The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-07-10, Page 3RURSDAY, JULY lOth, 1947
Local an
,ENDOR TABLETS - are effect-
2 Weeks` supply $1; 12 weeks..
, at DPW1.1'SDrug Store. ,
Mr. and, Mrs. Ted. Brewer and
ildren are holidaying at the
•mtioLig_cottage at Point Clark,
Mrs. Terra punter has returned.
pin . London ,to spend the: sura-
erather licime here.
Mrs. T. •. S• Reid of oriilia •.and
r, Austin Reid of London viSitii
this 'week .wi,th Mr..'and Mrs,
'H, Thompson:
Miss herine . 'MacKenzie of
ie Tol ont'teaching:.-,staff • is
..o , •
)ending thc,,Auminer at :l er''hoixre
Mr.' Gilbert Vint returned re
eit1y from St Joseph's Hospital,
ondon, where he 'underwent .a
lajor operation, '
Visitors with Mr. :and 'Mrs. : P;
I. Johnston were Mr.. and Mrs:-
Ierle.. Johnston _and Sharron •of
,ondon and Mr, and Mrs.. Donald.
ohnsto.n "of Toronto •
Mrs. W. A, Littlefair of Tor-
ontp attended the funeral of Mrs..
N, D. MacKenzie on Monday, .
),131 `A R
The: death of 'Mrs,. William
Murdie, •which occurred . .early
Monday, morning, June .30th,,,•'
brought deep narrow to this corn
Miss. Lgrna • Campbell of Tor- rnunity .where she •has resided for
and Jack ayloi of E1rnii'a. more•than forty years, and where
arehelidaying' a -1 e. Thom sen.�s ed b.y.
cottage at Amberley Beach. young ;`• and old:
Mrs, Murdie's' death occurred
suddenly at the, summer cottage'
at Point Clark, ` which' she had
made, the centre., of .hosp.itiality.
for• many years, as washer home
Mr.. and , :Mrs. W. 'Toy of T r-
Onto visited fast week with, their
daughter, Mrs. W. B, Anderson
and Mr: Andersen.. at their cot
•Dr. Wm•: Connell: of Winghani
Much irn:proved in health•since
uffer°ing a severe" :heart attack.
ome •time ago: ° He is at';,present.
iolidaying at Amberley: Beach.;
Mr. snd Mrs • W: R. Farrier of
Nhrtechurch and. Mr. and . Mrs.
a it to_s. enc
xx�'�.? i r cif .-Tor o
iunday with' Mr.nd. Mrs, (.has '
• onald on :the 2n'd..'
tage at' Ambefley Beach •
in the �•illag-e Mr°sj Murtlie had
Mr, and Mrs. A. E, Mi•lison of suffered •from. a, heart •condition
Weston and' Rev, '.and. Mrs • J: W,, fur. about five years, but: had been
it 'llieo
and dau:ghtei• 'Catherine'pf . in her usual .health
•RoeHeSte ,>N.Y,,•have been guests spirits throughouttheday.
pf: 1VIr. and 'Mrs.J.. "W. 'Joy..nt..
Mr..and Mrs, ,Wm. Blue, 'Helen
aiid • Margaret .of • Detroit visited
With Mr., and' Mrs, J. D. Ander-
son ' and on heir •return:' were:
'accompanied. by Mary. Jo Ander-
Nfrs> Mur die ''w a a formerly,
Mary .Sutl erland;;•dal .ghter of'the
late Mr. and •Mrs. Alexander
Sutherland of. Seaforth.,• :where
She. was •born • sixty-nine years`
ago. Prior' to ,•
her :marriage ' on
February 13th, 1900, she had been
a tailoress in the Gregg Ciathing:
Company et
Mr.'' and Mrs.: Russ '.Clipperton • In 1905' Mr, Nlurdie entered the
of London ',visited recently' with s Lucknow
hardware busines In , uc ckn ow
and'. in 1906 'they ' took 'up.. 'resi,
deice here: Mrs. M irdie :had a.
winning ;personality that soon.
gained for her a. warm spot the
returned to hearts of the folk :of;:this corn.
