The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-06-05, Page 2AIWA X111 SIV •zr • •1 .'AtC,arLTWQ 'THE: LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKN.OW; ONTARIO AS-IFiELD . THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL rucknow,. Ontario. Established 1873.--- Rublished Each Wednesday Morning Subscription Efate —; $2.00 A Year in Advance --To U. 5.*A; $2.50 , Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post ,Office Department, Ottawa Member- of The `C. W, N. A. Tiionwson, Publisher and Proprietor T pHIJR.SDAY, JUNE 5th, .. 1947 EI�ITt?RIA.i �SIIC(ESS•._1VIARKED. EFFORT •The 'attendance:�at ' the tuber- -culosis detection clinic on : Mone ;day and Tuesday.was quite Brat- ifying arid" a`•fitting• climax: to an .ntensive campaign stagedmby'the •Clansirien:°. In the final analysis, however, the answer to this: of fort -rested.' with the .ndiic�ual .and the response left little to be desired. ', In. repeatedly • stressing.0 and publicizing :the' importance of at tending this 'survey, The • Clans Brien . r the' Publisher,' were • in rio war. inferring that ;the disease. was : rampant , in the district,'f actually "only about ;two: }n o e sons .'thousand .is the: • •ratio ;.,of p� r requiring treatment for .pulmon-• ary tuberculosis. ' The cant'paign locally which was ` elftered ; into so wholeleart- edly was par o f . -a nationwide r 'ultimately wipe out this ' . effo t to " ultim� e p r y insidioug .disease; which: is•, a -long range' objective;: and ; which ,de, use .of'' the- bein- - �nade regardless of age if• this : utopian goal is ever to. be reached, - 'This. effort to stamp out . the diseasis a' radical departure 'from days. gone by, when. ,older particular , can ,well : re- member the hushed . tones; ,and head -shakes that ',always accom-' r e. The sacrament' of. the Lord's Supe was observedin the Pres- byterian res-by,:terian church •on'Sunday iiiorn- Miss Catherine.. MacKenzie • •is. home. from London . where' She has been attending Western Urliv"er sity. " . Mr. and Mrs.: Archie MacMur chy. of .Detroit spent the Decora- tion . week -end : with . "relatives ,. •• t NEWSPAPER DEFINED Mr. and Nrs. Jamesr,MacKenzie The • Bowmanville Statesman of Detroit "nailed -on. friends here defines the responsibilities `of' a They were seen ging the week - 'here newspaper .as follows: end with relative at Lohhalsh &" "A ' newspaper 'is much°: More `.Bluevale. than . an ordinary business. It is Mr, and -Mrs: 'D.. Blue and Ber.,- a public, trust; tha .Jean, „Mrs '.JA 'Collinson. and . . and,,Mrs. `Neil, , . " An ordinary .business can, ac- e Maryktorx 'and, Mr, a •. lYf x. , � cept or reject 'the privilege of G.' MacKenzie .were in, Mitchell. ng the' carrying and selling varying. lines � on Wednesday attend. fun - of goods A newspaper, if it is a eral.of their friend, Mrs. T. Jones; p Messrs.' David 'and' Hugh Mac- true mirror of the life of .the corn- rrrunity,- must: report 'faithfully Murchy were in Ethel. on Monday whatever happens.. The citizens of visiting their sister, Mrs; G. Dun- the• community: look to:it to keep. bar.' •• them :informed as to what is, said and done at all.meetings of mini= cipal bodies, and. generally= speak-; 'ingt.what:is happening' in the'life• osp Friday, May Mr.. and Mrs. Norman John Ross,. R. 1 Winghan7, a., daughter. • BORN' ROS In`•Wingham Generale 1•. ' n. 'tsth• to H �ta o ,of th, e town as.a whoIe - T.he:'newspaper, of course,. is, not responsible ..for. 'what' members' of council or:.other speakers say but it must rep rt . a r y n . ones - • tai: on.. -Sunday, ' June' lst, to- Mr, ly, 'whether it agrees with" what officers; hon: pies.; N D. • E. " Cam - and Mrs.. R.aynard Ackert of h'as .been said or 'not. The•press � . r eron, hon. vice pies., Wm: 1Vlehis;• represents the,. eo 1e. -.who' have Ho.lyrood; a .daughte . . p s b, .. p , p Pres., A Campbell; : vice Pres.,; C. ACKER``—in' Kincardine: Hos T.URSDAY, ,JUNE, • 5th, 1947 K A R-D.S THROUGI- TSE SENT iE .. FILES. Sixty' Xe rs Age—, The . death occurred en April 22nd of Mrs, Peter MacDonald, formerly Mary. Ross,. eldest dau- ghter of Mr. m..and Mrs. 