The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-31, Page 3• i$DAY, JULY 31st,' 1047 DeGruchy of CltntOn her sister, Mrs. It; 'T 'ton,'• and Mrs. `Robert Fisher of tor,.are;-.hl aaytng.here this= • best • Hewat dt ' EI ra' is ling a few days with tela - here., n K.and Mary' Edith Ag - are '•holidaying, wwith' rela- Gordon Barley • of Byron t the week -end with Mr; :and V.V. 9. Armstrong, �. and Mrs. SidneY Plowrigl*t shawa visited ,this week with and l tr's, Fred ,Nixon.' rs,, 'E. N: •Hodgins spent the -end in Hamilton ;with Mr, Mrs. Glen. Moore; r, and Mrs, Henry,Carter who •been in Clinton .for ' some have _Moved to Newton. PRINTS, fresh'at ,the flow-• New. American cotton- c1r.ess erials THE MARKET' STORE. r`, and Mrs. II. D, Thompson David visited in 'Goderieh•, for Iv' days: with Mr:. and: Mr's.. Johnston: wart Webster and : hi•s son, J; ' f Kirkland Lake are visiting. h, his mother 'and. other rela r.' anct tvlrs: C. -•-•- •eA=I'pi e .and, Marilyn of Guelph: hhaven friends here. While it is on vacation. arvey Hall, ,who has .been ubled .with his feet of :late,:' was. London on Monday' to.: see' a t specialist. r. and Mrs. ' ". " a s Beatrice Arnntrong,. , Alf a strong and son.. Harold spent. week end in "town: r• and Mrs. Jack 'McLeod} hof' odstock spent,..the ' week -end th his ,.father., . Mr. W. S. Mc= od, 'before continuing to North y: for their vacation: • • THE • LUCKN'OW. SENTINEL, I.t1CT NOW, ONTARIO enera„.„ 500 *PAIRS Woinerx's, • Fine Dose, (Sub' Nylons.. and Thread . Tested Silk Stockings at $1,OQ, per pair. TIF MARKET STORE Mrs. 1410, Mrs. i vidst n and re o - s" ors with Mr?, and Mrs. Russ, Robert "YOU'LL' walk along on happy' feet; wwhen corn or•, 'callous with •Lloyd's you treat". Lloyd's :Corn Salve • --50c at. AOWXT'S DR.t9 STORE, Mr. and''Mrs, Hugh Cum.in'g ° M ci:L4( '4111 r !4', anu Mrs, Ronald n.1vlc;nrres and Cory are residing for ,"time at the.old. home 'at flolyrooci.. Visitors there. for 'a couple of weeks are Mr,• and -..-Mrs. Calvin McKay and son mr, .and. Mrs, . Arthur Courtney,. Amberley, announce the'engage- x-1tstl . Evelyn' Olivia, to Grant Warner• Rice, youngest son' of .Mr, and. • Mrs, Charles Rice, London. The marriage to, take place eaifly in. September,-, Mo. and.' Mrs, Eldon Johnston and sons Clarence and Rodger of Toronto • are holidaying this week' t PAGE TIMEX visited last week. at• the home of th e home of her parents; Mr,. IVIr Mrs, C: McDonald at anti Mrs R" •.A: Grant. Mrs. John - M, Chatham arid' with '-.Mr:* andMrs., Robt" `Ra,e' Of Loddon 1VIa•s, A,ngiis-.Keith,, who' 'was='.peen completely invalided 1or a patient in .Winghain ,,Hospital I some .times ston .has . been: at• the'. parental. 'home for: the past three, weeks, .,caring..,,for her mother.,. Wfici has for five weeks, ls.now recupei.at ing at the home .of Mrs, Jarne.s. Lavin. . Mr, and Mrs': Cyril Brown •o f Woods'tec'k spent the week -end with ;her parents, . Mr: and Mrs. Harry. Nikon. Mt s.' , Brown: re- n-tained • for ,a 'few days. , Mrs. -J,0• Netterfie'ld,, Mrs'. M; •Srnitli; Mr: and : Mrs, Hairy Irwin and children, Gail and Margo.l; of Toronto: visited last • week: at. Mr.. John MacDonald's,.Kinloss... Miss. Tena Buckingham. who is in frail : h'ealth,. returned from Goderich, •Hospital a few' days ago, a, id Y _BYyv,""""w' y' My 7.6140YiNi'6nuV1.4F00,*;.^ home at Quillin's Miss ` Marion Hodgins who has been • stationed at the _ United church: Mxssian--in Syldne-�N i-va Scotia for: the past'. ;ccupl'e'•,of years, is returning home and ext pe •ts: to' spend part of August Ya - ca. ion n • Visitors at Mr. Thomas Hnl's; last week were ' Mr. and Mrs Wesley . Butler and Bobby,. Mr, and Mrs;': E. J. Morris :and Tem my,.: all of Chicago; • Mr; George' Greer and Eva, M.r... Murdoch Morrison and 'Mrs, W-rn ; McGill, Lucknovy;: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred; 1 Caslick and :Wayne of Wingharn;. Mrs: R. Caultes and Murray of 'Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Wrr.; Cas- lick. and Mrs :'Earl Caslick) Cul ;toss;: Mrs Bussell.'Ross and Jim- J,rxty, ;,Mrs: :Wallace Conn, Elaine :and George 'of. Kinloss; Mr,. and Mrs, Gordon Scott, Ripley.'' r;'.anci iVlts iR :i -M-e, f • J .