The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-29, Page 4431, A ANSWI'' "'' rale + ssa„ :.mn•uM•,ysrvNil•.a...ro,!bwweM-++ rM l^ 'TETE •LUCKNOW SENT,fNN� ia'CiC; i"ONir Okii "AR ST I•EL.EN�S,, v iisitors for the holiday week-., end ine'iude4 Mr. -and Mi's. Neely '',, Tocld and David of Stratford with it,,. and "Mrs, D; Todd;, MI and "WANT AD".• RATES,—,1st • 'insertion, 2, cents a. word,• subsequent insertions 1 ' cent a word. Minimum .charge 25 cents.. Replies care off' The. Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legaladve'tising 10 cents Ler count line first insertion, ,5• cents per line .subsequent insert FOR SALE --part of •a barn: 40 ft,. -wide, .30 ft. long, good shape., good roof,can. be :torn down ' and re- erected, ;would make good.straw shed:, Wm. Rintoul, . R; : 2 Lucknow;: i s six Phone'617-r-22 Wingh FbR SALE -number of p g ,.am: weeks old,` Bert Treleaven, Phone. "78-r-7 Dungannon., NOW ON DISPLAY.. The New Beatty Stormelear:er at .Murdie..'s:• Hardware, .> CAR FOR' •SAALE, --- . 1939 Chex. 'coach, .new 'engine; new tires. • Ernie Crawford; Lucknow,, GARAGE FOR RENT APPly to W:. J. Spindler, tuckn` WANTED A, suitcase, second hand. •Apply. at Sentinel Office, A 0 WANTED-.•= : two furnace sawdust '.burners and burner • for., stove., George Alton, R. 2 Lucknow. • NOTICE• Commencing June 1st, there Will "be no ;further delivery of bread ori R. R. 5 Lucknow (Mr. Gamrnie's route). ' PURDON'S BAKERY, •Lucknow, For Cf'knfort's' Sake, Insulate Fuel of; all; kinds'. will, be higher. this year. Fleece line your, home witit blown .Rockwool.. Our equip- ment .is inthe district now. For free estiritate and terms Phone '35,. Mrs,' Mel Brown -of Waterloo -with Mr: -and Mrs; R;• Woods; Mr.. Chas MCQuillin of Zurich at his home here; Miss Anna Stuart, Toronto,, with Mr; and Mrs. • George Stuart, Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy have returned to Toronto after a visit with her parents; Mr, .and Mrs. E. J. Thoma , . More than twenty ladies and.. •,children,, of ,tfie• section 'accepted the:. invitation • of the:. teachers, Miss, Joy SteWart °and Miss Beat- rice : McQuillin and the• pupils: • of the S t.. Helen's . school to • their _ celebration: of Empire Day. Mar- garet Miller,' the, president of . the Junior Red Cross, presided' for the delightful consisting of choruses,., d alogues, • dances, drills, solos by Anne Todd, Lorne' Forster and 'Murray Gaunt, 'a re. - citation by •Marvin McDonald -1 duets by Kathleen. and Irma. For- ster.. and Irma Forster and Anne Todd and piano solos by. Lois. Webb and. Anne. Tood. Coolies and" maple sugar were served by. the . pupils after which the ladies were -.sitown the splendid 'work done' • by , the pupils in 'Sewing, manual, training,;, art, etc.. . • Mrs. E. J. Thom, Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs . Elwood Barbour,• ` r write °":Rowland C. ' 'tapes'try • c: overed • • makes'• double Day, 5• Thornton Ave„ London. FOR SALE Davenport couch, Lucknow Or bed;Apply at; residence Of 'G; A. Greer, 'Lucknow. BARGAINS -IN' CHICKS For this Week and Next Barred Rocks New •Hampshires, Mrs E. Vii; •Rice; Miss Mary Mur- eaarurk.'•:`._I'leaseNewHamp. • ELP WANTF•D-wwoman' or girl shire .x Barred Reels,. •ray, 1Virs. Norman McDonald, Mrs. �.., `• ' � t 1 , 4. n_Rin iii • were atnong_'those shires non= attending. • the , district • annual Sussex x . Harnp. 128 Lucknow. .. meeting`. of the Women's institute. Box . on held :at. Blyth last week.. Short- 8:95.- d h xt Sunday and FOR SALE --2 purebredels Cori) Yaenc ng ne d y . p', I• liorn'bull`.calvEs; li".