The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-10-09, Page 8ismisztim `),AGE. I IG THF. I.. UCHNOW :SENTINEL,, LTICKNO W, „ONTARIO; o .... . vs . v., . "lb 'ft. .p. -M .® "NO. +b 'LOCA FMR,` ON MUCH FAVOUR • Although chilly weather. pre• attended Lucknow's' 82nd annual` fall fair, ''whieh was declared among . the.. beat, in years with a full afternoan of: .entertainment provided-.; Indoor Merchandise and edu- rational •exhibits' Were more ,num,- eft ors and quite attractive includ- ing - displays_by, Wm, A. Schmid, Harold :Greer, R. .H. :Thompson, and • Sons? Mervin; . Solomon, Thomas Boyes, .Lucknow High School' ' ands, ,Lucknow : Library- Board. ibrary• B , t. -the oard. ' A guessing: contest a Thon�ipson,;• booth,' was won: by Ethel Haldenby • of Walkerton who received a basket of Canada Packers products. • . ' The Fair was,,, officially opened, by John , Hanna; IVI;P.P., who,, though he needs no introduction was formally introduced by 'Pres- ident W.. A. Miller. The school children's parade it1fl.gs .Q DieSs._Naterials:• . P • ALT..i WOOL TARTANS—These are . mpor ted pure wool nd plaids, Very gowns, for suits, skirts, jackets, slacks Ver popular Claris are McGregor, Menzies, " Royal Stewart. 54"' and 56" wide ; EOUNDSTOQTH CHECKS 'These cheeks take the lead. for: quits, slacks, sport ' jackets.. Black and white, brown and' white, 54 inches wide. WOOL DRESS CREPE. Right: up=-.to=-#fie-mQdernlstyle ALLbrown: and >wme; •,for' dresses 54 inches wide,, grey, •FANCY STRIPE : CREPE in wool and rayon Black .only. 38 'inches wide. • OIS' •&° AWOOL FAERIC-74. combination that 'gives' that 'warmth you need for winter. dresses In .plain colors, stripes or figured. • TH DAlr. OCT'QBER 9, 1947 •g YOU CAN STILL BUY YQUR. Teton ATTENTION! orsea ,Dealers are buying Old . Hprses 4ti As% 1 r BORN . MacKENZIE--On .Tuesday, , Sep- tember. 30, 1947, at . Casa Maria Hospital, tb Mr...and Mrs. W. R. MacKenzie,. Dundas, • Orit., (for- merly Margaret Mickus of Dun- das), a daughter, Barbara. Jean. K —In ...Victoria Hospital, London,: -on 'Friday, ep,. em • er to - Mr,, and, Mrs. John Sparkes of London ::(nee 'Muriel'. Miller); Write•of'phone` for. prices Wm. Shone Sons,„ Ltd. r ersoll ' 11111 'g$1 for` tho'. ;. • THANKSGIVING.: MENU' Clark's Mincemeat 16 oz. 'lar. .... • 33c Choice Quality.. Pumpkin 28 oz: tin le Willa Salad' . Dressing 15c UI3ILE OUR PRESENT' STOCK LASTS was' accompanied by''the Luck now High School Band and'. the Lucknow Pipe Band. Eight- rural schools'' took, part in the' choirs .and yell competition., First. place went to •: No. 5. Ashfield (Zion) with Miss `Ada Webster as teach=;, er; 2ncl to No 4'' West: Wawanosh :(St. ' Helens), ,Graham..MacDon= ald 'and_Miss: Beatrice McQuillin. eac ers; , r:• o. Miss L. Feagan teacher,•' 4th to 'No.' 13 : Ashfield ..(Belfast) : with- a daughter. .•- Miss' Helen Dobriey teacher.' • HELM' n Wingham General Eunice Heim Was the only, con Hospital on . Sunday, • September in the public speaking. 