The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-08-07, Page 4PA.G.E . FOLUR THE LITCKNaW SENTINEL LUCKNQW, ONTARIO, "WANT AD" RATES-- ist insertiori 2 cents .a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum,: chs rge 25 sing . 10e io cents s capre.. of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legs court line first insertion", 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. PULLETS FOR SALE -=-250 Sus - FOR SALE :Man's CCM bicycle, good shape. Apply ,Greer's• Radio Electric,: , WANTED a: child's play pen. '. Mrs. Hardld • Gaunt, E. 2 Luck-; .novsr Phone 56-14 Lucknow .„ FOR SALE Barred Rock .pul- lets, readyto lay. Torrance Arid erson, R. 1 Lucknow, • ' BARN FOR •SAIIE--36x50, •. mile east of Holyrood. Apply at farm to Calvin' McKay. • FOR SALE CERTIFIED Raspberry Plants— Write box 754,, Campbellford, Oily. for • illustrated folder and growing • " knew :how" sex & New 'Ramp. pkxllets, ready to ,lay; Howard .Robinson, Luck - now, ' CULROSS CORNERS' • Miss Edna'• Ress has returned home from'Harnilton and Toronto' where ..she spent a few weeks ith-her_sisters.,; ' • - Miss Shirley 'Hodgins is spend- ing a - few weeks -with'' her 'aunt,.' Mrs °Emery . at Cuyahoga Falls': Ohlio, Mr, and "Mrs. •Earl ' Hodgins. , and Shirley motored*, tet Earieu to, -meet Mrs "Emery, •Shirley re- turning by boat with her. ` Mr, and Mrs. •;Ias. Wraith. , and•, ' Gertie, Mr,, and 'IVIrs c Jack Schu- macher motored too Owen Sound fora day # ti•-• .a'. ::;Mr; ar d'IVIrs Earl Culbert•were calling on friends 'and:. relatives fora few 'days. last week; Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins. of Windsor were .visiting Mr.. arid. Mrs. (lames': Hodgins s and calling. AUCTION "SALE. of 'farm, farm. stock; implements and • grain. on field, at.. Lot: 32, ,titin, 3; Xinloss, ,on . Thursday.,,: August 14th, at one o'clock.: 'Alex Camerearr. Prop.; • Matt Gaynor, Auc., AUCTION SALE ' of household effects at the residence of Mrs. James R: Hackett, Lucknow, on _Saturday ,evening, August 9th• at 7.00 o'clock. No reserve as prop-, erty.is sold. Termscash. .Mrs.• Jas. R. Hackett,` Prop.; 'Well. Henden= son, Aue FOR SALE -7 -foot. 'Massey bind; er.;;=also a Red Star Beatty hand washer' practically, .. new. Wm. Irvin, R. 7 Lucknow,, Phone 64-18 Dungannon, pair of •crtitc` s iii guru ecflidiiiom : See • Mrs. Selene -Keith' Laois'' home opposite S1.1ver'w ods. FOR SALE Massey .Harris .bind • Crea er er; good as new," guaranteed in. NOTICE Notice is hereby given. .that 'dumping of tin cap§: .or or. other, refuse along. _ village: streets or; river banks is strictly prohibited.'family are ;visiting Mr. and Mrs. Set out tins for the garbage col- Wraitix;i on . other relatives around. „0 Miss• .Veronica •Murray , spent the* week; -.end ;with her ;parents, Mr.. and -Mrs.. .Alphonse Murray. Mrs, Dan . ' Mae.Kenzie spent a week with her. sister, Mrs, Earl' Hodgins a, - • • Mr. and- Mrs. Morrell •l3e1l and family, Mr.•and Mrs.•Hanna visit- ed •Mr:,and, Mrs,; °Morley Bell on , Y �" Sunday.. .Mrs. Charlton of : Port Alma is • ' Mr.'