The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-30, Page 8'*1 PA.C4 EIGHT. •• ops s 0.4 1 1 ta. • • • • F. 7. ARMSTRONG , • The Square'Phone' 59 J. , This Optical practise located nn - ' are Goderich; hone 59-J' Tha Squ ,, Y. ... p , • has a• qualified optometrist .Pre- pared to :eive your ' eyes the at. tention th y dema•nd. your are re two most delicate.. rgans'• :and• should re- ceiye the correct. attention -.they '• deserve. You c • not be too careful with your eye .. Very frequently eye . trouble s arts from the slightest defect. I you are , having any trouble ith your eyes it• will pay you, to consult F. T. 'Arm- . strong fo an examination' which may save you, future trouble, and pain. 'Their o actice extends' all over this sect en and they. are glad • :,at all •'ti es to have people from this •Vicin ty, visit their office. 00 1i;RITISH,' ` " •C • TOURSDAY, OCTOBER 30; • 1947 tories necommenaing Goderich BusiiieS5. CLTLBERT'S° BAKE04 "!the : Home' of Tasty Pastry" • BLUEWATER BODY '& FENDER SHOP- Phoie 107 gri ige Street :: 27 West St* ; Plioine 465111. 65 •eaturin a ° ecrmplete body.,. 'ed on� • This po.,pular faker beat aintin and :rnech. Wes Street : Goderich, cordially. 'fender, auto p • g t 'apical` repairs to'all. makes ' of invites' the: peop$e' of this;section . � • • a ed in God- ers k °r . Manufactux=, 'cars,. , this firm is :loc t , iS�Ba e. ta' visit t b erich. Duco and'.Delux .refinish- hof• fine home -baked pastries,. .; . , •• i -in ' and a ort Work- Yoh ' u ' ,ing, simon z g , ou 'may 'rest. assured you , will. anshi make their.service com- Work - find their . service ideal, manship p • plete in every' department. 'Yf' you stop in at ,this popular bakery.: you- will understand why They. have installeinstalledthe latest Y more and more people every day of equipment for a complete re - speak of their products as "every pair service, No'' matter what kind of. smashyou ; may have been ' in you will find that they will ,be able to ''take •' yo r car or truck and 'et it. in. such condition . that 'pet would .never- know' it had ',South Side of - Square -Phone 691 • This hote • is 'noted. th its fine ser pointinents. The Brit' viewed wit fiiagubiic� (•located in Goderi• ch; oughout. Ontario for ice and excellent ap-• h Exchange Hotel is' favor by the travel nd .commercial trade, partake ' With ,keest� enjoyment f •the luxurious and •up •oto date acilities ' Of this mod -'ern hotel; y rs. Peflow, propriet= ''ess• and s ft strive at alltunes, toplease.: heir . guests , and ,oy are ' .widely 'roc gnize d and ackn ledged for ; heir superior coxigen.-` iality$`and„f iendliness. - We. , take 'plea`suren recom-' hotel, and mending �th's excellent to all our lends; throughout the district we o not hesitate to • .s u g- gest you v itthis popular stop- . toP ping place. t e nexttime are in-'Goderieh.� bite a delight''., : • Culbert's. p. a k,e r y specializes in wedding and birthday cakes and cakes of the better kind; They have a • large patronage all over the section ' and because: of the, been in a collision.. ' popularity of their products they.'I. If -in' motoring over the' high - modern continually;,adding. new and If have been -bumped, and; modern e q ui ment to •supply the I'the body of 'the car is : dented, or q P 'bo y demand fenders bent, lamps crushed, etc., This' baker •a s,. 'articular at -around " to the . Bluewater Y pays P•drive .roan telition to '` •sanitation and uses Body & Fender ' Shop:I and they, of their ,products to see that:they are; pure .and fresh at ill 'times.. In this ` review of the leading .firms in Goderich, we are glad to! refer, Culbert's ; :Bakery . to our readers. • M&E•AN: BROS.' 42 North' Side of 'Square. Phone 77 • —,- -- o: o • 1P£LaT)I11=;LR£T11 rARK T_ ••J East' St. ' • Phone 470 At : this ' up- to -date Fruit =::Store; located on• East St., Goderich, one li s of . h clean tine oft e assured s is ss their. products 'and• their prices: oannot be.