The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-07, Page 7HUIiSDAY, AUGUST 7th,, 1947. iNARIAN BOY, SC01 8 11L° 1NG .FOR FRANCA The thrillqo itetilne i0' in ar. e for 3a ,Boy ..Scouts, 'from AL c0 'Ontario and the Western o . ieft -Moi C1 ovinces, wh _ gird the Canadian .iNational "Scotian" on the first, ailw aYs nex to Moi. • ,. pof--tom' rance, *here:they will repx•es- it Canada •at '•the. World• Peace oy SCOW'S Jamboree. They spent days ., • days in •. camat p Windsor unction, N. S., before. sailing 'our. Halifax .aboard the' aircraft irrier .IhMC S Warrior, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE . SEVEN Luknow Up :For (hampioruship Lucknow • Legionnaires hung a 9 'to 3 ei epe on the Londesboro Finished. Schedule' Last Night team in the Caledonian' Park on Lucknow Scotties were slated Tues ay •evening,--ar;drtoOic,a 2 til' lead in• the five -game group championship :seri -� as played before: the largest nes es,' They game schedule. It would be 'more " or bj' • floodlights.: Otherwise you less: e u rev ew_..of the la off•j will be minus gas, tires and ypar series as these: two teams �in. Geis.. Cars .cari.park on both -A.44 fans , w home crowd of the season, as • are warming up to thesea fastball be,opponents'in the group: eham of every street but''not in .drive - Letters To The Editor. PARKING PROBLEMS. • Dear .:Sir: larking • Pots are no good, un •-. ax iii r�ils7ey in the tina1 game of the Itb.e. time, or it is brightly lighted )EATII BY D, OWNING was the ate•,or Wilda Lainor axidiere, "17- ea r-.o:ld. Cape:Croker R; `serve In grandfather met, a. 'sirn-" nan. _ His, liar 'death. in,;1906• a ntutos'.fath'er, member of the Veteran's Guard ost his life by drowning' in, 19,43. Bad At .The School.' Some young lads are in bad at ;he school, where 'ten panes of glass have been - broken .or dam , ige, by ;the .throwing •of.. Stones. Chief :damage is` to the wire. reinforced basement windows which'' are. hard 'to obtain}.: Boys will ., be boys, but such damage• cannot be .permitted or overlook- ed, and it., lodks' like a matter• for some Back woodshed, treat- menta estion:° has .. been 'ads 5 ground 'equipment; be prohibited during the vacation: 'period, . but this would; deprive many . inno= centeliild ii •front .The „eni . 1 • • they'find at the school and "Whirl games andp iiorish 1a owns he winner - ways. By parking one behind, the are',getting :good value •1 p 1 yd , t • to .meet the winner of the Kin -''a straight line there is for their mortey.:,.-, :. ' f• Ment in Toby Greer took the mound tor c�!idisc Wingham series, plenty of room to pass. If front rstreet was marked so ,cars.would thisone, and scattered three his over• the nine ,innings. He o Gaff 1 have to get in ,tight to curbs and' g get, in a ,straight line, there'd be' lots to a shal�.y•first inning {start when the visitor's scored al) their runs AtLONDESB®Rfl of reom. Businessmen 'have. as A. a such:- right to . main street park • .o • g the � ' ' -lig as others. Lots ,of they bus- ess ut • coasted. • ,along Sgriooth.lx � tnc. ; _rest. of. the. way., ii set seme, sort of a. record in the 5,th`Vv`hen„Lorl- desboro . w:as. retired; :•ort tlzikee' pitched balls. • • • L,ucicnow. touched Tares tOr 13 hits and six bobblesby his team- mates didn't .,help any. • •' • Score by 'I.nnings ' . r.' h • e• Londesboro 300 000 000-3. 3 3.:6 Lucknowt 14o 1.01;)'2).x-,--9. _' 13. 4' fourth game is slate f The u b d.for 'Londesboro on Thursday even-: ing when The Legionnaires can wind it up.' Indications are- that they may; be a • bit short-handed. for this one however. • Harold •Greef* n. g Lucknow , and Londesboro ` are :.men arc' unable` to walk to; t eir: r Crai McIlwraith •and ';M s g, -. in •thee rn:iast •of a. crucial• •five- .shops through some defects. (age i r ,:.•• d r. ,-. , . t api•ons,, Mrs. Mc�wbra an ,NL s, game ser ea to 4 determine• the In -for .instance . or. weak hearts), rf Lott; fancy work,'' Mrs.' W, J. termediate '`B' group champion ears' would also park :to. Gide Coulter and" Mrs, Geo. Kennedy; streets . one' behind the .other in woo11 ns kir :knitting, Mrs. G, El• stead of with the rear ends out,. liott and Mrs.' C. Falconer; lucky there would •be kits." of room too bags, Mrs. 