The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-04-02, Page 1$2.00 A Year --In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. SI NGS AWARDED • 1OST'HUMOUSLY Operational ° wings ' and: ` a 'cer- tificate; ..e m b. l e m a. t i c .of the supreme sacrifice paid • by.' Flying Officer ' Thomas; ' F. Wilson, were ..received last week, by his young ',widow,. (nee Laurine 1V1iller) of ;StR Helens The posthumou$ award was re- ceived within a• few days of the third ann VerSIU1.,.1 f•..To. • . death.' -lie, was' killed on active; 'service overseas .on April 1'Oth, 1944 and 'buried .in, Harrogate Cemetery In Yorkshire, •England, • on .April. 14; FO. • Wilson was 28 years• of -age' &t the time of . his death.. Ile was • a son Of Mrs. James Wilson and the •late Mr. Wilson of ''White- .church. He graduated from. Strat .ford NorrnaT taught at Murray ___School, in,Kinloss for a short time! • before •accepting the prinbitalship hf of St. 'Helen's Schoo taught or 'two years. • LI:JCKNOW; ONTARIO, .WEDNESDAY, ARL 2n, 194.. . 7 TOM LITTLE PASSES ': The death, of Mr,' Thomas:, Little occurred rat h:is • home .at Barrie early.. ;Sunday •morning. He had been in failing health for some time., The remains arrived here. by -train" on Tuesday afternoon with ' burial taking: place in Greenhill Cemetery.,• •Mr: ,W. J. Little .. of..-town;_ls a . brother; r• Return From TripWest Mr: and" 'Mrs'. Vernon 1•iicil: to '' :and,'farrii°I 'returrie Y 4i recently from ..a visit to Western • Canada. They were accor panied home by Vernon's brother, Bill, who plans spending, some time here, EASTER SUNDAY BAND 'PROGRAM OGRAAA: CARNEGIE "HALL' 3:-P,M: '• onsol"ti ONLY SISTER ;consolation (sacred • 'March)— . OF 1 wh re he ' • He enlisted in �Y,941.' and .at •the--•�ekse n' June, He .commis- g Quebec and gin up or course A was. posted l►,q., r theC.A F,• early sr.e orted fog duty .< • of:. the school term ; "r received -;his ;'wings and • .sion,.at"Vieloriaville' fter t kin an instr a a u EIGHT PAGES . ARDED CORRECTIONS, MADE Y'OS'TH>1J11'0USL7� AW - .... . SENTINEL MAILING. YS • • After considerable dela y°' The' Sentinel mailing list was correct ed ori Friday last, Subscriptions that .have . been paid, during ,the past • 'several weeks should be r c edited accordingly on .the ad= dress .label• oil your paper'. 'Please check tics '; to -determine • if the proper* -•creel t--•fras. kreen:- giyer . In .case '.of .an ..error, please . ,advise, ..'.:1;.174 Lus at once. . .174 Winter road and weather condi tions. have prevented a:number:of subscribers from renewing:•their. subscriptions as ,prbinptly ,as:• they. ordinarily 'would have done. With! spring "lust .around 'the 'corn'er" we Would appreciate all such:: sub WILSON ascriptions.. -brought up.. to date at your very earliest corivenience. Put "Pay;The Sentinel'' on your • FO T O1VIAS F. B• ".Reading--Jessie Marshall word •on. Saturday .of the death, of Holiday "Frida • .:his only'sister y Beautiful. 'Garden of Prayer ,. Mrs,' Nutt, Band•. i, (Elizabeth), which occurred that on g 11 . ail•.'The. PMorning' at her •hoime . >� , ,Power `.(Sacred. in Petrolia: Cxood Frida . at' Rivers ManitobaY r• s h `i 1� VILLAGE and: RESIDENT DIED S h is� t r eL t or ' h d.is .Ris n today e d y - - M .___,..„Bind.:_ W J..-„,.,5 ..%ndT .. --7.-,-.t,-. P er reCe'ived _ sho AT 1 URDA r 'list for or o P ur p ng next trip Stores will Abe closed this week April ; 4th, in'observanc e of to ,Portage LCPrairi. structor -• .: :In ,July' of .1943 ..he wept :over seas as •a rnavigator, .