The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-29, Page 2• r: psi r, •.r • lAQE TWO THE LHCKNOW SENTINEL, L`UCKNQW, ONTARIO TWO KINLOUGA'' LADIES K,jGSBRIDGE PASSED AWAY LAST WEEK. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Brennan • - spent Sunday ,with: lois sitter, Mrs. Frank McCarthy and family. • Mrs; .Reynolds' is spending a I' few days with her -daughter, Mrs, Mrs.. PhliMp St.wart Fxesideit ` OF youth BruceWomen's InOitu#e Bruce District:annual' W. future" , Mrd. Smith said we face South _ 1 meeting was heldin the United 'Church, Ripley, withi•representa 'fives present. from, each of •the 13 -. ._. ,�� rst11et branches cornprisirrgth; 'which includes, Kincardine, Rip- 3ey,' Lucknow; Teeswater, .Bel - Vlore, .Whitechurch,• • Holyrood, 'Tiverton, Paramount,' •Bervie, Melds' Corners' and• the two new erncher.:. just ust recently organized;- 'ui; ple : ,Grove and Kinloss' Kot: - a *Kea. The attendance at the Morn- ing meeting numbered 127 and •. in the afternoon '143. The district • resident,,, Mrs. J, . M. • Reid of : "Teeswater -'presided, Mrs. Orland ;Richards of. Paramount read, the scripture lesson : and the . Lord's brayer was -,:;repeated in .• unison. Vis: Temple Clar-k..was,.appoiihfe • :press reporter. • • • The financial statements., for the Sear were presented' by the dis- Viet, secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Melin : R+orne .of Teeswater. Disf trict receipts •arriounted`to $277:57 with expenditures of $173:45. and a; balance on.: hand of . $104.12, while the combined receipts _of ranches $6722.75>; 'e? - pensee $5000.33 and, a balance on handin the . district . of. $1722.42: 3A donation of ;$25.00 Was voted to the r. Fund. , ' MCancer t..Kidd Of the Home Econ- the future • with faithand hope and without fear, She stated that 57 new Institutes had. beenor- nazed this year,. Reports °of stand."ng committees. Were received showing Much, good work being • accomplished throughout the district. Agricul:•. ture and .Canadian ,Industries by; °Mrs..yR..E..gegg' of..Tiverton; •Cit- ,� 'zenshi m Mrs J' D. Bryce; Ripley; P art e nit e -of the m. vich comics Ser p .of: - Agriculture addressed the eeting ' and` led , a discussion . On. Nace Martin. • ' . s Rita and Eileen Wallace were wee -end visitors' with Mr. and M. Jim Wallace. • Mrs. M. J. O'Connor has return- ed to the burg after spending the winter With her daughters. - We extend "sympathy to Mrs. John Myers in the 'loss of her sis- ter, Mrs. .Quinn. " Ft. Freiburger '; from Texas. call- ed on- the burg: ;last week' and spent • a•. f ew days at thea `$u_ ..miner; Camp . Y .: economics, Mrs. Howard •Hdme. On Saturda last another o y e !fare Of o'ur Harris, Holyrood; Social five former' arishioners,,• Mrs: John Miss. Ethel . Ray, Reids. Corners; Hogan, passed away at the home Publicity; Mrs. Perry Hodgins, of herdaughter. in Hamilton. She Holyrood; Historical research, was formerly Edith McNamara; Mrs. M. Donohue, Tee+swater.' "Some ' of, the branches had their Tweedsmuir village history.books on di s la . These:: histories 'of'the village or ' comnituli bei p Y ands is the last of a family'of 411, She had been in -failing health for a number of years. She is sur-: vived by 'two sons, •Amb'rose • and -Frank • of Haxnilton.._and a dau- comp' h h 'A vocal ' ghte'r, Mrs.: Herb *Spain also of solo was'contributed by Mrs. Geo. Fisher ; of Whitechurch; a . vocal duet . •by ; Mrs. ; R. F. Webster and