The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-16, Page 5yVEDNESDA'3 , APRIL 10th, 1,041 'THE LUCKN0W $ENTINE'L, LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO V., • ..fin x ... .. •I 0 PAGE niro •.• Lyeum11.etre: WINGHAM TwQ Shows Each•:Night ,alt i30 and 9.30 Thursday, 'Friday! Saturday b ' k APRIL 17, 18,19• ROY ROGERS, a DALE. EVANS� An Home : 4 ma'.. �n Ih �o Saturda • " at 2 .m.T Matinee Y P, Monday#'. Tuesday, Wednesday. APRIL 21, Z 3 :113 SPCIAL SEAN CRAINE,'k COKNELE W,ILDE 'a ZI 0.14 Mr. Kenneth McGuire Was up from London and spent Easter 1 We omitted mentioning in our -,wit'h�-Mr.'Roy Maine --and •IVtr. ard_:. ast..nx-budget :that4M,rs. Susan Mrs. Clifford' Corzier, Andrew had • reeeiaed the news Miss. Joanne Hiin•ter of Luck, •frons, her son Dayid'of- the, recent new, spent a ,few days with her death in Calgary Hospital..of Mr. grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs 'Bent John D. -.Murdoch of Calgary, and Treleaven, recently. of Saskatoon, a former 1VM-r; and Mrs, T. M. I)w n n resident : of this • community':' He, spent a few days in Toronto, Mr, while a young "man-, owned and. Dt}ruin :ling, a 'delegate ° tx the.operated the farm now in the pos.- convention. session of ' Gordon Kirkland M. Roy • Culbert who spent, and formerly.. owned,by Mr. Isaac Andrew, M'r. Murdoch is well ' re= • sotne►'time ein:Hamilton is . with membered by. his- Many friends M his parents, ,Mr, and •rs.• T. • 'IY Culbert., his • ready cheery, smile 'and` Vsitairs With Mr•; incl lVir's; ` S; genial disposition: While a rest J, •K•il s ' • dent •cif' 'Saskatoon - . he was all° i417p.trick fb'r is ter were IVMr• ornate• friend of the •;l and .Mrs. •;.S.; J°..Kilpatrick Brian ate Mrs. ° Bert 'F•inlay'••and:-' Mr• h'iralay, 1b' arid.; Cheryl ;of Toronto,:1V r.' and. Y' 1Vl`rs; '.Cec l Blake ,?irisin Whom yhe•;waS, highly esteemed.. y, Linda By a strange 'coincidence" both his. and Billy of D_ .trick ..of Maungannon ,and Mas- • • ou las. Krl f • and4NMrs, Fithajr's demise resulted ter . g' p from heart attacks." Of the'prig elting - .. • Mr. • Hugh 'Wood :and two. child,:inal Murdoch• tamily,.Mrs. Robert days a fe:N McGowan 'Maggie) of Blyth is ren 'of Sudbury spent the only survivor. ,To,her and 'the with •°his.' sister, ": •J Mrsim• "Sher m woQd� i mediate 'members of the. be- reaved family the sympatFiy� of` ' Mrs; • Clifford ,Crozier and To- 'friends In •this community is.:ex- anne.. spent Tuesday :with friends tended Dungannon •Miss Yvonne M'agoffinhasbeen .0.:' - t '• The April meeting ,of .the -'Woassisting Mrs. Catherine Ritchie men's: Missionai: Societ was .who has net o been•o • vel ri s o 1 to d mmer : held •at 'the' lion* of Mrs, Trelea- du'ri4i the h lida en#enn�al �`Sug a y week; • vent. 'on\: Thursda afternoon ' with Mr. David. Anderson is at •y, Pres- a ; good 'attendance,: The ' program ent In London,• . , was: followed :.in the Missionary -Mr. and • Mrs •Nelson, •Raynard'i iVonffity•lwith't he` children taking tan ,farni'iy of`Lochalssb,.;Mr. :'and part:. Je alds. • we.re Mrs. Tr elea-_ •M;i,s Ivan Papernicli 'and • family ven' :for Japan, Mrs, , Finnigan for ofGoderich spent • Sunday at the. China , Mr•s,' Corbitt for.Africa. home. o &me of -Mr,.and ,Mrs: ;Will Rit, Mrs;. kilpatrick gave a 'reading , ch.ie - . ori . mperance arid 'Gn Tic-; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, leavenreada letter �romBans- David. .:and :Donald' visited with wars Ruth Curran,.. aryan, Sylv-ifia ;--Cr' ; his -Mother is'notherof T.eeswater recently: .: th � Gorbsagrig S,1.r• Kitklin"d' °.ham-heerbed- ew ?doll ses the littlesparrow, fall:. fast for many •:years, ..contracted A :number of Inembers led in.sen-.. whooping cough this "winter :• but g tence prayers.: Hymn 243 wad is:.much improved. Mrs. Susan sung and ;the •president•closed the meeting.. With the benediction • AGENT Fc. illys :.Jeeps Station agora Cars • al;nd etnonstration, see GEORGE, WRAITH.. ,. 