'Kenneth Ross, Con. 2' Huron Township; She was 25 years of age. and was sur vived:-_ by .er. h�icband and new' born babe, • hK :ri loss Council appointed 1Vi'essrs.•..S•tewat•t,. McIntosh '' a n :d McKinnon for the erection • of a Township Hall at Holyr.00d, the Cosi .not 'to exceed $400:. ; cis,. Allan McKinnon purchased front., Cam.eion 8E Campbell, L-ot 20, Con. 4; Kinloss,. 100 acres for- rnerly owil,ed .by Murdoch- • Mc- D.onald and Charles McKinnon,. D. 'D. Yule, secretary;; called a rneeting.4of . the Caledonian Soc- iety. • ' John F.: Andrew.of' Con. 12 Ash- field :purchased° ,-the • Shertl o.rn' bu'lI "Louis Napoleon" from. •W. Kilpatrick- of Dungannon; A . baseball club was o'rgariized in the village; with• the :following. • At, Holyrood Miss K. 1,1art,:n 1.- At, teaching'tle fo�ltowing:�tl,iia Mat Foran,,, Leslie Congrarti,,,� tha' Switzer, Freddy�Kenny, gie_Thompson, Ina.Switzer, Myrtle hCongram, Teddy,' Switzer, 1�Jae Henry, Willie •Dempsey, li.ohert Elliott, Flossie Haines, Meat ilt Thompson, Phoebe Congrslm,.�n._ naj Kenny; Ed Switzer•, "S'ttsie Fraser,. Caleb. Hayes, Bussell: 'Hayes, Harry • Irwin;, Aver .'Sirit: "zer., Wessie..Irwin, Donald' 116; Pherson,. . . Carrie, Harries; . Ici a, Hayes, : Lizzie " Dempsey'; Congram, w ' Gordy , . McPhei•sen, 'Edna, Elliott.. .:..ti •R. A. Grant was :drill i'f'.a wolf for James Barnby. . . A .bad fire, was avertecl by the timely discovery ' of a blazer in the second storey •of the dwelling. on' the corner 9f ° Outram and Campbell. St. It. was iis-ad`'as rt urrr .sho. `: and: the second f p p P ln�i�. occupied 'by Mr.. Haute,, shUe: Maker; at 'the, .J; G..Mut'duch rind. :Co. store: ' ,an: indisputable ::right' to know. C..'Rass; sec; treas.; Hugh M'orri•� s: T e�• *Press in • its freedom is o G Elliott' .and T. Lindsay:. , one, 'of the - chief : 'guarantors;. • of freedom of . Speech :and hinna reserve' winner'" to the Arnerican J. A.: Denning �o f 'the' Lu, know P .1<Z. •osis.' In those d-ys .it :wag :' corrin- monly 'believed, , that anyone .known' to have the . disease 'had '' Only'. a : slim chance of. recovery and, all those . who. had'to associate with them' were also, ` alrriost cera • tainly doomed. The . truth i that while more i from: tuber ''aeope; die in Ontario o . culosis. than: all ;other:infe`etious diseases, it'is-,•one of the.:.most curable 'of ell' serious 'diseases if discovered eorly'enough It is not y,',but is ' transmitted from• parson to' persri, . -which . makes the.. mass.. survey so` very vvi�at:;i sal d�iu s e °rsy -tlr son ca h. Cham et% 7ria tag elected representative' ing corrimittee, eM Campbell, . J. • " h f d'in rn '"Paramount Lady", the ten- lith old -Scotch Collie female" owned by Goldie Martin, was- the liberty, -generally. Once a publisk= female which won thew best of. cheese factory returned, to. the Kitcener-Wate ' oo ilia 'e,'after. s' ending . the 'winter er . of a ;newspaper accedes , to � a breed: at • the � h xl v t p g request •' leave. out certain: n ewS International' Kennel' Club show at:Kerwood.• � : import nt,• n detecting all'` con— tacts , taets and sources of.the: disease: The- people: of. this :community. are. to be congratulated • .oxr the ',evidence of consciousness c their. responsibility in this' matter,, by attendirig this initial .clinic in such large. numbers. It heralds success f%r,.,future cinics .which will be held 'regularly across the• Dom,. inion ;° and Which, are: made poss- ibis by '•the: increasing:' liberality: • ..' r i h of Canadians in sutplio t rig -t e Constant •use ` by, old; • as• 'well hiisxmas Seal :fund items ; or omit, reporting' certain last' • week; - ' TThe . ck arapia b_was : lilla _ e. m•erchants decided to ase o.' owns • • Y : r. are o f • b • everyevening, except t :Saturday, p pubbiic speeches,, a is t t at a" r" trust. ' • Port; Huron and,was . shown by...:a :"If the' .newspaper'" is '".fa'ir, all . professional. ' handler. cit zens must be tie ed alike. , eop e.; sometimes mnistaakenly,;To Hold •Decoration., Service . � 1 it f hit'chu''clf; �� ho 'went to.British man• s v1eviw•:means that a ;news at' Dungannon .Cemetery: has been. c• e r s'T paper srnyypathizes with his.view- .I set. for Jori. 9th. Columbia as a nnTssionary. e2 close'`their places' 'o usrness at ,'seven � o'clock. ., • Word was 'received of the death of Rev. .W.