The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-16, Page 7THURSDAY; OCTOBER 19, 1047, 11•O.P1 1 H ll , .• The' Sectional `meeting , of the Western Division of Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W, M. o r_ _ ia-=Oknatch =in C'aaada was held iii :Southirir loss 'Church, Mrs. RunSel•, Luck now,. and,,Mrs, A. MaeAuley, Rip- ley, vice presidents, presided, " The devotional . peric d was . in charge of Miss . Carr 'of• Dung'an,- ' ton auxiliary, Mrs.. D, 14 Kinnon, President of ' the South . Kinloss .au xiliary,_,welconcied; the delegates . and visitors 'to : Sou'ah-• Kinloss. church:" sectional meeting vas, t;on- oi'ed by having• as: guest'speakers three :highly esteemed., person ages, of the 'Presbyter. ian .church :the Very Rev: C. H. MacDonald,, Moderator of the :General Assem- bly,'also •Miss .Irene Stringer and Miss Marion Williamson, mission- •arias on furlough from India. Miss,: Stringer, •teacher . in the IViissiari• School in ,lharsi, Spoke of the present crisis in. India and stated- that ' ,there is greater op- portunity for missionary work in India than there.. ever. has.' been,. '.Letters coming ..from 'India .'bi'in'g -the, good: news that, the:' people ofIndia;, iintlus: and Moslems; • seem ,:more. friendly _than ever `.to- ward the Christians:1Vlore' work-. 4,nly,fi,.00O,OOO CCh •is{Ia°ns in a pep;.' -1 elation of 400,000,000. 1V , § s' Stlingei ", ,spoke of the desire, On the . pa'tf'11 .the people ' in India to puzeliase Bibles 'being so great: that . it. 'Was :impossible to supply, the: dc:manci She closed: her. 'ad, ",aha parting' message • THE: WCKN is Anyone Interested' . ; . In. Yqur'y'Troubles? ' - ' Consulting Psychologist Law- rence'Gould answers provocative questions like this one 'in hi,. fascinating "Mirror of your mind"" page, one .a -man h e W SENTINEL, L:UCKNOW, ONTARIO • • PAGE' 'SEVEN' ' 4. i the magazine with ' the ' alI star • QRD(N DBYELI, has 'been ap- cast, wlth this Sunday's (October L ° ' 193 issue Of The Detroit Times, °pointed chief of.,police at South= ampton and 'took over his duties this ' week. He served as night constable at ' Wingham for four years and • for the past four years '.'ori `'rkt".' X11. . A .131 FICIT. faced the Teeswater Fair Board in running a Special fair daybtrain from: Toronto. They 1n. -the redia year ago alsci and will drop:;'the'verture. - ive features rn Pictorial Be' i`ew, • • force. • • An old , cowboy went • to the city and registered' at: a . hotel for '- the the first time In iiia life. The clerk asked hira if he wanted a room with running water. • "Heck, no!" the cowboy yelled. trout?" • • 4 R • AVM ROM time to time, as a matter of public informa find it tog. our advanta a to wait a.l. 'little longer, until • Y tion, wed have published the Rtail Delivered Prices *piti• e are in a' ' oson'to deliver •a car against . . •- � styour gown of General Motors Automobiles. order.. ` Inaccordance .with, this 'practice and to eliminate,'qi1e are sorryto saythat e: delivery cry to you .rriay be any uncertainties or confusion, Nye.:are' again publish ifg a. ' delayed 'for some time yet' This is due;,'in particular, .... ...., --t-c:the-shiortage o many s re ierarZvr • done a �'. . s lendihd'pro u tion jobunder the ciretrm+a'• �c es - and expects to steadilY•ncreasethe rate ofproduction 4eanw i e.theseconditions, combinedwith the'wide `include,Standard ,Factory, E•ui ment Doniirii6n•Taxes andsPa tire Provincial and •Munieipa1Taxeswhere such • hlY, license fee; and optional 'equipment are Christian • 'wo'rkers, "Tell t h e church at 'home :that the church. Indiacan- and w4,1-1-•-ea-r-ry. Ori es long' as the ..church at. ;lio n remembers to pray" •A ' salo, "Over . There", was: ._:hesutifu,ily, -render'ed by Mi.s s Marion MacDonald;, 'Lucknow.: • The Very'.Rev. 