The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-22, Page 1• � $2,00 A Year—In•Advance 50c Extra to U. S, A. pected To .•.'WAS 55 ON. MONDAY x Mr. and Mrs., T. W, Smith of inic town spent Monday Tara when Over Attend As a fitting. 'clim'ax to a ancial campaign. that ',set a •D'om inion reco ci .,for,: per capita sup the, Tuberculosis X-ray clinic to be held in., Lucknow, on • June .2nd and 3rd, promises to 'attended., bywell over 2,000 be a ' persons: ' '• This. is' indicated by the reporti/ of members of the Clansmen Club' who have made a'. house-to-house canvas of the• village and district during the past week. Tabulation. of these canvas cards is • not yet complete, but° from. every "quarterthe canvas- sers .report a hearty welcome .witt' -avast majority:. signifying: their: desire to attend. Score„upon score of older fo . o ques one e importance 'at their.a°ge':: of an x-ray, from a personal standpoint, LTJCKNOW, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, MAY 22nd,. 1947° •EXPE T :BULLDOZER . T pDAY TO' LEVEL .BUILDI,NQY SITE,, 'Difficulty in getting', a:.: bull dozer to` level offt .e . he • •site for the . •new�T recreational • centre, is ,causing ' some delay • In. ;getting work underway: -The. Bruce Coun- Y ty miaehine is promised and is expected' here today (Thurhday), Spence Irwin has"`the contract for the foundation, and cement ,is on hand for., the .job, •Arrange- !rents' have. also been made ' for moving the building just as. .. as the foundati buildin will.be":cut° and moved in SOCIAL , WORK LEAD DIES g his mother, Mrs Alex Smith, ob-' served her 95th birthday,.' • Mrs, :Smith has retained all .her faculties to a remarkable degree, her _memory, eyesight and hear- ing,_ being, .such 'as to permit her. to enyy life J to the .full: She, has EIGHT”' PAGES. START 'TICKET SALE. FOR D R I V}E CONTINUES JUNE CARNI.ViAL DRAW °' ' ALL THIS. . WEEK C'oir)munity Centre, The Clans- men are; planning .an early - sum- mer carnival to be had. in the arena on ,Friday; ' June `20th, , A new group' of entertainers, have :been' • secured to `=present' what lirom}ses ' tom be an' *o.ustandir.g• s o �w been a resident of Tara Tor many - A feature, 4f: the.' event will be' .years, z� for e - . a :psi ,. draw. f • ight,•l3rizes -to The S'rnith' faml includes - - q,, y •, tallirg about '$175 in value ;Tick seven brothers' and ..a sister; Mrs;, ets:•fo•r these are now on sale from James Archer and Roy: Smith of Club ipexnbers ,at 26 or five. for Tara, Alex of Detroit, James ,of • Wingh'arn,: • Thomas of Lucknow and Robert, Edward •and Victor of. Edimonton. To .r ite funds for the new • '1.Q0. • The -prizes include a Cory coffee set, Gladstone . bag, Chen- ille bedspread, Pressure cooker, steam iron,. 'electric ' tea kettle, oon on., is re-ady.. The• JEAN:DAN4D. SON.. MURRAY, • i e �t e t l r ver cad w:a e. ,sl.. ..a .t .n. _ x g t make .'.the survey as nearly one hundred " percent . complete: as possible.• Instances.` have been rare, to the point of being non= existent,' . that • the undertaking. h 3#tt ei1::rt • proved. In short 'the response has been most 'gratifying' to The Clansmen, who.'have spenta good 'deal :of •time on • the undertaking the' sue - cess, of which., will be ultimate if the. attendance: bears 'did 'the, .pres- .int ndicati_o Appointment Cards,• . ' From a tabulation of the canvas cards, an ;appointment card will be made and:'Mailed :to" each per-: son • a few days before the sur- vey. This will " indicate the ap ' proximate;. time- of- attendance. ; is again emphasized however that an -appointmentcard is not es- sential and .arrangements . will be, .made to. 'accomodate everyone with 'or without' an •appointment.' ' .Set Per Capita ',Record This 'survey., is: made possible by' h �: Christlnas ime. sup1?p ort of the . Seal • Fund. Figures': recently 're- leased. by . the '`Canadian Tuber- culbsis •' Associationreveal that Lucknow. and • .bistrict set a per. capita ,contribution. record for•'the entire Dominion. ,-Based - :.on' an area of 3000po ulation `in Luck-` p - ow and -district;- 'contributions, totalled $1,570 to the . seal fund er for a per' capita contri • p . p button' of 52e. This far exceeded any, other ,IIy district in the'. Dominion only' 3 others reaching a per capita • rate of 40c. These' were- Dryden, Wat- -er4e a, This district also stood• high. in the 'average contribution stood at $2.69. On 'the 'basis ;of returns f rorty --the- number .. of lel_ 'ters'sent m the average contribution was .