The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-02-05, Page 5T1iURSPAY, rEatt ]AR t' 5; 1948 THE LU.CKNOW SENTINEL, =KNOW, OW, .ONTARIO. PAGE' .FIV. E LyieuiflThea.t.re -NG-tAm Two. ShoWa Bath Night Fiday. and Saturday FEBRUARY 6th, 7th SPENCER, TRACY, • a • • FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW 6 ' ap tainSl Courageous' •Matinee .Saturday at • 200 p.m .Monday' and Timidity FEBRUARY'. 8th, 10th_ JAMES4TEWART, q `DONNA REID LIONEL BAItRYMORE S Lie i s► Wonderful f •Wednesday,, Thursday. FEBRUARY. .lith, 12th. EitItOL FLYNN, BARBARA' STANWYCK �� F .•CRY.......WOLF" , . NL• UGH .f KI Q re or t• that. • W'e' are •pleased to p Mr. -Sam, Stanley- has ',`recovered recent ' operation and'' ,from : his was 'able: to ' return home •,-last Deepest synipathy is extended to Mr'. Charlie Hodge in;the death": of his wife who passed away. on Y,g .: in Win -hair•--Hospital Saturday' Mr. and .Mrs. Hodge haveonly been living in Canada for a few Months, Coining 'from, England in the early fall, The Women's World:. Day:: of Prayer will; be held in the Pres= -byterien church' en Friday, Feb ruary'13th.Mrs1.' George: Graham will be the •key-worrian. Congratulations to "Mrs Wm.` .Kaake who is celebrating 'cher 93rd birthday this:.•week She is ...'still quite well and setive' and is making. her home .with. her. �dau- ghter at 'Putnam,; Mrs. Milton :Walsh ; who has been•:at Mr, Wesley Osbourne,• spent' Sunday at her .s home .here'. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm;- Lloyd : and Doris of Kincardine 'visited' on. is Sinday with relatives here,.: Bread 1.1 • A'' pCent The . price of 'bread: advanced • one .cent on Monday,:;the. price locally being 14' cents. I • WEDDING .BELLS LANE=.. TRUMBLEY .The . marriage of Betty Isobel, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John runibley of Port ]{gin to. William Everett Lane,sari of Mr. and • Mrs; Malcolnt Line of .Holy - rood, Holy -rood, • Ontario, was solemnized at the home: of the bride's :.parents on Saturday, January 24th at. 12, noon, Rev. A. Gillies Officiatedin the ...presence of relatives • 'and friends' of the young couple. The ceremony was . performed in the Living room beneath a;: beautiful` arch': background• of� :evergreens :,decorated with -.pink and white. streamers :and wedding: bells; The Wedding music, ;was :played, by Mr, :Jan. Remington of Port: Elgin. The • bride, • given iii:. marriage by her father, looked charming in a floor length gown of white slipper satin and' lace with long sleeves andsweetheart neckline; a floweredhalo holding ,her fin- gertip. veil. She carried .pink, carnations • and maiden hair ' fern with bows and streamers ,of brid- al :satin.. Mrs, Barry Forbes, sis- ter Of the bride, attended •as• mat- ron .of honor and wore floor" length gown 'of baby: blue crepe, shqulder length matching • veil and '.carried. a bouquet. .of yellow .mums and maiden hair fern with bows-• of : white satin h ane brother, -of the groom, was best man, • The bride's Mother was gown-. ed i'n: brown crepe with shoulder corsage of ' carnaf-ions, • sna drag- on and fern}.., The gr'oom's mother woe e' green - crepe with. shoulder cgrsage of carnations, pink snap - 'dragons, and • maiden . hair Following the'cei emony a wed- ding ..dinner was served • an ;:the dining• room,::which was. . prettily,, decorated' i.pink and white.. A. three-storey wedding '.cake and pink nk candles centred the .'bride's table. `Assistin , were Donelda 1 Beech;; ' •Marnie -Underwood a•n d• Kay NicDernud. ' ` Mr.and Mrs: Larie;•lefx on a• meter ', trip to London : and' -other' 'points,, the ;bride:•wearing•o pink: wool th ess and =blue 'shortie_ coat with black accessories. On. their return they. 