The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-30, Page 1h a ',&ear. _ In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. ' At_OUSINLAG BEFORE B 1 LUCKNAW QN __ .. ._ __ •. MRs. ;PRANK COLE PASsSE$' • • The death ors ;Frank Co occurred on Monday at the nom The local,.housing situation :was, of'her .=da hter, .Mrs.- L ioyd Hi the chief matter for discussion, ai` dred, South Line,; Kincardi the regular meeting of! then Luck.: Township,' Where :she •had •bee mow Business Men's. Association. ' cared for, for the past f;. w o �..� e. m nth ;last' week, Mrs Cole was. formerly Merger • The cgncensus of -opinion: • was Ferguson .and was 75 years of .a • that the Wartime Housing pro- The funeral service was held g position should be'investigated Johnstone's " Funera Heine; . Funeral,,e Qn1e:., • ft111y,: •andinformation sought to Wednesday •:`afterri . y oon. with rete -see, if houses -could' be` built in :ment.:in Greenhill' . Cemetery. speller ,groups than the original �1an, which called for fiftyfits.. P � The opinion• of the meeting was that ten homes here' would do ,much to relieve the moat 'essen- tial essen-tial needs.' " 4• Mr. Larryy, • owns secretary• f Aa le me' ne et e, at o Masquerade Dance Friday : • The Ladies Auxiliary to' th Canadian' Legion Auxiliary - holding. masquerade dance in the To' Hall on Friday night, with cos thine prizes .:for fancy' and comi the Association, was instructed to ladies and gents. '.With a , Hall •contact a • district ' municipality ween,party in the,Arena, follow where homes fare under construe-. ed:by "this. big: masquerade eve tion under this plan. -His unof `,'in the hall, Hallowe'en'will : be ficial, information was that: a' pro- _well. observed locally,: offering ject might be. launched,for`as' :e lent 'of: e" d .. might few W P . y entertainment ;a'n d :as .fifteen homes; amusement for 'evryor g,' lt • was the purpose of the B. M.,. A. meeting that any ' inforrna- AGED ST. HELEN'S LADY Y �... tion' that • could, be obtained' be. ENJOYS LIFE 'IN MONTREAI. passed on•�to the Municipal`Coun ` ; • with- r r•` r: �' ii:�#wS4, 'St' "Mrs. r•' `+e , vv�o.• c�°y:e4�r- ° :-� ._� . z2 , this; ' 'A .chic Anderson: is xmk body investigate the matter.. e, ing her, home in• Mont leaf' wit , l , In the early.stages :of Wartime.,Mss Elizabeth Anderson,wh Housing.'a'ctivities this unici - a1= conducts the Echo Nursin �' o n?r ,l? g Home: ity had the plan officially outlin- Mrs.,Anderson Is• .qu•ite. contented ,'ed 'at:a public -meeting: The un- and° fully : enjoying.life. gin . the dertaking calledfor 50 homes; but, lyiontreal' metropolis" where'... she. i: th _ n • -' sal e m h' u bet• s s e has could.; sse Y be s li en: `iii d t or .' pion e a in p g a few. adjacent; municipalities:: Lucknow. ;weeks • thaii in . the -previous ',79 at that time tried' to: get. in 'on.. Years; She 'will ,:be eighty ea - g - ,.... g Y Y rS a .:Goderich project, but' fo ridgy of age•'on December 27th: u they were too 'late • in ' applying �. and that ' Go eri ch - MOVE TO TOW d c could handle � N .the entire 'number Mrs. the',meantime: Miss Margaret there.:h:ave �'g et Henderson andMi* 'Fred Jackson coil 7 , 0 homes bunt;; in d' Henderson • ;Lida by Wartime.'Housin Confit-` ha-ve reeved -to. the: •village. -to ed g ;make'.their . , including such nearby towns home "iii the residence as' derich,• Li ,, istowel ' Ston a.' RILIFAR BOTTLE MONEY A :ilk bottle'iahief was busy in'town• • during ',theearly hours of Sunday morning, and netted Sonne $6.00 'for", his _efforts. _it is •: estimated. The haul -was-:increase ed. considerably • by 'a .$2.00 bill which had •been - put in a 'bottle. for 'the, • purchase; of tickets. -The' night ro "ler"- .•P vp. Ctfverecl. • a • good: deal of the'Village in his . Pilfering .escapade. '�• ,, g Bottles :� :with remained untouched, but e bottles that had, contained money. a. generally disappeared from wn door- steps, 'and were later found toss, ed away on. lawns or gardens.. c . It' is the first serious milk 'bot-• o- tie raiding :that Fairview. ;Dairy has exper` enced• and `the.•sale of t tickets has soared,'. since the, in cident. h , ,' Chesley is at ,prese'nt turning. to' this, plan to 'relieve their;: housing p ,.. ro . Mems, azxd'•defrnte action has . been taken by .