'Fred I ewinan;, bulbs for twa 'cars 'to pass, A little walk and , plants, Mrs. R. Ross; lunch ' in fresh 'pair to' stores, won't hurt (lOc tea), Mrs. Frank' 'Coulter, any able. "bodied person. But no Mrs Johnston Conn ;',and .Mrs. to the.parking lots;•• •Walters; novelty table.(Mission. a.. A; Rural. Subscriber;. ` Band donations), Mrs, 'D..- Craig :and :,Mrs. Jame ; McInnes; .tea cup• BOUNDARY EAST• Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Forster and . family and: Mrs. Scott of Palmer- t ::ton visited at Mr..,James. For- ster's on Sunday. of P.h aria 1 Mathers.. were • Mr. and Mrs. Mel e oek,, Mr, and Mx ; �Alex�Hacke.tt. and 'Mr ' and Mrs. ` 'Vernon ..Hunter and farm ' • The Ladies Md .`held their meeting at the home of Mrs.. J. . Mcllw.raith last 'Tuesday and 13 1adies, were .present; . Plans were made for the bazaar . for Nov..6th with .the, following names, put in chaf e . ofthe tables. baking (Mrs,,: 'A, .M� Quiilin, 111frss 5uther . land-;. 'fruit and .vegetables, Mrs; 1 • • • and the right to ;continue in the.. W •O.A.A. playdowns: ' • The Legionnaires got off. to. a had start last Wednesday' When 'they• finished- on••,the .short. end. of- 11-7 .score. in:' the, opening garne played in . the C'aledon'ian "'Park.. ,On Friday night ;they:. squared the series in Londesboro-,by lambast Londesboro • scored tWo • runs in reading, ,any donations will be gladly . acceted for the bazaar. The next meeting,.. on.. the last . Tuesday of SepteTnb'er, will be held at::the home• of Mrs., 'John=. ston' Conn.; It was decided` not to .. •' .,gPPtlntr T i•nrh '14 �Y ;a•' eommmttee -frrr ?the., nxt n t�, ig .:, 7 2 2 '0 s':1VIrs. Welwood, ",Mrs.' D Craig, 7 .4 .3 •0.1 Mrs. 11.. Mowbray ..and Mrs. 'Geo H, Greer rf. • . 7 5' . '5 : 0. Fisher, . Don't -for-get,-the•.Instatute. meet- J:: Cook;'; lst' 5 • • 2 1' . 0 tng: next Tuesday at `2 30.• at J,' MacDonald,, ss • 6 2, 2 '1 .Whitechurch. The roll call • is too.. z•R Buri son 3rd .,!..,6 , 1'' 1 . =3. bress of work'd,•ne item from the Pin 'other. bran-. 2. 3 . 0. ,ches::'.Motto It.pays to advertise, - Mrs, L. Johnston: • 2.425•4•. ab• 'r h `''e Changes •-Location 2 . 11. Greer' ;Radio`. and Electric mov 0 O,f ed' last week to the Joynt• Block 4 0; •1 Saiirrdercock' . i'st 4 'premises recently ,vacated.'by..Mr.. ing a 24-5 win. " • Dropped First One the lst, one in.the 3rd' and two. Hugh ,Cu, ring's. Nine were be= it : of l' of five. .., in the fifths t _e t a , low par in the opener. and `while eor...e Chin r ld • nee � d G • .ENGAGEMENTS they,�.puiled .off` •sbnie,' neat .play's, including three. double .killings, le t,ap •es that �elidnft help any .. -Best play •.cif--111e-xis all was George Chin's peg from. deep: left• -to, double' a "gunner off:, r. iM:7,-ExWart-,1-77-grit-es7-WiTh announces the engagement of. her: daughter, .Florence Annie, to 'Mr, •:Donald Hector•MacKenzie, son of Mrs: John Maci.enzie an,d' the la• first: t Lai�odesk of o- -o%f Mr..'MacKenzie Of. Port •Albert. • ` • els a' .ark-; facli ie'are nowhere e. v... t Ithe '' able in the village. The marriage ,to. take'' place'.the, .latter• part of August. ' runs in the first. inning .and. Were never:.headed, as ,Taras scattered twelve: hits and ' st'r'uck out' 1-3 - Le;_ ionnaires. L.uc'know ab r:.• C.• Greer,. -C, 4 0 .0 1. 2 4 '0 Tormenting flies can cut- your cattle's weight•ard milk yield through restlessness: Shell Livestoc :. Spray is the sure way'to rid your herd of insect pests. The easy way=thesafe way --guaranteed harmless to livestock, and humans. Clear the air at milking time with ' Shell 'Livestock:: •:Spray, morningand night -then spray it.;directly on.; the cattle before putting them out to pasture arid, •before bedding - ;them. down. ' Insects and flies are 'e pelled 'round the clock -before they bite! Be sure y-ou always have Shell Livestock' Spray; on hand. $.1..60 an Imperialallon ` AND.SHEU. DDT 'BARN SPRAY on• stalls,. corner's, inside surfaces and eaves, martuke piles, forms a long:,lasting 'film of death'. pet the jump ion flies. this year by sprayingtheir breeding' • places with 'long=lasting Shell' DDT' Barn Spray! 