Miss May Brown of Tiverton and sled by.. eac. branc , 1 Hamilton. Her husband andtwo daughters ,predeceased he•r a few years .ago.: 'Her funeral: mass• was. sung. in Hamilton' Tuesday mor ° ing' with • burial. taking place in, r Wesley The death; of Mrs. Boyle; formerly Sarah .Neil, ,oc- curred at her home 'in Kinlough on Tuesday,.MaY 20th in her 81st year. She,. survived-'her-Ausband• by only six weeks, The funeral service was held' ,'m the . Church Of. Ascension, Kinlough, on. Fri- day afternoon conducted, by Rev, • L, W. Owen.•Interment was •in, 'Greenhill sCemetery _ _ On Sunday afternoon Owen had a similar•' duty to per- forin when .he conducted the fun era 1. service Of "Mrs. 'Alfred- -E. . Haidenl2Y,. Mrs. Haldenby' w.a : in• Year; . 'nd • was. formerly liex76th � y..e _ , a _ . Catharine Ann Percy, Slee• was • laid to rest in Teeswater tCernet- ery, Mrs.' Percy's death occurred at her Kinlough . home on Th>,irs day, May 22nd: ' ' 4 readings' by'• Mrs S. Campbell' of std • Joseph's Cemetery, Kings Reids Corners . and Mrs..11 Mc- ! bridge at 1 p.m, The .pallbeaers. Gosh of Purple Grove. songs Two were a Austin Quigley, Frank A,us- Were, sung. liy.•Ripley. school child- in ' , Mike Hogan, Murdie McLeod, .. , ren.. Installation of •officers and the formal •ratification cif .names. of .district • directors was in charge of roNw4 ! Allis:. Norval tnitrr: ;Officers •for I -who tries . to ; dq not g• the year are, president, ,Mrs P. 'S: ceeds, esii- •� Lucknow; vice.r. s` ofP Steward��.. dents,. Mrs. Russell •I I(eller, Tiv-.• CLOSE VOTE AT TEESWATER DEFEATS. BEVERAGE . ROOM THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1947 V 'EDDING BELLS DR,ISBIN—Ma0DONALD Rev. • C. H. MacDonald officiated Tuesday, May 27th, ' at a very . - charming wedding, •when .has youngest "daughter,' Helen Isobel, - was united in holy. matrimony to 'James Oliver Brisbin, son- of Mrs. Brisbin and the.. late Fred W, Brisbin of Port :Colborne, in the , Presbyterian' Church, . Lucknow, The double ' ring ' ceremony was performed • before a background of spring blossoms,. _ -They, bride, given in marriage by her brother, Rev. R.. D•, Mac- Donald of •Tihsgnbu 'g, looked lovely in. a' white satin wedding, gown, with .basque waistline, and full 'length veil . of tulle falling :• from. aY cpronet or lily of the';val- ley., She. 'carried a bouquet of •• Johanna Hill roses.. •' ,For a second time in some four or• five years, Teeswater citizens have defeated a: 'move to legalize beverage -rooms in the,' Culross Village. • vote the In last Wednesday's: "wets" had, approximately 57, `per- • cent of 'the vote, ; lacking-. just three percent,: or:13 actual votes, Miss 1Vlarion_,:..MacDonald' was her sister's- bridesmaid, gowned... in soft orchid taffetta. Mrs. R.•11 ,`MacDonald, the .matron of honor, wore • pink 'net and. tafeti a ;and ,the flgwer :girl; Mary--Ellen'Mac,. Donald, 'niece : of,. the 'bride,' was •'eked' i -n- t-u-r-quoise 'tafet{a-Tie-= attendants:` carried. colonial bou- quets of roses'• and wore flower;. headdresses. • • . Rundle Patrick of To'r bnto 'was groomsman, while Mr, A. C. Armstrong of Waterloo.and Mr. John McCrory . of, Toronto:. acted , as • ushers. The soloist, Mrs, W.. "A.. Henderson, of Hillsdale, 1 r a g` •v"�• -- percent. vote.' The. man who: tries to ado some; .. • "wets" ' • d 288 votes thing and fails is infinitely better, The wets obtained ` than the marl and the ``drys' 215 for a total poll