Lloyd Ackert has
Chicago after. a •two', weeks' visit munity Genial, generous' and
with his ..parents; iVir. •and. Mrs.
hospitable, possessed of •a .love of
, .. ,
. • L 1 d is assisting children and a consideration,' ',for
1rraesi Ackert 9y .. _ g
inconw.ctitig•,.a y
am bo s. who; 'lived;- a full, :active- and'
mer . c pfor
her parents,, Mr, • and Mrs, Sam
Reid, .and also `atteeded the Reid
Picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich,
with thirty in attendance.
worthy life. She .was : a . forrn'er
Mr. acid Mrs. ' Victor. Gawley president of • the • Women's Insti-
.'•visited at' /V11%. OrviwlJe °Trowse re- tate holding this office at' the
Mr, Andrew • Emerson • visited cently.
It Cliliton & Seaforth Iast week. Mrs, Dan,".McDonald . of ,'•South.
The•.."� pupils -of.. ,Purple Grove
res •
ented their =teacher, Ts. B.`
�ollins with a ;set .of pyrex,; She
las tendered "her- resignation.•
Kerry.Day, son of Mr. and Mrs.,
Happy • Day, of • Tonto is.. spend-
ing the holidays__ at..the home •of
his cousin,. Mr.. and Mrs. Den
cosh. •
Line spent a' -day with; her c1 ugh-
-bane - th-e---uar-•-- r lorial—was
emoted. • • • '
Mrs, ' . Murtlie , always took . an
'Mt . in all . -branches'.:Of
uality Tea
s 1VIrs C; aRoitston and ;children
REV, W,.S. CR,Aw spent. the' week' with . friends • in
Rev. Vlialter ..Brool: f>eler Craw Kincardine,
Mrs. S. Smith arid daughter of
for • more than 'seven years _min Toronto spent the week -end with.
inter of ' Zion United Church, the. fornter's ' brother, . Mr. Johne
A, McDonald: Brantford,: died at the *Liaise,
Tuesday evening of hast week. Al-
though Mr. Craw •hast been ill for.
some time;:_Fie, .hay' improved re-
cently _arid returned from the
•Brantford General Hps• his
homer earlier in the, day. He died;
just before 7 o'clock in `the .even-
Coming- :to Zion Church from
Centennial Church, • London, ''he
had: , been indefatigable 'in his
church work • and was greatly be-.
xxt _. ers • of . the con
;lhr�d ka'y a.
grega ,)ori. UYi?iei iris 4 ail`�ps'ir%
Ziori probably reached thee' zenith
of its greatness during that time.
He was a fearless, forceful and,
inspiring preacher; ; Who ' devoted
himself to"' Christian .>workwithin
ands without the church; .His Circle
x extended far .beyond
of .friends eten y
Mrs. Archie left
a motor trip through 'the,
adian West':
Mr. and Mrs. Peter.IacKinnon
and Miss Helen, MacIntyre off'
Mich.;: are Spending the.:•
week -end with friends herd.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville McGuire
of Detroit are -visiting with Mrs.
A: McGillivary and Jima
Mr. and Mrs.Gilbert Hamiltofl
visited iii' Whitechurch.
day2was held in Lucknow on, Sat
urday,• when gross receipts total..
led'' $33:21. Tagging; 'w as done by,
a ni:imber of •Girl; Giiides .under
Sepervision of ' their cantain9.
Mrs. George. Joynt:.Guiders .who-,
were on, duty were Marlene `'Mac .
Lennan, 'Noreen. Kilpatrrcl,' Joa>, : -
church work and ire paying tri -o Johns ,ons• a.� ys _ _ in,,~ ' rgare
Mns: John otheerser received timely sdemise; in ills 45th year
• . � bate ;to:.• her. at.; the. funeral • ser -
the Y A . •. n .Giillan, Gladys ,'Ki;lpatrick; Grace. `.
the ad pews of` detach of her, :. will b the' cats , of.:great regret• .
se Huston, Fruth Johnston'.