« Mr: and .Mrs. D. J..' .McIntosh of '. St;• Catherines ` are spending the:,. week with her•,parents, .IVIr.' -anti -MTD- Todd Mrs. Me1;Broi,$n'.of Waterloo' is holidaying with het,parents, Mr. : • Mr•s; Win.. go' o .er• an ' r. a.n Miss. 1Vlary MacI enzie and. her •MIs. Ronald Rothwell • of:. N or - niece, Marry MacMillan, have re:'• :wood ;and', Mrs; .Al' Martin •aird turned. from • a':•_ten-day visit i'ri .Neddy of Toronto. are visitors Chicago Th'cv made the tr rl? to wrtli:' Mr. =and 'Mrs E:• ,T: Thorn • the ''`Windy City" With Mr. anct ' or., and Mrs,: Wm. ,Dougherty: Mrs; -Frank; Hesse ;t f Chicago upr •,rand Gwen •of Guelph are ;h liday 'return. 4 Ftek• visiting vrsito2s with : Mr•s R: .,r:.• Woods' Miss M. ' E.' Salkeld .and •.Mr. &' ssistan ifth Course ° o Marts September 2�1147 NOT THE • 5E Ir@AtURES.. PAY.. WHILE'LEARNING:' o UNIFORMS.pRoVIDEfl: FREE - TRANSPORTA TIQN • CERTIFICATE ON GRADUATION I GOOD .PROSPECTS QFC:. • INTERESTING EMPtO,Y°MENT ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS.. e-- 8 to 40 Years . ' Good. Health 8rade . Vill Eduicatian This Course consists of three ' inonths'''class room.''* instruction and six.:month's' practical instruction in While training .you receive $60.00 per month. less.• 'maintenance. Transportation is paid. for .'students: . from • their place of r'e idence to. the,•centtat school, and free',,,, iforms' are''provided. • On' success(ui completion ' of the' Cour e, graduates i)e artmeic.c>,f anHealth. certi6ca.t ,from The Wi recek a • appropriate ' Schools are centrally located. , ° Apply ititio di.ltery to the DIVISI'O OF N SE flEGIS'FiiktION Parliament Xiuildin t• Q J g � uesn .s atrk,.�°aronra �..�. . . .D PARTM 'NT aoF.• I A.LTI YV yy�l+yy A '.. 4 HE . PR+O 1 IN6E :or M NTARJO 1 bHf4' - �`"0"�`4.p�►b'ab'b4nh4�leA"�i.'`'!OF'A4''Y+. y.q..►w•�4v• . -s.' I r i ing;�• ;tit:nter .rv=L�G.o ch,._ 'Miss. Barbara '•Salkeld o.f 'Xsham;: •Sask'., rid:Mr.. and•, Mrs:. ,Rayzi:ard' ,Whitely of 'Athabasca,' Alta.; with •Mrs::.GGi r cion and -other- r•elatives.'. Women's Institute will . be .held at 'the home; of Mrs.. Elwood Bar- bnur on Thursday, August . 7 at 2 30. ;,Roll "call, h:ouseholc"1', time asret'S;° subject;';hotire ,economics in charge of 'Mrs. Harold .Gaunt:' Pr ograrn 'committee, 11!Ir=s': G. Stu-: art,,Miss .Mary, Murray; hostesses; Mrs•'1NTcrrrnan McDonald, Mrs ; C. 'Taylor; MrsD..Martin.;. There kviii' be no serv'ice•in'the United •church :for the next'. two. Su rl y's • Mrs: Agnes Leitch, Mrs .Jaynes ow.., Detroit were visitors I st- week With' the former's broth -et, !lr. E. J'. Thom,' and Mrs., ,'nom -. Mt ;J H -Wallace, Mrs. William ioilohei and Mrs..T F .Wilso'n Were. visitors with friends iii :Port' Elgin tin. Tuesday; ' • • TURES If your home ;ts beine wired for hydro, we can supply you with Lighting Fixtures that will enhance the '_. beauty of .every room. . 'We have the most coinplete .display o Lighting, Fixtures ilii 'this territory. Phone '50-r-30; Q and Eiectrk: It)KPL ONTAR! \\o♦♦♦♦a♦\%» �. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ i ✓ s ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ,r ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ r ♦eeS.%%bS\%o.1,`\14.1.%eaa14.e1.4%o%%. ‘‘s ✓ police and .Pe„ nsylvana State Troopers ;- . ✓ A i947Hudson car . competing against ten other makes won -all braking. .', tests 'conducted : by the police. department of-Butter,Pennsy ..