The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-23, Page 6OBITUARY
Few ,of' Aslhfield's citizens: have
ever endeared themselves to as.
many as did Kenneth D. -Mac-
; 'Mac-
Lennan, • who passed peacefully
away in Goderich, hospital on Fri-
day .evening, April llth. He had
been in failing ;health for some
time ' and had. never: 'recovered
from the s Pock of the unexpected.
:death. of his wife, the, former
. Christina MacKenzie, who passed
wa last, May.
a y y ...
• Kenneth was a 'son "of the .late
Malcolm MacLennan ' and • his
Wife .Mary 'Boyd, eatly .settlers on
the, Lake $hore, mbeing; their ho
e '
knokwn as; '"Strathvran",�• Here he,
,f y.
spent ,.alrnost this -entire. life, of
late years living on his ,farm 'on
,the•Blue Water'•Highway former—
ly belonging to his deceased: bro-
, ther, • Duncan. ,
'Kenneth's happy personality.
won • him the .admiration. of a host
of, friends and he will be much. Vancouver, B, C„ and Sidney in
• missed...'He was a fanned bagpiper .Saskatchewan::
• and. violinist, a familiar. figure`at- _ _ . �.
°'• lic ,The ' :funeral: was held ; from
banquet., weddings and .Irub •
celebrations.: He was a faithful'
Fryfogle s Funeral. Parlors, Wing=
, ham; on • Thursday, April 10 With
member of ~Ashfield Presbyterian'
of Greenhill Centetery,
• Chu�cch�and;_.a val�u�d.ymember
L k Th lib a e s�we. e
' years: e 'Cook,.Geor e: Jordon
Georg, ,. George
H'e'y is survived. by:. two .sons,. gait. MacKenzie, Clarence Wade,
Stewart and Bain, and' one,bro-. John' McB�irney a n.d •:• Stanley.
flier, James :of Mar
Charles Boyd, Charles and:Stew
art Wiley,, Wilmer Robb, °
MacLennan and-Friai_ MacGregor
Friends from a , distance were
Jamep ,MacLennan 1 o f Chicago,
Mrs, John=';MacLennanof Toron-
to, Mr. and Mrs: Robert. Johnston
and son of Detroit. Interment was
in' Kintail cemetery. . • •
-Charles Frederick Crump pass-
•ed away at his home in East Wa-
wanosh on. Sunday, April 6th fol-
lowing a stroke: He had been in
failing health for.:several months,
J.Ie was in ,his 55th year.
Min. in England,. he .came,to
Canada at : the age of fl." years;
l;Ie served in World War •I; from
191548. • . .
Surviving are' his widow, for-
Jane:.Towle, and
thee, sons, Sidney with the R. C.
A. F. at. Whitehorse; Yukon' Ter
ritory; Harold .and Billie. at home;
also' one sister, Dorothy, in Eng-
land- •' and .two ' brothers,' •Reg. in •
u'e grow- ` e�-pa.. �e :r -r r
the choir for yea
inhere he operated a farm neilr`
Kintail. He retired to live in .God-
erich 'eighteen years ago, His
wife, formerly"Miss Joanna• a •`
Donald, predeceased' him thirty
years, H e' was • a member .of . Knox
Presbyterian. church. ..„,Surviving"
are three . sons. , and • four. daugh-
ters: Nell of Kincardine; James
and .Adarin of Goderich.; Mrs. Wm.
Joslin, Detroit; Mrs. Richard. Oke,
Goderich township; Mrs. "Thomas.
Campbell of Creighton Mines,
Ontario;. Mrs. Christopher Brown
lee of Goderich and -23 grand-
.children. , ,r
The funeral service held at the
Brophey ' funeral horn'. ort, 1V,[on-.
day afternoon.. w"as Conducted by
Re: Richard •Stewart,:The pail
bearers Were Bain .McDonald; Ro'
land.. Grant, ' ussell Bissett; • Neil
McKenzie, Murdoch McLeod" and
Robert• Sir'npson, all 'of Ashfield;.