- bettered anywhere:' At, this.' well-known. fruit. mar,7. ket• many of. ourreaders'get their I bles favorite.. fruits : � and ,,vegetables knowing•,that they are fresh, ripe and • wholesome, . In• the ; way of out -of -season 'fruits and vege- tables,--a-large-variety 'of 'the ege-tables, a -large variety'of'the best- assorted. nuts, . 'etc., this ;store is unsurpassed When wanting anything ,in this. . line we are • glad to tell our'' read- look like new,°...at very that it"will , little .cost •'• °; a this., district the needs, de- sires .and demands,. of the male : population are more than,'satis-•• • tied • at McLean Bros.,.; Goderich This store represents the ,highigh- est''type , o f goods. which' not . only __this , store. stands behind'but the manufacturers will back • :up- in every detail, The very latest, vogue and , most'; exclusive• cloth- :frig,: haberdashery' :and furnish-.' Ings will 'be 'found 4ft .v'ery. at- . tractive, prices. McLean Bros: 1 are prepared to' serve. this community with • the ;!latest and 'up to 'date : stock • the' xnarket` affords., Men, Take •:'a tip make. Mc- •Lean Bros:. .store your stylehead- quarters . in. Goderichi o0 . MANNING REFRIGERATION SERVICE 50 Elgin Phone 1098 This Goderich firm• is located at 50 Elgin,. Goderich. They know the.'' refrigeration'busimess and of- fer a, competent repair service on all .makes. • They: have a most complete line knows that Filsingers Jewellery of - 4upplies for your .refrigerator, so no platter what part you may require, it will,paty you to and Gift ,Store is headquarters _ - ."et in. for watches, -.diamonds, silver •. g ers to visit:,the•'fGoderich Fruit Market and 'see for yourself the large assortment ,of :fresh:'produce. that , this store offers to.. the •o d "1e f • the district.. peo- i • Mr. Evan Louzon, the propriet- • or of • this store, - welcomes the', people from Goderich, and sur-. rounding district and is 'well known. •:'to. many. ' , Lucknow Fruit .Market is an associate-: store. which . also has these fine quality fruits and vege tables. • ... o'o - BROPHE•Y'S FUNERAL SERVIC•E Lt :3lriiticea1:_ . t: Phone 120 5 This modernfuneral home is at, 13' , Montreal Street, Gbderich. It repPresentsthe well -'resected and substantial institution of the corn munity that ''serves '°the` public '.in an unselfish manner The have a Buie, restful place, affording- all. the : -privacy ::comforts. and con- veniences .of a private residence, as :well as an institution for,, the Service . of • Known 'to conduct' funerals. in an ;admirable manner,' the ir exr, ceent. facilities Make it possible' for Ahem. ,to render : a complete service. We wiskin this review to compliment Brophey's ” Fiineral Home •oil the satisfactory'.service it . is, offering the people of this section. EMERSON'S'^DRUG STORE' The Square Phone °45, ular .: I;D.A. store in • This. pop Goderich' carries a ;complete line• of imported perfume's; colognes; toilet waters, cosmetics, 'a . wide • variety of • veterinary Medicines,' medical supplies lies and•they • are specialists, in filling,, prescriptions, The, fact that. 