The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-08, Page 1$2.00.A Year--u-In Advance; 50c Extra to tl~. S, A. LUCKNOW,, QNTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL, 8th, 1948. " EIGHT PAGES ' ace Track, Flood ,Ughting To Be Discussed At Meeting Tonight Extensive plans for fr.'nprove-• t • ut the Caledonian Park are to he diseussed at a public meet - in .`.in. the 'Town -Hall tonight,. • Thursday, April .8 h at 8o'clock: Representatives' of the various. ation of the.:comb-lenity,' ineiy,, ers ;bf the four.' adjoining •: ' •Townshp 'counc ilss ad of the .vil `- . age council,, and citizens. iri t g MORE ,REPLIES: a`. FR9M OLD -TI ...� NiERs,4 Last `week e•. published . w .a col':. umn of replies. from former• resi�: dents of�°thrs'comm nit .0 ywhoa:i�e planning °to ;corrie .back t6, -.Bruce this: summer. , (Cf CREAM MUST GET' 1 RIO,E HONOREb AT • ` MODERATOR TO: 'THROUGH-•USED .A' BOAT PRE -NUPTIAL EVENTS , i RECEIVE DEGREE When the rampaging ' Maitland M. Havey Gilbert was the River' washed out `a bridge d'ur- guest of honor. at a series ;of pre= ing the spring flood, the village nuptial events, The bride, forth - of Gorrie was temporarily isolat- erley Miss Rebeeca Beaton, wt s. ed from the outside. world •except entertained at a. -shower • at the by means of an old boat that home of:Mrs. Robert Bore at Dun commuted.' back, and • forth. across :gannon. At 'IIincardine Mrs. the fast-. lowing river:' And eve Arthur 'owe was"' h wer - .'Couldn'tRowe cut off their toss, and .:Rebecca's • friends and ice . cream s _pply, Mr . Cam Mac= . r c:ighbors 'gathered at, the Beaton Donald of Silverwood. 'Dairies` ;home to. shower••her with gifts. ••-• : L;iinited f loaded the ' scow' with , . In addition to , the three showers gen• These• replies- are in . response Vice cream and made'th'e furbul'ent• the girls at "the Circle Bar Mill ".eral are ui•gedeand fn.,fact are° to the -first letter sent. Crossingto' Serye i e ,out by the, z; e h s customers. at "Kincardine presented her with . expected, to be present,. at-, to:- Bruce County Reunion Associa-'1 It happens but once in a lifetime. on • electric. lamp, night's gatherininvitations going; • g ' �-.�.-•-�... � tion the. local • The local Branch .of the Can-. out under.the. signature ,of Reeve° 'TO DISMANTLE FIRE- W. A; Solomon. , ''• DAMAGED REIDi'PROPERTY • adian Legion is. sponsoring the. project ..of floodlighting. the park for softball, •and of improving the natural `grandstand: facilities. The Village Council is ;beingasked. to, drain the park,: before 'extensive im royements' are. undertaken: •The •:building of •a race' track has been talked of for some .time; •and at .a meeting; .of the Agricul- osequent mailing g Pieces will::._ .. be .forwarcled to 'everyone on the 'Mr. ' Geon e Orvi's has he of ' g. h bought t ,fico staff: of • :Silvewoad local 'mailing..';list, and .;this week the Reid property'on Main Street, Dairies I ucknow ..an. .'siic'ceed a. ,colorful folder is' in . the mails " which •utas • gutted:'Iby fire several -Mrs. Jim . Ait4:hison' .nee. Celia. carrying ..;s.hots of::.the, main. . � . ., months -ago, George plans ;to. tear' �?Vi•]son ).;, who.has resigned, Miss: r,_, teGts cif. the ,vario.us ;municipal � the building down and�' use 'the e Fisher:has been at •her new, dut- ities in. the county. material .fore buildinpurposes... ies for' the• rpat•'cot r :a . �. .. .,, ,> ,g ., •rl le of w�c��°: rviany, O d Boys• andGiils ill Mr, and Mis.'.OrviS- e F' r' �' .. � s ,� moved here ..v. over` ten yea,rs Maudie had 'from: Wingiram, after buying the, Veen employed at. Hill's Grp•eery. EMPLOYED AT •SII V !'RWOOD.S Miss Maudie' Fisher* las, joined be oveirlooked,with these ° inform-. lural •• Society on • Saturday, '. a ative mailing pieces," unless the • motion Was approved calling for folktheir. former' Mrs. Wesley. Henderson •residenc:e. •They hav'e..neatly re-. .. ' all phases of: park, improvement. could be, studied , The idea is, to have .a'. co-ordinated, planned pro-: ,gram, an a, not do the work piece-. I: ere•are.