$z 13_minths,: sexed continuing for three.months ser,. • "'well bred. ;Durham . cow, ',S '' els 7.95. W t g B d vices in'the United Church will: also a • years, due middle of'June James Rock 9 95, pullets , commence Forster; R 1 Lucknow.: 3 95 White • 9 95, pullets ' W I Miller Miss .Iso be - or see Mrs. Harold R. Allin; _- New sexed 9'95 pullets 15,95;.cocker- els.:Assorte heavies n 8;95 ullets .14 95,: docker- . hite: Leghorn x 'Barred 19' 90 cockerels ` "`:. at 1030 a.mo EDT, Leghorns Mrs. , be FOR SALE -1927 Model a or . ,T coc e :a } ^coach,; -5 �good':tires.: Motor over- Old. add' 6°00,; three week :old"'add Wayne were recent visitors with good 'running order 11:�00: per ,hundred; .Shipped .COD, , Mr• •and Mrs. G ; S McIntyre at'�' >liauled;;�" in Medford ` vertiseirient" must a•ccorn- n Dun `annon; This ad Apply J. .Errangto , g, Mrs.: Chester Taylor,wiil be jthe Pp hese •any your `Order to 'receive„t. • I?hoi3e�.;,13=7,'. a y • � p•ho I tin 0 f' ` stess for `� the : June Meeting special prices. Also pullets'. eight the Women's Institute to be' held P weeks to laying• on Thursday, . •June 5th ,at, 2:30 FRIES , . n important•• • TOP . NOTCH.: CHICK DST Roll call A p �” Guelph, Ontario name i in medicine ;and :why"•1Vhss ' - Mary- Murray will give a report:: of the district. annual : ,meeting, held'in Blyth and: Mrs.' 0..G. An:.'' �demon,. Belgrave, will 'Speak, on hospitalization: Program: commit - :tee, MI's.' E. Barbour, Mrs...G. Mr .Pherson. Lunch . committee, Mrs.1 '• � J" ; Thom, Mrs.. Jas-7-Aitehison, I • -Mrs, 71V: -A, Miller STRAYED to. the premises of the undersigned;' `a roan cow:: Owner may have same by proving prop erty and.paying eXpenses.-George Alton, R. 2: Lucknow. • WOOD ,FOR .SALE Dry . elm stove wood and dry elm :furnace wood, .4{30' a cord .delivered,, also a set _ of breeching harness. Apply cc Phone .82.15 '.Dungannon. . d Tat I►AY, MAY 29th, 1947 Lucknow District (O.OP • a• 'Phone 'yl Lueknovcr COPr TIRES: FOR ,LONG MILEAGE • 600 x 16 6 4 and 6. pl3", 4.75 -5.00 x 19 4 and 6% ply . • 525 - 5.59.. 17` A ply 4,50 - 4:75_ .5,00 x 20 4 ply, 4.40 - 4.50 .'x 2I. .4.• ply. 5.25 � 5.50 x.:18 •4 ply TUBES, FOR: ALL SIZES•••41 . • `2, & 6 -VOLT "'STORAGE BATTERIES BELL . ELECTRIC HAMMER MILLS CO-OP. ELECTRIC FENCERS CEMENT MIXERS • JOHN JAMIESON, Manager.: For a second time in some, four or five years, Teeswater citizens, have defeated a move, to legalize beverag,•.:rooms in . the 'Culross e Village• I last Wedne day's: vote the " hadximatel Y •57 per- •wets ` appro Y: cent., of the • vote, , lacking:.' just three percent, or' 13 actuals votes; '.O4 gxiil�lg.�l: aaa':'th"`�; ".�' percent.. vote, ' .You" 'while Mr. R:..C: " „ I tai ed 288. votes side , The. wets • .ob n land of Teeswater presided at the :• ficeiti'"drys" 215 for a total poll .organ. 03 votes,' which vias ' just' 3,0 f 5 Folio Donald, niece of the bride; :was `frocked in turquoise:tafetta. The attendants ..carried colonial. bou- quets ' of roses : and wore ' flower headdresses.. Mr. J. Rundle ` Patrick of Tor onto was:.groomsman, 'while Mr. A, C. Armstrong of Waterloo and. Mr, :• John :McCrory of'Toronto :acted as ushers: The ;soloist, Mrs. n ` of . Hills W. A. 'Henderson dale,. e -Lords Prayer' and I'll Walk Be-. y CARD OF .THANKS Mrs. Sarah, Collyer .\xshes `. to' •express her very ""sincere. thanks for flowers,. fruit; -car-ds -arid the - many ways she has been'. so .kind- ly remembered -during -her' dines., :MAY CRICK• BUYERS can ,;get nig-ft' Chicks. • ,Pullets,• cockerels, day -olds: Some started. Various breeds and crosses'. Save your .time by telling.us what you want: These. fine chicks ` w.i11 ,Pay ,you. Agent— EDWARD.' V. BAKER, 'Lucknow. TEACHER. WANTED, ro es - r-- t •S.S. No. 8 Kinloss, duties tocom- mence.Sept.. -, 2nd. Apply stating. •. qalifications and 'salary.'expected to James "G. Moffat, sec treas., R.R. ..3,. Holyrood• Ontario wir •g the ceremony, •' re- able vote. eh ' lvr.;,,o� hort' , 'the' entire,yam gam , n _�cp was .heir) at 'tha Mr and Mrs Wm, H. Irvin wish : You. are invited to :attend the to. most 'sincerely thank -'their' : afternoon" tea -and,country fair to s' and ' neighbors: for. ' the'. be•, held, in the' Auxiliary' Rooms,' friend many kind 'acts extended) them at,Lucknow, on .Saturday • afternoon. :the time of the death 'of Mrs: Ir - commencing at 3.00 o'clock:, DST: vin's -sister`: "under ,the. auspices. of ' the :,\Wo-. ' men's • Association, of ' ..the 'United The family of the,late Mrs.. Al Church • . fred • E. Iialdenby wish to' express, .'