'the management has had a• thorough training in the .profession;. makes • them very careful, in ,the filling of all . pre- scriptions• to see ' that the com-, •pounding is correctly •done, prop- er.: directions -are attached and everything is exact. Candies and specialties as:'well as the long line of druggists sun- dries are here furnishing the pub- lic with the most accommodating Gservice • • ro • We are glad to compliment this modern store as a .business and. professional concern • which. is. •right abreast .of the times, and to. those who desire- anything in ..an o FILSINGERS. JEWELLERY & GIFT STORE The. Square Phone'' 130. Whet!er selecting` ‘ )ewelle ; or a gift for, a wedding, birthday'' or for any other occasion, you will find that' when ,you make your, chgice'"from the' stock. .Offered At this popular up-to-date j.ewe1lry store, In ' Go�derichga you ..will .pot, only be choo-ing : in good taste,' abut will be selecting something' that; will give' pleasure ` for years to come.. • Of, course everyone • ---= o o • ESQUIRE GRILL The Square touch with ,them.: ,ware, clocks,'1 golden -ware „and In many' instances, the trouble is just some .minor defect which can he ,remedied in a very short time • when taken 'to a. reliable shop such as Manning Refrigera- tion Service, but if not taken care of immediately, serious trouble • ; can and will develop,,,With this in 'mind" we recommend the Man ning " Refrigerator, Service for all refrigeration servicing: } up - ed you'' visit 'Emers Stole .the . next tiiiae' •Goc4rich. Phone , 272 A 'Better Place to .Eat �"• .The care -taken here in the pre- paration•'of food is a :satisfaction,. and one is; sure that. 'sanitary. me- thods are foremost. The entire staff of this home-like.;restaurant strive at all: times to please ':the eustom'er: It is on this boast that. a - successful , business thrives and the :owners. of the Esquire Grill strive .to please their customers With' quality andservice• at reas- onable prices:. • • n's Drug ou are in 5 VERNA'S BEA17TY . SALON t Ne : gate St... • . Phone, 11095 ecializing in permanent Wav-. they` win give, you a wave that will more than`satisfy. „They - , hey• are located ' on Newgate Street, Goderich,' :phone .1095,- and are specialists in .,all; the .newest, methods." Verna's . Beauty' Salim` is amply prepared to. serve you in the field of beauty culture. A. shop of this 'nature deserves the Patronage. of -the women' of the district, and the splendid'• re- putation they .have attained is mostly due to the high :state•'of' efficiency ••on the part of the op-. erators, Through. their•'well chos- en. treatments •'they areable to. bring out •these• lmpoi•tan.t.,qual- ities of youth, dignity ,and good •grooming which are so necessary •for women of today to attain, Ladies! Verna's Beauty Salon .of- fers a complete service in` beauty,, . culture.' We are pleased to refer the services ` of Verna's 'Beauty Salon to_ !ou•:without hesitation.7,4 :CIE - 1�i..St ti lkel- 1 p:c,i • Ladies . Wear . Phone 56 `East;:.5ide :oaf • Stluare • ' 'This establish theeast ent':on. • side of the':'Sq 'Square, Goderich , need's nointroduction• to our wo.- Men readers; It'conducts a fash ion centre 'for ladies from all over. this .part of the' country. . I Y n'•the'wa of seasonable coats and' dressesthey carry the very latest. P atter s f o n.wh ici to s el- ect The stand back of all goods' which they sell : and as a -'c onse quence the ladies ' '.over, the ad joining;territory, have great con- fidence i in the ;reliability of this store No "matter whether it is a morning, aftrnoon, evening or sport garment that you desire, you will ' find :here a 'complete. stock. They also., carry. :a 4ery i ' f ' drys. curtains g�odine q.,., g, ood� s, curtain netting, etc:. Ladies' Take atip from the writer. Make` Geo. 