The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-03-19, Page 4• THE. LUCKN ! : ' ,.SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .Ofi1T4ARfO..`.. • { "WANT' AU" RATES? -1st insertion .2 cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent :a word', Minimum charge 25 'cents', Replies care :of The Sentinel • 19- cents .extra. Legal advertising 10 cents _ per count line first, insertion, 5..cents, per line subseqpent insertions. FOR SALE—McClary cook stove, far, condition G. ' Wagner,, Luck • now._ • LOST—a• gold locket. Reward of- _ at" ' S en - r ' ae a lease'le"v . ' feted: Finde , .p tinel. • Office, ' WANTED= 2' girls es waitresses; • also, "'a second cook. yexius Rest- aurant Goclerich. FOR SALE– Ajai* oats, first year after registration; .first ''prize 'iii° ' 4• � Y field. crop competition, $1.00' "bus. Roy' Alton & Sons, R. 7 Lucke now, Phone : Dungannon 67-14 FQR:RENT Grass land with. ---- -aterr-75=ta°89,;ae es1:jalso_J_acies. ,ready plo*ed'• for Oats, .Roderick J. •McKenzie, 'R•. 3, Luckndvu ' OR- Lloyd R Lloyd :McDougall, R., 6 ,Lucknow, ', Phone' .2&30 Ripley: F R Sr' E 1-936--CheNtr-olet .De .., l _ T T n 1 De- luxe master sedan, four new Aires, •1: EA tT"NG7AUCTION-SALE of recently .overhauled and in ':goodC ' • :condition: Apply to Grace I Mac farm, stock and implements, at :NH of &','.5,'i.Con. 1, Huron hinnori, ;R 6, Lucknow, Phone ?� .4 -.r_12: .?Ripley."'. IN, _MEMORIAM HODGINS,—Ina;memory of Fred A. Hodgins, .who passed away "one year ago, „March 18th, '1946, Those WhOrd,rWe• love pass out of sight,' but Bever ••out; of mind. They`, are cherished •.,ip, the heart. 'Of:the one that's left behind. • -Reme abered by'• Wife `Susan. 'AT PEACE There is a peace at sunset An end to futile*quest, -' A glorious day' .has passed: away And time has come, for rest. In) life there is a •sunset "As it the close of day, A beauteous lingering twilight That lights us, on. our n way,. AUCTION SALE of `livestock and -implements . at Lot tb,': Con. •7,1 •Iluron Township,. 1 V4 . miles .: east .'of :Ripley; .:on Thursday,; March 20th at. 1130 •',o'clock 4 ' horses, young' and well broken; 2 fresh heifers; 4 cows, 'due April' & May; xe'g ster_ed Tdual7pt ose Shorts. horn bull, 2 years. 'old; '1,Durham 11144;11/2 years •old, 15. `°head . • of grass . cattle; 5 young ,sowS,• due in.uMay,.2.so_ws, one-year-oold, due in May; . A chunks of pigs about 80 pounds, 7 pigs, .7 weeks old Terms cash WALTER FORSTER, .Txnp.,;. DontilcL1B.'.B1ue,: Auc.. FO11: SALE: --choice. quality • seed .grain, Ajax oats, Cartier, oats and Q;: :-21-harle _ Xed &sn •Ajax Each sunrise ,has.. a .sunset A promise of God's love, Each sunset here ;a sunrise Irl a• fairer.' world''ebdve.. Far up,'.beyond the sunsets'. •' cease Where ,pain, .and.orrow We .know that •'there, oui` loved on'` .. Hag -found' eternal;'peace:, In proud ' and loving memory of. our. son,. Eldon, . who died 'One year • ago today, '. March 22, . 