The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-02, Page 60L ti , ; PAtxE six A THE LUCK -149W • SENTINEL~ LUUKNOW, ONTARIO AM PRODUCERS 1 A. proposed Cream MarketingScheme for Ontario, under the aProducts s the MarQntngAct; has to •Cream e po cts Marketing Board for consideration,by been submitted to. the Poem roc�u... Producers Association; consider. •reconunen g tlle;sche�me, it must be satisfied that a fair/ represen- tation f t-Board-canCream• favour, of its adoption. In order to obtain tbe_lcecorded views tation of the Producers are in o P of the Producers, ucers,d aVote y 'b ballot is being taken on the question:— , • "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE' PROPOSED ONTARIO'CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING 'N'CHEME "BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCR' I :.ONTARIO?"' • ALL PRODUCERS 1VI ST UEGISTER 4 • .All producers must. register to vote.. Two alternative methods of voting are prov'ided fo. • Cream Producers, as .follows;--= ° •' ' registration and,voting in each .Agricultural 'Representative's office between" `March 31' ' � . (1) Byd Personal reg, and April 30, 1947; or the De ut Returning personal(2) By registration and voting with P y ' B Officer in charge at each local meeting: Public -Meeting -Will -Be -Hello At BELGRAVE TOWN HALL Oman ESDA'1' APRIL 9th, At x.00 Pa1ri. ,• ,yV.EU!NE,SDAY,' APRIL 2nd, 1947. -,I! A r A 'M hullacip AnaliA . GhaheiI,_ On County' Committee . Eller Johnston. of Ashfield is:' one of the ,direetQF$ of the Huron=- - County .cream patrons, committee, Which has approved' Qf ' tatting a vote arliong crea u, producers on 'the newly proposed • •marketing; . . board scheme. ,The West and East Waw.ano'sh directors ate George Hallam and Lawrence: Taylor, :.. ' (By ' An Calg-Bhealaidh) THE PIPES OF . WAR. The 'bagpipe was once used4 to good e'ffect"'as a 'g'un: It happened at the time' that the 78th. Seaforth Highlanders were relieving the:; Indian Lucknow. Three Seaforths anel 'a piper by the name of Gib- son:. ecame isolated one day and (' found themselves on the'receiv.- Iirg end iof_ a charge of six Mount - Fed nye trooper's. The . Seaforths Were out .of itto i but they' I Were: prepared, to,. defend them- selves , with: fixed bayonets ;when th piper, Saved • the day , by pre- senting ':the :drones. of ' his', pipes toward, the horsemen.. and •blow ing one long blast. •:The :a`ston •ished natives • wheeled their horses and :galloped away in -tern nor•, But for the :pipes ,.it• is more than'. likely that, . Canada would still be a'French province because as . a 'critical moment in, the •bat= t1e>of; the villains of, Abraharn,At- was .the pipers of the Fraser • Highlanders who: turned. . the tide , of battle. A Sassenach officer, no' Wolves .Killed Deer ' doubt weary of; hearing the piped° A 'young doe `was' recently ds- - pan ni ht; -ordered the piper$- covered. dead _in •the Point•..Clark • d g 'while the assault district, with all -.evidence' indi-..• .to cease. playing• wgs in- progress; . with the result eating that the,.:animal had. been that' the 'weary, Frasers began ' to brought '-down • by wolves; . which weaken in' their attack,f;and, fallare reported, to be not uncommon . a • 1: ':lest' the day'.. g4'' n'the• Lakeshore d-is•trtcf. .b�r.� f'earfu ballots must be+returned to the Agricultural•Representative before Apeil 30, 1947. Anti ballots receive Ali ba of• • • after that; date•• will' not be recorded: ; 472R. E R ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED. "'ALL CREAM: PROpUCE S TD B E:G•l'$R, ATO A"'li EfilibTHE: � EETIN ;lam TkIE k, ':ANI) TO VOTE. • HU SBANii; i`l' x.,`; SON i n ARE. .. ,. ' DAtiGI•ITEWMAY VOTE, BU.T ONLY ONE FROM EACI OPERATING ;. r. FARM UNIT NTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOAR rana.�em-�mw�, oa.