The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-30, Page 12PAGE ; TWEL • ,4.THE: ILUC KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • TfURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 194'.. p . . . � • PONS. GOODS,MISCELLANEOUS, . . A. . - BAKING, AP-- — — -- 2 TO 10 �M., W. AUSPICES, KNITTED WORD .AND TEA ROOM-. / v / IT IS' ..NOT• TOO EARLY TO START ' pitting- Fora Chistmas We $ave A Large . Supply of ,Yarn. Rememilieir,Tlie Early Bird Gets.The. Chaiic ,.. TRESIDE:4-PLY DOUBLE KNITTING YARN—Thick, soft.;_ and .serviceable; : has all . thequalities demanded for • • 'Sportswear: • Makes warm ' `sweaters. Or coats:, Wide range of lovely ,colors--black,brown,medium blue, w; navy; beige, .yellow; :white,' wine, :reap, green & grey. CASTRA •YARNS -100 percent pure wool Pin .English yarn, r . suit ble for fine ;sweaters,' ''gloves,:.childrerr's gar- s me: BABY YARN is eine and soft, excellent quality for: infants' -war. Wla ter baby pink and blue Wll1 TING & SCOTCH 'FINGERING YARN -Blue, `mot tied, grey, heather, .drown;, red. , ISORN. WEDDING :; BELLS +Qoderi ,, on October 10th, •'1947; } tv 'Mr ''•and Mrs: Rai :Cook,• ,God 'prick a .son .. 41; a ° fi if „fir �pN tie.;: t'. frit 'g+ 4 !, CIL 4. o test 'Frees Entry Blank �aY� C • Rules .` call at' Thmnps!n's• • Tri t Europe, Win -a Free: Q+. rd the. ueen. for .two, aboa ,, � Q • . Here's another exciting Quaker Mary. flake st f fun - fo'r :•all the � • ramblin . the.,. tence: Get : free!; entryblanks at.. sen And ompsori's.. Frigidaire! " Washer! Y1� , aware!` These •are few °�d e 80 big prizes gvien, awa ; " y the 'makers` of ; Robin Hiiod Oats in their : contest .:now. 'running. You'll want to enter. when you see .the coxnple a list of won derful` prizes. inplete rules and C:entry : bla at Thomp- son's. The ie Store .of, lE'riendly Service `"'PHONE 82.. 'WE DELIVER: / 0. /. /. 0 i / / e m / / / / A pretty ,autumn wedding took place at the . home :.of the bride's parents on Saturday; October, ;11,. when 7Mariair Halliday 1VIacDon aid,; youngest daughter of Nil-. . and Mrs: Thomas MacDonald of Ash- field, became the bride: :of Leori ard Nenton. Huston,:son.:of Mrs, 1 Huston and thelate Wm. Huston of Huron. Dr: ' W . O Rhoad of 'at• 'Edited thed AsT E Mr,-Creba MacSween, .sanitary .ln.Specter; _of • :the,__ Bruce _ County . f lealth Unit, was .in the' village last week, and "tagged" . -the .34 village , wells. which" are -contain inated to, a degree as to test "D",: The red tag whichLwas affixed reads: -','.Warning; this well..is pol- luted! Waterfiom, this.wels must nest be used for(Oinking. purposes• unless boiled or chlorinated. By order of Dr, Wni: ,Fow.ler, .for Bruce County"..� • A numberof,households so,af- fected have had applications in for a time for the domestic water service, but material shortages have delayed • installation, Mr. MacSween reports an, improve- ment in .this ` 'situation.`. ' 'Home •; From Hospital" Mrs. Harvey Webster,, who' un- derwent . a • major operation.' 'in• • W ngharr Hospital two. weeks ago :returned home on Sunday. Following the ceremony, a lun- e eon uncl#eon ' was,,,,se , cf.' The bride's • dress of : powderOblue crepe'' with ,;.corsage lot bronze citrysanthe .. mums.The groom's • •mother• a's- sisted in; a dress of.gray., crepe •with'. corsage of p'iik chrysanthe rnUTnS For travelling the bride don- ried :a beige checked dr'essrnaker` suit.:' with ,black :accessories : ana ,corsage. of red ' roses, On their: ouble ring, Gere return from a,'motpr trip: through Monty" Which ;took place:before Northern 'Ontario, 1Vlr -and.' Mrs archway• of pink • and: white Huston will reside in Huron Twp, streamers banked with autumnauttunnt Guests from • a distance were flowers: i 'from •.Toronto, • Windsor; .London Traditional.wedeli +g music was and Sarnia played by -Miss Flora Andrew' "of London:, and.' Mrs. b rican Mac, Kay of I into 1, guest soloist, sang "Bless..:This.House"•.and "I'11.Walk. Beside You" w .ggiven. in marriage by ; her' father, was lovely •in. a- floor length gown of White,' slip , Tier' satin, fashioned.