•the Town,. Council. to have •Wartime. Housing 'Make` a; surve in Y . that: town and re= • commend the:: ;number ” of houses considered necessary. Mr. C. G Hoose' of •'Wartime. -Housing •lattended the Chesley Council':meetin When .g the above action :was decided ';upon. Several .F Legion e •` meet fins, and Other' iens,.;:were also, present. :ASSESSMENT APPEALS The Village' g Council sat as • a Court of:. Revision :at a' special •. meeting ;on Monday night, when: three assessment appeals.. were • heard. 'Two of the three assess-' meets .were upheld ' In :.the third case a' reduction .o f $300 `• `w'a granted on,1 ,S the Keaarney. lt►,ts. , I RETURNS FROM VISIT •,. ,. TO B C. AND'CALIF • • ORNI'A of the•'late F.' D. MacLennan Which. ;they` purchased •this, sum reel They •have, sold their 100 - acre Huron Township farni tr: Alert • McTavish :CLOSE ° CALL I:' GOO$• TI1'IE FOR ALL AT HALLOWE'EN •PARTY FRIDAY : t Everyone from town end'coun-' try .is'welcome at the.•Hallowe'en ` Party :in :.the Arena on Friday' -night: It's free toe all With several '2 ..tilt: local' .organ$z'ations :.financing the event, ,which will be' in ' charge of the Clans/nen.. PLANS GOING WELL Mr, Dan 4lton . ?resident�of the, _.. Bruce ,County Old Boys and Girls • :The 1947-4$ Hockey organiza- As • ciation of Vancouver, . in re- •titn was set up atr a •well' attended newing his Sentinel,•. says that meeting 'on Wedriesda ni ht but everythinggis : g oin well $ , g g Wil #here. rn• • • • _ , . , what 'ice -action atom we�l� see th'r • regards plans' for ' the : trip to s winter is still a bit uncertain.. Bruce next year; The Club officers icexswere, a pp.Earlrex this month, there. were p•oirted 'as' follows:` President, •already. ninetyB. residents' ..• G.: Hugh.Cumixrg,•`'secreta':=trea ur p•s- signed a 'to dune Bast'xon..the a ,reunion special-„ ,The,• ,Vancouver `Assocation is' ;also in touch with Bruceites.• in, Alberta, Saskatche- wan and;: Manitoba and the "hbmecomi'ng"• is expected, to be a 'big success.' - HO EY PI ANS:'.. ARE IN'EF'' .N1�TE•• - er, R W. Andrew; executive com- mittee, Clark. Fiala 'so Leonard r. fixL Qa , .., 1VMacDonaid, .Larry: Downs;' 'trans- portation .:committee; Go r d'o n Fisher, " Ernie . Crawford, Stuart Collyer, Harold Ritchie; manager, • Wellington McCoy: : The discussion :centred chiefly MOVE•TO MITCHELL around 'entering' an 'Intermediate' ••� .: O.H.A. • team,.. and; the question. ::.Mr: Thomas; McGhiire and his' •. , arose . of . obtainmg a'' playing : daughter Miss Jean ''Med ire, ► coach.' 'Such 70aftitehres.....licer.poeu.t1,ve?, . moved to 'Mitchell ' oiz: 'Saturday,' ' in the hands whe , they will make . their m' ; embers of which •have ' been .; ome:..They bought . a residence' «, ,; • �aokxng :around to ,see• ; what. • ; here in' rhe. spring, but could ,material is available:: not obtain os essi p, s ion until now.; • ";A few :`.."i or . „' Since• Nit. McGuire':a"mp is would ';be • and ` Jean �, ' necessary; to ,round out `a strong :. rrioved• frcen,l•their `farm -'on Con. 'sntermedia e club, .arid.' Spats . to ✓• •: • ' :Hur orrT..otvnsh 'they ': p. p, th... y have place ,any. such •: la. ers are being esided here: in the "'e i p y. a ng' r s denCe of �Iooked for Jennieebriffin.. � The meeting discussed• at' some '. •. length the ;splitting..of` the Hock RUCE:.DL N �. �: '# ERY LAYMENS u: r^ <, N � ..Iub s • pot at the end � .of the' �;, ANQUET HERE TUESDAY season. ` Such rocedure • .• .-. P .. .handl caps: a : Club •starting:.,the next, Th • e Bruce.' ce Deaner Lam n e s• Y Y �eai s operations and the meeting ori_..tet Was `r A _,.. . , • ';hC ...- q held in Lucknow voted that no..,player 'split be "` ori.'Tuesday.: ...._evenin :.• g -:.,.:,with: the ,t .m.& except on. °'that' portion :og :... as henna ' of t more .than •10p' ac-`1:s�u plus that 'dight '.exceed $200. • corrirnodated vin', the., Presbyterian esbyteriaii •�:�. " .� . • m ' end- then. at the.discret>;ozi: Of, the • •, ch,urch•.basemCnt, Representatives.