.. and 1VIrs•. Chas'., Knight and; spending the .week .• with her.par encs, R•ev. and:Mrs. M. G. New-. ton: • THIrRS AY, AUGZ,IST.7th, 1947 • LuckiioW DIStrict C ;Phone 71, Lucknow Free - D,elivery service' 16 percent Hog Grower Fig Starter. Sow Ration 0. Hog :,Minerals Hog Worm-x-pel .Calf : Meal. 'Bone Meal, • P .. Salt • Chick: Starter Grow Mash ..Lay ' 1Vlash Chick Grit Poultry ; Worin-x �-pe• Dairy „Ration Cod Liver .Oil Tonics John Jamieson, Manageir. Martin. ° Mr; and Mrs, Henry Aitchison and. family of Mooresburg visited With -• their cousin, Mr, . Cairn's Aitchison : and ,other'• relatives: • ,. I MOT., ., attended the Andrew -Lan picnic at Point °Clark•. and wer visitors with Mr.,. John McQt.i lin and. relatives: r .' 4�: A 'ENDERS: SEALED TENDERS will be :qac- 0 - •Monday August' :11th, 1947,' for transporting High: School pupils .from School Sections 1-5, Kin loss and SS: .No:'=10 C�zlross,;,,to :Lucknow High .School:.Tender to • state ''terms ..`for school year.;'be= ginning• Sept,211d, 4947. Speci- 'fticzt'ins of `proposed route' can; be Seen... at they home of the ' under- signed: George Heidenby,.,I inlough:. 4 Air every:• way; 2 'young bu. s` • ser viceable age;. `dark red and..roan; few good Suffblk•`'ram lambs;.Any- not spoken -for -by ,.August 16th will. be° s rppe..Q ame ster; R. t, Lucknow; KINGSBRIDGE • Miss Teresa Lambertus ' , has been visiting her sister, Mrs.. Ed- win: Myers:. `41 CARD` OF.'I'HANKS . fam_ Y Mrs. J W.�:I•Ieriderson'and it wish for •thank their • friends, . and neighbors for' expressions of s riayathY,'.acts of kindness and • beautiful ,floral: tributes extend- ed to ,them' in the loss of a •dear husband',and father. ! "'• Pete' Murray, -of -Detroit are vis- • ting• ei a Pr rs,� O'Connor.. a _, • hM M J ict Congratulations . to Mr. Si; . Mrs. Ashfield W:. "M: S. I hater • on paper Y: money `made rival-tiof . ' attendance of .3 the Gordon` Valad ow the ` ar With an' atte i ,business even easier: n in Goderich, HosW.111,1:8. of : the • AShfie y- �` their youngy so l r'. •er i te. in �m� n rch had a _I. Cnu ri Y Mr ` all Aff D '" i Lldi family & Miss Eileen Ross spent: of London were ..:visitors Asti Sunday .Y.vith•.1Vtr..and Mrs.' •:John Ross; and 'Mrs. WAIL. Davidson and .:Doris: of Teeswater, Mr. ands Mrs. 'Adamson, Dianne and Ralph of :Toonto_ visited Mr: ',and Mrs.. I•N 5URANQE . FIRE, CASUALTY •a CHEQUES „ SAVE ;)OU TIME AND TROUBLE; Week with •Mr.. .and .Mrs. • Fred, McQuillin:' ': There will be no *service in the United; Church, next Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Grant •Stanley, Mr.: ' and Mrs. Frank Steinoff and 0,3411 To Protect.. Your Jack • ' Insure With: Jack Today McDONACH..: LUcknow .,Ont. .Phone ."61.