•' . Cut er, . orrner y o .Twenty Years Ago The death o•ccurred• on..Aprit' 22nd , at his ::bonnie '.in' Kinloss of _.g .. •years.. He' had been. ill with piiett. nonia:.; Five weeks .ear:lier they had . lost .their jtwenty-rnoiith-old' son, Chester.' • "'Mrs. .:: Andrew . Fox died at ,Whitee,h.urch: in her 72nd year.' • Miss..Jean : McKim . Of `Ti;Ilsor; • think that' the . publication. of ..a. ,,The annual decoration service point. • News ` and views are . two' : completely: different :thiin ' s. An . ..:. g . In: Poor Health , :, • :; ort.y .ears :` go • • honest' : newspaper's ow. -views • Mr: ` Jacob'• EckensWiller, 'Kin- .. C: E.. McDonagh, of •'Lanes _had• are found only in its editorial loss .Townshi - Octogenarian is 'lb dolumns.•Al•l else is fair' epor,ting. P g a: gasoline lighting system. placed quite poor health at .present of what is. . said and done, not, by • in: his : store by. ivIessrs... Murdie the r evtTs a er' but' b ` others":.. nd: Sutherland. ' • p Y :.. Ration .n u, Due Dates a Coupons now valid are sugar John:' :Murray left for, Parry. 'Sound to engage,i'nthe sawmill '*; t' -52316:S5ard Y1'7to Y5 butter. Within � very shoittime the B35; to B53: Next Canning:sugar hand of death. has':•struck' heavily y 'eoupors, .Y6 • to' Y10.. will become in f'e inim diate. vicinit of `Kin , • t e Y good• i'n July. lough, removing five, very prom inept and • respected residents in the persons of Mrs. 'Harry Bell, CAMERAMAN VIEWS :. Mr.:John Barr,'Mr. and•Mrs'Wes- LUC•KNOW'.FROM 'AIR ley . Boyle and Mrs::Alfred E Hal-• derby as - young,' in recent : Ypaas,' has-, 0. Made O K one of the most widely used arid familiar • abbreviations. a, • 'FATHER'S DAY of speech in our language' of to- In cities, towns and• , villages day. everywhere ;in; the •`..t orninion, • Where. it came from has puz- Father's :Day will be;: marked on Sunday, June 15th.,'-' ' Started three', years" before the first` official Mother's •Day," Fath- er's Day ath-er's:Day was conceived. in 1919.by Mrs, `John Bruce .Dodd of. Spok- •:'lane, Washington. She felt. the need of a .special -day .to "honor' Father and • "to call: attention to • Father's.,, place •in • the home, the training: of the children,the safe guarding: of .themarriage tie,. the protection 'of womanhood and. .:childhood". • •• ' From ' this humble beginning,: the day , of remembrance grew to .. national importance, gaining ',arn- .: petus;..throughout :.the United = •'States and Canada. It .has, become , the ' custom to wean on Father's Day, a • white rose .for'''remem- tran•ce, and a red rose for living ribute, The Father's Day tribute on,. June 15th marks the first of- ficial celebrati9n4of theday in Canada since. before the war, dur... ging' whichperiod:, with So many men away. in' uniform, it was not .widely marked. L . 0 • • ing 'business,`•He was' accompan ied•.by Joe McAdams,- Tom •Hen-' Berson 'and D: C :YVLcKenzie ' W. 'J. A. McGregor was .editor of IThe'Sentinel.. ship at McKim's Drug Shire:. • • .Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ilenderso t a obser. ved _their _ 50th . weddrlrg ar- niversary • Donald McLen`nari; of the . Laurier district, died in Kin:.. cardiae and Was buried:i.n Ki'htail ,.Cemetery • His. sister r\nnic Ashfield died a,. weel.'.h�U. �n '„e • 82nd year...: Mathew' Sproul purchase 1, fr�,'ii I?:. Milne ;the. ,residence un E:ta' Campbell St • :Wilson Harrill -ton' mai deliver. eon'trac't'-011 n: i';. 5” • l y and peter ':Johnston ,the. conti`sct . for delivery .to Holyt ood. n:n ut;c}i�sc. •Ne%1 McLennan p ..d undertaking business :at .'llxpley •of. J B Martyn:. Miss' MacKay is. 