The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-05-01, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 'lst, 1947 ycetini !heatre WINGHAM TWO: Shows Each. Night at 7.30 and 9.30 • f. Thursday,. Friday, Saturday MAY t,3 1NN JEFFREYS,_ • '' ,GABlY" HAYES, • .'. RANDO ;LPH. SCOTT REET' :. Matinee :Saturday at 2 p.m. $1onday, Tuesda , Wednesday �6,•, APRIL. 5� / .-7.., SPECIAL VIONA 'FREEMAN,- - RICHARD DENNING CK -BEAUTY ":.• Iraiy..Chick• s fiat. done w.n'• loe others -why not far vitt?,, 1.00°4. delteery.'guarantwd. jail let me kvow what yea want.... • - LAXSON BAGS •'Lucknaw,.Ontario Read The Sentinel ;Want .ids. THE LUCKNOW SEI\TTINEL, LUCK TOW,,' ONTARIO • INLOUGH The Girls' W.A. met on .Satur- day afternoon at the home of Mrs;. Roonald :Thacker.-with:a -'good -rat-• tendance,. The president was ',in charge. TheW.A.: hymn 'The love of Christ eontraineth us' • opened the .meeting. M. Earl - Boyle read the 121st :psalm. Prayers fol lowed.. Mrs, Charlie Hodginsread the thought, for the day. This. Was followed byvtlae minutes and roll' call, Eaeh member answered with a Bible Verse. This being the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. Owen p'resid ed for the. election of officers. which' Were ;as iol'laws:.hon, pros., Mr,s.Owen viB press,Jimadsor, Boyle; 'viceMayoresoyle,., .Mrs. Chas. Hodgins; sec., Marie Thampgo n;•-'treas.,,' Mrs, 'Howard Thornpson; . work 'commItteef.'Mrs. Harold, Haldenby, , Mrs.. Karl Boyle,.. . Mrs, Ronald Thacker,. Helen Haldenby.,, A vote of thanks was' tendered td the retiring .of fivers and also to the hostess. It was decided to print programs and also to have a social evening and sale of work• in the near fut ure. Mrs, Owen closed the., meet--' ing_with prayer and a dainty lunch; wasserved by the hostess. Miss Ellen McBride . was axe= cent visitor. with Misses •.Annie, and Lizzie Wall !at. Purple Grove. Miss:- Ethel Haldenby, spent Sunday-t-rher home 'hate ">- • Mt. .and 'Mrs. Mervin "Camer°on. and . family visited on'Saturday S.aturday at Mr.': Wn. Pinnell's,: Mr. and Mrs... Karl Boyle and farraily were recent visitors 'with 14'Tt and Mrs. Bert,° Inge �aia'Clin Lon Mr' Albert• Haldenby-khas been '' patient.' in '.the . Walkerton. Hos • pita' • Miss ° Wznn�c Per cv,`. R.N., has returned, from thea West° where she has spent .the past year.. Entertain 'Men's. Club _ Members of the `Anglican M,en's Club entertained.. mexnbc, s.of the Wingham Club `'at .a social, even-•• ing ,,at . St. Peter's ---'Rectory last. .Wednesday ,evening 'The • even-' was sperit playing euchre and .proved-., -enj oyable -s xnai- event: - for 611 There were about fifteen men from .Wingharn; including the, ,Rector,' ;Rev. ; James or remanent sii: _ Rheumatic'and`: Arthritic • Pa Neuritis/ etc, The antigens being fully . released,. begin toimmediately incite the system to produce antibodies, which in turn destroy•the toxic poisons given off, by the. po•i so,ned germs .and :al- so, Tender. lie poison germs `harmless. Pfice.$6.00 Bottle; For.. .Sale • At McKIM'S DRUG STORE NOTICE • Will the person •'signing them selves "A ` • Citizen", who:: wrote the Huron County. Hu,nrane �Soc- iety° complaining about treatment, of horses in Lucknow.' : district 'te e:°.send-in -cni:re :-,lame:`Thrs p . "asr~t s will: not,be divulged :but 'we' are ;not' empowered. to act: on,anony mous correspo.ndence. • Sir a• HELENS Mr: and. Mrs Gordon Miller• of ,London were home for the week - Lorne avers sof Dungan- non, the district'' president; will • be grest speaker": at the meeting of the Wornen,s.:Institute ' •to be•• held ."at. Mrs., -Gordon' R,'intoul's on, •Tom sday, afternoon. at 2 0 •-13ST Mrs. Gordon. ' McPherson- ,•and Mi s; Andrew : Gaunt attended . the Presbyterial,. of . the W:M:S of Hu or n held•.at"Exeter last week. .ReV. ,M G. Newton :•was' in .at- tendance` at, the ,meeting of .:P.res b"ytery also :1heid in Exeter.: rs. Jas. 