The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-26, Page 4'RE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • TNUR5DAY, JUNE 26th, 1947 "WANT AD" FATES—ist insertion 2 .cents a word,'subsequent insertions 1 cent a 'word. MVliriimum charge 25 cents. Replies care. of The . sentinel. 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per coulnt line first insertion, 5 Cents. per. ,line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE --started capons. and started pullets, Goldie . Martin, Paramount.k ' ' FOR SALE 1931 Che.V:. sedan :good tires,, N. W. ' Winterstein; Luekn.ow. ' . • •SOLES 'WANTED•—Lucknow Hy- dro Electric k System' requires. a nuiznber of cedar ,poles, ,25 ft ;.and 30 ft.` long, 6-inch,`tops.,•Pronipt delivery. necessary; Apply Muni 'cipal Office,,,Lucltnow. ' STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned abort' . June- lith,_; a _:black heifer,.`. Owner may, have ,same by ' proving : property. and Paying-' expenses. John .:Robb, .Holyrood. �.. , • CAA ''FOR SALE : MrS. John MacLeod, Con.. 2 Kinloss, has for . sale 'a 1939. Dodge deluxe sedan. in first class condition.' .Car can. be sefen at -Alex `MacLeod's, Con. 2, Kinloss... ••4, NOTICE .' Re Village. Bread Delivery There will be .no house -to- h° ya vo.r. Qf brP tl r`. the .week of June 30th -to July, 5th. PURDON'S . BAKERY, Lucknow. FOR SALE— • Good -.cook stove,. only: a year, old; . Herb Miller, Lucknow. • BARN. -FOR SALE- 1Jx25 double sided, wired, for hydro. Apply to George 'Joynt, Lucknow. • PATNTING &. DECQRAING- sample book' of ..Lovely. - Paper, at reasonable.:prices. ,L ': Stinger• ' Phone. 96, 'Dungannon: Q '• APPLICATIONS WANTED MARKED APPLICATIONS will be received• by• the .undersigned upto'.and including July; 7th- for - the position of Tax Collector, in the Township of •West Wawanost • .. The salary has been set at. $140. Durnin Phillips, Clerk,.' Lucknow,- Ont., R. R. '. 2.. • IN. MEMORIAM MacPHERSOfib : In loving .mem= ory of our dear Another, • who passed` away June 24th, 1946. God;took her Home, it Was 'His will,' But. in our :hearts She liveth still, orlon •and `•Wesley THE :BELGA 'STALLION fox'- merly owned •by George Irwin, and "last -YOU -owned- -and tray, a11ed by Earl. Whitehead, is. now available or service in this' dis- trict.. Phone John Forsyth, 58-42 Teeswater.; pr . notify -..Oscar 'Hod - gins, Luckno' Xr. ' MUSIC,'•FIREW(RK-S; Bank;- all day and evening at Waterloo, On- tario, in beautiful -Waterloo Park.' Saturday, June; 28th, Be Sure yqu don' -t -miss this greatest of all out- door shows. Music from, .8.00 in the morning until . midnight, Great parades o}`liaZ►tis; dancing;: fireworks. Come and make a..day' of it.. Ample facilities :for pie- Qr. me ,. meals available on the grounds.''Rain Or shine. thiss Joy Stewart,.-princiPal of the• St Helens: School *as •guest • IVIiss 1\4 CQuillin and the pupilS of the school ori, Yriday afternoon",. As Miss Stewart Was,ciescending •ll-re•StairS, in response to a roes-, 'Sage,. ',the • wedding' march was played byLKathleen Forster, She Was .nlet in the loWer. hall hy Miss McQuillin -...WhO presented her with a, bouquet of peonies and: snowballS.and eseorted her to the seat of honor beneath: a .,white Wedding The front of.. the room *Was° 'Prettily 'dee-prated with ,flowers. and 'pink and. white