° more ' replies: • meal. And so tonight's••.m eting Thos. Piiei ce Reston sure : Would • be 'delighted, to' be' - . • ; _ e: is .orne, ',a ..: T r. • rvis It is not 'too late to do this., Leave now blahs to.. build • a. one -storey .your list: df nares and addresses re'sidence • to the' north of their with Kenneth'. Murdie.. ,; '' present. home. is'. being called. )\ GAGEMENTS • First Hand,Infbrmatitin with. .you all , once more' .It •is - Mr: and: Mrs. William , The; Legion—.committee' 'is `ex- trout Ski' years.. since I: ldit. Luck r_�lri e R 2, Luckno' d .. .� Y,. • ,w, announce ected,.to hve. detailed. inforina-• 'now,.. '.lf. c_othing'..happens,'peonly 'I P ytle en a ernent' of their-dough:.br g gothers.., • .1 'The ;death, of 'R'odehrick Carr eron, : a.native of Lochalsh oc eurred •in;Palmerston ••HOVital.in his ?5th: year A private funera 'service. was held on ,Sundae' with " ". interment in Palmerston,' Cern - etery: Mrs :A,. R .Finlayson of town . is a sister' and • Duncan . and: Caliteron of1:loc •,alsh are. '.—.:.rH•':..l:..._. M.X.. I`".�..kr:.7 .... ..,.. .. Very Rev,- C, 11.. ' MacDonald; . moderator of the '.Pxlesbyterian.•. Church In Canada, Will address-. 'the graduating.:Glass at the• 104th Convocation of Knox: College,, to', be held . nextTuesday. .. Qn this occasion„. the College":. will: .confer. the' D.D: re .re ' Utica. g e Reit MaeDoriald. The conferring'.' ofm the .de � Free Wilk b.. • e iducte g :Y �'„ a �o.'r, d. 'W . 'b W .Br den ' ` irici )" Knox - College and the presenta_' tion will be made••by, Rev: 3: N.0 McFaul of Oakville. This assein• •bly is at • 8 o'clock and' is. open to the public. • During Faster week Rev: Maces Donald spoke at the .,opening of the O E.A: Last Sunday he coni. • ducted' the morning service Rogers: Memorial :Church, Tor- , •onto and in' the •.evening. address- , ed the co: 'regation ;of -Morning sd ' es n' Church. ., : �' e a. On Tuesday :the. • M oderator•'spdke at, . •a' dinner ...Meeting of the Presby- •eery of Toronto;, This ' Sunday..—Rev.. `, 'MacDonald -';.Puslinch. and the''following 7.1 day will.conduct' anniversary' ser= ` vices. .in•. Tillsonburg. in . his son's, 1'. church ' On' ' -this occasion Rev - :MacDonald vi�ill baptize ' h i 's , gra•ziddaughter,. Laura. Marga,,et;-- in ... font d "u 'h . ' a ter of 'Rev,. and >�rs • P, D. MacDonald tion ori their project.: M•r. `A1;bert' sickrieas,. w ill stop me ' ..' •ter Mary Christina to': Mr. h Seim of ,Hanover .. will be in : at- '' G Maclntyi e, Eastend, ;: •t .•• eon= , �, • .,,Roy''Robihsgr;.the'nnarr'ia e,..''�. tendance at the. m'eefin ' to ?asf , at all ossible ` will be g CRTOIVN ACK :MINSTREL SHOW givep to take lace• iri A' 1` ° firsthand information on the cost , tl.ending". a ,COMING ' T+0 Dr J F.:Mckenzie, IDetp�oit=- of rerhodelling: Hanc ver's ' fair. rounds. Mr.' Seim will 1 havea detailed plan of;the .grounds and will be able., to.' give definite :fig-, ,ures on the cost of . uilding' the. k c w r tra _ a� � }or i�the: � th' •��as- undettakei ; ,• ' Bank's orchestral.:I7. . Y Gregg liar ,as;* ao..be a .reality. Wash you.arcing 9•• to 1: 3..u_prces ' ' a mission 75c cured his er'rthu t�3ucn success' and. if I can do any- srastic support :of Y ': , any: such , "uridertakin I assure- you nothing except ngCOMING: The T.•eeswater Minstrels,.. a VI N' -ickne;,s or. -death ill r event us T5 trou e..: of .35 color eco 'entle:'en from in hu" vtho' are making a 'bi . lhit•''t •ever' be_ g t ea e. For •some years , . �SPR'INf DA1�CE • g g, ., •z� . Y, • • • ,e s ., , . "a' earance .