'fnterrnent was in Lochaash ,cern-
etery. . . '
WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL 23rd, 1947
'United Church W. 11'f. •5,-- -� .. •�- -�-. _
D U N G.J 7J 3A ?.R ]E lg�'.N ,
The April meeting of the After '..- -t
noon Auxiliary was 'held at the. Mr, , Gordon Montgomery of
'home of Mrs, `'P. , W. Hoag.-- The- .Loudon- spent -the week :end ° With
opening'ei�ercises were conduct- his sister, Mrs. Allan Reed.
ed by Mrs, Decker. Mrs.. J. A. Mr, and Mrs, Itol t, Gibson of
Thompson, gave an `Easter. read-
ing, Plans were . made for. the
Easter thankoffering, :and various'.
coriunittees were appointed. An
offering' was received for the'pur-
chase of'needy . articles for the
,� t
Sault Ste. Marie on' a business
trip to Toronto are down this .way -
to visit • relatives, ' some of whom
are his two sisters, Mrs,, Will Mc-.,
Connell. and ;Mrs. Jas. Finnigan,
and also a, brother, Mr. Jas; gib-
ib- '.
annual bale, Mrs., W: oyn. son:
• a 'article on Christian ste-'' Mr; and MVirs,. Russel Drennan
lead an
wardship. Mrs'. J. Cameron • then and family,; returned toa. their
ole 'the Chair -''for; -the program. home in S-tzatf:orcl n Fi�hcd•ay. af.
-A beautiful Easter Message was ter visiting friends in. Goderich
M•ss ' Hazel. Webster and and Mrs. ;' Drennan's parents, Mr,
given. by i
obt.. Campbell:
'a- solo'by Mrs:; R p,
'The 7thchapter, of the study book
was•°taken ,by; Mrs: W B..A,nder-
Son. "Mr.S,M Carn`..beli then sang an-
other lovely, solo. Mrs. 'Cameron
closed the meeting with .prayer
and a dainty: lunch was 'served
by, the . hostess, •
Attended Funeral
Miss. E. McCluskey was in.Lon-.
�clen on ..Monday of : last week at-
-tending the funeral of the -late-
Dr'• W. J. Stevenson. Their:`grand-
mothers wer,e' sisters. D. Steven-
o .. .
son's .dea'th';.rernoves,' the :Mast of b th 1 ' k
a it .His •brother Dr ,High ecure..-.a se„,.1,n. tioder,ich
..tho�f m y,.� �. t'o:.�-s cul
is em to ed 'were :
where George p Y ,
Easter Thankoffering Meeting
The, Afternoon and,' Evening:
"Auxiliaries of 'the United':C:hurch-
held their' Easter Thankoffering
meeting.n the church on the ev--
in of. April 16th. Mrs. Decker
ening P,
xesidec.•.and ,Miss -Jean Mac1VlGrl
Nil; read the.scripture `lesson. Mrs..
Decker gave a 'recitatrbn`;fellow
ed by a - musical number.' by ' a.
group of girls.: Mrs: Davies''• of
S. tretfor °:we: tire- tis spea1 ..
giving a very ';fine Easter, mess-.
g g:..
age Miss Welsh and' Mrs:. Hoag
sang a .,very pleasing duet: Rev.
g y,..
.J:• W: Ste art spoke briefly, ex
pressing appieciation and thanks:
to': Mrs. Davies•r•for 'her. message.
The meeting closed 'with ••prayer'.
lunch .Was :served b :. the
�xd;- y
Chicago; the last ks, •
surviving ear :of ,this •art •rn
The funeral service. JOSEPH :McAD'AM
ed faxriily., .
was . held from: the' residence of • J as e p h ' McAdam, Goderich;
decease on Monday, . conducted `passed away in Alexandra' Hos liev . W: •' O..Rhoad and . waS
very largely: attended.. Aniong the
beautiful 'floral ,tribiztes was one,
'frorhthe 'Lucknow band 'a'nd. one
'froth �`Ma 's' Old=Tinge'-Fidel rs"
Kihcardine...The ..pal'1l earers were
petal. :On -Saturday, afternoon,
Aril 12th,`` -after a short illness
in his • 84th: ,year,
Mr. McAdam was a native of
' Guel h but: had lived -rivet -cif- leis
,and- Mrs.
Abner ; Morris,;;Dtnngan,
.non'• � ••'`,+ .-,.
•and Mrs, Will, S IIib: aro"
1VIi . ,
' off .the- ;farad at Glerin's..'
Moving ...
Hill • to their new home in, the
Village. •
• Mrs, Howard. Beek: was taken
to Goderich' hospital • last , week .:
'with pneumonia, `Mrs. Arthur: ,.
Stewart, • her . sister, of Port ,Al-
bert, is 'nursing the .rest of the
Black 'household who have been
down -with•-'flu and. also -an-i'nf ;nit'•
son:only.a few Weeks .old:
• 'Mr.. . and. Mrs ' •Geo. Hamilton,.
who have been' on 'the oo out
life in the township: of`ishfield,' ies in charge.