• and after:` a • course in •England'comrnenced op- erational. flights'over Germany in Januar 1944 with a Lancaster ' crew.'Thre m e onus later . he' was killed on one ' of .these missions,. details of Which. have 'never,been made known. 'Award Citation • Accompanying the old m'e -1 6 m7. orial wings ,'was the:. followi ng citation', signed by• W A: -Dicks, wing .commander' of, the Chief -of Air Staff: • "rias is a= riviie .� ., p e �o .g have ,�ii;e opportunity to send ,you the .oper, ati'onal wings :and • certificate. in . ,recognition of the gallant;;se vi' e • rendered:: by our `h pot y y', .tfsband; F6.. f , T. F. Wilson: I; realize there':is little that `ma __�:• fi Y._.. be said, ' or rton 'o e con your '. sorrow but . it ',is xny ho ei that"wings", . " .. 1�... these •.•wlngs ,.-in: dicati'� a of. operations a ains i•g ,t the enemy, will be a treasured' morn- : of ,a ;young' life offered on the altar .of freedom:' in• defence Ofhis home and county .y • ' The• certificate .signed . Marshall Robert Leckie `chief ' o • f the -Air Staff, read:. "This is :to ''certify. that' t' Y at FQ. T. F Wilson. has been" posthumous awarded. the: operationa ' wings of •. the Royal Canadian i of Y anadian 'Air Force • recognition of ` gallant service in' -c, -�- ar�rd •e was in her 73 Ftcax� Mrs ,,,.. _, .:a•�., r..v-.•ate _ :.•�---�.. .. _tee y ..1� :�-axZr, •�a.�,�.�t. ,t.: -„ a' u....lie•`. i o1CeS; she• for `a time. J`o last' :. �• • D ful Easter -Tide year.�'` ”' : She was 'a: daughter Hymns band- -Coronation; Alas g o the late H•EL and did.My: Savior Bleed; God is Mr...:and Mrs Ben Spindler,• and . "• as°sen resid n ' `12, ..Huron``Townshi X e t s•Greetitigs ''= Mary.: , p• -,When:;'she Porteous: and 'her. -brother Wil i lain:were Duke Street (Sacred March quite young, ;their father met. an Bandy : - ur tirnely;• death, .He''-w:as.. working f. 1 n a'' well ' 0 n one, eo.. n r- •t s1 >•fh 00e .The he • i-fLane,. of •=-�e - -, tr , yf Cityfar. ou *Refuge• her early life w p ton Con. Lloyd .•Stewart .,' • • at . Kinlough, when _:overcome • by, • There's A Green .'Hill Br foul a.ir.:A Mr; Brownscombe: Brags.. was •uartette:. ...:'..` lowered to, the 'rescue'but. he • too fell'. a victim to -the. fatal' fumes.+ rhe :two Men �,• : removed with grappling hooks • . .: That`' '.was- ta fatality awards ' to n: seventy.: ;e • Baritone solo;. The Palms=A1•an � Y` 'Y • ars..a,o. Their raiother' Stewar .1. . passed +visa inore..•th` t I _ - . S a>'i twenty • >. Y Ilii 'rears'- ago. at:'Sarnia ow ••Otit The Life Line g so- that Mr.' W: J -S� Spindler of town.• • Band. p'.is the•'sole .Swin Low .Swe � ' 1°survivor. , . �,:• • .. . g et . Choi iot - ; .. . , : male ; uartette: Mr:. Spindler„ vias , al's "bereav' ° q l: ed e .-T1 .. - — ' n' 33 ick '.ist 'b the' - 3e Ways•"sde fir cis oe"ai •sem- Y. €pindlet tiff tette. uncle, ''..Mr...,Arthur ;'S iridler a: P of •D luth -� • .H inns' Baird — Go, u +rho•passed awa in that Y . , • To' Dark = .. Y. Gefhsemane Je --city where he".hast. made hi.. ., sus Lover of M�. �s harrie. `: Soul; When. I' Survey,. thefol More •I than half:a .century, Y,'World Y, rous since he ,and his bride.' -Went u Cross:, , there Duet''—The" l on, their honeymoon iii ,189 'Old Rugged. Cross 0. Ll '' ` Mr, •S in , er £. r oyd and."Alan Stewai~t.. • 15,: � . o .merly lived in Fond Hearts -=Bad •Ashfield"•Townshi � arid is .rem ' Hearts -,--Band: n,. en?