✓ " ivana, _ • This car, enteredas: part of that. city's Annual J , by L. J. F'grcht, Hudson dealer in But- -ler. like seventeen n other ;cars entered.. in. th,e,coxitest,' vwastested for braking , ✓:: • distance, at 20 mules per hour and. at 30 • . , Safety Week. • miles :per hour, While city watched, this Illudson stojped in 22.9 ft. in the " mile .per hour' test and at 44.6 ft.. in, the 30 mile .... per hour test. These braking tests .which` measured individual reaction time and the ,actual braking distanceat set speeds, showed that: all: other cars traveled an average of 75 percent farther than Hudson .in stopping in the 20, mile per hour test. They ,•:. �,.,�•€s,,.,'�•��- �,3.3A.���'•"�-.nt-�ar/:h�hr.-_actin 11rri_ 't'lI ; -utile--per them--yt._. The ;average stopping ,distance • for -`al}' cars other `than' .Hudson was 39:6 ft. at, 20'. miles per :hour. anti - 59.2 ft. at 30 miles per hour" 5_. Ambassador To Turkey. Maj. -Gen. V etor 0;1VI:G , DS O. -has'been namedCanadian; amr. bassador ext.aordin LOCAL DEALER:..• inte.rst� 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ i ✓ i -✓ ✓ r ✓ ✓ • •'x1, r : v, e. 4` • Yi ary and plenipotentiary in Tur- key, ' H•Ieis a grandson : of the late John' Odlurn, :a pioneer „.residen of Luckno ir. Sr. ' Oditun ',had':a distinguished militarycareer that .1� OURTH,' ' CONCESSION A: M Mrs; Essie Purves of Strafhroy' visited this Week.,with her daugh'� ter .Mrs. C: Roulston Mr" and Mrs., Wm. •McConnelt t of Hamilton spent a week. rwi<thr friends in and around. Ripley; and:iVlrs: Herb Buckton -olw- Torontoare visiting. friends here. Mr.' Elliott' : Purves o ` Kincar= dine' visited: 'last.•'Stinday• at 'Mr Cliff 13ot ]sti ni's. took himoverseas in t'w,ol,'wars;:' DiPlornatically •.he has previously served aS high'; commissioner in Australia and: ambassador ;to China; .. $ORN WYLDS-Itlr Kincardine Hospital. on Friday,: July 25th to,•'Mr; and Mrs. ` Lloyd. H • Wy1ds, •--datrgh- ter,. Gayle .Anne. Had Charge of Induetton•. Rev., Dr. W 0.. I~thoad of Ashy Yield. and•,moder.ator Of. the. Pres- bytery of Huron-Maitland•had charge of the:' -induction of D. Douglas Stewart as pastor of, ine ` Presb terian church The ,t e*'pastor 'come'}, frorn monton ase the 'tenth:, minister of the . Kincardine.'church, Assisting in the service. Were Rev. C. • II. MacD: iiald ctf .Lucknppw, Rev T S. Hutton. of. Molesworth, Kenneth. McLean Exeter .and :Rev: ,Alex' Nirn.mo of W Ingham. '•• • They're' Never Too Young Or., Toe 01d' :That air • travel knows no age limit ,was recently demonstrated when .relative' of three . gerner,-. atio s landed itt" �I.,ondorr• after crosfstng the Atlantic :ocean from Montreal aboard' a .;T.C.A. North Star. With ,11r., and Mrs, Frank Weekes was their • .10 -year-old grandson and• mks. ,Weekes' moth er, aged 81 years, Its; ,note: often that ' a ' grandson •takes ' a trans- Atlantic hop accompanied bar his great grandmother. R I i LeROY 0: 1 ROVViV• and lis bride were feted recently op' represeti- tgt:ves crf. clubs and organizations w'th. v. home Mr; Brown has been • as.,cnciated agricultural >Apresentative. • -ENGAGEMENTS Mr; and 'Mrs, ;3ri_tte Gari'iMie, Ar ins, announce the engagement of their, "daughter, Marian Cr: ig,' to Gordon FL.Eatr•; Sort of Mr.. and Mrs, .1,Villrarn fi. • Fair; �C#uelph. The marriage will take place' on Saturday, August lGth. • Mr and :Mrs: W MacKenzie o5' Ilam.ilton are visiting' with ..Mr; and `Mrs,...Wn . MacKenzie, ..4th BRUCE' •TAKING IN': ; MORE TERRITORY: - Bruce:County` `seems to have en= larged its boundaries of late. One• daily told of .,the ".Bruce County town -Of Hanover" and ,now an- other daily` tells of a tree •c`ut 'at -- Varna, • in the;•Hensall ':distract,. �v "ci r� s maido�-haveeerh largest tree in Bruce' County" With r the • move toward larger', ' High Schools' it appears that .Grey • and Huron counties:- have -L. -'. been :mot/ed. into '.a . larger ut: 'called Bruce Countyu. Chesley^ a Enterprise.. ,t' the kequest:Of The :Lucknow .Business Men's Association ereby"'Proclaim: uus A CIVIC ' HOLIDAY, FOR. THE. VILLAGE OF 14,LICKNOW And callon all Citizens to observe it as such., 4Jiw-Ya.LLw-.Y.+i 1.44 :a ww:.. M,. w�.',n .. _.,.e._. �.... ....... .. .. ... ., ....i • W. '{ YNT, Reeve. o,