• vice in • the United Chtkrch ;'on throughout •
sistar'-in=la.w, l�'frs. Will: Nixon'; of throughout the whole city • and
..Thursday ;afterxiooq'aRev.:S.tew .' •
St;, W allberg; . Sank e ' the United Char. ch •generally I3is
said.? ` She • loved her church 'and
Mr:`RaY mond' Emerson, of :Cen Mr and lvirSi Herb Ensign `vis-
tralia spent ,the
k -end with it�ed with and -Mrs. -Wm. Baird
. w e� ,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred (Barr of Sar-
luvcd: arid:;piactised the principals. warm personality.• won hiin many.,
friend , who : are sorrowing with:
for which it stands". Rev Sdtewart;..
was •assisted by Rev, .Robert Mc- his family;
C)eel l Ml s 'J W• I Joynt sang
::In. the United Church,.of Can
. his. chief : in•tere'st . was•, min
Brea he on me breath of God..,
signs:.°arid . he was .a : rnembe:r . of
led •at the organ by Miss
his •.parents. ,'• d Russell,
K c3a dine
an' . in r acewr.ipan•
,: ,� • `the1VI. and 11!M: committee:,:He� ,as
Irate ' ent Was'
Donald ` McCha•rles ,
Elizabeth Welsh rm s
Arlen and<: Dona
Greenhill Cemetery with
g are hol y ng Lodge at Kin
g•:,. :.• also a member. of the. 'Masonic.
iia visited at Mr 'George
Em- Vida i with ' their aunt, in . )goon•
11 T ornas Burns J.'
.Sr h L do W Ur h -
M 1Vl M • T • ;Rev;. 1VIr,Craw `came of a fam.
•1Vlillan, J.. R..McNab, Aust. . ,
The Institute met at the borne' Mr and Mrs Mai vin Jackson. • •it whose' sons have served=:th'e.
.L .
ersons, r; on. ` on ay r's. II. ac avis , on n; ,
. d H S ., v .. acting as' '
Sol -
Feel.YearsYounger*.Full of:Y;nr
Dont always, blame exhausted, worn-out, rim -down
feeling on yeUr age: Thousands amazed'at what a. •.
little pepping up with Ostrex wil do Contains tonin..
often needed atter 40 - when body is weak, old Just:. -.
because' lacking: iron, also supplements :of calcium,' •
phosphorus, ; Vitamin 13, A ,middle-aged •doctor,
writes,•. 1 took it myseir. Results' were fine. Get
introductory. size; ostrex' •ronie ablets todhv; to
.oni�/ 35e.,Why feel old' fry.Ostrex, to'feei'peppler "`
?get new vim and feel years younger. this. very day.
Forsale at all drug stores verywhere '
Mrs. Helen, Swan with 'a large' Detroit visited Mr and Mrs. :anion an avert'
R of :f � -Church in •'Cabala 'has
da c ,'last. Wednesda pallbearers
e•y� Robert �HGmiaton.
Surviving are her husband, one
b •
Miss Evelyn Embury of T•or= • Paramount Women's Ins.tltute'• ,
daughter., Mrs, Malcolm . Arm grandfather came to Canada irl
rat ' 't d with illi` B Cil t `th h of Mrs 1559 before completing' his the,• ins:' .will meet a. e home
over a. long period of years His
o. vise e ; wi rs; ..o � _Strong ('Bessie) of .port. •Arthur
- 16th. Pro= ' _ ologieaT'. •course. Finishing it `at
ton is. Spending :a, few week's with ram Committee;. piss. S. Gibson,' now 'Alex of'•Toronto and ,Clay- Knox • College, •,neon o,.', -
p g ,e g :r�- ... no r,.