•.9exe u .. ; . c_. five and pia ors. '.' . were ' r went 1:' . P roan. par••ishes; from: , �'he. question - of • <minor . lea ' � Lion's Head .th ' Pert Alb t... - gaol �' - hockey: activities•'was ,not decided Mr., Chas. Hewitt of Kincardine ded` • � ., ardine . One, ro • sal � has . .t0 woe VV s e}.. p Po. been..tQfir': �a ha . man ''and ,the•. guest operate a hzghSchool teaz`ri.:iri the:. i eaker was. Mr. ., 1v1.;.4: .Garland • London, Executive teaiigns • .•ht has: ' since been �,. proposed.,that • 1�:the team o ertate their own p w Shaw;, w.' ' 1 ch. h no,d u '. 0 �bt would eliminate m in t the r - # e ` r ': e n ' tas� o a, rt to. xi t t h a ems, P • • There are, •worthwhile cash IR prizes • for "costume classes .frein :afire -school• age : children to adults, and :well, therer '' willbea . • s. - orfs p B program for. the _children -With: cash prizes •offered . • Vieb _ i• g'event,:,gets �'uncter„way, with a colorfulcostume parade at 730 headed by the High School Band: And ..by. the way there y , y will: be free -hot. dogs 'and pap' at the. arena for the. children. - • ENGAGEMENTS .. . sp 112r :of s, Emily Boyle of Paris, an n:ounces • the -":engagement :ofher iSecond ; daughter, ' Cathleen '.La Verne to• Chester Charles, •oni'y ` Son of .Mrs.- Janet Twamley,=., of Woodstock, ,formerlcknow;•• u the, marriage. to:; 'takeplace' in .ba .INFANT . $, itlr;IPI At the Morning serelee service 4n the" nited: Church four infants were ptized by .Rev. J. 'W. SteWar, ; ists under the;present set-u� % t.p hey were; 'Pamela Eileen, dau= •Woodstock':on '1\Tovember 8th. •T' B:I NEER MISHAP titer of Mr. and. Mrs• g Jimmie t ivi i Burns;• Andrew. -Walter ion Of. •Wirth his:right arm .in a ..cast; ..: Mr. and Mics. . Ralph • Hodgins;: biAIi ING:•SALE ' • AZ for8� $, AAR :. • a about ;te`n weeks; Walter Rul • The Hackett's -: • Woi ripen' - s Mis- sion. is 'recovering frorii:-the shock sionar.y"Society •will hold. . their' -of. ' aTh D Thanksgiving , ay accidentJazaar' and home-made . baking on his Huron Township 'farm,,• sale' in Lucknow ,:on" :Saturday, that'.'.nearbi proved `• fatal. '• .November 8th. Walter was harvesting. corn, Wand BAZAAR : &EA' was following • the • .traetor- • drai corn binder <to. 'eriodical- The Ladies Aid will""' hold' • a ' p bazaar and 'afternoon teain. the Mrs .Win.. MacKeniiej r �.tu a reed last Wednesday from : a:' four months'. visit in British' Columbia and Cal`iforn'ia,' :Mrs, : uisiteci re•I•� .MacKenzie atrves. ;in Vanciuver and ' Victoria,' and was as particularly im= pressed with the la • a cli • ., ttr city from iriatrc and residential view- point; . Mrs, • s, MacKenzie : L was Angeles and.HollywoodtF•• Los ood in .Cali: fornix and was to to s. ken'' on a trip California des ort date farm, Where' she marvelled cess . at the prop. of cultivation ; ;of this , fruit, which must grow •in 'a climate rainless arid' receive' its • Moisture by irrigation, In M California Mrs, acXenze saw. Sadie die Boyd; hi hlr 8 h I. to g f f r• ' her s'• visit �tio thett`I�irrMvas. • Colorado,' : .Grand Canyon Coo o: Which -is a^'stu' „.Sight. • petidaus, ly clear it of •weeds, .which were Comsrmn`ity Memorial Hall. :: • •, at Withperfect fall •w. eather; pre- interferingwith the operation.'of Whitechurch FridaY.•Novern- viiai:ling: work • going 'on apacethe machine.Fromtime to., time .7th.,widening,cutting And filling Highway 86, eastward from' A. An executivemeeting was,: held onMonday evening when the Executive• :derided to' resign as a -body, ndiv a' � g e the 'pia kyers a free Douglas`soh. of Mr:> an - hand. to.' functi`on as, .'or. if,,: Y''the • d :IVlrs. Glen Tasker and' John .Her' -'wish to ; bort, son . 'of ,Mr...: and,,. . Mrs: ' Sara, Mc uilli•n.' . '-- ;-. PROPOSE TO "P4 AK E :ROAD Li he -would call to• the tractor oiler-,• ator to stop and when'the binder was cleared ,another' call would, signal hiiri.to, ;start.:; It was this procedure :that had .nearly fatal consequences,' In removing the ,weeds, Walt-. er's , arm became caught in� the machinery. -.His yell .brought the machine to a` halt,' but when he called -for, help' the operator "took it as the 'starting, ,signal, and put the machine in Motion. 'Walter's aim was pulled' farther• into the machine •►s he was : lifted bodily r ri•r. £ the ground, o h ound and lie was g , a h AUXILIARY . MEETING The f Ladies Auxiliary to.. the Canadian Legion, • •13 E.S:L.,` will meet :