The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-23, Page 2it :I. • F4i • R• THE Lwow SENIINE a Lucow, M Ontario. Established 1873'--- Published Each' Wednesday Morning • Rite 2.50, Subscription te -'- :$2.00 A Year in Advance-�•'To U. S.A. . Second Class'Mail„ Post Office, Department, Ottawa Author}fed as Member of Tlie Ci:W. N. A. • Publisher and L • C, Thompson, P Proprietor WEDNESDAY,APRIL 23rd; 1947 EDiT.,OiE° I. D,FIYLIG .. ;T HT SAVING 1ME,.. An appeal that, should:: .not go s unheeded' is being made by the • •Regardless of the pros an con work- " the u: Sect' Western Optarib� faithful band of Red Cross' .. of s b] :. . h. • `almost universally" . adopt saving time the .end , of- rdalilght , g • ',phis` week.. The • opinion :prevails, however,,.thrat it is a' .decree .that should: be decided nationally for the sake of uniformity. It .is, .a +contentious. • subject, however, which; federal and provincial leg- islators are. no doubt glad to pass on to the;. , Municipalities, and -.:which many. mixnicipal.boards (rain (and we:.don't blame them) dealing -With with until petitioned from � fo do:' so. Daylight saving time ,seemms ,: more generally popular . in urban utter does tzu t e� _ . u . th 174 ,m..., .,.. centres,:_al gJ.b-- o 's a roval: :.:net receive •unariim u Pp , abs. any means. In the rural pen-, 'res it seems 'that' .a considerable majority are definitely • opposed to s°t'. , tine as iao'� being ice=• the n. • . r' _, :. t here ` are .those ing the damage''th e "i'; , aritteh •�' #armer s 'interest. � trLbutable to. . although ;•much' in the of, which appears, at ;.Iiovvever,, . , g thy"" lack: of a . protective covering `•' Minority, �wha favor it and many . . , - ommittal` and I nore 'vvho 'are non c OI are little'' affected. ,or concerned -' ne • way or • the., other w�. Even; \ provincial ':uniformity :, i5 -completes ;as it , would: :throw " .s. into•�a confused • . travel schedule.... state. The, solution : appears to be in the lap Of the Federal •Govern:: Ynent..,Whether it Abe' :``fast":• or "slow" time it should a on „a Dominion -.wide ;basis, as��it was during' the War, .Main ',Street is- badly :in need Of. • a spring Souse ' cleaning, ' in- eluding .a bath. . THE- LUCKNOW • El , LUCKNOW, .pN ARIUr Palo, the 'bride travelling in a Vi�EDDiN� BELLS. coat, navy blue dress, blue beige y BLAC .41wir : RAYN RII hat •arid black. aecessories=.and The' home of • Mr. ands Mrs. 111ie1- vin `Baynard,• East. street,, Goder ich,. ,was. the scene . of a . pretty wedding at °12.30 o''clock on Wed- nesday, :April .16th, when-~ their wearing -the groonn's .giftt, a gold' bracelet and matching earrings set ',.with.rhinestones and. sap= phires, On their return tlle3r Will reside o n West street. Elizabeth, be- Prior to'her marriage the bride daughters Gertrude I me the 'bride of Ralph'Edward was .the guest of honor at a mis- ca _. k"t s n of 1VIr. W. I, cellaneous shower at the 'home of 'Blacsone, . 4_ Blackstone, Sr., and: the late Mrs. 'Miss Lorraine: Ferguson; and her The house' was dec- Mother entertained ,for 'her at'a• Blackstone. orated artistically. with pink,. trousseau tea. ti • �. p: White and mauve Snapdragon and •, p�I�LIpS,—gOWELL' the. c;eremciny .took. place under quiet but lovely wedding,,was y. EDr$ESI)•AY, 4PRII 23rd, 1.947 bowriunavriNGi•' -TQ eirr Fpm PRINCESS ELIZAB'F'H�. • The Girl =Guides ..held =then• regular meeting Friday evening.. Signalling was practised with buzzer and. light. Mrs: Joynt ducted ' a nature, quiz,. true and . false, and thg Guides 1earne.cl soiree amazingly. new facts ..:Tire • Guides are contributing to a Bri tisk fund to give H.R.H. Princess. Elizabeth a gift on. her 21st birth- day, This gift will be'•a brobehA, in the form, of a ode Trefoil which the Princess. may:wean out Of uniform as..a .symbol, of her `lo�.alty to .Guiding., It . will not °. . y b an extray.agant.ar costly thing' it is anticipated that the' re- mainder mainder of the fund, eollectedmwill • be put at the. disposal of the Prin. cess , for whatever: good 'purposes' • she shall see; fit to 'devote it to. At the annual meeting 'of the Ontario •'Council` in' .Ottawa. :last Week, Mrs.• McKim wAS, elected a:•' member. ,of the Executive Coro; tte. mi e _ - • an : arch..of evergreens, with a Os,, It is an appeal for, volunteers .. S 'ewart v.� Richard t. a e se .in in order white, bell, Re to do some hom 'Sewing g of 1<nox church, off iciatmg. To 'the .