'Phone 3 :Lucknow LEO COURTNEY Phone ;76-3'•.Dungannon Andrevji': and baby • Kenneth Kirk -land spent : -the 'same afternoon with Misses Ada and Hazel W`eb Ration:£oupon D.ue ;Dates;: ' -stems sof Luc-k.riow. _ Coupons now valid are sugar' Mr :and Mrsi George"'Swart of preserves S26 .to• S48 a'nd:.butter Lticknow Were the guests of, Mr. 1335' to B4&: •The next butter :cou I and" Mrs.• Frank. Ritchie, Sunday pon `;becoming valid is• B49 ...on .afternoon: ' One sugar couponis 'Miss Amanda Wall is at present' in ., , r o to Where 5h �' has e s •' e ` rclase- of one. T nsecured good fo •,th pu , .osee tire • o .sugar or 4-7-14.94., four -.1 employment: n•`M _art fruit' or. 4; lbs, cutcob hone � Callers o rs, •WiI.1 Gardner,• or 4 lbs.--extracted-honey-or-:2-7l-bs:--oi Sund:ay -,-Were-Mr.- • and ; Mr-s� .` honey butter or 24 fl,, oz janyi James Ciaig,••.•Acxburnz ;.Mr.. :and, • or. 24 fl oz.. felly, or 24' fl: OZ.), Mrs. Richard Gai;d'ner, `'D ngan • marmalade, or 2 qts: �rnolasses ':;,: ,non, Mr: and -:Mrs. • John. 'Jamie= ,to•ii and,, 1Vliss : Ilazel :Webster,. of .and Mrs, .' J Ross, who. ha& een. in London. hospital for some tirrie til-ing---tr-.eatrnEht- for injuries---r-e-. ceived overseas, J.was.. ableto re= turn to his' home' here Last week' much 'unproved. • • Mr•. .and . Mrsb - Coultes' aid famil spent. y A nt Easter Sunday and 1Vt911110 w%th:` hers y ai:her fir: aY Kerry at. Paisley. •• -- :; Mrs. 'Moope of 'Torontp: spent a few days with:, her • parents., ::Mr:' and Mrs: of ri-Jo am WIIITECHURGI-h Mr. Victor Caseznore has sold his chopping mill to Mr. Ryan,,, of Goderieh; - who is commencing• work' here this week. F •.. 'Mr. and - Mrs, Groskorth a: n d famil• also Ma;.C.• Murray spent the Week -end, • in Toronto. Mr. Groskorth's•irlother returned here with them and. is spenndingthe week here.. .Mr. and NMrs•, H. B. Tichborne of Gode.rich 'spent Sunday with her mother,, Mrs. Kennedy. <,. Mr. •Bob Adams had his tonsils removed in Wingharn .Hospital last week, .. . h' (Too lat-e° for last week), Mr. and Mrs. Carrnen 'Farrier of. Toronto, also yips , Winni•ed' Farrier'• are spending their`: holi-' daysp with their Parents •, • Mr, and Mrs . W. , R. -Farrier, • • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Mimic.' spent the week -end' here. • Mr: Robert Ross, son of: •Mr. .S;COUTS TO CONTIN. , :DRIVE FOR,.PAPER, • The' Boy: Scouts held .their. reg- War 'meeting last ; Friday night First aid .was practised and games played., The paper drive is 'stilton and they • will collect on Ross,' Stauffer ' andCampbell east', to Outram on Thursday evening: All: scouts• be o ;; hand •at 7.15 1HEA.TRE.: LlJCKNQW Tonight,, 116dnesday Two complete shows at .1.30 'and 9.30 • "Madonna. OF The. --Seven Moons , 'From the Novel 'by .Marjorie Lawrence The season's : strangest, most absorbing . "drama. One' woman living two kinds of hive ▪ ' loving` two kindsnfinanit r Starring ,PHYLLIS CALyERT STEWART GR1AINGER PATRICIA ROC PRI, SAT., MON.- My N Is Jura Ros • Based' on the 'Novel, "The ' Woman an : Red" by Anthony Gilbert' Cas i . t -Dame' May Whitty; Nm ' • Foch, : George MacReady• 4 NEXT; WEDNESDAY Patrick' O'Brien; ' Ellen Drew, Adolph ' r"Menjou' i Man ' Alive)" Its• a `spirited : adv'entire of a live,• 'jealous ghost . fickle "widow's :and ' `a croon-, ing 'wolf. . 5,. 4-A iP 44 •. • 0 it 4 '. 1•.• .4 7. • D N:G'B.4AOET.b..� Rita 'Hayworth • in "GILDA„ . • 1V ONE CARLOAD' aribri° Also have y in stock one carload ASPHALT ROOF ..SHINGLES Another` • l to arrive.this; month. car `of asphalt roof shingles. • ,.