reminded; min e we :are' re and: sic of 503 votes, which was just, 30_ bin short•. of the entire eligible "vote: WHI*ECH SRC h co -opera five program, w • en .. , 4,, • ANGUS MacKAY ' with: claret and ivory accessot les. • he members .'decided,:. on' ° the The funeral. of . Angus Currie and corsage of roses. ;course ` :" e elo .in :: Community, a Ka was held ' from the . ' , .in ' the. hone bon' in ycou L? .v P g M . c y Follow New , , Y e rises"' 'to be held in. Sep-( . ft ar "sholm Alberta, ' U n .i': t e d Western New York and Penns\ 1 Ezrt rp Cl:.e , �, also' ' hon.. a district on Tuesday afternoon, •variia,' Mr.:;and .Mrs. Brisl ' n will Member andChurch Y Planning" ao . , •. v W. J: Collett reside 'in :Belleville, Ont:: __ Tally: on Pro ram Pla, g... May 3th,. with 1te ,� . ' t Mrs 1 . er:. Mrs.:' Ernest .' r. 1VIacKa assed be. held an ..Octob officiating.. M, Y P. ' . Ackert of Holyrood .:contribute away m.. the . Municipal:. Hospitals_ x M D' H Carruthers, Y p d t' f OBITUARY:. and •-I l Wal Lord's Prayer 1 k Be '; • side 'You"; .while. ,Mr,' R. C. h e- • land of Teeswater presided at the organ, Following •the ceremony, a i e.:, : :ception was ,held at the 'Maifse..': for• • the • :immediate', family; For 1; •travelling the :bride wore a' dress Ripley; ' sec; -areas., Mrs. `'Melvin Ronne Teeswater, Federation rep- resentative, Mrs J.M. Reid, Tees water' alternative representative; ' Th'e :United Church W M.S. met last . Wednesday, in theChurdh With Mrs.. Victor Emerson :in the Chair. ;Mrs: Dustan. Beecroft gave a • piano 'instrumental. Mrs E: Mrs:. T:4..:Blair Kincardine; chs_ . ' Groskorth.'gave. the'report: of the. trlct delegate o .convention,. ,: Presbyterial which was held at T• . E. Moran Purple'• Grove; .. al ask E. • g . a . , ...: , ._ .:.�., . , Atex :The- supply secretary -,.. ternative ,Mrs..1); • arr ed for: Xmas ono ions•: or • a girl i loss :Kairshea auditors, • Miss 6. to 12 'ears. -old. Jean Scott •and. Mrs: `Stella' King. There: will be ;no service in the of. Teeswater • Presbyterian church here • on, Sun, .mit-. 'day;owing';to anniversary services Conveners of standing cpm tees are agriculture,: an. ana ` *'les,. •4. "Begg - a s� r D, - tan.•-meitizen ,s4..:. .-r --... • �o�"Errreraon.Great�Lakes.-•.Ira' 1.90-4, ire•. Bryce; Ripley" "ome ec` Oin s,.:.. n had' ane Y >.Ih -, Mr: ' Victor- Einerso went to the ;C�laresholiri district d Harris '' `301 .rood; Mrs. Howard . y to e, Bone � installed in 'their. • new � ! and. . a . •..:. •• .. l P . • •,• :, . .. and: took yup a homestead ;He has•. social . welfare Miss ',Ethel, Ray,. ome on Monda this>week. Their ,. , � • • h • Y •, lived on urs: farm. northeast. of Reids Corners• ;publicity; Mrs; number is 611='41 on Wingham George.' Fisher Whrtechux°ch his g Survrvin ,,,are: • three.•, sistersi torieal research, Mrs Q . Heiffer,' it head branch. made a fitting Mrs: W: V�Falter.s of `Calgary; Mrs:. re s of Teeswater Mr:. N�ornian •Wellwood, Mr: and _ e 1 .'urs beingthe Golden Jib - s p y .,• . ' , : .• •,, . ,: • . • ,Mrs. Richard �.Lloyd:.•,and.. Miss� David• Currie o£_ 1Viianeapolis and•. ' Drstrict•directors of each: branch : the Women s Inst! a • !lee •'year, of ' . jtutes; a costume parade; of Inst! - ares Kincardine,' 'Mrs:' T.• J.' Blair;: Ripley, Mrs. K, McKay; Teeswat .• Jute pioneers, was put on .by the_:.: . er M s- K. McDonald';•' Lucknow, tilistrictp• directors of .each branch.. _ .... Mrs. B.' Roach; Holyrood; Mrs.. 