The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-05, Page 7TJWRSDAY, JUNE• 5th, 1947 THE LU?KNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I(L'CKNOW„GI:RL - WIN PURPLE. GROVE BOUNDARY ,EAST • �O)�`TI�AIT OPENER, 18-15 .Mis:i Verna J.ohntson...ef London spent a few days with Mr. and; Luel now. Girls played .host- to Mrs. Burton. Co !'...'✓ ' F f ' Mii'iiin .' Quigley and mother last. id r iy evc.iiinl, and edgecl* ,visited vkrth-Mrs. Itaipb. Hill last tin 10. -to els, victory over .the' cta."rhHuron' Hub lassies. Its difficult tirs. Y•'- -. to :gay. whieir team' was th Miss Ada Gawley visited at Air, . e more. ' suipr.}sed at the. outcome. • Victor Uawlr:ys •p:n. Sunday; � ' . • Mi Will Montgornery of De{ ,. trout Visited with his sister, Mrs. George Emerson, Sr., recently... Miss .Marville Scott and MisS Eva Sutherland of Toronto spent •the week=end at 'hez, orae°, here. The, Women's Missionary: Soc.. iety of Kiniough, in conjunction Milne,• cif Glad s Gibson, ,2nd; with the W,M.S. of Ptr.rple Grove y ,.met ':at the 'home of Mrs. John•, H. Salkeld, ist; Betty > Tamil, • Erti.eiaory on Wednesday:: afternoon ton,' Cf, Per;: •l,: Solomon, if, Mali ' wtir:.•an unyusual y..karge attend„ boric' Solomon, : rf, - arra. . Unpires. gie'EC Harrison aisoz a nd y * Y Mi.:, ,Russell Bushell:'Art ,Finelew• and son and, .Mrs, Gez,'tie Bushell .visited Score' By Innjngs It was the first gunge in organ; ized .competition frig• the •Lueknow• girls, and they showed, promise of having. a 'pretty ; fail—team with some practise and eaxperience_. "' Teddy spent Monday evening at Ltye nQw._ .line was, _.Georg” • Mary •Chin; •'3r•d; Alma • $o1orrio �Brd e ..and •euchre party was, p; W"innio Stewart, ss, ;:Carrie lheldg :at the lt/Ieinorial Hall in Whiteehur ch •, e>rr• Friday evening. °g. Winners at bridge welt' Mrs.' Fred :ISTewman of Winghatn and' Hugh MacI• enzie; for, euchre, Mrs.- Ger share J'ihnsen and.•E rnest Case more and. at pedro,, Mrs. Miles MaclV i.1lan. Lunch -was served and ,dunces ' enjeyee, Mi`s "P'ov Cringle of: Deta'oit spent the` week-erna. i3'ith ler Jack Gillios -Misss. Yvonne. MacMillan. purse-.. in training at Landon is holida.-. ing at,:her 'home here. I'AGE SEVEN • Mr, John .Griffin of bertroit` vis- iterd ,. at John MacMillan'sover the Week -end. . ' Mr. and •Mrs,: Win. Evans. and Ri a1ey. ,,,, 115 30'4 1 •15 at the,home- of 'Mr., Ed'bei�t. •Bush-. . el.l .on Sunday. 033:114 .x-18 Mr,, cind .1Vlrs. Don' M.cCosh and , The ii is now. horn' :l'Ir. a.ncl.Mrs. Ronald •F.orster and family •visited, at 'Mr, 'Wi11" Bush- g c game'w]11 • Mr: and Mrs. James •Forster, ell's at Lueknow on Sunday. : be next Monday with Wingham- the :visiting'.nine. Today -(Thugs - d' a Y h s t / c a e ' are 1. d Y to to pa 1 i Yin ,WHI TECHURCIi Kincardine. :Mrs. 'Bella' Cottle and •heir,•son • •Apd.by,the way, transportation Frank Cottle and . his . wife . isn't' going,to. b,e . an easy problem and • trio, daughters :Of- Detroit to solve If'.you'"can take .a load, 'spent the week -end with the -for oaf•p•layers,•,don't'wait„to::be asked: mei''s ,sister, Mrs,' Joe Tiffin ;and Mi'. Tiffin and their. famrly.'. a With' men's. and girls' softball Mi and Nrs Markle oteam f Ham s. in• addition'inter- ..to ' the Ilion. visited ' recently "with mediate hardball ;team, its going s'istei-,M s Rebt. _1vfowbt`av �rnrl to mean 'lot °cif nto kk'fot' sornew � u�re Lu dig u ears h this summer. Mr.. Mowbray.p .• Mr, and 1Vfrs. Wakeling: of Longi.. --Theo• groupings' are 'compact,, don visited' decently with Mr: ;and :however•, so that:I on:e•of the trips :Mrs James Mc.Tnnes will be uridulY long Mi andMi s Grosko.rth and family`spent the week -end " with 'TWO GAMES' WASHED OUT relatives at: Toronto ` . . 'vices'•• in thee• United church • on Sunday,..June 8th. Therewill be no 'service : in the Presbyterian 'church.: , Mr:,aid Mrs Fred -Tiffin spent .sSunday afternoon, with: Mr and Mrs. \ Ein.erson.