-5 Dungannon Safety-•:' and convenience :Make; .Them Best" Way =;To `Fay. ':In t_he days ;of baiter, our fore ' u ed i oduce to=market •fathers 1 gg p _ everOually :. found some-: one Who had what'they ,Wanted or _wante, what they had:='t was a tedious, tiring business The ,introdu-ction of money .0 i•. proved .',MatterS.. Instead • of 'tot-= .'ing a -back breaking load, the shoppers carried only a few -Coins. ld Presb:-,Then caMe L b. pita', feria , This 'secure �: and :handy ;rnethoct' urt of Kinlou h.:` ' meeting : at the borne. of o Miss :.Norma B g esting g a of : payment ' ;enables people , t. . her friend Miss Rose 'Mrs; Fred McGregor: Mrs. Nei 1e `nd risk' of car= visited , avoid•the troub ,a „ Marie L' annan Hfor for 'a few days G;, ,MacKenzie, presided. The. de- _ .. was .tying 'too much n'..'pockets , or. last week . Mr an ', d; Mrs. • Jde Hogan , and .family of Calgary, .are :on a: ren ial, acation wi a , is . moth= er; •Mrs. Philip Hogan .and; Louis: �' rt�MaKenzie { p. Stua . ; ... BARRISTER', &' SOLICITOR • Walkerton,'. Ontario. OW: N L•U�CKt� Each Wednesday ' OFFICE,. iv .; ENDER* / S Insure, In 'Sure . 'Insurance— •.. •• C oinfederation Life WIND,. CAIt;, FIRE:, -Preferred Rates for preferred risks: ACCIDENT & SICHNESS Consult.. JOIN FARRISH .,.71e...i• •one :82' 13-Dinigannog• VotiOnal,part oprogram taken by .Mrs.' John Cowan'''. and aret MacKenzie, deaconess of, Calvin Church, Tcironto,„•1:w o ,Was one o.f the, leaderS at the Girls' Camp, .Kiritail, Was. 'the deaeoriesk .a, three-point Charge bei of his staff ,Will',•be glad to Cook, Noel Road .arid.:North, Noel purses: And after a. eheqUe is -itis.,_o.fteAL.glad of. You cari -avail yourself .cif this universal convenience' by ,sirriply Road.. Mri. Duncan 1VlacKay sang, "Simply .Trustirig", Mrs.' ;coffin:. son led in prayer. A Social half, hour was' enjoyed after the...111eetL • Mr. and Mrs: Kasper and Mrs. ing, Visit . or ere. Your, Putro* nage, 'Is. Appreciated DeSer iNIEW. LIFE PIG 'STARTER • HOG GROWER HoG FINISHER and .LIFETERIA.. FAITENDia GROWING MASH RA'110N, • .STEER 'FATTEN TONIcS- and 'CONDITIO1,11ARS,` .,Hess, R Finn, 0.Hciivirds FOR FREE DELIVERY TIJONE 17-W '` LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THE PAVING of the 15th Side: - road from Ripley .to the Durham • • Road is now underway.. anct 'pars. Lorne Woods and .• Donna were recent visitors with Mr. and MrS...Stariley•ToOd.and Andrew rethrhed on Monday, at:. ter a holiday at Owen.Sound.-- Mr..and Mrs. Vidtor*Taylor and family of Erticefield and Misd guetts of Mr. arid Mrs. R. Woods. Miss'. Nieicalfe reniatning lot ME. andL,Mrs. 'NeelY 'Todd and .David. of S`tratford are.spending 'part lOf their vacation 'with Mrt Miss Donna', Woods spent last, week at P,oint Clark at the guest the week. in. 'Nronto With her daughter, Mrs. Al Martin an4 'Mr, • T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNow FIRST,: WEDNESDAY OF.' EACH: • 1VIONTH 4 trom ..• 0, a tn.. to ATi WM.' SCHMID'S STORE ACCOUNTANCY Service: 'for' the Small • Mer chant, Professional. Man and the •Farmer In Lucknow Tues.,•Thurs. and 'Friday. , Office 'in Kilpatrick Block. . S. J. P YM M: P:O: Box 7.4; Luckriow, Ont, - 'Phone 23' • etheringtoni ANDREW - Barrister and iUlicitor 15160610W, ONTARIO ' 'Office in the igynt Block Office 1.35 : Each Monday t!EN#Nre*chiesday. Located on the ground ..floor john Bukiding 1 gnews' INSURAkE Agency Lucknow; Ontario.. • Casualty, Automobile