'E. Some ancient costumes were seen ,• • in the parade, the history of each' er, , Be Vies • ham; Paramoufnt; Mrs, O. Rich - being told: .by the wearer. �, ' i -in resident' Mrs. ':ards Whitechurch, Mrs.: C. `Fal The ret g p ,of Goderich, Mr:• 4tid Mrs: Lorne Rich - _...‘]„ The h , _ _ _ cone r • Tiverton rs. R. McKel- :. . Reid, ,thanked all .the, brnche Reids Durnin •,and sons J.: "TD: -and Ross' , ler- :Bervie,,. Mrs, R; Peter, • for their loyal support during. her, of near Lucknow and' Miss Annie 11 ` corners;. Mrs • :M. Hooey,-- Kinloss term of office. ,Vire: S. Hutton of Kennedy.of Wingham spent "Sun: Kairshea, • Mrs. D. H. Carruthers, , with their mother Nlrs. 'Chester visite ` - Erie ds .'at' Bel- Tiverton, district delegate to the d .. n Pur le Grove, Mrs. 'la, E. `Morgan: , duel h''C'onvention, gave a splen- p . • , • David Kennedy. Mr. ana; Mrs: .grave recently:' P cl H a vocal solo: !Miss , Flora I?riranin, late Saturday .after, :a `sickness bf • Bounty home economist -•address • d the • meetinga plaining: the h work • being `done' among the e . meetin adjourned where , he.. was .well ;.and :widely, �or••girls. 'Th z g a ci C d at Calvin a liter Mrs.' � � s'earl .• pith shipping is visiting.her d ug s ears of h y y the 1pley branchr .a :few, days. He. was 72 years old,. Born in Huron .County, he 'lived. 'during.. his youth : at ,LucknPW, .g.. i was_ served in a_. _ _ . _ . _. Lan• .si-de =know .. He set rruanber:. of #or, .lunch • which _. ; ,y. ;;,.e ic,+ rc _: N:_ ewe. Ins. Reuben Taffrrr•of g 1 n P Letters T -©•-,Tire Editor Dear Sir: As;the,19.47 Canadian Red' Cross. 'the; basement • of .the, church;' by, aid --your ,Following . the' .opening of • the afternoon' session, • Gordon Stanrag t• he s,t; Crass toil natio, nal' • .:appeal for • *ace funds nears a •successful : con • iml . ;• #; : .e •n aoriiri :off our i per rateful thanks, to you. • Y gig ..... �-..r .. ation. form-pi�e- -ni - -..: d: needs• of Red:: lic this year: e••.you •personally tiiize• c 1317E37- . 0 i • b f 3ey .Reeve Ripley, • extended; : a • When .we welcothe to ° 'tie visitors. and Mrs. eentral s . that .town 'ever,.. since, ;, 1 Archie McIntyre of the Kinloss or , { ► • M. D nahue Mr, and Mrs:' 'Clifford c Louise Lloyds of Wingham _:spent Catharine: of, Clareshol'm,. and one. Sunday with Mr.,' an ' "rs.' Ezra, brother ' Edward, • of•• C,laresholm ` Wellwood.. , The Masonic . Lbdge 'was '.in dwi' Miss ,l ileen' Yoeman •of• Toronto • charge of r~avesrde services :In g ,.>.g . spent the week -end• with her aunt and t • nc e, - r: andre1 - wraith. • • Mr. and Mrs. ;Harry Tichborne, cemetery:.; pointing ouj;4' he• irriportance of ai n to the. this : •particular. camp. g future of Bed'. Cross in Canada •we:•realized your diffrtult:••newS- • •• r'in•t • • • noble :. bu.t'' felt ' •sure, as far as possible,:you would •do your., best'=for us•.w ;you:. have so gen- erously d <)..u'1 the, past The. eration, given by •the• press of ' Canada,; fonder the circt.lnistanee3, ar_e . doubly• appreciated For your personal suppoi`t, rri:a.. We,. on• behalf of the Red. -Cross and with our ,own • .warrn.est,, -•• • pr,eciation, say agairi-• - Many ,thanks °fol• your Help'' ::T 'R.,.Elliott; Cha}rrnan, National 'Publicity, Cointnittee` • n bilit inti aini g fbr her Musical a y RE�WE .(Tool late for,• Last` ; Week) Mrs. Raymond Finnigan • arid Kidd conducted a. ` ties- 'John 1 end - of Goderich visited zon� Miss 1VIYssq],Vii. nd• Mrs fid:' Baker• and did report of the convent •le san tion drawer.