• with".a nylon MacDONALD=BOWE TA'faur o'clock wedding on Sat_„ ui day; • September 20th united' in 'marriage Margaret '.Ellen • $o e` 'and John Finlay -MacDonald.:t w. O.•. Rhoad'read 'the seryice..at Ashfield ;Presbyterian Church: The :bride is` the daughter` of Mrs': yoke inset at'the off;the-shoulder Stanley Drennan, ; Kintail, • and neckline pointed and . long .' ointed sleev es: ; Her fingertip veil was . held place by ?a coronet headdress of whited satin . edged .with seed pearls. She Wore' a necklace ;sof • pearls', a gift of ; the .groom•.and carried a fan bouquet of • baby. white chrysanthemums ..and 'Am- •erican Beauty, roses. , Mrs Alex • Andrew; sister of 'the . Jarnes . E Bowe'. of: •Detroit. Mr. MacDonald ' is the son of Mr. and: Mrs: Thos.: MacDonald, ; Ashfield: 'Mr.. Stanley: Drennan, gave the bride in marriage, For her wedding the bride was charming in a white satin gown bride, as matron' of Honor, wore a : gown; of rose silk jersey Her'. headdress ,was : pink ostrich tips and she'. carried a fan bouquet of bronze ..and mauve cf trysantle-' mums.} Donald It Cameron, 'Rip. - ley, brother` in-law of ; the groom; was groomsman. .Jean. Ann . Richards 'niece .Of the bride, and Kathryn Cameron,' niece of the groom, Were flower' girls; dressed alike in , gowns.' of nylon marquisette Over . ,taffeta of Yellow and blue ;.respectively. They wore ribbon ' lheaddresses and carried' nosegays of: auturnnv flowers. U� :ITED.0 H . •.' '�U RC l! 114, U N K C •OW. Rev. J. W. ;Stewart, B:A;, B:D. • Pastor . SUNDAY, NOVEMBER rad • 11 a.m.= "Good Listeners".•• Story --;'A Little ;Boy's ' Hard. •Questions" . ' 12:15 .m — . p s`unaay Stool; 7 pari.—"A Great,Man Fails . • FOR ... *OMEN'S GOLOSHES' A ` iX rubber pull -on •black and brown: • goloshes with. side. zipper,, � medium: heels. - RUBBERPULLiONS• hz black a d brown, ah heels. • „..-4 .$249t' • MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS ' wrath • built7ii •arch, MEN'S, ANKLEFITS ARE BACK All Sizesn Stock' but quantity limited. atth..veiiu.1 0 r, [n Plain :and:. Fufri..trim NEW. GABARDINE.SIfITS: I-IOUSEDRESSES,f 14 20, ` *.4.4 AMBRIDG god Line of Samples in -MEASURE SUITS READY TO -WEAR SUITS MEN'S OVERCOATS, PARKA and WINDBREAKERS, EN'S & .LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR styled ;with fitted bodice: and full hoop skirt extending into 'a long. train',.edged 'with` Lace.. The same lace . was •repeated'. at the .neck- line and: ruffles in, the *skirt. Her 'fingertip veil of illusion fell from: "a• sweetheart: head piece trimmed Iwith seed pearls, in a.' design .of orange':blossom. She carried a cascade of white roses and heath- ,er with:.White satin streamers: LulaBellech . of Detroit was. maid ' of 'honor.. She wore ;a gold; taffeta :with • a bertha collar' and bustle back: 'Her flowers 'were a cascade. 'of • gladioli... a ' he four:rides . i ,T bbma ds in match - ng ':rose .taffeta 'and : aqua. taffeta gowns. with peg skirts, •cap sleev- es and matching 'gloves; Were •Mrs. Alex Coburn . of .Chicago, sister of the bride; Misses' Marjor- ie and :Anna Mae Blue' of Detroit and Miss •Ardonna. Johnstone: of Lucknow+ They ,carried: cascades •ofgladioli• to match. their -gowns. •: `Drennan, sister:::ofthe brideand M arY • Edith •Agnew Of •`Detroit, , , e d t g n k n one e Mrs': n S r; wire pink and blue'nylon:.over taffeta'fashioned like that of'th, maid -of honor. ';,They c'a r r i e ga f. and arnations nosegays o. Pinks.• � David MacDonald served as:.bes ' • man for: , thev. groom .and • seatin the guests were ,Messn,Ala MacLean, .'Bob McIntosh, Jac • "acme. MaeK�enzie and Rodney M "fi ld. .non all .of e . Ash : .Following; the ceremony a. buf ,tet luncheon', was 'served ,to undred• and . thirtyguests, at: th h. home of the. bride's' Mother: Mr Drennan ,received• the . guests. i ,a black crepe dress with anateh ing accessories 'and corsage of red roses:,. The groom's. mother 'assist ed in "a •'powdre blue •crep&:dress ., with'~ black •accessories;' and cot', sage of .pink: •roses. e sts • "re• present from D -. guests Were •troit, Toronto` London; , �Windso St. Clair. . Shores, Ripley, Lock7.• Thetwo flowergirls, little Anne now,. and "GO,derich: • Jr Rs, i• • le Store Ct; • ith : 'The Stoc r r Y4: