading ‘..A.);.:5•' given *en '.S.te�� o0. Margaret Chin osed `the:.xite:time; :y�.rth _'•pr2;ver.' \'Eer a1 :contests. 'were condtr.Cte.d. Complete Third :'Year • . Miss:' Helen Salkeld,', daughter, of Mr,' and ,Mrs :rl J. Salkeld, has completed her :third 'year at fh. the 0:11:C.• Helen 'is taking a four.i.I . Sqgar..B."S.A. course at Guelph, ..• bON'T MISS SEEING ee...�a oo. aennyR A Mystery Comedy presented by the !i • Port, Albert. • Players • INf. , THE. TOWN.- HALL,, LUCKNOW Friday, Mai 7tb Curtain' at 8.30pm.' .Adults . •Aa40c Children 20c unro's Orchestra. . Sponsored by St. Peter's Men's.. Club ST �.�HLLENS''. l Ft ii<:r-:r t}crt '-q • x— > . 0 - rig' i1,,, t.'rrit ick Clicireh .n xt ':�u y v •ni.orning'.. with service. coin-' ,d r fencing .rt�li.45 D.S•T.' i� ...Mr:. and Mrs Neely .Todd.;and to David; of Str•atfoi•d Were,' week-� c$rid` visit i.rs..::vitl 'Mr and • 1Vhs: 1)R Todd. Mrs Laine Woods ari'd;'Donna e were �:isitors with friends in :Tor: , • ;bnto for•, a few •days. • Mr :and: Mrs: A:1 '1Viartin.and. .. Ned ..of :Toronto 1 dy • to spent the week • ` end ' th• ,Mr. E. J::ThoIm :Murray,Miss Mary�.rs. :G. - 'McPhcrs6n and; Mrs, E. W. "Rice a'tten•ded ,an ' exeeiiti've'. meeting': • ',of, the W.omen''s Tnstitute at , God. ,= erich' on Frid•ay i ■ _ is 'Mr: ;:ii -id Mrs:: Roy Robinson 1� �.�' 11._1•_' ��/. �'■! �� ■ (nee Miss':Mary ium' h;re ) were ■s ,p Y •w. honorcd.;at :a gathering; rn The w-� iris rr1-t'v F- air -. . - – - . eV- . ; E, :After luneand Mrs. � . n.. h u.r s. On . lunch..Mr:. ' This'>ts a good'machine, .over'700 000 in use last'. Robinson.. were made the recip- w a ■ RxEnts of .a...Sum, .of irrt3ney,:' An ad- P..' year �... Vile have' them' on'-har*d' ,dress oPrcongiatulations :arid' best -' 17.• Wishes rias• 'read by ' y ;FrankMc-'. in Quill in and:'.the :presentation 'was' ; V` r r MASSEY-I-IARRIS , SEPARATORS for .a close skimming and easily cleaned separator, buy M H - economical tool. • • I • is 'VVe �1re Now, Taking Orders For, PURINA` SEED. CORN Large or medium'. `flats Medium Rounds You Can •Depend On $5.5O $4:75 Purina .'jl. 415.0 SO Car® 0 afiw THE ONLY METHOD'rk jr; . A .• gSS!'&S. a -100% l[QUID .fla Of TRACTOR 'AND IMPIEM NT TIRES Goodyear's ...."Solution 100" l o • method. boosts the, efficiency of any; tractor or' implement 'tire reduces tire wear : : helps: you do more work less � ,_ • with fuel in less time. ;. See us: for further.details.. ... ii�a'rde -b;; Albin M%lsler; .Music for.' clancing was 'piov'ided' by Fa'r- r ear~s of chcstra 1:2" Mr Vl1r1I : Ruthe for.ci• ••has. r;e- turned .Trim a week's visit,' 'with 1VIr and.,I\'Ir•s. Hugh. Rtitherfoi•.d af,.'Pef ata'ng 1GIr and • Mrs, Harold • I3ti)rr- p1i rev will: bye,, guests 'of honor' at: gathering .in . :the ' community ■ h ills on ,Thu.rsday evening..' Music �y Far ic;r's . orchestra. `Ladies try r eeju;ested:.: 'to bring '.lunch. Mrs Q. McPherson..:.will .be hos ti e - :11';'...0 • II . h 1 ''.'Phone 59, . Lucknow. �, . in'u nu■■■'■insuseriti■/r�'Isii■■■tl■i■t■■■t.■■■ot■ia District P Inc. • Co=OP•,'Brard Fertilizers Grow F3t,ttc r crops with Co -Op Brand Fer tiliictr . `••Or rlc•r''•:• 110\v ifire'sur ingredients are limited All brands "in ,putt bars and ,delivered' to your barn -free of .chi+rge.,. Feeds: and Concentrate`s • We arse have a ' Full Linerof (° <)N Prepared i'eedst and. Concentrates, \'oIS', 1 est India . Pure Cane; Molasses, CloVer,' Grass Seeds, );Corn C,et lb; suppiy•:your 'every need for. Clover and Grass 'Seeds*. also Corn. All packed finderthe co -Op latbel. Fence Wire • and Steel Posts • ()rder your Fence .;Wire and Steel PostsToda)i,* toy the .supply is very limited. Your Co -Operative,, JOHN JAI Xf SON,' v• ar. • 40.VANTA:GES 0 IG., 0fJ N1p .OtUTIb Greater tractiion, 5 Increased2dia• , less.ishp t rte_ 2 ' More., work. less bar pull. 3'.'di) nt inflation:: 4 "Self-regulating prFessure•i nn • CEI, USJ/l1;yVU/n •' ----t, F •, 'I 6 Smoother, riding, • . ' 7 •:LL'dnger :tire.life 8 less care • • hone• 40. ; Lucknow' rani :Ford and .B.A. Service:' tess for.".the'; meeting of the Wo- 1 afternoon ',at. 2.30 D S.T; All the: rne'n's Institute :this (Thursday) ;ladies :are invited:' r c Discuss : VIt*IC1AL ELECTION SATURDAY • MAY 8th,* 1000 10' 10.30 pm.. • r . ..� •. �''its 8.30• pm. ',MONDAY: MAY 0ti,r ���� 8.00 WEDNESDAY' •,MAY'12.th • 1.15 to 1.45-P.m.. 1 May 8th CBL,. Toronto '' . `; May ,,10.th, .12th.. ' .CFIB, *Toronto Vote PROGRESSIVE. CONSERVATIVE .JUNk.T Pur l+isheti by the'Pteltrperve Celtervetive Party of Ontario r., • ' siot ty