'Gaut?,, Mr. Ed.Gaunt. and 'Miss Jean Aitchison were ;re. cent' visitors with .' VIr, :and Mrs.. Ward' Shicklti:na ' at; Port 'Col -borne: Mrs.. Gaunt.- remained, for, a longer 'visit.: • .Plans `are being baIO • for:. art, etc.; '.by , the; Women's': Association 'of the United ,Church,in Lticknow 'On Saturday afternoon May01st:. Wa.'tch• fol;;•further 'announcement. The local Wometr's'Institute are .celebrating the : 50th anniversary :of . the •foi.rnding ,of the Women's'' ',Institute. with an entertainment -and,:dance• in the:;Community: Hall - on Friday• night. _Plan to attend.' Mrs. ;ArchieAnderson o. f ,Whitechurch :has. been @renew4ng o'd • •accivaintanCes • -in - the cpm- munity, is °'sponsoring. a' play "Adventure Bound" • by. the Auburn" Baseball: Club in th'e' Lucknow •Town:Hall on• Tuesday►: •evening•, May 6th• • -ANADA'S:TEXTILE INDUSTRY- is NDUSTRYis . not generally .regarded ,as being anything very excitin> ,.. Ir is true that in normal peace-time:'•years.. textiles :ledall other 'industries in .employinent and wages •Zee4 v • At paid.'But that means we are ,just a part ,o regular 'daily living in Canada.'Itmakes •u about as exciting as a kitchen Mable,.' DURING, THE. WAR, Canada's hun ' dreds of 'textile plants turned out millions of ....yards of urgently=needed syrpphes Today'we are working hard°to catch ..up:svrth the heavy and growing civilian demands Of,- the ,post-. war: We :provide' thousands of jobs to'Cana- 'dian Cana-'di'an citizens at new high wage levels. Truc,'' these Jsctors do- not seem exciting: but it is nice:: to`.know..that.we.hav-e ;a.place in:. Canada's .Way of living.' h kitchen: table May .not be exciting' but it. 'is ' important to .the' household, • )MTNiQN Txiu3.. COMPANY LIMITED •"Colo,iaj'° $h«ss and Pillow' Slips "hhigog"' Edist it Fabrics "Prue"--Y,rros • 0. ►RAIWOUNT. The annual' meeting'of the Wo- men's Institute \yas held at. the "liurne�t,' • rs� •• �irt,���x��-•on�=��3,�i'1=: l , 'with 22, ladies present, Mr's, Robt: Reid presided. Mrs. ;Jack Rafnilton was convener for; the nominating committee, .r h i c h submitted the, following slate of officers: Mrs RR.. Hamilton, pres. Mrs; Jas.- Ketchabaw, vice Pres., sec,-treas., Mrs. Fred ' Martin; pianist,, Verna 'Hamilton; 'assistant. pianist,' Mrs. Dan Wylds; district• rep:, Mrs, Orland • Richards;. "con- veners oe • standing corrimittees- agriculture and • Cainadtan indus- tries,. Mrs. E. Lowe historical re search and :.citizenship, TVIrs:,O. A Mctharlesa home economics and social• Welfare,• Mrs. , MacLennan; Publicity,' Mrs. 'Orland: Richards.' It 'was 'decided., to hold• a meeting' at Mrs. Jas .Ketchabaw to. make up :,the , program for the coaling year; The program • was taken over by Mrs E •1VIcLenrrartMrs PAGE FIVR, . • .Tack Harnilton favored, with . a solo, The ' Old Lamplighter, 'ac- eornpanied •by Verna Hamilton. t: was Contest conducted .by 'Mrs. Fred ' Martin.. Lunch 'W'as. served" by the hostess. A paper was given: by. Mrs: ;.F. McCharles.; The dir- ectors . were ' Miss Susie 'Gibson, Mrs. • T Henderson, Mrs; J. El-. phick, Mr. -d--Mrs Dor,"ne"" a' son,. visited With Mrs.''Kelso• lVfeNay. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Edward. Dexter visited • with Mr. and. Mrsrks Walter Dexter. • We are glad :to have; Mr. .,.Tirn ar,d' Mist' rgai.et• Iurray back'. froth the 'hospital. ; Miss , Josephine 'Elphick , is spending: a • month with her- aunt and uncle, Mr.';` and. ,Mrs Stuart MacDonald of Teeswater ' MissEnna Cook, Sound Hospital,,:,visited: withher parents, ..1x� .:and 11�rsr , ltxer.t' : - Cook, it SUFFEPRED BROKEN LEG George Barger' of ,Gbderich and' forrnerly of • Ashfield. suffered. , broken leg' recently ;when he fell while-at:•w.ork-:at:`rhe-Big 14.1. George 'had the ..fracture' set 'at Goderich Hospital, "but'' owing to the cr owded4ondition ofthe hos-: pita' .was later removed'. to his .boardrng:::house:` • LUCKNOW :R 1, SATs, : MO ROD CAMERON -�n_ "Renegades OF The Rio nnde�' with Fuzzy Knight ." : :• It's a Show the' whole family . • will Also showing—Chapter-U. of "Smiling "Jack" . . . T,• , Next "Wednesday • The Miracle Of Main •Str!et' Starring MARGO ° with Walter Abel • • e • a. tf This is : a story about a tiny toddler . w h o changed a Als womao ahn'soWing° — ' A very merry Musical'rmedy; "Transatlantic' Love" NEXT•= ii tiud atti r a raontia'. PITA HAYWUE,,TH, GLENN FORD :Watch, for Bllondie.. The; Bunt, steads are comifig,' to the .Rex. Theatre very 'soon,, • "•; We •.have found it necessary o: as • ou front: lire -know- • t k r young friends to PLEASE not ' mar' : the posters. and photos on the Rex Theatre 'yy9u wild >ces- iaperate. ' 's Spring . . ` and eauty: Time For Your• Hair, Rex Ostrander. Make Your Appointx ent Now For A - achine, • Machineless or Cold Wave • FU.R P4E:GROV E; Mrs.- Gardine •is visiting : rela- tions- in Kincardine. • Mr.., and .• Mrs.;' Albert Scott vis- ited at Mr. -Ben Scott's° last week Mr° acid' Mrs, Gordon Avis and haby : visited at the ;home of " the latter's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Will :Walsh recently: • .. . Miss Marville Scott .of "Toronto spent:the •week=encT•at her liome. A' large ,number :?at'terided the Purple. Grove • Institute meeting held. at Mr's, Ronald' Thacker's honje last'' Wednesday;. Mr,: and Mrs. Ross Shields. and -babe of Arnberley visited • at M. George Emerson's Jr., or .'Sunday': Quite annt1mber of •friends and neighbors of Mi, and Mrs. Milton Walsh 'gathered in' Purple Grove school on- Monday of last week and presented there With a- purse of money on their departure from this neighborhood. The. evening, was spent in cards and dancing.. Quite a . number: attended the funeral Of the. late John Barr 'on Monday of last 'week. gyntpathy is extended to the bereaved fam- ily. • - Mr. and Mrs, Rex Stewart and family. of Millarton spent Sunday at M1. Ldbert . Bushell's, (morning_. Hair Style_. ire First; Step : To Lovelipess� gUlart 0 tatitg 'PHONE •;114, . L!JJKNOW 4• r••••••••••-,- HERE'S A CHANCE ; TO .WIN Awatded.:1'or The . Best Essay On MY IDEA Off A RECREATIONAL ENTRE The ; Clansmen desire • to obtain.'oi4 as for the best .,use` of the , new recreational • y .d: cel�tre. and•invite� : essa s froth • old and young, from near and far. There, are no restrictions.' Length• not; important. It'd' Ideas That Are Wanted. ENTRIES' BY .SATURDAY, MAY 17th To, E. H. Agnew`, Secretary,' Clar*smen. dub. • •• Y • ,- .IIdY:�.11»1!'.f�V�.�'A+14.-:i�Y�i�t'.�C 1�ei..fl.441...._11iriiY.a.��liania.'JY:lir YL"" "'_a'.•�. 0 •I