28th;. to Mr, and:,Mrs.' Robt. Helm, contest and gave • a., fine display R.'3, Lucknow, .. a °.son: ' testant of oratory.. S oris events . results we � •. • Hospital, • ori Sunday, September Kathleen Fisher; boys. 64, Harold 28th, to Mr: and. Mrs. Francisco;. Farrish,` Ray.; Emberlin, girls 8-9, Iorusso, Zrucknoaat;daughter Ruth=.-Emberlin;--_.Elizabeth ; Web-: ster boys: $ 9,, enneth McNay,, •� I E .In�� Win hazn'• :.General,. • ALL N g Kenneth Hod ki son;, iris 1"b-11,' hospital on; :Friday,. September_ 19 g g ° . Donna :Belle Irwin,' Audrey. 'Stan. tq;,SVir. and Mrs. Alex Allen (nee;ley; boys: 10-1I, - Arthur- Baker,-, - Mae -Webster),. Lucknow, a son Kent .Hedley; girls 12 and over, FARRISH—In Kincardine kIospi- :Shirley .Hamilton, ; •:Edna Reid tal on September 22, 1947 to' Mr. • boys 12 & overs. Donald •McNay,: and Mrs. Robert..Farrash, R: R 7, Elwood Irwin;' bicycle race,. boys, Allan Hackett ,Alvin Allen, Geo., Lucknow;; a son,�Larry Robert. , atlzw�ell5a►n aaa ,COATS, re as DRESSES, GLOVES at 8 oz. jar:.. Choice • Seedless Raisins California ,Lb 23c Oyler Cranberry ' Sauce Jar; Baby :.Lima Beans • ' 1 lb. 'bag .22C 8c-,a�ACRE'HINLOSa 1-"" FARM' CHANGES HANDS Mrs: • John. .MacLeod,, has s her '300 -acre Kinloss Township farm • to Currie Colwell;,`sori. of Mr.: and Mrs.;. John' Colwell; Con. 10,.Kinloss,.Currie gets full poss;- ession of , the farm, a• ,half mile 'east of South ;Kinloss Church, on December i5th.• 'Mrs. MacLeod's . grandfather,' Mr. Peter Milne,. held the• crown' deed' `on this land,: 'having ' filed his claim ,at, Southampton in the early 1850's. His son, Charles- Milne, operated the .' farm'. after his father's. death, and . later dis- • posed `of it to Mr. and ,Mrs. Mac Lepd; who. moved 'onto', the. • farm after their • marriage: Following' her husband's death a few'' year. s ago Mrs. 'MacLeod continued to. make her homeon: the' old farm that:<.liads . been in. the family for ',three ;generations, but following the :death of her son , Lester, a few 'Months ago; 'she nod .4o Lucknow to make her home. with het• Only, daughter,' Mrs 'Harry. Hanna tug -o' -war. trophy; for, the.. Nixon. Mrs. •MacLeods •• father,' :Mr. WM. Barkley; was also one of the pioneer settlers, having taken up. land in the virgin forest on' the boundary, a. mile and a quar- ter east of Lucknow.,-, •33c Moth& ,Jackson's` Jiffy Pie Crust ]F'ckg, • 33c Mied. Carrots. Aylmer Peas: & � . Tin ...' ' 22c•, Banquet Queen`.. Plain 9 oz. jar ' •35c Lo9 ndonderr Ice Cream Mix Pckg., .., 15c. 'And for the ' finest in -Fresh' Fruits and . Vegetables Shop at• l'ho hpson's. For your weekend slopping-,- ' Head Lettuce, Celery Hearts, Cabbage, Carrots, Turnips, Bananas,; Apples, • f. Ontario. Grapes, CaWorn a Grapes. ° cif THO'PSON'S► The. -Store: of 'Friendly Service 'PHONE 82 ' ' 'WE DELIVER ADI; S :-IWEN'S: READY-TO-WEAR - to... Measureuit-N W oose. Your Made' . Ch °: whilesamples are r Viand a�roid disappointment: • Men's Winter Overcoats. Biltmore Hats. • e4 QyERC011'IE IN FIRE Parrish, ; : girls, Gladys Gibson, Freda: ' Hackett; Winnifred; Stew= f . (Coa�tutued from page' 1) ._..