'C, H. MacDon- ,.:aid. brought:' greetings trim the General Asserri•b1y'•'to• the meeting.. He spoke pi the_ :unust.ially large g • number . of 'young :petpi. ,wha-ar-e�vol�- untAr'ili.g fpr; mission•work, • and of the : need fot1 more workers, "What.. the church, -;needs tod, ay' , he• stated,. �`,is iriore ' consecrated: 'home's. , For., ' out of consecrated' •Homes come-the-�minis� e : t rs-for -our church„ ,Miss" Wiliatnson of ''the Bhil Field'' spoke :on the .condition' of India today. She also stressed the 'open door, . in •.India for: •mission works:I"n speaking of. the attitude• of -the. two ; warring •factions .to- ward the Chriistiian, she told:how.1 • at the time of„rioting in One city the Christians -painted crosses .on their homes ands so saved them sel4es' from ''harm:: They passed by houses baring this, sign: Miss • Williamson ,statedd that'. Christian • 'ty is . the only ..hope for India today, and she, also, closed' her address with a• plea 'for the, pray ers. of the Christians at home for 'this war-torn country.,. At the close : of the addresses. Mrs,., Black Kincardine, led' ` in prayer for - our missi6naries' and mission work. "" The meeting • was' brought to a close by the M erator. •• O•BITrUA•Ry Of ciitlLrse additional. We sell�these makes and models at the. prices shown. You rest'r may assu ed,we will distribute them. as fairly .• . � 'a possiblewit pr, sh ro er. re and 'for.orders' placed�'w 1 p _ th us and. dependent' upon ihe::availability of 'models.: • Should be. offered, from some other source, you a. new .car, .or.. one with' low,milea e, we suggest that: ou' e of the g g . Y a ltldt;marerthan th , rices'listod.'ou oibv w'1 •�, y . _ .. _ .e.: P---. 1,.�_.� ...i i tomlX.�,., MRS ALBERT. STEIN' The community of Donnybrook and, vicinity' were very sorry to he of•'d thepassing of Mrs. Al- b rt Steitz ii the' City 'Hospital at Saskatoon. Mrs. Stein was ''the • former Alice Tisdale, aind', Was born: near D.onhybrobk. After her marriage. to Mr, Albert Stein she lived on the farrn now owned: by • Mr. Beit Thompson . before going West, Besides her husband she leaves to mourti her passing three daughters, and ,.two sons,•. three brothers and one • s 'stern all living • ' ,in the West:; - PONTIA ',FLEETLEADER ,1110. Wheelbase Business Coupe :; Spoit.'Coupe 2. Door Sedan :. 1366.57 186 43 1553:00'. 4 Door' Sedan..... 1434.37 195.63' . 1630:00: Retail Dominion ' . Tot*, Price' Sales and • DelLaered'; Liss Taxes Excise Tax' (trice ... „ ..$1277:46 9173.54 :, 61451.0.0 1349.08 :,1;83.92 ' 1533,00' w FLEET'LEADER SPECIAL 116". Wheelbase, ti Sport Coupe .. 1444.40 . 196.60 16.41.00 2•Door Sedan. , . 1'62:95' ' 199.04 1662.00 Sedan :Coupe, ..... . 1489:25 202.75 ; 1692:00' 4 Door Sedan. 1526.97 '2'08.03 "173$.00 4 boor,Sport Sedan, 1550.85 : 211.15 ...1762:00. TORPEDO Ai: •119" Wheelbase Sedan Coupe' ....: 4 Door Sedan Spori Coupe • Business Coupe ... .. 15687.33 :.199.67 ' • 1707,00 peLux. Convertible:Coupe 2050:39 267.61 2326:00 2 Door.Sedain 1664.73' .209:27 ' 184.00 • • • 7607.90 •• • 219,10. 1827.00 ,;1.661.52. •. 226.48 ;1,888.00 1506:70 216.30 1803,00 TORPEpO EIGHT 119" VJ eelbase Businetss_Coupe ......... :....Y.: 1638.47. 20.6.53 1845,00 Deluxe Convertible Coupe 2118:53 274.47 2393:00 2 Door Sedan: ..r•..:.,. ,,.,•. 1714.86 216.14 1931.00 ' popularity ofGeneral Motors;ears,.aiid such,an unpre- cedented ydela mean'demandthat ' , # in some instances is quite inescapable: ' We entreat your patience- and: understanding-. while the shortage exists: We realize that 'our success depends nds upon the confit dence, and, goodwill of our many customers We Will • str ve 'at all tunes, through good .business• practices, to • j tstif arlo therefore retain, this most -valuable asset. ,' DE LUXE TORPEDO E +BHT Retail Dominion Total'• . • 119" vFrheelba'e LesPrice•e Ex `• Sac1e6and Delicerad,, s Ta•aise Tax' Price . • . • Sedan Coupe • x..$1744.40 $237160 :2$1982.00' 4: Door Sedan •. ... , .... 1797.99 245.01 ` 2043.00 Sport Coupe • .1724.20 234.80 1959.00, TREAMLINER' 'SIX 122'-' Wheelbase • : 2 Door Sedan Coupe 1759.85 ` 223:15 1983.00▪ ' 4 Door'Sedan :,... . • 1831.38 230.62 2062 00' "STREAMLINER EIGHT 122" Wheelbase `' • 2Door Sedan CQnpe ' 1817.78 . ,230.22 ,-1883:51 237.49 • 4 Dooredan ,• SPECIAL •-• 121" W� eelbase; Sedanet' . 4 Door Se•dan,. 048,00 2 100 i1613.82 ; .$234,18 $2148,00, 1990:44: ..243:56 2234:00 SUPER • ' :124" Whetelbase . Sedant:. , 2148.84 •268216: 241700 • Convertible :Sedan : : 2.643.72 '34i29' - .1986,00 4 Door Sedan • , 2259.84. ' 281.16 2541.00' ROADMASTER , 129" Wheelbase.: Sedanet ° 2493.20 306.80 2800400 .Convertible Sedan:..,:: ' ' 3036.50 385.50 • 3422;00• • 4Dbor Sedan.. ` •2629.97 322.0.3 ` 2952.00 • Prices 'subject to Change Without notice. GM -14` A GONTRAL GARAGE - 'SIUNCIC(I ritopiicts, f. • • 001,1 • i �rj