'still -underging •' treatment: and'. is' ,withstanding, her ordeal. :well- in view of the birthdafact that she is .nearing:her:. 80th y• ' - in a'c east:, :She:aTso :has her'vvrist. f` as a result: Qf .a • fracture suffered i ohne' From 'Hospital, Last •week. the Free ;Press Car- ,.Miss- : Jessie MacKay'' ', returned ried a panoramic view; of Luck to;' her nome;..Con. 2, :;Kinloss;' re - now., •from• the Fair;: accoriipanied;• by: the following conrnentary • Gently after a month,•spent,; in "The •Sepoy Town rof Lu'eknow :Victoria ;;Hospital, ' where she . re- is.-linked eis.-linked• in tradition and history ,:ceived :treatriient. for • a hip in-. with Scotlandfrom.• where. its set- jury received• several years ago. in a,;fall. during`the winter. tle•s Caine 'and with' India, ; from t where: it obtains its name.. h'ierce- ly •prOud`;of. their 'Scottish arises-•: try 'and the part their country-. zled more.peiiple than•the'.makers {-men played' in the Indian. mutiny, 'of .grammars, but It is here, 'and here, apparently, to stay: But here, is one history: of .its origin: • In a book, "American ''Lang- uage", the author says "The first known use of , 0.K...in this .:sense .appears in the neou'rt records ' of Sur'nner County, Tennessee, Oct- the city..•• there which • was em- .. ;: ,'battled, besieged 'and finally, re- ober 6, ,,1790: � .O r" n that date Andrew .::fuck- .:St lieved..reets recall. the. name bs` .son,. Esq.,, proved a ybi11 ' of sale front • .Hugh McCary, to , Gasper Mausker,' for a negro. Man, which., WAS • O.K. James Parton, in .his biography . of :', Jackson, suggests that •what appe,ared to •be�'Q.K, •in, the record'rxiay' really. be a poorly penned O;R., which was; the ab- breviation used for Ordered Re corded: Apparently .O,K'. game in - general useafter Jaclkson •was• elected President". But. despite its hoary age, we. still' don't see any sense in it.' `' early Lucknow residents,.combin- ed ' these backgrounds in a pleas- ant community which retains its charm• to this • day. • This Bruce County villagewas founded 'short shortly after .the ,bloody uprising' inAndia• and, drewits .narne from Thea.moSt , effective harping hand as Often to be, found at the end �. your arm. Use it •ndus-. triorisly and in tiineof need other helping : hands will not be ,lack- ing. of generals who won fame in' this page of Britain's war history—, Campbell, Havelock, Outram, Wheeler, Gough and Rose: The •Mailing pipeg, 'of 'the 78th. Ifirgh-- landers heralded relief to the sur;, rounded Indiana city, 'and . one of these pipers, Joseph, Hendry, Vis- ited Lucknow .in 1882; ,_welding" closer the links.. The "Highland.. games,traditional competitions . on the 'greens of Scotland, were continued by the. , Caledonian games which' made Lucknow fam- ous, In 1878 'George Davison, fain- ous Dundee athlete, visited here, Teamwork means not• just will- . as • did Donald :Dinnie, . World. ingriess to lay your plans • upon heavyweight wrestling champion, the • table, but willingness to. see in: ' 1882. Motorists •approach•ing them scrapped. `Why ShouldriXthe churches ad-' vertise?As one news . comment tator recently remarked: " leo ane has anything better to sell';, . 'religion, leisure, arid industry". Lucknow feel the Scottish back. ground 'with the 'courteous sign, .""Will yen° drive, canny?" Today the population rests near the 1000 -Mark, and 'residents are provided with . a11 -'round.' facilities for sport. _I- • 1 are ,,now in effect, in Ontario relating ,to the licencing" and inspection of OURISTT: ca and the form arid contents of all ADVERTISING MATTER pertaining to iatels,.,,Summer`Resorts, Fi ing, untingTravel Vacationing or other acco Miro , ,. MO - dation or facilities for "tourists: • Interested' persons may secure a copy of the Rego.; lations by writing:- The Director, Development Branch, DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT stigmas TORONTO' HON. ARTHUR WELSH ' •• Miri..r • IOM C, NitCALL b.p►►Y Nlter�fer 16,47