-UO= •ard_ :dash .A1uustin` 3r�i T. in, Y f the roorhs were -littl dariaag tin, Jun Needham, r1a mile.. dash, -rid most of .the • scan- • Alek Macnntyre, Jack. Stewart; by the `fire a chain• tela " tents 'suffered. only: smoke . and calf race, Murray M . , race first' 'Austin Martin Jim• water damage, Needham,'. Grant Farrish; 'Alex *The east .half of; the ground I" t• :re• ' .`Jack Stewart,'> floor,.. until recently, ocettpied by MaenY �. 2nd, Morrison,Geo: Chin,' Allan . Silverwoods as a* ; temporary JIM. . .. Hackett 3rd Wilfred Black, Don' 'downtown office,. wasdilled with.: Cameron, a Stanley,•' Harvey ''household . effects ' `belonging to Gm ,Ry. R ss; 4th,: Geo Farrish, Eldon Misses `Fern and, Ida Reid; , who. Austin, Alvin Allen "Don• Hackett' • •h•ave sold their grocery: store and , 5th, Winnifred :Stewart, : Gladys restaurant building and ,were pre Gibson, Y . Maxene Irwin, . oris :paring to evacuate: They: planned' ' D , L ons. to'. take up, • residence 'where' Dr:.. ' Evel . was living, and .he•.• ,was :'.. Dine Ri�lale s . Calf. Best.; Y • • ' bi to • move to where `Silver In= the ;'calf club: �coiKripetition; g • �� " ' and was woods left and .,which for sev Lorne:Ritchie.won first n d with a• silver trophy by 'eral• years.,:was used as an office: `Silver - presented to p y b the late George A. Smith: The Jack Henderson of Lucknow . and Yiters' effects suffered • also;; a crest donated by Canadian' Reid e sisters', : .smoke, and water. daanage,, .lei eforrd Association 'and pre . : A. • Miller: 'Others'. of Oldest Buildin sented by W. � 'One � . laced as follows 'Donald " Far- ` ui tin which a , ears to placed The. b l g, ., pp 'risk,• A:. Hamilton, ';dohn Hunter, be: 'bey'•cind repair, is one .of. the 6 MacIn- Shrley Hamilton, Allan . , ,,oldest buildings ' irY the. -,village.•, tyre ' merly the Spence 'horzae. On• e • `of• ' the three lines of •hose..was direct=; •ed in. protecting the4:roof• oi,.thd. `Liegion buildin hick _la a brick'. wall (• structure which .prevented a; more serious conflagration' de•: : veloping It was built about .76 years ago. their prowess and .won the `John Ashfield stalwarts again proved �'by the• late Thomas Reid• and Wm. Connell who were in .part, 'nership in . the ;baking. business. It was : ' vacated some al6 years. ..later, when 'Mr, ' Reid' built the resent brick building immediate- ly tothe east and separated' only,. by ‘an ' alleyway; .. Adjoining: the �•burned'building on' the west 'is the 'Legion :'Hall, which was for=. • third year in succession. : The two night • concert in the Town- Hall lived . 'up ` to advance billing and was , tops in enter- tainment, drawing big . croyrds: The dance on Wednesday night also packed 'em in. ••. tate; Far i Mutual •: • Autofliobile:i =Kan Cie **�Su r Offers o•e•Auto i nsurance at . •. OWER COST for. Service and Satisfaction,' See (AMER ' Lucknow, Ontario ,Also .. •Hospitalization and . Sick and 'Accident Insurance Representative 'Mutual Life of Canada re Store With The St