$1.91;; These two • averages put - the : local campaign in sixth, place in the Dominion. • : It cost :only • y 434.35 to raise the $1570;• which . was . 2.1• `cents for every dollar raised. In this Lock- now was -in seventh .place' for lowest costs in • the Dominion. •these figures were based on a fund of $1,570, but since final returns were made -to head quart ers, additional d ,onations have. boosted this •sum still ;.further. Some campaigns ns were. conduct- ed. on a ;County`I,basis and in this ., re pect• Huron County was in 1st Pike with an ,average contribu- tion of$3,99,.and :a per letter -sent .return of $2.00:.. PLANNING . TO: REDECORATE "(MUTED , CHURCH .HERE •Plans— are bei,g :a ,cussed for' err extensiveprogram of, redoc- orating the interior of. th'e United Church.'. First it is`•necessary to overcorne a moisture condition on, thy: wn that Sas . soo.11-- previous 'decorating 'efforts. To this end ',it is intended to. adopt a ,plan, . used effectively in Palmerston :United.Church, by' which •the wall•s::are stiipped and covered with a fibre •board, leav ang an airspace between.' , At a :Board •meeting; on•M.onday. evening it was decided to insulate' the ceiling' of the •,church with blown rock • wool It 'is expected that this .work; will, .be: started'. very' shortly. . Miss 'Jean. Davidson Murray of 53 ,Elmgrove Ave:,: Toronto, and well known at:: Langside, died .at her, home -Wednesday evening, May -14th 1-94°j-•-: after :a - - rolon -ed-> illness. Miss' Murray. Was born in ,Toronto,..; attended ` local schools and graduated from ,the .Univer- sity .of Toronto '•in 4927.' She, sere- . •ea.: diel fe-re.:..::Ie-• sow' and asp .. •placc ,With Officer Wi h the ,Girls' ..Training School at • Galt.' Pbr; to her illness she was directorcof social service for •St: Catharines. She •`was a member'' of: Parkdale Presbyterian• church. Surviving, are, her 'mother, Mrs: Alexander. Murray; •,a sister, ,Mrs C. ` V.' Waldorf, -:Halifax, N.S ':' and five `brothers; Gordon, Ross, Alex;' smoker. , and; a 32 -piece break-' fast, set.: ' BROTHER OF LOCAL " 1VIAN WAS FATALLY .INJURED ••The death of •Frederick H. Sol- omon 'ocdurred olomon'occurred in Stratford: Gen-' -era1 -Hos pital- o 'p -Tuesdays.... even *Mg,. several hours ' after he had been::critically injured in a . 24 - foot fall, when. 'a 'scaffold: collap- sed° : Two, other workmen escaped with a -shaking up.., ' • v - i i``omcnn, a na r � e o''�iuro�i ' Township,' was .a brother . of Mr.: W:' A.' Solomon of Luckriow; • The > funeral service was held • on Friday. in Parkview` United Church', conducted by Rev. J. W. Magwood ; • Interment was in AvondaleCemetery:, On Thurs- -day everiirg members of :: the `I:O.O F. • held a service at the Heinbuck Funeral Home.: and Donald of Toronto, and Rob'- . ;;' • ert. of Orangeville. She is a grand- d lighter •of' : Mr: Thomas Ro 's • of Langside HOLIDAY; : HERE ....SATURDAY,: STORES 'OPEN' FRID. AY NIGHT The '24th of. M'ay ..will be, ob'- served '.in Lucknow on Saturda Y as ':a public • holiday. Places ,;of business will remain open on, Fri- day evening, : according to cus- tom. anti: as > announced ,' ?b y the •. Business Men's Association. : The weeklhalf holiday' will be observed., as usual this after.- noon (Thursday). . At Home of .`His Son Mr. F. .D. MacLennan has made a favorable • recovery 'from- a re-: cent weak •'spell: hp ,suffered 'and is at the hotiie: of. his. soil, " Mr; COMING: EVENTS (GOOD STOCKS of men s,•summer I underwear; shirts,; shorts, com- binations, etc: The Store with the 1 Stock. THE MARKET, STORE. ENGAGEMENTS Reverend• Charles' H. ' MaeDon_, a ald announces. the engagement of lis daughter,' Helen Isabel,.