str,d'ainers'. In .the. centre stood a .table covered with a lace cloth and holding. a' _three-storey cake, Used with .members taking p -at flowers•and pink candies in pf the.: different CountrieS am:4 Candleholders., Lois. Webb played bringing the latest reportS•of the gave a,reading, arid .a. floWer Con- tries.. Those taking part besides test .wai •enjoyect,FlOra Jean Md- the predident; were. Mrs. W. A, quillin and • Pick Ctirrap. then Miller, L.. ,Woods, J drew in an eXpress wagon 1Tade with g#ts While Margaret .MilleriPherson,,mis, A....Gaunt. and Mrs.„ ljear Miss SteWart, • ,., 'the Meeting Of the W.' for ,T.hP minutes :of last. Meeting 4 MY-.ehoailttates 4aN' askd hich the theme 'Was. -"the Christ- were read .apd.. accer.ited • on rim - Ito. say to .y.ou.,'• • lan home-rriakeit- Martha":' tion of 'Councillors Finnigan and.:. !whole • year through, sow.and. Mrs: NeWton the lesson .agamst. the AndreWsFinnigan With eVery and:with: 'every I thoughts on "Mafthathe hostess-.. drain was road ;arid. an .motion -of boy, • ' • : ...(. • ; Mrs.. W, Miller gave a : -eading COUntillors M and Pliel Of ail kind:a wilt, be higher :this' year.' Fleece -line yolF „home With blown RockwOol, Our'eqUiph. merit is in the; diStrict',.noW. yor :tree esarnate and terms !hone 35, now or %via e Day; j,5:- Thornton'. Aver, London,' :SEWING, MACHINES . repaired. Expect' 'factory, methods, a 1.1 ,Makes, _electric Or.. treadlei 23 eXperience. New :machine results' guaranteed regardless of :age, or Make:--SatisfactorY wOrk -this Vicinity for ' 15 . yearg Government licen.Seck: Write W. Craig; General DeliVery, Luck- .naines. Will be here in few days. TENDERS WANTED .tgObEfts, Will be received by. •the undersigned to Suiy .7,' 194/, for the .f011owing work tO be com- pleted ..during the suinmer' hall- daYS: remoVal of old' porch;. in- stallation of Windoi.vs -and build - quire, of the. •schooy .trtiStees der not necessarily aCcepted. .:Richard Sec.-Treas. -Ashfield School Board.. Dave JeWitt of 1C...itche.rter -es .td' -heartily thank .the .Ladies Auxiliary :for.:.the -gift of 'cigar- ettes recently receive& • • 'are 'deeply grateful; and wish to sincerely 'thank all whOt!'were So very kincl. and ,syrnpathetic in wish to • express their .'heartfelt. •thanks to friends and neighbors expressions of' sympathy extend7 •• ed theta iri their bere.aVement, James It: ilackett wishes. ,-to, sincerely tha.nk all those •whO 'many Ways during her recent ..riess:and tb•especially' thank the Women's ASSociation' of •the -,Un- ited Church -for the lovely box of' NOTICE TO. CREDITOIRS NOtice'is 'hereby en, that 'all .YOur'whOle 'through, , farget CroSs ..motibn of. COuncillors Mc- Lutknow* Districtl 'Alone.' 71, LticicuteW FEEDS t6., percent Hog Grower. Pie Starter , Sow Ration Hog Minerals Hog Worm -x -pet Mear sine Meal.: Chick Starter . Grow Malsh -Lair .Mash: ',Chick. Grit Cod :Liver: Gil: Tonics Jain Jamieson, Manager!, ies were in. attendance. The ,be Children's Day •for :the • Wo - theme 6f' the •WI4.5.•over which Men's Institute when the.rngeting Mrs. • Miller presided was "The will be held at the. home of Mrs. church cOrnes back., in Asia". It Fred McQiiillin commencing..at ,Was agreed to ' have Mrs.. S.,. A: 2.po psT. 'Roll Cali, -`.