• A vote • of • thanks to theme on Sunday. •farm. of'Lucknow, were 'nests of lglame Sutherland. of Ripley g.l Y g . :t..,• was Mrs.; James . Forster spent the a solo -and Miss.` Mar McLeod Of Ripley., the .,hostess . branch, Mr. and Mrs Arlan Corbett o Y daughter : . rt n r'• •Sunday. Alex Robe so and M . Rober t week-end.wither au g er M rsn • Mc Donal d of :Lucknow. . gave a reading:. Mrs:; moved by ' Mrs. K. Norval Smith; xriember of the . • 'Provincial Board; their addressed the Meeting: She spoke of tlie;.vast :amount of.work accomplished by': the 'Wo en's Institutes rand paid'Lucknow when, a • feature of the tribute to. the organizer, Mrs. meeting, „will be a ,display ' Adelaide. Hoodiess, -.to whom we, handicrafts. The ,meeting' closed ' owe'` so much Speaking• • of the w the National ,\anthem after fiftieth : anniversary theme "We which tea was'•served by, the Rip treasure • the` pafst, we face the ley ladies:.• ' 'Teeswater. • 1Virs:' Steward, the Visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Jack son 'of East' Wawanosh c d president, resided .• newly -elected p M - n. ',Sunday were Mr. and ne y- .,� ..rs. C. Murray.anfl Miss Ruby #.., � _ Y •for the; closing. business. • Tlie 1948 Conn and Mrs ' Win. Reid of Paris 41rs, 1.40y4 Hunter and Herbie :of, ;district . 'annual will be...•...held ' at left on Tuesd0' this • week for Wawanosh;. Mr. and Mrs. • Herb Vancouver, 13.0i where Mrs.' Mur-. Curran arid • ,Mr, and Mr's., Tom ray intends to 'stay with her bro- Anderson of Mafek'ing: ther,, Mr.' Mat, Scott. Tuesday with Air cousin; yrs. • 'Sarah Wiggins, , • Visitors 'with Mrs and Mrs. S. 'J. .Kilpatrick; during , the' , week, were Mr. aridMrs. Eugene' Tian-' 'son of East 'Tawas, Mich., Mr. 'and Mrs. Palmer ppatrick and child- rel. Toronto Mr • and Mr's, Cecil Blake and children,, • of Dungan - mon and Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Richard ;Kilpatrick 'and children' of af- eking�M Y •Miss Susie' Kilpatrick :of Luck- now spent •Saturday ,with Mrs: butter, jams, ]ellies,,, marrr►alalc� Marvin Iui•nin. butter, jams, • honey ies , and r 1 dei• Mrs.. Bert Treleaven. s .p e n t i a • -Miss Audrey Congram of C1nL ton' spent the Holiday anct' week-, end with ;her • parents, . Mr. .and Mrs. Gor on Congram. Miss E en ,Maize was up from London for the week -end. • Rada Coujion Duo Dates, __Coupons nciw valid are. 526 to SBO • and Y1 "to Y5, butter B35 to as2.. iIxes&ves. rationed are Mr. and Mrs..W'm. Peacock' and family .of Wingham, Mr. Adain 'Robertson of East Wawitioah and ham ,spent SundaY at the home, of Mr: and nMri." John Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall of Wing - Miss Pope of Hamilton is .vis-• iting With Mr. and. Mrs, George The anniversarY 'of • the Pres- byterian Church which was held last Stinday 'was a decided suc- cess, when the minister, Rev. W. S: Sutherland preached inspiring sermorAAnd special music NNW rendered by the ehoir. NlisS I3ertha McKay Of ',Toronto sang • a solo in the triorning." On Monday eveninr a pie social. was held when a good program was given. the children to achieve the honor'. of . winning . the shield and 'other : honors to •all her pupils w•ho took part, in 'the music' festival held in: Godericli recently • and :also ,to 'Miss' MacDonald as music super - Much credit is due. Mrs. 'Durnin;! visor: "Lucknow, Ontarip, F Catittalt Automobile