- : e bered b ', ""old ti niers", •Choir—Q Jesus I Have Y... mars.. He.' was. the last member . Promised, 'We P • 'of a .fam11 raise Thee O, God,y. of; 14., • Sun1•of' ,My Soul.. • . children, all :born in England, and • God.Save ``The of .whom several came to' C King Canada to ' a'nakM their home:.•. ,Ori Sunday.'' Morn -Band.'. 'Violin. . solo, Large -17.)r'. J. Little Grievin : B:r e s ' g e ze .Band. . , • • And 'in days -to-come, a young lad, Terry Wilson' line .. • �_ •► •..who' never . w• his. ,father; 'and whom his. father never saw,. will also `take pride • hi ' men os to t e memory of :c)ne w'io • av -for, tie g e.his all e cause of freedom .►rove To Kitchener. Mr.•and Mrs. Mac Graham have ,taken up residence .in Kitchener' where Mac.' has been transferred bY. the tell Telephone 'Cadogan Re `li �•inF Y ad•been 'owen. Sound some . time .past. � , for.. . Returned FromFlorida ' and .• Mt•'• � , D `• of s. urnin Phillipa' St. Hai . urned lash Fri- day from • a ' • months v'acat'ion • in F1'o'rida . Mrs, ''liilli • ' in sure ' 'of the duties:•at Fordycethof the week; Miss .Thel.,, ma Caldwell of Blyth:.having stip- plied for her' during her absence, Mr. Phillips developed pneu- monia upon: his return., • • IIo'tvop•.. Obtain The I, , Theatre Card • Wing - barn yceUm Theatre at Win - periodicall' o' a Y pu>�lishes a pro- -grain 'card listing corrin tions• Anyone. ,• •,.: ,8 attl�c•• these r .Pone wishing . to have• these ograrns, mailed. to them • r arty 'should write to Theatre' or leave,vice . g the the atre.1, their name' i.t <t e ox office,' The l"ian- g rnent 'is conlii I iii listlist and ��,i11. ng a,, trailing •. be pesed to a name, `• lau add. YQUNG: • Mr. 'and . Mrs. Frank 'Jones.of ngagement of their daughter Dungann n have been gi tra 'c"a1l . -, a- oath only son, Roy Henry,"•:whose 'bod Was :recovered: from Kingston harbor a few days ago. He :would have attained .his 21st b rthday on ' May ,27th.., ` For the�.f,our as Roy P �!ears: has been sailing, He; Spent—Some' time on ,theSuperior•on-the.,Great Lakes,,: and two 'hears ago :was. a member . of .tile crew 'of the ocean liner Aguitania. Last . fall •he ' 'was -on the Maple .: Heath out. of Kingston and since ;about Christmas'; time; his parents .had -received'no word fromhim; and hs his deatis`believed- to have oc= curre'd• quite. some time ago. Hoy was: a fine looking ,chap, and highly: respected inhis home corl°m-u nity at D;ungarnnor where he 'was educated and grew to young manhood, He was a .mem: -• ber •'` of s' Erskine 'Presbyterian, Ch.urch, ,arid Rev .C.:11. Mac- Donald will have ,charge .of. the funeral service, arrangements for Which. ,were notcompleted '.at press time, The•remains were ex- pected •to reach 'Dungannon :to- .toys ,mothea' was formers Lulu Stothers 'inrl l>osidt'q tire' G •°+and • Mrs; Newton, St. Helens,.'wish :to- a nnounce the. air L--rllian J'o'•YcetoMi- .Clayton Al- "" bert CharJton,,•cinly. • son' of . Mr. olid• Mrs.. James Charlton, Fort:: Alava,' Ontario:. The, narriage to take place Thursday; April 10th at 2.00 p.nr in tlie' United church, St.' Helen's; sorrowing parents, three sisters survive,: Mrs. Steve Helesic Won., alda), Goderich r Bertha, ilef;.N, of, Westminster Bospital, London tine Pauline of Loncl'ofi: • 4' • Miss Betty'Griffin .