`A. place l• Todd contact her friend, Mrs, Wciuid like to visit .and Ross ,of the Portage La Prairie grim ,eommiitee, Mrs. W.. • miision schoOl .regard to. ad- ler. Mrs.' Durbin PhiliiPs- will " dressing' the societies of •White- give 'a. talk on her trip to Florida. Church;• the Brick , and the, Ask..., Hosteases, Mrs!. R. -J. ,Woods; Mrs. field Circuit. Tho Program "The E: Barbpur, Miss B. McQuillin,- church coMes 'back in Was 'Please collie prepared 'to' discuS.s.' West. Wawanosh Township ..(oun- "cil Was held .on June ,3rd' With aii .Ure, and -School a joy: 4 , I.4, "WOodS read: "A •Motheei,Prayi... I gan and' theldleri.c 'were insttuct7 creditors el' having Please 'aceepi `.thete: little •gifig :quilting in . the hall' this -(Thtirs- PherSon and Finnigan the Clerk claims igaingt Harry tem, lof .the we are' haPpY 'to..h.ring yoo, day) •afterridon. • ; ',,waS instruCted to -,advertise f6r applications for tax collector, all • same with. the'undersigned; on 'or.. 'rice "Mi$ "at- Messrs.' F - day tO attend a •stock:sale• at •The meeting was adjourned 'to. JulY 6th. .Dated at Lucknow•-•this 23rd whole 'affair -was a voinplete stir- .5'r,12.!••• • . • Next Thursday,. July .,:.3ret, Will Durnin 'day di June 1947,. „•• : prise, opened '.the 'lovely gifts 'and. H: Andreiv; t;.licitar expressed -her thanks SnapOhots Wart cut -and served the...cake.' rnittee meeting, of the Aberdeen - last week,. Mrs. ' Gaunt ThOm _Were...recent visitors with. -;•.,-and.Mrs. Earl- Ga.untatLanzi etzr are liereby -required to file West Wawanosh and s applications to be in ty.161.y 7th. motored' to Michigan last 'Thui-s- NOTICE • Huron Co-OPerative Medical. Services wit hold. three meetings irh the' County giving all who. are interested, an *otiPortunity' tci. be cussed and expined;;--TheAneet• EXETER ---'•Town Hall, Wednes- W. Nicholson; president of the Ontaria Co -Operative Union will be the speakef -for; these meet..., ings.''rEveryone i.s.'inVited 'to 'at- WE .EX...#ECT.. tin Al a FOgpiSa. FEED STC) NEW LIFE. and LIFETERIA • FEEDS Delivered. Ton .Or Ison 'Lots troit ‘v,ere visitors with Mr. and MrS.: E. Z. Thorri, and Other rela fives -01i their. return were a,cCompanied by Miss. Ilelen Blue Wht)..Spent the week with Mr. arid. Mr. and Mrs: GordiM .i4cPher- son and: Isober, accompanied and emeg.• Ewalt McPherson and Jean of Wingharii. to Orillia :to • spend the Week -end. with.Mr. arid Mrs., flUgh Rutherford and .Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rutherford.: t• and Mrs. Alex WItirdie and I •BObby of, Toronto were visitors with:her parents; Mr. and Mrs,.R. • .Mrs. W. 1. Miller waS kostess, for the June meeting of .the INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALIT .AUTOrlOBILE To Protect Your Jack insure•with Jack' Today • J. A. McDONAGH ILIL Lucknow, Phone 61-5 Dungannon tort MacKenze Walkerton, Ontario; KN • OFFICE •LN. FIRST WEDNESDAY. EACH MONTH from SCIEilIirS STORE W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor VCCKNOIV, ONTARIO Office4n the JoYnt Block Telephone Office 135 ° Residence 3r -J Insure, In Sure Insurance `11. Confederation Life WIND, CAR, FIRFf—Preferred Rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS commit ACCOUNTANCY chant, professional Man., and In- Licknow Tues., thUrS. 14iday. Offkie in Kilpatrick ::Heth4ingitin, , Each • tocatei on the ground floor in the front' Office 48 , Re.sicletice