• strains of'.the • bridal' chorus payed• by Miss Eunice Mine, the bride , was given in marriage by her father, She was charmingly; gowned in, floor length, White 'silk jersey €ashioned with yoke of silk. embroidered net •'and ' full skirt falling in:.•a short train. Her ern- broideresl• three-quarter-lenth g veil was, fastened to ,a coronet, of to: complete A workroom „quota of infant nf a t "la • ettes The task is ,simple. i le. They material is ready and., waiting, Who : will, . answer the' call?' • 'The highway damage, that is ,so. nt.ever.y 's ring,is_ ,proof that evident p many of our roads; aa‘ not being constructed tru ct ed t0 stand and:'• P. under r winter- ditions and the_ heavy a Y m er-con , traffic..Much white bridal wreatlT H r flowers loads of traffic present day a, were .Briarci 1ffe roses, Miss- Win- o of • the truble may be due to faulty. mired • Raynard ;was, her sister's drainage; but it.•is far ,from being.. bridesmaid in. a' ' pink sheer floor economically aensiJ�Ye to '•spend. briit w ich; she wore ° th w ,�, :len o� .x...__..1?z.�..�� g g .� me does sum$ `'1n 'trying .to: tre n . a keep highways "apractically _.bare vishoulder-length • veil,, nd ear ed ink ' and ' white' .carnations.: in winter and then having to turn P Mr. Harold • Blackstone, brother around and:spend" equally Y hugeof the groom; was best- man. sums dwring- toe_. fpr. ing• in repair- • The weather; has certainly, been nothib0Ut;' bixt ai that, its not nearly so bad .as• the :.weather bureau has been' fore casting Don-, forget to turn the clod forward one: hour this week end Something else to :bear in•nind:pis The Luckriew ' ',and ' Vicinity • f the Red'Cross' Society Branch o is still some sax hti real dollars • � short, its objective This com : a:,•• very; . enviable niunity' � has..... y. record in supporting all. wdrth- 'while'.,c;a-Uses, and It is expected that there Will still be ';a likeral response to the'. Red Cross `atipeab. If you have ` overlooked 'makinga donation don't delay .longer. •True, ;$1 800 rias appear a -consid-=- erable peacetime' objective, ut, it is comparatively: trivial to what. this' .district. tlias,accomplished. in thepast, and there is no." doubting tira-G-t re.-Red-•C'ross l'as in'apiar `ant?task in "peace as in: war•,.•, *hil-e= the- registe •was. beingsigiv, ed,-. Miss Eunice Milne• ptayed 'O Promise Me'. After' the ceremony • a i?ecept.ion :was held at the. Park House; • .where Mrs. ',Rayna-rd* re soem'nized� on• April -19th at ..the - • Willis : United ;Church Wesley when `Rev. And- rew' Clinton; . , rew ' Lane .united " in marriage o daughter er` Phyllis dean, 'Younger . , g' t. of Mr. and Mrs, Baden Powell,. Seaforth, .with Archibald Russell,'. younger son of Mr. and. Mrs.' El - mere Phillips- o. Dungannon *'The :brine 'looked charming in a turquoise blue suit and mnatchi ing coat` with brown .accessories. Sh .: wore_a corsage of Talisinan ornament was a rose', :,Her . only-- triple strand'' of pearls, the gift of ,the groom. After . the _ ceremony the happy ouPle`left ':on ha°°t trip- to -points, o ints east.: On:, their ,'return a large re cep tion will be held .atthe home of the bride's parents:.They will • reside in Clinton , • BOY,. SCOUTS P At ',a' largely attended meeting of the Scouts on Friday. evening, calved her ,g gownedg ,guests: in',li ht, Morse, and .first,aid` was practised' • grey -jersey 'with a :corsa'ge ef' red'. roses. She 'Was assisted by '. Mrs: arol,d . Blackstone, , gt?wna for the second class: test:.. an , .enrollment sere:-: g� - 3'--Ja• ek McQiiillin and Donald. •° • BY A..VOTE'of: 15 .to_ 3, Ripley business`. men , favored' adopting' D.S.T.; but', the final •decision was field; in abeyanceuntil the de- cision Lucknow- merchants ••in ...,; R.• .:_ this 'respect ,was : ,kxi play; merchants will remain open: on•. Wednesday' nights until ' ll•Oo o'clock. light': blue with corsage - Of `roses.' I McNay:, took, their . Scout''prornise. court 'of l onour wase he d . at. Later .rMr, .and 1VIrs �Blackstoine. A ,� .,rr Buf- the close o f • the 'meeting deft for: ap trito:Toronto.,, d... �� 7> taaaaa.a2aaa u Kenneth ]1IIacKenzie, eldest. soil' of 1VIr,' •, •• ,and Mrs; WM, :MacKenzie of:\Langside; has:.bought the.`farm • Mr. 'John • MacRae:' of. Lochalsh.' Receives New Crar• • ..? S.1VIcLeod',ireceived delivery. of..a new onar.ch last. week rom Ford, dealer' Gr'rfeld'"+ the ,local ,. _ .... a Ostrander:' ' • • . ADRI(ULTURAL . IMPLEMENTS' '' ':AND EQUIPMENT'' New Or . used:.. • -The . town -of St: 1Vlarys has taken' action'. to'' permanently maintain , its shade..trees, .