'will" reside in Port Elgin. O.B' T' U R YN. . • . MkS,, PETER MaeLEOD On' Saturday, January 31st," ,Mrs. Peter MacLeod passed away In ----Kincardine Hospital, —where:, she had been. `taken following 0 hip fracture suffered ' in a fall. in her home some two weeks be- fore,' She: was. in her 90th year. Formerly Mary MacKenzie, she was the last of six children "born to .Mr,.. and Mrs. Murdoch Mac- Kenzie of • North ,East ,'Hope; The family., moved to the Sixth, Con- eession' of Kinloss; when she:was eleven .years ' o1d. Fohowing her marriage she lived.on the Fourth .Concession., Kinloss, until moving into A'Lueki ow scarcely three., :years ago: Her husband :.prede- ceased ' her in 1910. She is; survived ' by two daugh- ters, Mary and Dean. Three child- ren died in infancy, Mrs. MacLeod had a personal= itythat' endeared: . her to 'yeti/1gand, old. Warm hearted and gen erous, she , radiated brightness and cheer and' in spiteof the I handicap ,.of deafness,. in. later 'Years, never • ,lost the yiauthf ul .spirit, or zest of life. She was 'n-. terested . in. ' people and ', - world events and one , of her •hobbies • the" last years was: the Making 'of scrap books, Even, to the last sure- mer she was an enthusiastic Bard.:.' ner and :few .coul-ci? wield a h 9e: so well: Her 'christian character and deep religious faith were,a.sour:ee of blessing to: those. with: whom :'she came, in contact.. • She was borne to her ..last•'rest,- ing place by old' friends, John D.'� MacLeod, Ed Little,.' Walter' Mi c- Kenzie, Gilbert 'Hamilton, Jo • n Rev Mur' dochD�ve ' aHouston.. :. I• Smith, 'w'ho ,conducted the funeral services at her home and'. at South Kinloss Cemetery; read the fol lowing verses which she prized: LAND AHEAD " a When we :reach our .peaceful dwelling:`.: On'the .strong,eternal hills , Arid our praise. to Hun 'is swelling Who' the vast creation fills, ,' When• the path of prayer, and . duty, • And affliction,'all are :trod, And we. `?wake andseethe beauty. ;Of Our Saviorir and our God O 'twill be; a glorious' morrow • 'To a dark ,and, stormy 'day!' ' , When.we smile upon, our- sorrow And the, stOrrns have, passed • away; LUCKNOW NATIVE DIES I A native of•Lucknow John 'Mc- Intdsl died :Saturday at Victoria 'Hospital in his 70th ' yea r He had been a horse, trainer. • and ' had iqe rn London 43 year's. r. ' c-: 10f the bliss begun below;' • Intoshi was a Member, Of •StMat- a When the life the flesh* pbscureth, thew.'s Anglican ;-Church. ;' p diant form- shall shine �In each:radiant , 'sons John Surviving are two . And the joy that -aye ,endureth. . Wand Charles'. P.• Mclntosh,'bothi' i Flashes forth in beams d v ne. `. •a daughter; Miss .of. `London 'and. g.. _. , � " .•-• ' ' Dorothy McIntosh; London.: His Shall the memory: be' banished. I. Of.' His ::kindness • and, .His `.care,` wife,`Catherine; predeceased'h'ini in •' 1923' Funeral service.' was ; held ( When, the wants and woes are ' Monday: 1 vanished',. HITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs Furbur from the Vest are visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Gibson 'Gillespie and Mr. `Gillespie: The W,A. of the Presbyterian church, heldtheir meeting at the home, .of Mrs. McVlwiiaith .. on; Tuesday and. • quilted one quilt and returned to the same home on Friday and quilted another. „, Mr.' :.and: Mrs. Wim Tiffin 'of 'Windham spent•Sunday afternoon. with Mr:' and Mrs Victor Winer.. son. ••4 . • Mrs: Jaxnes` Wilson, Sr., spent a few' days in Wingham lash ;week with relatives • 4 'A number from' here attended the funeral of Mr, Walter. Rich:n ardson which was held in, Wing- ham, Saturday. Hydro Interruption Much of the village was black ed • out on Sunday'. evening fore a couple of 'hours, caused by a broken wire ' near. Bili' Stimson's residence. With Alex Havens • il1l,. at his home, ':it Was necessary to get Wirigh:am linemen to :repair 'the break. ':Service.'was' restored about 8.00 o'clock. KAI$SHEA W. 1: MEETING Mrs. Lloyd d D y MacDougall .: was hostess :to th'e members • of the Kairshea W. I. for the. January meeting, when nineteen members, ,visitorsand eleven, children were present,- despite, the '• cold" stormy day. The : `meeting opened with the singing of. the. ''Ode and the '.re pealing, of the Lorii's prayer: The. minutes .of the last meetingwere read and adopted; and • the cor= respondence was read.' , •` The.roil call was answered by y ' I :. Wh at would. like to see most". The` program' consisted of 'read- inwrinipm. REX THEATRE LUCKNOW Friday,' Sat Ylonday IT'S "MELODY RANCH" Starring GENE AUTRY With `:Jinn ay Durantb' Playing.'Wednesday in :; Technicolor Diamond .Horseshoee'. Starring BETTY 'gil'RABLE DICK .HAYME3 It's Just• .Sim 1 p y..Geo;genus NEXT• Friday,'Saturday, Monday •', ' "CUBAN PETE" COMING _< • "GREEN FOR ' DANGER"," —iirgrfrylas. F. iv ac " nnon, H. Houston, Mrs. I. °Dickie, Mrs,. F. Gilchrist : and Mrs. R. Martin, diet- by Betty and Joan Hamilton„; a recitation by Allan MacDougall. Mrs: Hughes conducted . several "contests. Mr. Campbell.