'W, .Schaefer Ladies' Wear your ' stylehead-. quarters in Goderich: • So it is that we tell our read- ers: try Esquire Grill, the, Square,,. Goderich, phone ;272, the next ,time you are.in Goderich: everything else that ,pertains to a modern complete' stock of jew-' ellery. They carry a• complete:: display • of fine English China. • In fact, in this review, we take pleasure in recommending Fit. singers Jewellery• and Gift Shop as worthy,. of your fullest con sideration for anything m the jewellery line. .,;' • 0 0,-= OVERHOLT TAXI 0 0 E BRECKENRIDGE'• Hamilton 'At Phone` 135 When; it .is; paint or : varnishes, one knows' that Z. •'B•reckenridg_e. ...._ .. _ is :. paii3t,rheaiiquarters, and. is 1 where you -*ill find one >; of the. . largest ,and widest varieties of p, saints ;in this sectidn Locate' in Goderich they have' been i_n biisi. riess for: many. "years arid are ;de 5 fir m lwa's This a . pendable: Y strives: to please its : customers and will seeto• it `that.,you ,get - the Plaint or, varnish that you de- sire. R; The.Y ' carry • a • wide range .o paints and• varnishes, ` enamels, painters. supPhes, -'etc , offe iri i •g • the ..ibt st at, • most reasonable prices:- This firm• are sole'.agents, for S,eper-Health, aluminum• - �- ing- wea'r': and' do plumbing and., heating installations.• •Brec•ken' welcomes' he E:.rid eg . people from ' this ' section^ and is always glad; to . have them drop; into this up-to-the-minute paint store` •any time :you may be in • Goderich ° MATT:: GAYN. OR, AUCTIONEER •54 Anglesea St....Phone .787-J Matt Gaynor is well kriown.to all, our 'readers: His office is at. 54 Anglesea Street, Goderich, Phone 787-J, T• N Mr, Gaynor is one of the. fore most auctioneers in 'this 'part of the:provinee., When: his name ap- pears on your sale .:bill, everyone knows ,it • will be one worth at- tending. Remember, the rndstes- sential thing in ,the preparation of a .public sale is the auction= eel .4w,1- You may have a lot of;valuable things to offer; ,but if yoti don't, get a first class auctioneer; your sale will be .'a failure.. That, is why we refer, matt -Gaynor • to You, He. has proven tha.he can close sales ; : rapidly,: with people. Kingston St. Phone,455-J - :'This Well known taxi ; service knows the answer for their" sucz cess „ Cpurteous ::drivers, good clean cars, arid up to the minute business .methods feature •Ove'r•- "holt's Taxi Service, Goderich, phone 855-j. They are continually giving every consideration to the public demands and certainly dei• serve' .mention in this review when 'the betier businesses of Goderich are Mentioned. Court- esy with every call is' their. motto.So with pleasure we are glad 'to' suggest Overhoit,',s Taxi se,.rvice to our readers and•,friends when in need of anything in.,,th,is. line. , • who will be responsible financial- ly. in this'teview we wish .to con- gratulate Matt Gaynor and•:'to re. commend his Services t� all ryur reader.. ' ° ' .Mil• 0 JACK AND,:• JILL STORE• `' Children's. • Clothing West Street Phone ' 76G 'Conveniently. located in God• erich' on West. Street, ' his ;well known children's .`wear .store in: deed.: serves' verY irnport'ant•, , need in keeping . our little ,dart ings looking .pretty: At this store• a e finds everything' '„for the c ' dren :.that .can be '.found any-. .wh re. • The management., follows :the', market closely andanything new in style or comfort will be,. found this store: at roost reasonable' at prices.. Realizing the; difficulty found . in securing ..many items needed, the .Jack, ani Jill; Stare ' i'nakes • 'every effort .t0 . serve and `satisfy their 'many 'patrons', result have won .the' confidericer•' '.,µ ..•. ublic t.' of •the p , ''rb resp: an respect In this review of.;the .p g sive business houses Goderi- ch, .. the writer takes pleasure in tell- ing frienddss a P .. nd prospective pat- roes tt visit the Jack and Jill the next. Brite.' you. are in . Stereth Goderich. • ;