• and has set .op. a ;tree �nurs ry from which small trees are taken' to (replace .the•:fact` that, the.half holiday will; ,old,' diseased and broken trees.: hereafter.. be observed- , in - Luck- Lucknow haslong been_noted for now': on..Thursday, 'commencing its lovely maples, but aplanned• • • next 'week, . .May 1st ' program of ;care . was not carried' o; out in••years past,:the, wisdom; .of Save, all y'our'mag:azines, news which' would now .Piave been lap papa board :for. the' Boy Scouts.' There's these. .trees• is now' regarded ; as ' ' . he. necessary, aid which` might have a ready � market for" rt,'arid t , proceeds will help give the mein- been avoided ^had,a:.a systematic �. bets of his. newly'.organ'izecd troop program of trimming 'b'een exer- •a trip to camp : this summer. ' • cised as these trees Matured: ,Tree-� jo — culture.:is a;.jjob. for a speeiahst.. With• prices 'rocketing (4i'Many.: Care; and protection o#.;our trees,, lines it appears that a buyers', and a ,planned planting 'program' strike will; .be the Most •effective 'is `something •that:'might well. be, cdxb, and probably the. sooner the afudied and :practised '.in the in• better. So long as the buying terests of the ..future • beautifica. • public, is willing.. to pay almost tion.. of 'our village -any •price for anything, `then this upward spiral isx certain to , con tiriue: : 1.1V..ESIDEK could aike • Maybe Y°n a breeding , to •.bursa new: bull o . , stuck the 'quality build • up ' Ynor' b V' FARMHOUSE. OR OTHER : FARM BUILDINGS Construction, improvement'' or' repairof• dwelling;- :barn; silo, ice -house, .'garage, .Labourers•'. cottages or :tourist cabins;•'.. 'painting farm buildings, inter- ' . i • decorating of your home or; a • • ing one or more rooms or ;.' storeys. ,The• _death of .,.Henry ., Ford re- moiled . a gentleman, who despiteY o . c his success •n' ava.building st The Junior Chamber' of Com dustrial: empire; r e m a i n:e d • merce• of Canada is to throughout his 'l fe;''':uripreten- mended.,on its efforts to promote' tious, mild =: Mannered and un- nation -..Wide beautification ,pro-' obtrusive. ;'He' loved the.siniple gram, 'andthere iso etidence that. '.things of . life. and observers frei their efforts are being rewarded.,. quently remarkedat his apparent Last year :Close n- • to 200 .commupeace of soul like fact : that,, in ities were • ,associated. . with this spite of his. four" Soiire `years, he • plan to• make Canada a .cleaner; retained his vigor, .buoyancy, and healthier and more ' . attractive industriousness, may be.very` dir. place in 'which to live. Encour- ectly. ;.connected .with, the serenity , aged "by this response the C.• of C. that• surrounded him. As he grew is going all out this • season to old Mr. Ford "Once said:. "I. think make' Canadians beautification I' can .harmonize myself: with'. air - i ofrscious.,µo ,thin end special at-.°cu7nstances andenvironment bet tention is being' 'directed. to the ter noW than wheri.T was young - act ro p 1 ` during the period sof Mayer. I have learned to put myself 12th . to 24th, . with press,- radio, in tune with life physically, men - theatres and schools ',stressing the tally and spiritually. Now, that is . « .. . , a fruit • of age but it.. `is really.' ' ,light up ""Clean -up, -paint -up, X'ant- , the• • attainment c f ,youth".:• p p p, P p, g u• • A V. FENCING, DRAINAGE, LAND ' WENT,. ROADWORK., 'IMPROVE - . Including: ditches; tilin pipunnng. and dik ng gs fat ons, . . •• reElam ---sewage-114610 'system,.x r,",�lear'ipg ationand 'soil 'conservation..., •r ii 00.014 W:MER sister , . , . EM ..`n of euipment> in In$tahatyocoal; gas and; 'eluding woe& : 'electric. furnace p in built-ia boilers,n water 'heaters, Pete., or repair. sinks _'arid' tubs, .present or Modernization of • system. • 'S w-.u.,.r 4•' SYSTEM '� FARM ELE ILI►1. oc� used $1) . tern;tem. or latiomoaexniaat)•on of the ( 'present one: 1 V ELEnIrcat , ,Milking'QU/PME separaitmachine pupas, aq,": refriger cream .: et4. 0401 0g .m,ci flies' ED, MOST;:? Check your needs and ' discuss .. your financing • requirements w us. If your proposition ' is .sound, there's' m-on'ey for you :it • the B of M. MSB__ 70 41101104 CRADM%S. ASK f or a copy o ff' ord. booklet on Farm fm -:p roves m'e, n t. • L o a n s You'll find it helpful: : vo•rking with ,Canadians *in every walk -of:lif e :'ince.1817 g •Lucknow Branch': I. A : THOMPSON, Manager.' �..ieM�.w:•�t'.�Y��rr�'�iiifr '+'lir+ =ww .rvizti�;