• Undei went appendix":operation lin-,''Gode- 1 ich Hospital the- : latter part :'of the"week. " :COMING ,EVEINT$ CLANSMEN -DANCE The Clansmen's '.10th anniv®r- -sary'. dance• willbe held, in the 'Town Hall, 1Lticicno�v;.'on,,;F'riday, April 18th.. 1Parrierns orchestra. Admission 50c; PLAY AND DANCE Holrood•- all Thursday,A i. y�. Il '. poll 3rd at 8,30 sharp. The play . Q P1:oniis(nMe" ft40 presented by Holyrood Young People. Dance after, .Farrier's - •orche'stra, . lunch :counter.: 50c, EASTER. DANCE. 'Dancing 'EastE'i Al;•nday niL;ht• hi the •Tows 13 11, ,Lticknow, •intisie by Fau'rier's Orchestra, ler auspices LucknoW Fire flallor,n and novelty. dances, • pit..c.:. Atx,i,is.A01 •..500. • w • , The u induction of Rev..J Angu .as pastor of the two-poin 'charge of South Kinloss andKin lough was held .inSouth • Kinlos P resb%ter-raiz; church' on Moncia afternoon. Dr. .,:W.•'O:, Rhoadx moderatot`: o .Huron -Maitland Presbytery; pre sided for the- impressive service Rev. W. S. Sutherland of White church conducted. the'.. •: vvors.hi P service. Rev.:' C. ' HI MacDonald, interim moderator :during .•. thet period- the pulpits` were .vacant,' narrated the.steps leading up to'. the call. Rev. ':Richard`<'Stewart. addressed the newly • inducted minister and ` Rev:'Richard ' Wil hams addressed the.congregation:: RM . Smith,Who;is'not• mar-1 rided; has ' been' 'the' guest at the Lucknow Manse of Rev. 'and Mrs. ��' TION WAS MONDAY' A N Y T.Hi EE MORE, DAYS: WI TH O U'T I .. T'RAtN ,x-. As if thoroughly ashamed of�its behaviour all month,' March meekly departed • on Monday with b ieinrannshine and a sharply ris- i, ing- temj rature. • Ta' have highways blocked was a ,frequent occurrence in. Febris= ary and March, but to twice have train, service 'cut off' in• a month :was more than'unus ial.. ; The. storm that ,:swept. in ' from the northwest early last.T•uesday morning again did a thorough job of bringing traffic to:;a• halt. For three ,days • from Monday night until "Thursday..nig'ht, this village • ` was' , without train service. High- ways were likewise' blocked, and it, was Friday, befoi a heavy eater- pillar. ectuipment•Rhad roads --open from'. the north, east .arid south.. The. "cat". that came •: in Ecom Holyrood : on • _Thursday.ni - ht Y g tree d to open McKay s Hill on the - Secpnd,.before.' returning' • nbr tfi, but got: off the road,had ' to . be dug out and abandoned'the to at- nipt.. Over the Week -end, prior tv the° storm, iiia x rum* were fiooc%cf �_+ .: w a t.0 I ne, 'i 11 novr.Aixi • berley . highway truck with the plow detached was working west ;: • of Lticknow early Tiuesday.morn- ing, " :attempting p . g to:, drain' 'flooded s• portiorisl of the: hi ` w t ,, ,gh ay ..and be'_ ' carne snow; bound at Irwin's Hill S: by the sudden blizzard.' The plow waa.dxaaait.:froom 'h t hirri�h by . Y :sleigh .''en:i Thursday rtd ;the str•'and- ,. ed .truck Which? w ch bucked its way f :back 'a couple of rriiles east.of.'`" - Lucknow, . e • , where. it:' 'was •�finall r" �' • : ``rescued" b' . the. 3 . Y caterpillar plowh�.. ` a •Alarmed About Him Claii •A ` gnaw started; oi�t with. �. he ,school bus .on Tuesday ori ing, but abs . • oro . >• ndOned.'lt. iri.the Par_'.; .. amount :•vicinity and started .'• homeward. He •:sought , shelter'' from' ; the. , .` •. ` e raging ' storm at. the-. borne • of Miss Alice Reid .and her; sister 'Mrs..' ,Lgwe ; ' .... Mere was -lid: -iahnne ln.