The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-15, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1947' _..cal and Cienpral Auxiliary Held Social FOR �An- •-errio able evenin was: n* spent last -Thursday wh n the W. Hamilton,. local CNR Mothers Day visitors .with rein- S' 1Vl`r, A. ---,-,- • Lucknow -Branch Ladies, Auxil- two weeks' vacation. uvea -here were Hob Thompson,; agent, Is on About a .year aga Miss 1Viary iary entertained fourteen tables '�Larre-,-a Jack. 'Naylor,.. Mrs. ''VV.m. Hewat, , . d 1V1rs: W; ;J� rad ; • ._ -... _,.- . F utherf br d of StR Wiens s .con - of Beard a ers. , n rooms. 1VIr, air i n , tri P y • they on . Rplar rt and i\lancy of .Elmira, buted. 'a coat to a local clothing i'Ionbrs at bridge' were won by , Mrs, Don Wrilsre of $elmont'"uV''ere. . callers here last. week. a Mrs. Parrish Moffat: and 1Vf r,: Geo, and' - Geo geNand Mr and .Mrs,. placed' „her collection,-and and address; E'ishor, and at euchre byMr, and E Bushell of. Hamilton s; Mrs; N. Clarence MacDonald 'and •faMil y chancing that it. might -be' ac'k- Mrs, Les Purvis. .vis ted for several days with, her of Goderich were'.Sunday visitors nowledged. ,. .' .. : mother, Mrs E..J.,CaMeron.• with relatives here.... ... Recently she received ` a . letter • Johnston 1Vtother's Day Reunion. Mr, and. Mrs. Merle •"1Mr', J. A. Robertson of. Mou .t from a little girl in. Milan, Italy. For the first °tin'ie in fifteen of Landon were week=end guests Forest and Mr. anti ' lr•s: 'Fto The letter was kindly translated years,: Mr. and Mrs.. Jose h En :r y for the Publisher • by Mrs, 1Bruce land ad all their- sons and clau- .' of .Mr, and Mrs. P.' M Johnston, Lightfoot..and son 'Gary of Port' Ml° and Mx;' Jack Reid and Elkin spent. Sunday'hete andat- Matheson of•Riplley, who came as 'ghters together at a' Mother's day llelen of .London were Sunday tended •anniversa ry 'services .,in a war ',bride from.' Italy, and this reunion,- when a . luncheon was • visitors with relatives here, is, what it said,: the .Presbyteri n church. held Those 'resent were Mr, and '.1111r. and Mrs, Orin lVtoffat, 1VIar' • dear; Indy:: Mrs, J`, Swan and`farnily of. Port.. Mr, and -Mrs. Mal°color' 1Wfacl.en - ' I received from the UNRRA Dope•. Mr,' arid' 1VI�s, James -Eng were :Week -end nasi °and., daughter Jean .ef Barite your lovely 'coat •,and fortunately land L• uc. no.w Mrs. Nellie. I '. rlyn and � Judith k . b , :visitors with Mi and Mrs. S Cq and Miss Louise MacDonald and -11 found the address' in the. pocket" botson and family,' 'Flint, • Mich • Ra'thwell: • _- • o. . ' .• Mrs. D, J, MacLennan of. Toronto an I want, to°thank you Very. Mr:,, and 1MI•rs, John England 'of Stanley Burns..of. spent theweek-end here at the 'Touch. ° Ml. and• Mrst. latter s. °horrie. •Thomas spent Mother's Day' withEn la i, Mr an. xs .c -o �.. d 1VI T �;I ani : a 'little .girl from Milan,England, Galt, a15o Mr-aYtd M. - !Toronto - his parents, Mr.;: and. Mrs. ' T, •,11 Visitors with Mr., grid• Mrs,' Qnd T am 12 years `old, 1 live with' Leonard Philips of Wingham and y , dad; mother,, brother and little'Mr., and 1Vtrs, Harry Swan Luck Burns. Harr Nixon on Mothers Davy sister ,• 6 y ars old.. now: MT and Mrs..' C M Johnston• were Mr. and Mrs: Cyril Brown,'. years + and Douglas of Sarnia ,:. were Woodstock, .,Mr, and Mrs: Steve ince' August 1.943 aur house • week -end guests of r. and Mrs:. Taimlin„ Woodstock and. Mi and h en destroyed and • wec,live I Richard Webster,. , Mrs, Jaek Hussey', Goderich. from day t'o,, day wherever we. " • can. Now the . government has. Jack••Watson .'of Londonwas :a Mrs. James Alton has