The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-09, Page 8• AlliMIBRIMPOWWPFWAISEMINEMMIEwnme. . . ONTARIO THE LUCKNQW ';S'ENTIN L, LUCKNOW, STREET LIGHTING. -BEFORE •COUNglL , SMART; LEG FLATTERING . .ti ALZ ' NYLON --42 and 45. gauge puresilk thread in crepe and .full fashioned Lisle. 4 NYLON HOSE manufactured by Holeproof `g ive ianger wear and satisfaction. LISLE HOSE --Full fashioned, fine even` thread, the Hose for this time Of year. :.,. •�' HOLhPRSOCKS FOR - MEN Thsr year will more men look for and find extra value- in Holeproof socks. They Will , find $oleproofo socksare expertly; knit, fit better and wear longer. In fancy` checks and stripes; $4LEPRa00le SHORTIES in 'fine 'wool: Size. 101/2 -.. . the . , pril meeting of the Village, Council, a resolution was received from the'Busiriess Men'S Association seeking improved street lighting . on Main 'Street, The • Board seem agreed that there wasreed for this, and in- structed the Clerk' to , .acknow- ledge the coinmunication and, ad- -Vise the B,M;A, that the .matter would receivae consideration; • Port: Elgin's. 'new Street light- ing system was, :refer to,.. and when roads, permit it is'posibte that• ,the Board :may .look over, their main street ;lighting system Irawyer` P. S. MacKenzie rep-- resenting his clients, W j. and Douglas;; and Mr. Jt.h , Thompson, „representing, Clansmen,, waited on Council, in. respect to'tthe question of receiv ing ;a ,clear title to .the• property south of the Post 'Office, 'which the Clansmen propose buying as the site ' for ..their .recreati'onal centre Details Of the matter are:,some- w ,• . Council. de-. hat.• rnyolved - but 'tided they:•would take the::pecesy sari action . to permit the .trans- action when a bona -fide purchase .offer was submitted: ' C.N.R. engines used an.:estim- TaigersollT . 41r •of, ITYismorra'• "Cheeses I*gersol'' Vreatny . 4/4 :lb.. package Ingersoll `Rideau >/i lb. paekage .... .;,; 23c" Ingersoll Malted ,� z'; ib ---package ig ersollOld :oxford %' lb: package 25c • ".A • Cheese for Every ;T'aste", Get your :free copy of • 'New': ;..Ideas 'for Praise -Winning Meals and .Parties". • •:byy 'Ann Adam • •p ' WEDNESDAY, APR L 'pt#, 1947'. NOW N : STOCK Wide Variety . of Dress Shoes to Choose, from in Black, .Brown 'or •f ted. ! 3 BUCKLE BOYS. ,.. vershoes n. Stock; Will Keep the 'Peet ry. aired: 25,600 gallons of water dor Iing 'the 'snoweplow W k, 4e -up, . and,'were ,billed $31.25 at the rate {. of ' an eighth.. Of a cent a,' gallon. T•he water. was obtained from the'` Municipal water system" "front a'� fire, hydrant nearby the crossing. -:- south • of ;the, C I R.. depot :When .ttaa4natter was being discussed Council was informed that a pumphouse check-tp shoWs i that approximately • " 25 trillion • +! gallons Of water are being pump- • ed- annually.. Thi figure has 'var ,1iedlittle over a•threeryear period. Council decided .tai• sell the Vill .PREACHER SCIENTIST •age ,_lots north . of • th¢ Johnston Dr, Irwin': A.,tMoon, of Moody properties, on" `Havelock -Street to Bible• Institute 'seen above in'one Mr• Peter M.. Johnston. of . his "Sermons ••from. Science" Tax arrears of . $96188 were or ;demonstrations; is . the producer'.:dered returned to the. county. imarsQlor film "The God Total 1946 taxes outstariding are.1 •of ��1�- mon I.eN`f:�4 ;.. of Creation" to be shown 8.00 rS m Friday, April' :11th at ' The 1 : The , Clerk. was instructed, to P•..� • order 1947 dog tags_and to request. the, assessor,.for :a' list of owners. of; ,dogs who paid dog tai in 1946, as; well as a� list of $$ose who Idid not.. , . : ',Council Was., .1 informed of a complaint having' been • received -BORN :' about • pdultry°• being • killed.. by. HALLAM-Irr Ashfield To" iship • dogs'' within the' village._ This ' led Mrs. Charles Hallam,' R. R.,.on Satur,daY, April 5th to Mr. 7, ity..,.,of,dog'owners in • this'respects and to the remark- .that . action sc? �a. Grave's ,"Solid Pack" Apples 28 oz. tin - ' • 25c For.• d=elicious 'Pies and' Applesauce • 'Eddy's Natio al .Matches .• 3 boxes .29c Pineapple Marmalade `('1, coupon) ..2 'lb far. 47,c • BACK.; AGAIN! • F nest'..Norwegian -Sardures'..-`.. 1VIillionaire brand:. Tin 30c °QUICK, QUAKER .OATS . Plain, 3"'lb. box • 23c With..Tumb er It • ThiS, film Will shovin on Wednesday might (tonight) in Ashfied Presbyterian Church.. ith. Fine, Chinaware: —• L'oolt to 9tiaker for the finest We now .:11ave a complete iains and marmalades.. See our' display PSON3 ,The Store of Friendly Service I,'Ia.y. andP.ance Cancelled _, iety has* cancelled the `Play and dance : recently.' postponed until April 16th. The hall had been, and • it *was .h.npoSsible 'to- obtain/I- the play', on a4 .other date.' iiveYLatter -the ,aSsessor's.,,list..,had_bgen A letter was receivecl,frorn Mr. ENGAGEMENTS' 1 Mr. and Mrs. *.Baden POwell, 1 the, engigernent of. their:younger - daughter,- Phyllis jean to 'Archi- bald Ritsselloyounger sOn,.of Mr. gannon, . the wedding to take . place 'quietly the 4atter part • of LucKsovit- Itel%.:: J, ,W. • • 12:15=-Sunclay School • vie • SUITS and pREssEs.. • And Raincoata.: Board • Of, Education; :requeSting three .treeS• in front of the 'sehbol. A CO:Inca-Committee is to _confer •apprOved ,payment h. municipal , audit. This , is an tn- crease • et $35.00 Over Ilas year's,. with the Board. on this ,rnatter. • _ Y CU • bei heeli :fitted wit armr plate heels ,desired. A GOOD STURDY ,the farmer .or laboring man. 'T.:44ER LINES.:'...of- Start the spring *Orkin comfortable; . durable works shoes. ew e Blankets, reads, tore • eets, 11 OW hroWSI ith The Stec • ases