• i back llav iei Latvr once ••and others The Clansmen s annual spring pp.. n the' ;district, ''will ham- k�:een a itat'ir .g . ;a reuniork c tt they; Town Ha -11, nLuck = =dome • to Lucknow ori1:.Tue da , b.efo •e v> ..`would all n NOW 'now:, Friday', •April 9tl . Frankie• .Apra,l .2Oth:' :under. Fixe: ,Com an. r e pass o. q , p Y M:. L:: "To:r� :. • Ad' • . .Admission: wi 11 be 50e; with.. re:.• 'serve •.'sea' •� •,• • d; is o'o'tairiable hortly at M Irm •D" " - 1 'shall; be .�tt niy cottage at 'Bruce .:.: _t here .v�•ill b'e'• G s rug. Store... a dance ira Wliite i'3each fr,6m July lst'' church 'Community I-Iall,. 1iYi•Uuv,• � Thus' A McKeith, Hazenmore, Alii i1 9th Fiirr ers 6 -.piece Sack `.'Being'• in' my 84th .year' •,chestra;' Gents 50c, lithos; 25c: and unfit for:' tr ave] I '•rriust'dct Ltinch counter, cline your kind. invitation. How SS 'MENS MEETING ' g; ',and< will •thing to,.make. it so• will, be :glad: DANCE AT: WHITECI'iURei[ . • , •be :.present at ''the meeting to - %light . If ,John :Hanna;,-,:M.P.P' is, home • .from Toronto, . he .too will Abe in attendance: The Agricultui al ' Society owns lots• to the east: of the park be-• hind the 1Vlasse.y-Harris and + 'vein, 1 Will substitute m my place BUSINE Jshns,0n s • Garage It is , under-• my u. ug•hter ' and ;her;:husband The . :spring 'meeting. of:. th' stood additroriali acreage ;can : be•Mr_ I. anal , M's .. • Rrclra'i d G:; Blake �icknow Business Men's, Associ-. obtained to.the west frons Alex 1 • r'etxiepi:ber. • with, 'plea tir e 'all ioih will be ~held in the •Town 'McNay°, -suffieignt oto • t}ir.e1 frien• ds w• hose ' icture were iL ll, Lucknow, next Tuesday; ,permit. `a p s y , Apt rl 'lith at ''8 o'•clock.: Full at•- on: the invitation.' Kindest greet rng.' •to -each of •thein. `_1Vlr . 13en teni t- ee requested.' • •, full half -mile oval • Tilrn out tonightand hear this matter. fully .explained' • WIUITECHURCH PLAY IS PR'OVING:PPOPULAR • S vitrer cof•+r' Hazenrnoi e whose ' ,Pi{ESENTATIAN 84.. DAl\'CE' horror of Mr and, .rs Angus be going back . Mr: David < Mc 1T(.1)ond-ld, for'merl'y Helen Bar - l Kenzie ;and• Mr.. Will 1{ mn;rlley anel ct . a,i:•St,. Helen's .Community; jt:1ier s .:will.be.. i'nter'ested 1; an? Fi•l1 `i7ednesday :,A:prii.14th:' Far ionic wa.s n.o th cif .Luckn„.0 , tivi11 1 The thrilling , rnystery, "Daily >Gre ' , ;pier 5'; .orche. tz a. Ladies; please `Was c The;:.Night",.. presented by Mrs . M, White, Sea#'orth--' I as lir rr; lunch, Whitechurch Institute 'Players, is 'sure. you • I -✓ill do inv best to be making' a bigt, sit, and is i'n fie- one: of thea . 'Bruce's?'• Old Girls'. PLAY' AND DANCE ...Vent demand in the comri inity: .'rrn.sting• •,"i x111 :your efforts will "ljii`rk .`Was •.Thc,.Night' a :3=act The-illay was presented. at Holy • •rtle,c�t:•with 'sit:cess x , mystery, by Whitechu•rch.Institute rood last night. ' Mrs Lydia Philip,. \lacleod, Fl rye i s, ;;in tho• Towyn :Hail, •Luck- . onight . ., ' _•.• _.., � noW, 1\Honda April 12th; 8.30 . g (Thursday.);. it is being'".. Alta;,-� Both, Urlcic. atad. I �� fish, to ; , y, p ., 'staged atl'' • und.cr Kairslic�a,Institute auspices. • MonWill� i • n da �; ., ,, . • ,,. ,C. ,� �_ .. _ •.Adrrti5s U 50e and 2tic. Dance. af; . Y .n ght it. be present- k,rnd� rnvitation to i C. �!h ti to. LucK . . • In the .ter.. Farr iei•`s ,orchestra alunch. Lucknow Town' Hall ni3t�r for the Bruce. Re i( 4 • under auspices of the Kairshea ,anion We are 'quite flattered ti> :counter. • Itistitktate.;• r thityk we, .woult1be"roinsid rea, in ; PLAY AN13 DANCE RET. t this Kat evtYni, a.3.• twe'a.te;.pUr1- The !:.),lay ',,Dai k :WaS' the Night" URNING IN MAY FROM tar ima.tely, of that nomadic sort ., s 6VERSIEA, : ...