The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-14, Page 5URSPAY, AUGUST loth, 1947 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L,UC%TOW, ONTARIO. PAGE. FIVE. Tbe�tr liVINogAM -sh®we.-rum UES , WAD., T%IURSI3 -=FRI: ►L TIS WEEK, AUST 11, 12',13;.14, 1.5. 16 J0LS0N5rhe STORY is a glorious cava care in co of ...aglow with these.Trnetodies you have always loved! Yr :r : -rc CALIFORNIA; : • HERE 1 COME SWANEE- YOU MADE ME' ' LOVE YOU ., J` MAMMY .WMTING FOR THE , ROBERT E. LEE HEAT .IMPR,PERLY MATURING :GRAIN:. (Agricultural Office News). The recent heat wave although. welcorned in some .respects has' had quite an 'effect on ,crops of e-soroprrsgring:g w is wi T ;';result in a;notieeable--decrease• in yield. The hot dry; days and the hot nightshave so hastened the maturity of these' :er ops ' that, in some cases oats • have ' . become white and- not. properly filled. A similar .effect is shown by late barley not being plump and lull in the .kernel. The heat wave• the western' provinces is causing a similar effect and t'he estimates' °of •, crop yield'for' that.. ar$a will{ decrease considerably It would, be wrong to giv.•e the idea 'that' all the 'Spring crops in, Huron are Suffering from the heat , because there •are. some •excellent• fields .of oats arid mixed . grain, which were sown . late in. May and even • the first week of .June.' a r • However .one crop which- does ,enjoy -warm weather is'•corn and' sone' fields throtighout the .coon,' ty 'have , reached •thei'r 'record height for . this time, of year. in •>l ite, of the fact' that it. was 'sown at a .later date than in. normal' :season. Some ;fields of turxrip are showing remarkable growth .and in areas where they "are grown fields a °re at 'a''stag`e my—gravy—Lb where they. should be , dusted or APRIL SHOWERS': I WANT A GIRL • •✓'f RAINBOW. 'ROUND' • MY SHOULDER sprayed with, a . mixture . contain- :Ing Boron td prevent "Water Core" of ;Browne Heart" which. :last 'year resulted in i iany' .fields being turned .down by . the speeto.rs. PLAN 'BARGAIN RAIL RATES FOR LABOR DAY HOUDAY • Reduced;, rail fares " for the Laba Day week -end between all stations in Canada •and to border points, in the -United States will be provided b . Canadian rail- ways,' j. • A. Brass, chainnaii of the Canadiai PassengerAssocia= tion announced recently. Thetickets, pricecl QPLthe usual, holiday basis of a fare and a third for the round; trip, will be good going, from noon, standard trine,' on. Friday, August 29'. until 2,0Q Monday, Sept. 1. They: will be honored .:for the ` re. turn• •.trip' not later than midnight, Tuesday, Sept 2. • ROCKABYf' YOUR `BABY ••./••./BY THE -LIGHT 'OF THE. SILV'RY. MOON• n who.last year toOk'par't: in. the big' comiiahied ,back by• her sister; i'nteriiattonal'•; at• Port Albeit are mks Chas • D.urnin and. children_ ,heginningto make • preparatioris who will visitfor a few •days..• for the big event.,which this: fall Mr'.','anci Mrs.: Wil] 'Reed of. . will be .hc . at Kingston on ;Oct Wingh$azn spent'the the week -end. •ober ..14,'15, 16, 17. The county . with '.,his .,..mother.' visiting, Mrs: will be `represente•d by two 119ys Jacob Reed .and. sister,: Mrs _Wil 1:1• p.l.owing in the :,Inter` . County ,bur Brown, ABOUT A. QUARTER Iorse class : and by :'.two boys.- Mr, and, Mrs Chester Durniri ' TO NINE lowing • •iii the'' Inter . County• and children Marjorie ani Jane t senior plowmen who will be par -, Iaat • week w 1•M ShfTING ON.TOP _ .. • with Mr.Du.rnrns REX THEATRE LVCKNOW -.. THE HUGHES ,CLAN- held '•the' tenth. annual ` .reunion' 'at'. Poplar' Beach, :on Civic Holiday. Allister Hughes was elected president. DUNC. ANNON Visitors recently with M'rs. Minnie Jones. were, last Friday, Mr, and Mrs: Dave Alton '& Mrs;; Will Reed of. Lucknow, Mr. Ne1• son Webster,. Windsor; :and ' Mrs,., Jones' brother,- Mr. Harry. Marsh of . .Ferndale,. Detroit, • over . the week: -end; • Mrs. Jas.: Agar;; sister compan ion of Mrs..: Jacob•,Reed,"is in the Wrnl,ham hospital'with "'•a p'a°rtial paralytic stroke. Her. condition is. MisBetty Rutledge is spend- ing this week with her• grandpar ents, Mr: •..and'Mrs , Root.; 'Rut ledge,: Goderich.-oderic . Mi..' and Mrs. Sam Widconibe who .had' •.been visiting the '• la't ter's ,paients`Mr.•:and••Mrs. W. H. "McClure fort two weeks,:, returned . FRI, SAT..ONLY Perilous �loliday Starring PAT O'BRIAN ; RUTH WARRICK, With. Alan. Hale, ,Edgar Such, anan',. Audrey, Long..If all.liap pens in exciting 'Mexico'. City: Also 'showing final episode ooa1 the serial `Jungle Queen". • NEXT WEENt.. • "HER .ADVENTUROUS • . • NIGHT" Dennis O'Keefe Helen Walker GENUINE tractor class' as well as several of Pitl sburg, Pa 7. spent a ` w fe I days SKE1'TON,. L-ucknow 'IV • Goderich.:i • OOF THE WOOED , :: ticrpating in the open ;classes. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt..Dur This is . the time: of yeas When. nin, . returning home on Sun day. ;1.. TOOT, TOOT, TOOTSIE ' wild• `carrot . is • most noticeable,. BORN to •Mr:.' and Mrs, Alvin, 'glow . th,at it is in full' bloom and 'Sherwood' (nee.. Cora • Finnigan), in • full' growth. Many hay and Fin Godericl Hospital, August,.11, LARRY EVEIYN WILLIAM Bill with PARKS • KEYES • DEMAREST • GOODWIN Screenplay by Stephen Longstreet Produced by SIDNEY SKOLSNY • Directed ty ALFRED E. GREEN A COLUMBIA PICTURE 1/Matinee Saturday Afternoon. •a 2.00 p::rn. • n.:Tues. lNe . Au `eorge•' Raft, Lynn' Bari past�ir.e fields . throughout the 'a son. county: are practically,.. a solid mass. of wild, carrot Lbloom 'and,„ unless' controlled' will• soon spread: millions of seeds. Wild ,carrot can he controlled where:the. -infesta : Mr•: and• ..Mr•s. 'W.• J. Robb were visitors'. Sunday with their dau-' ghter, Mrs 'L,slie� Wardell; .Rip- ley. • Visitors with Mr &:' Mrs.:��Tohn ' ',tion is' light? by spudding or: mow-.-B.lake 'over the '''•�nreek=end..were. iilg in the:_early bloom stage. Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and son. When,. . the field.ibeecomes-'badly of Winghramand;Mr..:David'Mc-- infested it should. be plowed:: and .Whinney, , Crewe cultivated. Sheep wi suppress 1 ev. b.: I .Gallagher of Tor- quite well. in pasture fields,:`but onto \spent Saturday. • with. his wild`:carrot. .has a: slight toxic of uncle, Mr. Will: McConnell: Rev. feet • .. if. eaten by cattle . into_ . Gallagher ,will to `September.star-t` large,. a 'quantity Most'chemical; 'a' tour;, to China, .'Japan and India weed�•killers,.. now in use, can be. in the, interest of -Missionaries" used' to advantage to destroy wild welfare in these .zones: He is hot carrot on roadsides ' and in per ,idaying kyith• his ,•family at., Port hanent.,p fstiures. Elgin. NOCTURNE". Adult: 'Entertainment. BORN MARTIN At Alexandra Hospi , Cal, Goderich, on August •6, 1947, to Mr, and Mrs. Nace Martin (nee Patricia Reynolds) R...3 Goderich, a stn, Gerald Edmund,.' ROBINSON—At Alejandra Hos piEiitx .,Oderichon .Au/ust''4t1'r, I 1947, to Mie'. and Mrs. David Rob- inson, :Dungannon,, 'a son,, James David. • 4 CARTER -if -In Kihcard tie , Hospi- tal .on August 4th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter, Jr., R. 1, I3 1 d son Peter• Richard. • South ' Kinloss W.. M S t b • The; August meeting: of South. Kinloss ,V.M,S. was ',held' in, the., Sixth :Schoolhouse::' Mrs. t L. MacKinnon•, ` .president,' presided. The meeting opened by singrn' hymn 686 .& .repeating the Lbr 's , 'Howard Godfrey and Miss Lois :Ni�ins.,are 'rel� orted making good. progress in GdderiCh hospital fol- lowing injuries 'received , in an automobile .,'collision a 'Mile south, of . Dunganicrtr. An exhibition softball garne be- tween .Benrnille`r and .Dungannon fright prayer in unison. The roll' call' teams' was. played Thursday. was .,answereel by�•a. Bible verse' about. "Harvest",. A solo by Mari: lyn Carruthers accompanied ' .by Mrs. D. 1-1, :Carruthers : wash much enjoyed. Bible reading was taken by Mrs. Angus, ` Graham. Bible study by. Mrs, A. Hughes was a Very interesting picture study of °`The `Last . Supper'', ' Mrs. W. Hodglzinson, gave 'the topic frohi the. study book. Mrs• R. MacMil- tan ' Mrs. A Graham Mrs. W. F. as,.: a benefit . for. .Howard 'who Catches for Dung ,nnon 'and an- other benefit ,gathe. was played at Benrriil.ler Tuesday night... ' Valerie. ; Wiggins, ,daughter ,of Mr. and .• Mrs,. It. J. 'Wiggins; 'of Brantford, .who, has 'been visiting. her gr.andmiothr, Mrs. T. Wig- gins,. trer e, has receivedrword that `she passed her grade 2 theory. rriu i.e examinati'ons. with:first class honors, receiving 99 marks. MacDonald took part: in the .pray, Valerie, who. is 11; yeai s" aid, pass• 'r le. Rev.. f A. Smiti ' Closed ed her grade 6 Royal Toronto erc7c . the meeting with prayer. ,A. socisll ami,nation�a yes go rY al Music'pianwith ofn first half hour was spent at the, close . class honors, :Of f t`he meeting, o yroo., a ►: • . • 'm ' GET THE GOODAEAR HI -MILER TRUCK TIRE VALUE TWINS 1'HE HI: CNE HI• llolati Mites' �WEAtH� kl� lot 'for why see YOUR GOOD GOSTRANDER Sales -and-Service . . �c�rd.-. � . 'Phone 40, •Lucknow laiDOUSEMISMOVIEMIIMPS a A