returned' promised us a• house but we have caller here on Tuesday on his. way to her home after spending the no furniture' and .its . very hard to Sauble •Beach to get "the Ta-brns winter at Oshaysrawi -•th Mr; and to get anything because the rices in readiness: for the tourist'seas- •Mrs. J,. G. McIntosh"''She accom-..are• so• high. Mother, worked "up on:: •• panied'her, son, William. Alton .of till' a few months • ago and .:we THE LUCNNOW SENTINEL, LUC•KNOWt ONTARIO' Mrs H. R. Allrn Who has been.. for some:. time with ,a, heart .,:c ndrti,on_,,is• convalescing_ favor -.a • ably'and rs. able to -be:2ownstair`s 'for a short time daily. Mr. W. F Th'orripsoii of Toronto .was a c:allet here :-:on?_ •Saturday , ,. •r1s r"etur ii ' Dior • air .ie• d' by' his • mother, .Mrs, ;D., •M 'mother and, Ken ••was a week -end • Thomps,• on,'� visitor,:: , best. renards .from all .of.' U8 'and 'Phe,follovvmg officers werenom-' -- J from:Me brother. and •sister': inated' ands elected.', president, TAX RATE at Soutl arripton is ;tali THE.HEREFORD HERD' of Sas.] in• ' an '.`vice .r '. 3 fpm .ls to ,a,`' 50 -null .'rate, and ;Little. of•°Te-es & ater has been sold, a lar Diss. Fred iVewm t p es., 'Ross Yours.. affectionately,, • ' •McGregor' sec";'Grace''McKin on; .Win hang, s rate has •;i•umped five • in `its: entirety: to. J.: A. Sully of. ,, tress. Mrs.; Ezra. Scholtz exeeut g Nrariucera Albini, , , • inil•ls ••to a.55 -Mill rate • , Goderich. ive. 'committee;'1VIis :Geoff go Tif- Two Letters From Greece. lin, . Mrs. l Tom: • Moore Ken; 'Zinn, --L4--:.'Mi s -.—Ido -v ar d Hai i is --of- Holy Qainet Partner and "Ge'o: i iW i c'od is in receipt of two letters Various ways of , 'financing..the. en= 1111•1111111111111111111.1. x fr•orn •Gi:cece, ,acknowl'e lging :gifts teipiise we}:e discussed ,silo: :after o£' clothing''she; made, about a a vote t�f. thanks was' terid�ei'ed: •car a# o Both letters. tell of the ;Tory,Gregg•:for kis. assistance the, 1l:ar'dships of. these.: people,' and meetin`g`•was adjourned: '• their' • struggle, for': food •and. cloth. :Mi and,. Mrs, ''Walter Forster; ing Both ler e written it Eng 1i h Arid suzpr isingly dwell'' to 'leatie rio 4oubt of their gratitude; '.One' of the two read in part s follows. - ' ` l)c ar Misses; •„ a`: I , receiv6;i. the mantel which ;y.ou ;sent' hie and, -lien 1,..Put .hi - hand. 'into; th•e pocket, I,fourid, ,a h tt:l;e- pie.ee 'cif `paper- ..and. ph : it • • • tv n 5 t� rrtt.en',some. good. 'and 'com �r tish Flood :'.Victims f it link :woe cls and your adgesse. �-�- I'' cl•otinot :know what to :do: to. th�c*riou'`my lady;•for"'yotz.r :good a n d kited heart w.ich dictate you' to dog .all :this" .good actions, but ,j..ait1' very Sure -that :God will i•e�t�ar:d':•y'ou:`for:•every,.thnk .you i w • wi .�. do' far Other; people • BOUNDARY EAST 'PAGE THREE PERMANENTS Machine; Machineless Ccid WO'ue . FINGER WAVES 'SHAMPOOS MANICURES BRECK TREATMENT STEWART'S BEAUTY' SALON ''Phone 114, Lucknow G.Ostrander " On Monday evening a' meeting was held in the Community Meal; orial Hal in• :Whitechurch- order Whitechurch order to •organize: an athletic.as- sociation. as- sociation..Rev. W:- S.t. Sutherland. I: Toronto and Mrs.. Mchri.to'sh, ho he 'earl find some work Was appointed chairman: ,and Mrs. • Vrctoi:'Emerson, secretar for the who pe' 'she. spent the week -end here.., soDad ym dy suffers from chi onie meeting Mr 'Tory Gregg was pre - t. Mr s V,Sadie'-McMahon.<._has- ;r;,e..:;,� . f.Y a ,_- .8 i,..._ ... �. _..