` Thompson. was guest speaker, :and gave as .an;, 'interesting topic on.Publicity. Mr.. Lance Moffat, who is .visiting rel- atives here,'spoke: briefly:. ' The closing remarks were given by Mrs. A.•=Hughes, after whish.' the national anti em was sung A:, social ,half`. hour' was then enjoy, • • ,a • 4 r• 0, • auna ]ria araum ■nungagsaa■sd Mnnosnaumnin aria ■ 4; ■ BY-LAW NO.. 13 `1948. • i • ■ • • • With the light of .resurrection, �. .Wher our' changed bollies .. . ■, •. And:: we gain.",.the Ali: perfection TILI TIS The Lucknow District. Co -Operative. ]incorporated: have been assured of materials` to , ix 1,000 tons of all the usual brands of Co -Op .Fertilizer. This ;was '.last 'year's • output, so You ':urs. u if 0 Y may be confident' of,having .your order filled y • is one of ' the first '1,000 tons; • r The brands ., 125 l � `ute• bags follo�uving bWill be packed in b a g' and delivered free of • charge within a ]radius of 25 miles: Co -Op. 2 12 6, 2 12 10, ' 0 14'7, 0 12 .10, 20%; also triple, strength pebble will be_. packed in 100 lb. jute bags.. • OIiDEE 'NOW AIVlb SAVE %DISAPPOINTMENT Phone 71, Lacknow ,ucknow . ' JOAN JAMIESON, kgr. Which He loved to soothe. share? • Alrtabe way. .by, which ,He led us, All, the, grievings: Which He; bore, All the: patient iove..IHe"tatightus, Shall we think of •theme no' more? We.1 al'i read the tender.•nieaning: and Of the sorrows and alarms,: As we trod the. desert, :leaning,. Ort His: everlasting arms; Arid 'His , rest. will' be the • dearer When • we think of 'weary- ways, G And 'His ,light will' shine the tie As rise oi cloud• Y days. The . The Great Cigar Butt' Mystery: . Who's. filching a .senator's half- srxioked •' ;cigars .and '`. replacing them with shorter .butts Be''sure- to read, George Dixohni 'ast 'entertain- ingmysaccount terry, in. "Well, That's Washing -.I ton', a feature in ` Pictorial Re- view,. magazine of, humor, fiction, cartoons, Hollywood reports and snrpr°ises, with this ' 'Sunday's'. (February 8) issue of -The Detroit.' Sunday ',Times.. F THE CORPORATION, OF ,T COUNTY OF HURON • s:a-I,h t b s �A� :o Bounty • : `WHL''`REA:s,. it is deemed adviseable and ex edient`• that the .a. gOrporation of the County Of 'Huron' establish: a' fox ■ bounty: rt . ■ AND'. WHEREAS; ..is is deemed . adviseable that the A'gricul- •s,, ■ ture Coinmittee establish rules -and regulations connected i.. \ therewith: , R THEREFORE,; be it enacted and it is hereby enacted,,that * ■ ' the Corporation of the. Count Of Huron establish; a Fox County . s Bounty:of'.$$'�0.0 per head 'for aduTt'foxes•.-and $2.00. 'per-u.r-• ad::: for• fox` pups, d t" ■ � he es roved in flies County .,during :any .• ■ month of :.the . year. e_t• 111 .- ; Alb. be it' further, enacted, •' that the Agriculture• Committee ■.` ' . establish rules . and regulations • to control „,the payment :is. of said Bounty. ■� This. By -Law shall come into force and effect upon the �' { date . of ' the final passing thereof. • ,. i Read a third time 'andpassed•• this 23rd day of 'January, ■ ■ 19.48. • r 4 • N. W`MILLER,, Cleric HUG1/ BERRY; Warden • ■ t ■ v MI • Rules and Regulations `' ■ ■ 1, The' payment of bounties. shall .be the . responsibility of •• • r r` • the local Municipality, they in. -turn to be. reimbursed .by the ■ IN County} upon receipt of any account duly .signed by the 2 Clerk and peeve of the . local Municipality. ' :• • • n, s1' . � ■. 2, • Any, person, destroying a foie■ or•fox••pup must present' .111■ the whole carcass. to any• local Municipal Clerk, within the iti : County. within 48.'hours adesruction.. .« 4... o- \ of Huron • . •fter tu �. . .0 • ` ■ The Clerk shall mark or have ;marked • each pelt • with a r ■ • sl t, not less than . three inches: long, ••placed longitudinally i `' in the lower ' jaw. , . •E • 4, hle:pup of the -current year -.shall: be designated as a..fox �'. • • until after July 31st, • .... 1'. :u• « . signed, t • r N. W MILLERR, ■ Clerk, ,County of Huron, all ' iia tiiHiI$ aawusmalis iiIaw waaa> iaiar•■IMra hall, .., • 4 f •