. Mrs. E J: Thom was .a . recent their sincere . thanks .. to._1friends_ ,:visitor with_ friends„: in Fergus ei _ forthe-manykind-, _ •M•r.: Wm:: Thom of: Auburn vis and neighbors nesses and expressionsof sym- ited'witli Mr. . and •Mrs. F;: •J. Thorn TEACHER *TINTED • •Luck!h.ow Boaid 'of Education" requires, for ' September, 'a Kin-. • dergarten Primary teacher .•for Rbom I ' of 'the Lucknow Public School. 'Apply stating experience arid 'salary expected:Donald 'Hen- derson,' •Sec., LucknowBoard of Education,• pathy exten• e • o recent .bereay..ement a, It' '�.s with :sincerest- gratitude . and ahanks�;that�'w� acknowledge _g the ,many kind acts and expres- sions' of sympathy extended 'u$ .during The illness and • at the. tune of the 'death of our dear mother.:d Edna; and May .Boyle. The Family of ,the late Hugh Macintosh •:. are deeply ,. grateful and wish to .lacknoWledge'',with sincere thanks,; the .:Many : kind em on on•a • C' 11 grey '. County Shorthornof Breeders, .'Association are holding their . 23rd ,Annual Spring • Sale 40 -Scotch. and Scotch Topped Shorthorns at• ,, ''4,010)011:11:00,01i.04110$1/..::. • --.on osworf RSDAY, JUNE at 1.30 P.M., EDST •a Stock-e�l'_-A?ea Choice Stock—Fane.�c Breeding wart `Cooper,..Markdale; EDGAR � LEMON, ON; ' Annan ' • T. ` She - • e Secretary -Treasurer. President ...... -:, '. • tended' them during the, illness, ex g :and at . the time of the death of Mf. Macintosh: ? Mrs. Alex MacLennan and family wish to• express, , deepest: -appreciation of''the many' •kind nesses and sympathetic expres- sions extended them .by'. friends and neighbors during. the ' illness and at the time of the death of 1 Mr. MacLennan: . and. expressions of "sympathy acts Alfred J. .Armstran 570 CAN AGAIN FILL ALL ' `ORDERS FOR NEW LIFE' HOG GROWER AS WELL AS I„ FETERIA Chick Starter, Growing' Mash, • Laying. Mash, Etc. ' WE CARRY A, FULL LINE OF TONICS and CONDITIONERS Dr. Hess, Howard's, R. A. Finn, Dr.' Salisbury, , House and Barii Sprays — Cod Liver Oil . ° OUR SINCERE AIM IS TO GIVE THE BEST IN, DEEIV.ERY ' SERVICE 'PHONE .FED and Li1CK,NOW, ONTARIO P Stuart -MacKenzie BA!RISTEK & SOLICITOR n -:O. ntario • ' Walkerto , L.0 ••. 1 •NOW ,Eich Wednesday . . �_ OFEIYCE i11T HENDERSON• BLOCK English St., London?' and family', wish to express sincere apprecia tion of the many expressions and tokens' of" condolence coriveyed .to thern'during their. recertf`bereak7e- Ment of a .loving wife and:mother, 'wit) special thanks to Rev. J. W. Stewart and '1 evd C: B. Woolley. INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY •\ and AU"•TOMOBI•LE To protect Your Jack' Insure With Jack Today Jr A. McDONAGH . R.R• 3 'Lucknow, Ont. phone 61-5 Dungannon 1 F METRIST . C KNOW WEDNESItAY •OF'.• H MONTH;, 'from 10 to 6. p % MID'S' STORE T. ARMSTRONG �� OPTO SIN ' LU FIRSTEAC •�.. a m W M.• SCH R. -W.. ANDREW 'Barrister . and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in` the Joynt ' Block Telephone Offce'135° Residence 31-J Insure, In' Sure Insuraince 'Confederation, Life WIND, CAR, ..FIRS—Preferred' Rates to/ ACCIDENT; & SICHNESS Consult -JOHN' F RRISSI Phone $2-13 Dungannon' ACCOUNTANCY Service' for the Small Mer- chant, Professional 'M'an and the. ,Partner. In Lucknow. `Tues., Thurs. and Friday... Office , in Kilpatrick' Block. S. J. P Y.� M M P.O.-BOX 74, Lucknow, Ont:: 'Phone 23 1 S Hetherington, IC .Barrister; Etc. Wingham and Lucienow IN : t UCKNO1N Each Monday & "Wednesday Located on the ground }1oor in the front of John Kitpatrick'S Building 'Pions Wiiigltam . Office 48 '. Residenee 91