• QM 1• Get Pe Vim With IRQNI! .plus :suppiernents' •: i; A1:C1UM,.VITAMINi 81 ■1nr o. 40.:,e 6075dn't• b0 EN,2,1810M old Resit. wore ou.t, ea 1�t luw r(� �ed i:lke, (f trekc. ont our; tonic OHOncedr,l utter. tp . V i udieWo1T T'rrvt Uteut;11 ztt Int! iron • piil e,ulciurn; \ itllmin III. 'Ph oii ids now Yt•el pelrpS 3'(nrs %.chili er 1ry o,tre�.1'hntc'i:hbI t� =r.r•L> 11' het-luttmii rmr�r tine ne;iy !or un , 3 ,a , Nur �•1le':Lt ull,drtig s'tpr(s ever) R he•ns, .. .• 1- . Don't 0- Drive with Yovr fingers r D essen. strander R;; SAFE, 'NEW 'had two :ball games washed out` to. date, • Last Wednesday's:.game at Ripley, has been postponed un , til ,June ,13th, andthe game 'slat ed f.or:•Mon.dsiy'night at'Goderich with the Flyers' s has been hoisted tint]1: Jctly 7'th,; •Lucknow's first''lorrie ,g'arlieis. carded tl fol :Fi ld i cif' : this v c ek... 'Jurat., 6th,\\ ith Auhurn the visit- ing team;• The. way.- the Weather looks as i^3;: Seri i,biilel„fr�eSl7- dicates tha.t ne,ithei the_ hal k _noi the ball tarn .be' %eddy. fel :this b'tie.=eit'her; The'. Legions•`:opening softbta;ll game••on Tuesday iilght. waspost-: poned, 9. They are' scheduled "`• o' meet Loncles!boro here. nekt 'i`ues day. LENS. There will be.no service in. the* United; • Church; next r Sunday On aeC.otant' _oi' :.the 1_11 vices- being. held • in the United ..chin ch 'Whitbchurch: Avery successful tea: and' sale . was `•held' in'Luckriow` ;on :Satur day under- the -auspices of ithe I.Wornere.S. Association Proceeds mounted to, a•boiit $40. Please note •that *. the 'Wornen's'� Institute ,Will 'be held'at, the •home. 'of . M:rs.. George Stoa t t ';this•. a'ftet - noon (Thursday). 'when 1VIr s.'O. G: Anderson' will 1;e the. giiestispeak Mr. and Mrs :l;nrl Gatint,..Kon-... YEARS'ncth'and•.Fay of Londesfaoic� mere i•ecent guests of Mr,: and -M'i_s,• Andrew .Ga:un't. • n - e g INSURANCE Agency Lu know, Ontario. Fire, Casualty, Automobile farnil,y visited on'Sunday:at Wal=:,THE HALF-HOLWKY and °o.' enc. � p ter ; `orster's ,near:iipley; Wednesday night 'questidn which The Falconer -McInnes picnic i has' been booted around in Tees : which. was to have been held on I water for . the. past few 'weeks,. June. 9th is.postponed due to now a pears. to' be settled bycon=; �_. p- weather conditions until July 1st 1 tinuing to' observe the. holiday= on at. 1Vli..Jphn• Falconer's home in' Wednesday , which: has been. •in. Win ham. ! effect *for the ':past year. • 4 0 • N '3. • ` Ye81.G000years ,give tnorv' itliles • of safe, ecti.n- :omictL.r service t}i'an any other ,'tire, .Get brand bew Goody ears, today!. )e • e, Your GOOD• o, Dealer G OS"TRANDiR Ford Stiles and'"Seryice Phone :40, •Lucknow r) itt AN CD DRIVER V ER -- A NYJ! J P KINGSBRIDGE Frank Dalton has r'etctr•ned• to the farm after :having,•:werked; in •' Cleveland for, ,•a ' ntiniber', Of years: He has •purchased n nctw`' jeep and trailer wagon. Mr. and Mi•s.' Pat Pardo and.: family and Mrs Webster at�e 'vis iting Mr. John 'C. Dalton; ,Mr. and Mrs. ,Pete Mur=ray• of . Detroit Aperit Deci ati n holidays: with .Mrs. M. J. O'Connor, Vlr. and Mrs. Joe .Lane}:and. family, Seaforth,•spent' Simi:lay.., with,Mr• Andrew Martin,: We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Tern I(oviak to our midst, they having. moved in to `the residence for- merly occupied •by ;Mr. and Mrs: Jim Dougherty: ' ; d• a ys v:`r. Garvey richt as n few ,y with',his rnotherl Mas. TQtri. ti. • 1 Gaiwe „� r • g 1.e The demand: for General'' Motors Cars 'continues far ,in advance of our ability ..to deliver. While General Motors dearars, and: the factory'are doing everything possible to `get that new car for you, it may _still -lie some time before all orders- are :filled:: ' M• In the meantime,; let us keep your: present car in thebest possible condition. Our regular tune up and inspection service will assure you _safe, 'comfort able, worry -free driving while you wait. for your new car, Service on all .makes of cars and trucks. ' I�• ,;.��,.� fur;` � �� G:Msw147d - ., .....,�.: Sic •{.;x::{::�>:`;:fin,:r}:.�:2,•:{:+i�;;.;`o-i kL:{••:`•;,•••'4•>::'r:}L�L'•,'r,:�:�ti,L4Yv . � .:L.L,.; ;:},4...;:,:{•. . R. JTI•.T; : •.L ••L• Y:.