• ,to James 0. •Brisbi.n,' son of Mrs: Brisbin and the late; Fred:. W. Bris- bin • ris-bin'` of Port Colborne The mar.: 'riageto take pl:ace the:latter part of May. The British Flood Relief' d'Arn- A�. paign which is being conducted in Lucknow and :district will coir.," tinue until the end of the ,week; All those who have delayed in.' making their 'donation of cloth cash or' datuffs are re - Minded. do• so t .c a, rn e to on s the .- e campaign •cannot be 'continued. longer. t e'res -on�se to... 'h' ' been' 'I'h. p.. dateas.b fairly ' satisfactory but -not what Might be expected in. aid of so. worthy and sorely pressed :peo- ple: It is recognized that good usedclothing is. not so plentiful now, but cash . donations are •equally'welcotne-and will be used entirely for the 'purchase of the Most -practical.. items of •' clothin and foodstuffs: Cash donations may be left at McKin,'s or Down's: Drug Store.. Held Collection Friday : On Friday ' afternoon • Girl . Cnides "and Bo -"Scouts'aided-in-- a aided ina ` " a ;house-to=house • collection in the :Village:' Those .who 'w.ere not at home, ordid not <. have their bundles; ready, mayleave,. then . at, l !rasan!Ga1ge. k or•e convenience; i c t o - . res dents. of the rural' area,, country stores are also acting as collection: 'depots': 1 ANGLICANS HONOR. • .LLOYD..FAMt Y • Mr. •a'ndr •- •i M s. � W llriarri—L and their' son and •'.daughter,' Ivan: and Doris, 'were, honored by the congregation of St. Peter's Arg licanChun h. at a'gathering' at, the. rectory The Lloyds,`._.; whohave _ been. 'AUXILIARY, AND LEGION • HONOR SERVICE M. EN FRIDAY The Lucknow Branches of the, • CanadiairLegion and Ladies Aux- ,nary: are holding A, public dance' on Friday. evening •at which vet- evans,, whose services '•have not pr viously ldee en recognized, will be guests of honor.- A . small; gift • will also.. be: • presented to them. • 'This the • fifth- an h h dfina7T.enm_ • .' .'tertainment by' the Auxiliary for service ersonnel; It is repeated; however, that the ; dance is • a ` :public 'event. The admission for :all, apart' from the honored guests, will be 50c. Music til : •lie- uppl3ed-by- Farri-er's� -oi-= chestra. Everyone i$ . welcome. D A: "1Vfact.erinan ' of, • Lochalsh, since his discharge from; Wing ham.' `Hospital. fi • • ; m : ..LEGION. DANCE � In .the', h ` ".T, own ::Hall, Lucknow,. • • , ._ 'Friday;..May '30th..: Farrier's 'or - LUCKNOW .spot prizes. • Two executive `' •changes' have. • taken place at the plant•` of Lucke •now Industries.. Limited during the 'past` week, Tom Haller'.of Kitchener succeeds Clair Healey as accountant and Fred Hallman`, of Kitchener takes • o"ver Frank Fmery.'s post 'as,.pla'nt;.manager: 'Mr.. Emery will remain ,for ;a short time to assist th•e new man- ager.• 'Mr.:Healey; who is a • rriember of the Lucknow Council, clues not• Plan 'tib ,leave the village, imnied- _ iately. • • • .STUCK IN:' SNOW .IN Mai 'Tf1e writer had.,the• experience of being stuck 'in..,a snow, bank on May 19th --stuck so solid .'that it "required—sone. • push. bydigging ;:arid a .another car that had its driving wheels on a solid ;footing; The incident occurred on the `- tage road' at the footcot daz, of the'Bonn- y, and if proof is needed we. refer •you to Dr Ross Howson and s brother Fred. If hit . had • i not been for them we mighty have had to thumb our way homer 9• HUGH' MacINTOSH `DIED' ., SUDDENLY MONITDAY • The ' death• of Mr. HughMac• Intosh occurred, suddenly ift Wingham .Hospital at a late hour Monday might. 'I He :'was within • •a .few weeks of• his .85Eh birthday. t That afternoon Mr. -.Macintosh had 'undergone an operation for the removal of his leg above the knee,, as• a result of a gangrenous condition ..that had _. affected • the foot. Mr; •MacIntosh had come• through the ordof al well,: and his ..,.•_ sudden passing that evening' was attributed' to a blood 'clot. z. ..The funeral service . will •'be held in :.Lucknow this afternoon (Thtarsday) at 2.30.o'clock . at the home of his grandson, Robert e. MacKenzie. • Interment Will •be in Greenhill Cemetery. . , PROGRAM' :& :PIE. SOCIAL •_ In _the_. P.r-3f't esb .,terian hur'ch,. Whitechurch, .Monday, May -26th, at ' .