The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-05-06, Page 2• Nei r!‘i M x Ci Pr ir ri 14 y{ a x , t ,r1 "4; s4 a1 itR':i "1171! :".1Wi #.•W 4q74 PAGE..TWO WHITECHURCH Mr. Russell .Ross. who is auf- tering from . an infection in •his 'dace went to I4ndon a day last week for treatments. • A number of ladies from the village • attended the United Pres-. byterial at Seaforth, last .Tues day, THE 1 UCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY Oth, 1948 b;. Mr. •and Mrs. Lorne .Johnston spent a day tkt London last week. Mr. and. Mrs.: James Morrison of. Toronto are spending a . few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.; J, ,,„ Morrison..• Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and Miss Muriel Watt spent Thurs- day in London. 1VIr. Bob Ross of London and from ScotJ,and, spenj the week, end. with his . parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Ross.. Mr. Price Scott, is, 'moving this week' to his new home in..Wing- ham -which he purchased recent- ly, ecently. Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz spent . Sunday with. brattier, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Scholtz at'Auburn. Monday with their son, Mr. and Mrs. George"Tffin. Mi' .and Mrs, ' tor Emerson andr. andMrs. George McClenag an visited at Langside on• un ay, 0 Police and.is 7iorthia.ns.sbeerevnicleviltri: No 'D 'Dlvis�on, Vic I1 h 't d the Department since the first S d of the year. His ,elder brother, Hugh, g is now serving with. the :Ontario Prov. Brothers In Police Service • . inc44 ial. Police at ; erg. ,tin ;, g, Qnt,, Wm. Grant Rutherford nas fin= sinpd June 1947. Pri6): to this • ished an `extensive palace training served 21/2 years with the Orill e is •.:Miss McLeod, who recently came Mr, :and Mrs, Joe Tiffin spentit course . with the Toronto y ?Owe Department. C • • It's• going;: to be, a reunion—.'orte of .the biggest ,in all time of Bruce County people.; Bruce. County folks are scattered from one coast to the other.' And most of them dream about coming' back to Bruce for a Visit: ' But it took some: of • the old Bruce. Countyboys• on the West' coast to' . do something about it. During •.those. perfect. summertime weeks' of July • 20th through August 4th; a. whole. private - train load of them are Coning .back to Bruce for• a: Vacation:. neo :41,'thekle ,• wh !hi lg ha, ,:.,^�t~;o�•x h'Ol+lei 0-t?3---i:' .' g,'ular national • • • P • • • • • • • • 4 J • • • • • o' • 1'• •0 ld•" • • 1 in is sti 40 event. They're )coming back, from all over Canada and the United States. All of us back home here are joining' in to make it the most momentous two weeks in Bruce County history. A big, part in the Reunion will be played by Lucknow. Here- isthe wholelan.' Read it over.carefu carefully. Think it over p l carefully. How can you help?' Get together with the rest of the town' and. let's make . this the perfect "welcome .home". for I ol�r ukt,4neigbbout .• v and here's the schedue of individual Municipality celebrations: TUESDAY - JULY 20th (1) ` WAY;KE-RTON` WEDNESDAY JULY 21st (2 ` P:A1SLEY THURSDAY JULY 22nd (3) MILDMAY FRIDAY JULY. 23rd;, ,.. (4) , SQUTHAMPTON • SAT.,, •SUN.- J'YJLY 24th,. ;25th (5) PORT ELGIN,• MONDAY JULY 26th . (0) TARA TUES:: WED JULY 27th, 28th (7):WIARTON HEPWORTH .and PENINSULA THURSDAY JULY':29ch (S) CHEISLEY FRIDAY JULY 30th (9) • LL'UCKNOW : SAT., SUM, MON.-- JULY • 3 is!, AUGUST .lst `2nd (10) KINCARDINE • ''TUESDAY.:— AUGUST 3rd' (11) .RIPLEY WEDNESDAIY - 1:AUGUS:T :4th (12) .. TEESWATEI2 EVERY•O E 1V�U'ST` E LP! :HERE'S:SOIVIETH�NG l FOR 'YOU Y We've.' got to. mane '•this a real home -conning: 4Our Fold friends are'expecting it -- we" 't let them. down.:•It's really not going t. be' work. Nothing is when it's going to bring` such real pleasure.to so many people.. So.let us • put your nanie down as 'a •Reunion '.volunteer,” you'll• be doing your bit.:• Get in touch wadi :Secretary Larry Downs, Lucknow. Then, when we need your assistance and we will need it ' we can `call on you for your help. Everybody's doing . it :everybody's enjoying, it. 01 "a w