� Park, Toronto, Ontario Marshall's acture appear Hansuld of Tavistock Mary Mars p ST° `:HELENS. IN/Ir. and Mrs: ; • �M Durnin Phillips• . returned • on Saturday from a. month's holiday :in Florida... The beginning,. :.and end of their trip was made in stormy" weather' and,; »th�:'dugh stow -blocked ,roads Un- `fortunately Mr, •Phililp`s • has cor- '. tr, acted a, touch{ of pneumonia and is under. the Doctpr's cane.' • •, Members 'please: -note that the Beef .Ring. commences next week. The :first beef will be? {available on • Thursday, April :10th. • • The annual meeting of the Wo-. :: mens Institute has .been :• post- '' poned to a.. latex date. • ainst th h , ag' '' • em the officer �:ebuked` er pointed VVotfld. Like Te Come East l • D: C:" Anderson of . ;acambe, . . Alta., and forrnerly Of this corn- munity, has gone to.;'Red Deer to spent • the' summer' Mr Anderson• had been. thinking of coining,; to Lucknow for a •visit, but: he •re .Gently lost" : a leg - haVvi ig : -ta use:, crutches thinks it : would be. pretty.' awkward .getting ,around, so decided to, reniain in' the West for the tune' being.:.' ; • • ,rasers whoseoffic p .•,• the F A, .. gut ,.that the Sassenach had only' himself 'to blame..The. day:.coul wero .. •; yet. bt' 'saved if; the pipers • allowed to play. The moment the. pipes, struck up'; again the Frasers went forward :with, _enthusiasm and. drove the F;•ench before •a The earliest --known memorial � who • Was s,. to a piper is• that to•�-be .found in; `ion_ Photography Prize , .cry' ..' e Sunda .led..It .had• been entered' in a a raveled first prize. 'for her:plc. • � Tn` the last issue of, the Y tare. th•rn� School paper, The Canadian .Girl; {,photography contest by Ka y - . , • Nearly ball' a ,nnillion Canadians began.' 'saviog at , the Bank• of ' �:i: • � I ModtreaVdurng the -War -years. Today, the B. of M•'family,o£ de-` positors has 'we11 over a million' ; and a•halfmembers. Many Of our customers know this' what they; can, 'spare today they may need'tomorrow. So—bit .0. 1• • E POSIT E. THE co6ntry and a. good turn ,for th'emseives:' .These -people., knoww...at. savil • • ing means.,they :know that' growing dollars mean 'growing `confidene-that'a "backlog".in y. their ,bank µ,accouttt:.is'';tle first •'• step to achieving personal inde petidedce and; • to? getting" those .: . things ;they: wait most: • • ` Why not fsilow the lead of more than a million •Catiadians.and be- gin saving now, at the B of M ? . by bit—thei:r.tiest-eggs grow.» • :These are the people who have been, fighting the battle of infla•, tion—doing' a good turn for their AlN IC • NT AL $ Zuckno, ranch:: J. A., THOMPSON, Manager W +~KING WITH CANA'DI'ANS IN EVERT WAa.K 0 .CFE.SINC£ 18x1, .111 i 1 ti • (0 A 111111011 CANAD/40 0936; ythe `Roman Wall across the north of 'England,. Where there is rep cNAT.L sof Blyth ;has g•., , GEORGE• , resented. in stone a pipers of the his,. p er; "Top Hat", to :H Roman Legion,,pipes ..and "all:. It, • D:: Jones. of .New ;Brunswicit is :Possible that the •pipes were - a contributing; `factor in the ,con quest of» Britain, and also'' a factor in making 'possible the stiff .re- sistance .,of the Caledonians, who -Were able to turn back -every •Roman invasion Just before --the battle'..of Sala- , mance in1812 t'he pipers of the Black 'Wate .were astonished 'to find among :,the prisoners., a (•French ,piper, NO . doubt the French had made the discovery that the pipes Were an' instr u i- meaa t of war, fact established by, a magistrate in York'in 1745 who, tried and condemned James Reid, i ¶a' :.piper, to. •death, : because, as `hey . I. said, no Highland Regiment' ever wen o war , w . oil'f"" t rpe'rs" therefore • the. »Pipes were • an in strument df war.. . Mrs: '\Wm.' McNall ;•has returned to the village :after spendingthe winter "in: Winglam ' NO.Ril CU'LROSS omen Rule The "Big Top" { l'. Perhaps even, more spectacular ,• than the .big +•show, itself is: the behind -the s.cefes battle' for con trol of the ci>reus: Read -the full, story ,of three•-r"ing 'discor'd in ":the greatest' show on earth", i.n The .American Weekly magazine with' this Sur day'S.',CApril 6) issue;of The :D.etrpit» Sunday. Times ;: The floods .around here Caught II cold'.• : The good old times: are corning' back, when teams and sleighs are travelling the roads again • h�Syr'up making got a severe_set back. just,.when ' it Was :,:getting good. The quality is No. 1 sweet, N �: •,1.1.(4 is •it: going to' work •with;