$:30. Good 'program, refresh* ments: Adults :50c.' DANCE In ''the y' Whitechurch Memorial Hall, Thursday, May '22nd . (to- night) Lunch counter, .. Farri'er's orchestra. Admission 50e: • .: .BOWLING MEETING. The •L dies' Bowling..Club • will .a. hold a re -organization meeting in the Town Hall : tonight, °Thursday May 22nd at 8 o'clock. Everyone interested is• invited to ,attend. ANNWER.SARY: SERVICES • Will .'.be' held in,,South. Kinloss PresbyteTi.an . . Church, Sunday;: May' 25th, at 1:1 a.m. ;and 7.30 p.m. conducted... by*,the minister, Rev: J. A. Smith:.Special; music by the choir. • • •ANNIVERSAY SERVICES Great Anniversary Services at Kinlough, Sunday; May 25, 1947. Services at 11 am, and 7.30' p.m. fast ' time. -GRAT' SPIRITUAL RALLY, Monday, May , 26, 1947. Services. 3.00 p m: and 7.45 sp. Special speakers, and speciam al sing- ing at all tli�ese services. ' Visitors, sir "ected . from. various' points. p , •A cordial invitation is extended to the •people of 'the Kinlou'gli and Lucknow ;districts to, attend this spiritual treat. ": faithful • and :active members'• of the:, 'congregation, are leaving J..ucknow to take up residence: -:in: Kincardine: On behalf` of the'Wo- :men's Guild and the' Men.'s.•'Club, Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd were: present ed with a crystal table, lamp an'd: large vases.; , Ivan, who ` has. beer' church, organist;, • received . a bill fold and Miss ...Doris, Sunday.. School .organist, : wag; presented with a gold cross and chain: Gameswere played , .and :' the -hostess; ' and .:cmem:bers''- of . the• Guild ;served. refreshments. Suffered Falb' Mr.- J. ' Littlereceived a .fall at .•the • Post Office steps on •Mon• day Morning,, but appeared to _suf fer., no il,l effects and was able to be out again shortlyaftxr. being.. :taken • horn. ;;'He' is in his 96th year.;. RED CROSS DONATIONS NOW TOTAL $1435.44 • D • na .iiI o t4ons which •are 'still .being received by the Lucknow .-and` Vicinity Branch' of. the Red Cross Society, now ,tatal.$ 1435.4'4,. The - following donations• were not pre- viously .acknowledged: Duncan Finlayson .$5.00; R. J. Moore 5.00; Harvey: Houston 5.00; Cliff' John= ston• 3.00;, George •'Percy .2.00;. Jean MacMillan 2.00. •• , • HAS SALE BILL SIjfCTY'- THREE,YEARS`OLD • Iri going ,, through' sonie 'old papers at his hotne- recently, Bert Ward.. came upon, an old sale bill, printed in :18$4, but• still' in ' a. remarkable state of preservation'. Itadvertised the -village--property` of Mrs. , Mary. Jane Wadsworth - for sale 'by public public auction at, R. McCarrol,l's Hotel° • Another old: document which E:,rt discovered was a 'receipt for Village taxes made out to Mrs. Thomas Percy and signed by M. Corrigan,:.collector. The date was J uivary. 4th, 1883*• • HAS AAD . SERIOUS CASE ,OF SHINGLES -For:• several months Mr John • Robb of Holyrood has suffered from a severe attack of. shingles, ,which •affected a nerve inhis left eye, 'causing temporary blindness in • one eye and °much; distress. So far there has 'been.' ,little im- provement in the condition • but it is hoped thatthe trouble 'has run its course acid .iris shortl' clear ,up.. Underwent' Operation .Mr,. and MrsY J: M: Greer` aand Harold' spent ' the: Week end ih ' Toronto with ' Miss Louise Greer who is. a patient in Wellseley,Hos- pital where she underwent an operation the latter part of: ;the week Miss' Mary Fisher,:. ;R N:, '. was•'her attending nurse Suffered Stroke Mr. -"Fred : Thompson •, of Tees- water, 'and formerly of Con.- 10 Kinloss, suffered . a stroke 'last`,. 'week: The seizure :was not' teat severe however,' and iVIr, "Thomp•- • son; has shown ' considerable prove'3nent which is good nev�is• to his 'many friends. : DIED'- IN IRELAND FITCH'IE-at her, • home, 'Belfast, Ireland, Jessie •McNabb, widow of the late Mr. Fitchie--and daughter • of the, late Mr. and Mrs:.''McNab4 of Kinloss arid beloved sister of Annie McNabb ;of Toronto, SHOULD 'ISE STOPPED Postmaster H. J. Lindsay in- forms . us that . some children are 'snaking , a. practise of dropping '. stones, .sticks;. etc. into the out- side . letter drop. This of course • is contrary to postal. regulations , and parents .are requested, to in= struct their ,children not to ..do this.. •` • ;T•