Stevenson' 'died some, five years
ago and their .sister Annie, passed
away•..a few months before that,
.M-rte--Ta:l ei aSk,Fa
Mr and Mrs ' :Reg roome. or
Holyrood' moved' last week to•:the
'farm., at 'Belfast ,which they 'Pur
chased from, George: Henry. r.
and' ,Mrs " He'nr v
ae. •taken•'up
Y h ..r
•re'siderice,across--the. road,'. George
held ..
a' successful sale last week.
has iveri u farnung:to con -
and. _�.- p 6'th con: of' : West Waw.anosh, •.Mr..
at last lucky and with their .fam-
ily moved last Tli Psday.
Visitors With ..Mrs.. Chariotte•
u wt _ �irt�l
Mrs, •. Stanley, Thompson' and 'son.
•Alvin, Mr and Mrs: JohnNoi�znanA
and ..daughter Sharon:of Kincar-
incar dine; Mrs. A1f•-Erringtbn,'•Mr:.and!
Mrs.- Albert 'McClinchey &. Sha'r
on of. Carlow,.:Mn.,end Mrs. 'John
Finnigan and Keith and:tynn of.
iroue his job :at :theflax null.
"Dinner now being served in `
the dining car", is welcome news on
•Canadian• National trains. Appetizing;
food, moderately priced, is..some-
thing y-ou wi11 always : find in the
•: congenial: atmosphere of
Canadian National diners..
:. Choose coach, chair car or
'sleeper in any of them you'll
find Canadian Nation :t ser
Vice adding,tnichto the
pleasure 'sof :your j ourneyJyirain.
.a•••••rx nrn.
All meals are
..pertly served
`iii Canadian
dining cars, r.
d bate a»d •
p're' ed rle
,p'ar c
o�J:ao mea'
e!peeien a tie j6y'
.let us help ;plan, your
'Arol inn at any Cq,rasl/artt National
ticket office and talk it over. fire. will
lie pleased to help'yorn
4 •
;and : Mrs,: „Radcliffe Murray and;
f artily Donald and Norma _ and
1Vlias Mary Murray:.. of St Helens:
:•-.Eugene-Thompson ofmCot
inti is..;:..visiting her; parents,
and •Mrs. George Rivett,;'
74 Mrs ':Wzhl'Shields : moved•to 4her •
new bore in the :village last :week
and is: ,getting ` settled.
: The; DungannonT.United;•chiurch
'Women's Missionary Society will
hold Spring. thankoffering service ,,
in: the Church net $unday even
;mg,- ' pri a : , p:m.
lex•Sfnitt, wife: of the Dungan ' �.
non school princr'pal, will be the
Mi;." and Mrs. Gordon :Watsrm of
Nile were guests of honor
dance 'reception o1i• Friday night
at: the' '.Dungannon Parish I-1'all .,
1VIcDowell''s.orchestra of Belgrave
provided .music for dancing a,nd
•at lunch -bine the -newlyweds
were read an address of ;congrat .
ulations by Mrs Wilbur Johnston
• and a 'purse of money with . a ' s.ub
sten-Val sum was. 'presentedy.
.Mr. ,Wilbur. Johnston Mrs.: Wat
son was formerly Donna Mohring
of ' Goderich. ••
• Mrs; `J: G,'M9ntgomery '
Mrs.: MSmith of Carlow, '
who has been ill 'this last.whil'e.
Mrs =:Chas: -Fowler,- who .:has
also :been On the -..pick 'listis, :m
provirig,and able` to be `up a 'little
each. day..'
The 'United:, Church Women's,
Auxiliary; met, . in the church on '•,
Thursday a,fternobn 'with Mrs.!,n:
A: F-owier' presiding.- Mrs. Eliinn
Ctilbort read the scripture 16s:-;(211.
Mrs, -13obt: Mocyre gave the
'Mrs. '•sang�a solo' 'Plan.5
wore. made ,to have the Auburn
players give their play *4.4.0‘.06-
tu•re Bound" at `Dungannon.'! It
was decidde•to hold' a' Sunday eve
"ening service on May .lith.
The Crewe' church Vomen's
Auxiliary sponsored a • play' '" 0
Promise • ,Me" b'y the lioiyood
Dramatic Club one night last
week in the Parish Ball:.
The Dungannon schoni pupils
have been going up in' groups' to
have theyearly attention on their..:.
tceth• at Dr, Little's 'office,' 'buck=.
A •SEWER RAGE 87/STEM in, Clint• .
'tis, posy„fora boost in
theon tax rate
resofn� f noiblem