'Dries hard; stays put; won't blow away -•lasts all season. $2.25 an Imperial,gallon. led: the. "hit parade". with. five, safeties .each in'seyen trips to. the taackii3ctrtifir• C. Gree'r,' c A. Andrew, cf ' • G =Chin, if . A.Andrew, if 1•k .01-01:;: 2nd, , i°f •5 Lori'ilesboro G Chin,' 1\f Leiper; cf Cook, i st 5 Tamhlyn, ss 1. 0 2 1' •I 5 0 1 3lCori p.ecker.'Hugh„C•urring' plans - 4 0. 2 ' 01 to- rnove',his barber -;hop :a couple 0 •'..0 ';1 i'of 'doors: to the west,: to the build 2 ; ing: :formerly: occupied by the • 1 -'Greer•'Radio., and. Electric: • i J Maehonald, ss' .B I•lall, ;rt. 3 1' ' 1 • Shiaddick; .3rd • R, Finlayson,, 2nd 1 0 •0 0' Miller, if . •Simpson, 3rd 3 0' ' 2:-.0 Taras,- p, 2nd II Curring; •3rd ... .::1.' 0 •0 • 0 1,,ee; grid 1. 0 1. . • Hackett, p ".: G .. '4 ' 0 _ 0 ' 1:carter g p:;' 2nd, ,.,; 3 • 0• 0 ,,• �- l Riley, rf 4 .0 0 rchaiil�lt,-:e 7124 •Londesbori ab r h . e Leiper, cf5 2 3 -'9: '1'amblyn, ss `i:, 4 !2 2 1 }} Sau.nderc'o.ck, 1 t, c • 2 .2; 0 9 1.Sh'addick, ',,3rd 5. •'2 2 •.0.. •Mil'lei ,• if 9 5 . 1 • 2 :0. Tai es, p 5 0•'. 2 0 .Lee,` 2nd 3 'I.-- 1 0 Carter;; -2nd,... 1st. 2 ..0 Riley,t i '2nd Ai,chambault, c -neat-Cutii g --Started Wheat cutting got underway in .5.1:I. 1.1 this• district last week,;. When,: a Score by Innings few fields were cut,' but•.on many; Lucknow " 70.3_• .181-.132-24 farms• the task or conipleting ha- Londesboro 201 020 0907L 5 ing:. operations • 'was 'Of much' greater .concerni • The Legionnaires ,:are. slated to .; take part in a softball tournament POLIO has claimed the life of a at a: Field . Day at Ripley next Palmerston. ' boy,' ' William Bruce • Speers. I 5 1 2".-. 0•,' 0 0 -'•_1linings _ : •' •� `,. ., , 201.340 010,-111 ' .;.,.'.1 .100:'20 002---- 7 ,...--1'... l;otitl'esboi o 24..-5• i. 1,lodin -a barrage. of base its:..io., all corners:. of the dia rend, .the , Legionnaires: defeated . Lundesbbii a on Friday night 24-7 ; to even -the playoff seriesr:at one, . • win• each., Included .:in. the 25-11it ' s'sault Were. ''hpnne ''-ins 'by Geo. Chin, Larry. Diwns, Harold 'Greer • . and. , Rby..Finlayson. i • ' . Downs,' on the- roti -i d.:for Luck- ndw, pitched steady' ball' and 'was given good ,support', by his tears 'mates; ,The • Legionnaires . slicked: • fot double, plays •.in the 1st •and '2nd • ; innings•• to ' stop threatening . rallies" by the ,,Lond'esborb •teas•-. , - Luclnow ••opened the scoring in the' first :inning .sending;` • 7 'runs across khe plate as twelve men faced.17ras, the, Londesboro' pit- - cher. The 2nd inning was, score- J' Tess for „fhe Beals brit they, scor-. ed rung in each of .the remaining innings. 'Taras was relieved on the mound`•by. :Carter at the be- . ginning e?ginning ,of the:. 4th inning. Carter was .greeted by a 6-ruri -,outburst in the '5th and Taras, who, had taken over second base, returned . :to the nmound• to :.finish the' game. • .. �s-s-�:-�Pra-frt��. CX S�tanda:rd Profits Claims Recent amendments to the above, Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart=; rent: of National Revenue before ;1st September, 1947• All applications are required to be in' such form and containsuch information as may be prescribed by the Minister'. and the, Minister may reject an application that is notmade in such forni,or-that-does. not contain such 'information, The .;prescribed forms (S:P:1) ; are available at all •Dis- trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent ''information ,required on the form mus be included or attached thereto in schedule form.:Ten-. tative or .incomplete ' forms or p those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not be 'accepted.- " •Departmen:t o#..National Revenue aures 3. •McCann,. M.D., Minster of National Revenue. •