Miss Jean Campbell of Tever- Jghn Elphrek on July I and three sons, (Kenneth of Luck C 11 T t he be
Mrs, Victor Gawle. and 'Mrs: Al' Irwin. ' came . Minister of Hillsdale • and
y cnce of 'St Thomas
She • was the last` surviving Elmvale,• Ontario,` Presbyterian,
Churches, in winch 'he spent the;
Member. of, the. Sucher and• fam- ,. � i •
whole of. his- ministry He had'.
lly, having been predeceased• by •
thi ee brothers; Jack,'Andrew' and a family, ,, of four :boys 'and two
WI'Iliain.; rad ry e moister;, Mai girls Rev..Robert .W ,.Craw, fath
gat et, who died In, January er of .Rev Walter. B.:Craw, died
two years .ago. He ministered an'
• • Lucknow, while"` Walter, Was at
te_nding_college The three other;•
sons also entered. 'the niinistry
Rev, Wria.,Craw, Rev: George'
I. •Craw,'and Rev. Alex W. Craw.
•The two' daughters married Pin -
k Toronto vis-
1VIrs M. k'allrn, ,,. is •
iting with •her.sister; Mrs. Albert.
• Thom:psop..
Mi and •;Mrs..'.Ernest Ackert ister -Rev. H. J; : T,ren and ' Rev..
spent Sunday at : ,the. home of.
their Son, Ml:, and .Mrs' 'Harvey
Clarence Ackert, who has .been
in °Kincardi3,e• Hospital for -a :feW
days' is spending `sometime with
his grandparents..
:• Mrs. Weir 'Eckenswiller• and.
little son .spent la few days, •in
Kincardine with her parents.
Congratulations • are AA order
for' Marie Percy -''who has.6passeu
:her entrance' exams also. Wayne
Johnston .who passed o'n h.isF,years
w,oi k,
lyii•: andMrs. A, Thompson, Mr1
and . Mei. E.:Thompson' and : Mar• -
gel. y • an"t Mrs, Palin visited Sun
clay' with ,it•1'r. and Mrs: Torrance.
Guest, Ripley. . ` . ..
A number of Holyrood i ladies
attended the Institute 'meeting. at
Mrs, 'E. James }Thursday, after-
noon,. Plans nrert: made for a car,
.rival to beheld at f• iolyrood,'all'
the latter pant' of July. . •
George McAlister.' ,,All the: sons
were graduates .of Knox ;,Colllege,,
Rev', • Walter B. Craw: had
c ges at .Kincardine .anli ,Lori
don, at each 'Off which he ' sue=
ceeded an uncle -Rev. H J. Uren
en" ..IRincardine . and Rev: Geo. • MV -
Mister at Cer ten) ial•, : London..In
both, like, at ° Zion,' he achieved
marked success
Rev. Mr.. Craw is survived' by.
his ' wido*, •, the foriner: Don) a
Nichols, ,Fergus, 'Or)tario• and two'
children, Margaret,. • seven,, and
Donaid, two, both at home. There
a.t'e ' also: three sisters,. Dr.' Helen
Craw Mitchell, who with her 'hus-
'band • served rriany years. as a
inedicaL.'. missionary. in -,.China;
Evelyn, .Mrs. '(Rev.) 'Arnold Mat-
thews, North Bay,' formerly Bead
of .C.G.I,T,• work ire'Canada,` and
Mrs: John Cunningham. (Isabel)•r
Fergus, Ontario, and his mpther;
You get :more .milea . at.
.lower, cost per mile'. '.. "with.
Goodyear ale Miler All-
, Weather truck tires.. Extra
mileage makes them
more eeonomical in
the long rum'
• .
2', G001)
Ford Sales and Service
'Phone 40, Luckiiow
1VIr. and Mi•s, Guteher aid fain- Mrs Robert Wilson Craw, form-
ily ,spent Sunday , with frig ds . erly Ethel D. ?lewes, Brantford;
near Mildmay. - now residing''at Fergus,