�'tf ie home, ; and' by .Wednesday- noon :hen., no word had•been received ived tom •him ,the radio was;•used -ssfull in Y • locating him �'.Clalr phoned ,early that a -tern' .i .Grant f oon from t McDiarrnid s to 'relieve - the,'.. anxiety that had'been: felt for his:: P. welfare. Among •CN.R• travellers. from his community who -were Strand:- .„ tr e and - H. MacDonald,' but' will shorts fr .occupy".the 'South- Kinloss ;Manse.. He -arrived' here the end of �tlie• week, and on•' Sunday:conducted. 'services in • the 'Lucknow .Presby- terian Church, while• Rev. 'Mac- Doriald • preached at South •Kin loss s 'k •., f, Call: Approved < . • Prior to the induction •service on Monday,: Presbytery met'.. to: consider .:a call received by Rev. S. . M. Scott Str-athroy in the: -Sarnia. Presby:: ery,..In the. ab•serice'of ;the com- missioners from that • Presbytery, Rev.' ' ' MacDonald spoke.. on their ehalf. '• The call was' passed bY .Huron= Maitland, Presbytery . and Rev: Cott signified his desire.o ' 'ac- ept, and will conelude •. his ten- year pastorate . at 'Kincardine the nd .of April. Dr. ' Rhoad : was appointed in- erin-moderator • at Kincardine. t b S c e • t D 'ScU.SS:. •I D•EA O HOS , iTAi.•"••HERE .•The• possib• ility and feasibili of.:a small • hospital in Lucknow is • a natter ;that has been given :,considerable thought in . r eeent months. • Near the,' :. ear-e�d ,:y; ,n _a: public rneetingg- was :held.: at which • time it was : generally approved of looking into the .Matter' further:, and a cerinnittee: named; to in- vestigate. the .possibilities.'.. This• committee met, officially last week; and decided to take the matter 'un with the Ontario Minister of Health, the. Hon. ,Rus - .sell T. Kelley. An appointment 'with:.Mr. •Kelley •is,being arranged .when it . is hoped to obtain ,the' 17cpartinent's reaction, t`c> t e .to sect. • In the Ya meantime the co' ,.t. i21Yttee Co. is asserrrbling,What.informatlon it' cash can, pertaining to such an tinder, , tcl.�ing. 1171, • ed at•.,Listowel • and later at Wing-". ham •w g ,., awaiting the :opening of the line to . Kincardine,• ,,were Mac. :Graham, ,M1 ' W W. `Hill Sand Sta 'Was 85 On Monday `Mrs: ;John' Little of • town. b - o served her.85th' birthday on 1Vion • day -Sloe continues o enjoy good • health and' is :' quite 'active and, alert She' ,vas sadly.. bereaved 'a few weeks ago:in the " death. : af• her husband: • ai X41 4; • w . 'SPRING. TEA • 'HELD BY :WOMEN'S - ASSOCIATION OCIA,TION Postponed. last Wednesday be- cause of the storm, the'; "Spring" Tea, under- acts icethe P sof • Wo- men's' Association of the United 'Church, was held ion Friday. Miss' Elizabeth Welsh . presided at the'. piano' While ..t the ' gathering. 'was ' „ assembling, • • The pi ogram opened P with an ,•; -•' .. : ;Easter ' Parade chorus, with `th ' .the.' songsters. appearing; in hats of the "latest" spring styles. The chorus included Mrs. J. W. • Joynt„ 'Mrs.' P. W. Hoag, • Mrs. l , J. Hall, Miss `. �. Jean MacMillan, ''Mrs. Geo, Joynt.. Mrs, Harvey. Webster' Phil ' MacMillan. And Mrs. n. Solos' were ren- tiered .by- Mrs. Breckles and .Miss• Margaret:' Rae: a Piano '.solo by Mrs. Harvey Webster, and read :. ings •'by "Mrs: Harvey Treleaven • and Miss Eva Greer. ' • Mrs. Burton' Roach, :p resident' of the 'W. A:, and Mrs. J' W..Stp•: ._tecei. i ved at; the door and ' ' pour.. tea when refreshni qnts were ,served at the close of the' i meeting. •,' • • ,. a. '4'