• • y VV1�'i'te•cliui�;cli ".I'oung: ,People" • S VISIT'. of -. eo le with no roots anywhere,, W • .,. � . lj li:... Will ,be presented :m .St. `� Helens that it=gives us a ver warns :. . so h very Cotr'tiniinrt Hall Thursday,.Apr. Y > :'Rev. and, Nits; a oo :.. p . .s, A: • W. i3"row .' feeling to thiiyk that .yo g d 8th Under.'"auspices of St, Helens LLorziterly. of Ashfi ` ; sid'r Os,.on. of .return' old ,Circuit,' are peo.isle. v ould ;lens c W.I:.Dance after,. ''N.[usic by Fair•- • ing . to Canada in May af- yourselves: •. t iot''s orchestra Lunch -t rater. ter a visit. of . several months . in 1 "Wee have talked the matter drri ssivn 50c and 25c. '> the> Old . • A �.q. Country.. • Rev: Brown lover and •would definitely" likti to w :g'rarited l&ye of abse' join jou Burin the two. weeks'.. PLAY AND•'DAN:CE from hi'dile nee ] Y g se ,ccharge _due to .necessity Celebration, 'so would., be happy ' '2'Aunt Abbie Answers An Ad", of takung a . eom: le Y 't ` e: :richer 1i'ticulars, . pt'esented by .Young Adult Group. lad p to rest. Rev„„ to` re• -Give .f p Mus.�Bi'owrr had intended to "At the motnent',of course' we of North St. United Cha.irch, God. return so . r , ; , viii l be staged, in , , oner, but- found passage. cannot be too stir e.. that rine will epi icli, 1 , s g , ;the difficult to obtain, they will, re - tare on the Queen Elizabeth.' The trou l,e like with drink . . popple � whoa fish, • is, that they. don'rin'1 what the fish do. t' 'be ablb 'to make it, :but we would like to know about the train, etc, so that i it- is at all possible we will . be : able to 'return .aid see t • . t'=1* kind friends` we had among you". BORN • 'MacKENZI,E—Mr and Mrs. •Robt: C: -Mackenzie; London;',are'happy.'. to announce:., the arrival of their 'daughter + G.wenda;: Lynne- Ruth)•, at .St . Joseph's tiospitai, on. Wed- :riesday, March' 5441948, 'D ATE -WL I r arid- M3•s J ire t S ewC. ..A: a�,t of Toronto' (rice Aud,=; •:rey Horne) •announce-tle-arrival of their. 'daughter, ' Glenda Suz- '• panne. at Grace :•,•. , t H;ospital on Wed• nesday, March 31st. is • ridge� Pictured'• above is: the wrecked . bridge. on , the '6th. Concession of Ashfield;".Which was zndern'r:ined iri the. receri :floods an.d collapsed into the.,Nine Mile Rivet.: Re- inforccd with steel the .coricret e structure actually bent, as • the picture indicates, .when: thea east abutment •was washed out, ,with, the bridge 'sagging: downward. in- to, the river bed and swinging a couple of feet to. the ' north as it did.•so. - Traffic is blocked at this point and the Sixth. is; 'one of °several. ,Ashfield Concession. "roads •that have detours iri force. The�2t 1 .h concession is the. ".boulevard" Of the ixorth • end of the .Townslp, and is travelled by • traffic desir-. April 16th, • under Agricultural ing mita escape . the d holes' ort Society auspices; A'dmissi'on 50e Highway 86' to Lochalsh, 'r'he lOth Concession of Ash iel' , and '25c: Bance after. music by f d Mac . Old- Timers,'” Kincardine. mile` west' of Belfast. as blocked a'clmission' 50c:.. "' e, repairs: are being made to the :da.niagediron ,bridge at '.Harry Hackett s, ;'The . bridge 'was,,; con.= . .�demned.. for trucks until. repairs • can be made. The spring' mud' made the 9th • Concession P •rant- ically. �im'passible, and the 'dam aged bridge*ion•' the Sixth. made 'this, line impassible as a thio -g'h. road, Ashfield Council hag.'made early plans to. replace this` bridge, but the removal of the ,concrete Structure poses' quite. a,:problem. The cement will have :to be°blast- ed Wand •• Porches' . used•. to cut :the inlaid 'steel: Cost of .replacirng : the structure • as a ; cement• . bridge' would be Morethan double the • cost when the brid� built • �., ge was ,built nineteen years. ago, 'plus the cost of the cement, if you r:ould got it It is a tpeeted an. iron bridge will replace the present one and. will be an:. additional' ten feet in length.' a •* • 4 'a, cr •. • • .b .t r