-: - l . a�llrria ancY �a•nnot:•find any. woxk; 'seat- Wand. expl"a>.ne.d the nature of; turned '.to her ;borne after spend- °Mother. fixed the coat for. me for the •:.organ,ization A . committee ing the.' winter tat Aylmer with :Easter and •1 was very happy ,to Ma.:• and Mrs,. Ken Bridges, Mrs f;Ct• it I: will .ptoniise to renzem- Bridlges - and.:_ .daughter__ ,Donna her ..Yoga: _and . yaux-.:-Sa.naily in • all ,fit---last.:.i eek. here .iib - 'her ..i)i•: �i'a �.'ei•s: I want": Y .l • Y a,t, to .thank you very ,rn uch again ...arid . accept.,our consisting .Of ',George Fisher, Dus- tin. Beecroft and George..Tiffin: was named to choose the location for °° rkark•: Then. 1't was- decide - to organiz an athletic..asso.ci'atio.n. UR'OENTLY 1EEDEI for. i Scan your Closets and Cupboards for :Clothiri and Food, donations and have them ready -for the • Maybe you . nit: understand t e contents of fny letter but it is written 'from my daughter,. She is • only a` beginer to the, .English' anguag'e, Slie is 111' years '-o1d 4nd she' works very .hard all day to: get the livrhig expenses , and every 'nite' she is 'going for twos.• hours' to the. American College.. My husband is 58 -years old and' is unhealthy;. and is not able. to work.' I aM . 50. yaars old.•.' The fourth person. of.my fannaly is my ,. son, He is 20 years old. He 'is' a • : soldrer•:.'arid• the soldiers An: the Gi••eek., ar rny. ;ai.e not receiving any . r rnony: at all;..: as i n .the English and tAmer can , A`i my, Therefor e we ~ .are in a very diiciilt . positron 'and your:. help was a toobig relief for us, . be -. all, .the , clothes. ...are very expensiv and • seldorn hier in Greece.' • Mrs. Sofia: Papadopoulou,• Har•ilau Ferniera,'. Salonika, Greece. ternoon, Clothing; -should. be clean -and in good . repair"- Food stuffs .should: not be perishable or ry in' -breakable 'container's.•. FOOD AND • CLOTHING . ' DEPOT AT ` MASON'S .GARAGE �onati� t.;McKXM'S :.and: '•DOWN'S ispzqg RUra1TC�iIectiofl.DpotS:. a8op ..� Shiell's, Amberiey` F. McLennan's,' Lochalsh; ,Beckner's, La iii'es Miller's, 'Si. Helens Johnston's, , Whitecburc1 • • Brown's Langside " '*''Percy's, Holyroori McLean's, K.inlough . Farfner's •'Store, .Blackhorse . , ACT NOW. THE CAMPAIGN CLOSES • NEXT :WEEK •�`x-�!°a-Mike. :;; "': plus• extra safety e. .: make Good• - year tires the overwhelming; '. choice, of thrifty - motorists:. You, • too, '• can ,enjoy these, extras .., get :long -wearing • •Goodyears day THE =BEST TIRE 1BY MILES ,ir .OSTRANDER and family,` Mr `•M and rs Ronald � ©� tee acrd r ply, r . aid :Mrs Ford Sales .and .:Service Wfn: Foi;stem', Mr.. and; Mrs. Alex "Phone:: .49, Lucknow' Robertson, and lir, AdamrRober t :. son visited with, Mr. and. James Forster On :Mother's.,• Day: •• ` ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs: Richard H. Lloyd, Wingham,q.ntario, announce the engagement of their ..daughter, Margaret 'Louise,''to Norman` Jos. eph Welwood, son of Mr., and Mrs.. E. C.'Welwoad,: Whitechurch', Ontario, the marriage to • take place May 28th-iin .Wing.hant .. Receives New Car • . Jack ITilpatr'ick has received 'de- livery of his new Hiue'ldon through the local- dcaler,..N. W. Whiter- .: ste'in'• ' • ° • r• MORE T.ELE•PHONES-and'• • f ewer people ' on.: each line these' .' are the major objectives Of our big. ri>ral co structi •..gr nrn n ion • p•rop, sin a ion : . • which •we .:are 'spendiri ,; 43,500,000 . . this year alone. ... Telephone courtesy is catching. :• Remember,: everybody benefits when everybody practices these simple rules 1. KeeWcalls brief: 2.' ' Space your calls. . Avoid • "listening -in " Give right-of-way to • . emergency tolls. FOR EES? RESULTS: FROM'YouR • TELEPHONE THE: BELLS TELEPHONE COMPANY- •OF C:ANAD A