•, PLEASE ORDER EARLY. • J�hn» • ° LIICKI1O•W, Ys. endersow:P`lann. p g ONTARI:I S BOY,. AT ` LAST'!. TIRES AND TitBES Everybodyada' s No. sizes ,now available 'at • All Central Gars ire Lucknow, : Mr; and Mrs:::. Frank.. Ritchie,; and -daughter, Ann rIVJ •and Mrs Janie"s-NleKay of. Port Elgin . were recent'::visitors at the home of':Mr.: acid Mrs Wes - ':ley' Ritchie; •.They report t;hat'.Mr and Mrs. Raiph,Nixon, :who'spen.t♦ e • win er :wi .,,.• em, •are en- joy`in,g good hea_lth_..• I essrs'.' Joseph and Lorne•Wall visited l'i,ipley friends on . undaY-. ;Seeks Liberal Leadership.', Farquhar R.'. Oliverf ' leader: . of the Liberal. O osition in'the' .On Opposition tai•io Legislature and member'for° *South. Grey ,las arinoun'ced : his intention :.of .being .a candidate for, the.• pi ovineial. Liberal leadership. .The selecti•uxi Will bemadeat.the mid-1VIay _ party : convention ST. .I-IELENS TORN ----At ` Wingham. General 1' Hospital; on, Thursday,, April' '10', t.o. Mr., and Mrs..T.T. -Tadd,' a son.. Mrs.. T. F.: �'Wrlsori'•spe t a. few. days in .Toronto as the guest of Mr,•and Mrs. Martin. • Miss Zona`Nevtton, :student nurse 'in the Sick- Children's hos-: pita), Toronto; was a visitor with her parents, lieu.' M •G., and 'Mrs:. Newton for the' :Charlton -Newton wedding- lin.:-.-Th-ursday.----Other, guests included Mr; and Mrs. Jas.' H; Charlton,..Mrs.' ° A.. Hayes' of Port .Alma, Mr, and ,Mrs, Archie. Mcln•tyro, of Blenhiern and Mrs Harry Hanna ':of •Toronto.. Mr: ,Tames 'Coiil.ter: of Wingham \vas. a. recent visitor at the .home :If. •Mr, and Mrs, ,W. A. ' Miller. • w connection' witlithe forth -coming vote on the 'proposed Cream Scheme, all cream `producers an the County are ex- pected ca . a •bililot at one of the many meetings organized throughout the County, h ,mai, do. so at -the Office of ,thy - gr-icultural Representative in Clinton - . A schedule of meetings already organized .follows. • MONDAY, : APRIL :14th -4.30 m° Usborne Township Hall Elimville, :Hurondale School; : ' ' '• • TU.ESD AY, APRIL _lath -Serie of .meetings will beJield-in- • . rStephen Township, ,location of meetings to ;be . an, .'nounced WEDNESDAY, ,APRIL 16th -Meetings m Hay .Township will.• be held on this. date: ` " • '.( , q r R Hall at V irna Parish`'• Hall• in Dungannon.,', FRIDAYAPRIL 18th -8.30 .m: -Hemlock Cit School House; Winthrop Hall Watson';s• .Hall at:Kippen,:' SATURDAY; APRIL: ll9th • '2.00 p.m -Crawford's :'; Feed Store • Luck ow.. * ; MONDAY, `APRIL ,21st iiieetings wiill,be'held` m Pullet • and 'Ooderich Townships, :lobation; to be announced.. MONDAY, APRIL 21st -$,3Q ..p.m: --Port .Albert,. TUESDAY,.: APRIL ,22nd -8:30. p m.=Community Hall, Bine- 'Vale; Township Hall, 1?Na n:: . WEDNESDAY • APRIL 23rd -8.3 - (Rrlmore School • Turnbei•ry Township; Foi dwich' Church::Hall, Town- ship Hallifro�reter, TXi.URSDAY, Al'1i'IL .24,111-8.30 p m: Colborne Township •Hall, > Carlow; Morris Township : ,Hall at , Ethel. FRIDAY, APRIL .25th --8.30 p:m,--Township Hall ate'Auburn;, • Whitechurch. ,• MONDAY, APRIL' 28th --8 30 P.m-�-St Helen's Hall ••SFEAK , ERS, WILL' $E •PRESENT SPECIAL -At all °these meetings "to" explain the 'proposed Cream Scheme, and voting will be conducted. ,by: the ' • Deputy Returning 'Officer; All Cream' Producers Are °Required To Register, 7.: :To Be Eligible To' `�'ote.T - T They lnay • register. . in person at the ,County' Agricultural ItePresentative's 'Office and vote at • the time of registering, or any day' before April 30th. Registration :and voting may also .be- conducted' with the DepiYtrlleturning;, Officer in' charge ;at any; of the public meetings listed •above. • ,, It • 4. • • • •