1946: Win.; Buckingham. NOTICE The March meeting .of. Kairshea Women's ' Institute will be held' at.,the'home of Mrs :Archie Mac- : itttyre=on Thursday,; Mar -ch -:27th., Please- note' ' change of date., • . TEN D.ERS TEI�DERSW�.or ;the;,;.crushing: and , :spreading of .5,000 .' •yards of gravel. more or less for the Town- Ship of W st ,W•awanosh. A ger- ,. q . tined- �s .ue for $200 OO must ae; • corn an the ,,terider. ` owes any : tender not • necessarily ' ac e,epted. `Tenders to be in the hands, of the': Clerk' bg 12 o'clock Twp., •.Wednesday; April . 2nd • at � noon, "Tuesday, April . 8th, 1947: 12:3.0. See hill's. for list and :terms. ' ; • DURNIN" PHILLIPS, ' Clerk,' No reserve :as: farm is Sold: The : :' R..2; Lucknow,'. 'Ontario fifty -acre farm,:EH"Lot' 2, Con: 2,:• " y 4411•••.be f -ered-subject,tn;:.este: 'BACKACHES CO' QUIcKLYf— ten . after ` first dose: Rumacaps'.' twQ wax action attacks: the •cause, relieves n the: 'pain.. Dow n's ;Drug Store-; McKim's–D-rug =Start. ;WEDNE.SPAY;, MARCH6,' X847 1• Luck -now District (O -OP Inc ' Phone„ 71,. LutknOw: SCO -OP ' FEEDS I URI .. OLTR PROFITS" ` .0 r0• y- II FEEDING COOP. FEEDS . • FATTENING ivfA8ji HOG GROWER •• OYSTER SHELLS • PIG STARTER SOW RATION • • .`FILCHARD OIL;. r ..:`=-SALT - ;q_.•::: 'HOG FINISHER LAY MASH MINERALS• ., GATTLE : &.' HOG DAIRY RAiTION' HONE MEAL Use .Our: Free ,Delivery Service ON TON : & HALF -TON LOTS' JOHN JAMIESON, Manager: ARAM P.0 NT ' • Mr .Jack Hep i ii ` C = NOW I„; . Mr. '''and Mrs ...Jack a day in' Wingham. . Mr: Jack . MacIntosh attended. the:Lip:urine_ baxi.quet in St Louis, and returned 'home from his ex s ; cursion' at the beginning of the , f ORDER .week:... •a : • •1LsEileen Henderson, nurse- 'HERE. or (oats' .,arid OAC.: 21:•barley .mixed. I bid: '• `Wm...Griffin;:: Prop .:••• Well. Bichord Kilpatrick, Con. •8 ,As Ash-. $en de son Aug. • field, Phone Dungannon 77=r-2., . , AUCTION =SALE --of faun , stock.- FLEECE'LINE 'YOUR HOME w ' .,. d Blown Rock ool Insula ion ap ent,,: at •. farm. of .'Robert to porn ceilings well, Lot 8, Con. •2, Huron, 2 home '� will ;save fuel with more . 1 „ ... : east ' of ' `' i ley'..•road, ... Tuesday, '-• comfort and fire• protection. Wrk �p, , . . ,.' • March' 25th at 1.30 p.m. Matched +� 1�3�-where EqulFment�i-iii implements an tractor equip . • t' -.`az m walls rid o f your, KING4PRIDGE ;Mr Tome;:Quigley'. hasreturned. o .his ::ioa •in Detroit°'after spend t. •t, • R wife here: old; 4 ; cows;, 24;' �►oting cattle; Ing the winter with his , tractor'.' on rubber •' j Massey -Harris ► r � :Gilbert •Fra � e ' • s crit • a' • .. �. M s. Y� .1?. used : only ..two years; ,Cocltshutt :D t'roit :with her, sister - Y .. , • ., • . ,Week. in a • :, , � ,, . ► tractor'.: -arse. -,-9 urrow-=•-:-tra -o-r- , „p power lift tractor • •plow;.. 9 foot' p gMrs �Austin•ui le was called stiff .tooth' cultivator. This ego'ip- M ,.Q Quigley Y Cross: The`'April meeting will be .: ,to London ::on .Thursday to-,,, be' .held at Mrs: D. Wylde:• � merit. is in.good ,condition.• Many . , • }a r • his and who :i`s . a', at - with e. b , p Walter Dexter: ether:. items -of . machinery: Good pat - Mr. and Mrs. 1, rent in St•. Joseph s.. Hpspital. Last • r visited .Mr. 'and• Mrs J: Kennedy:' r-� "district "now :'Fior • free .• •estimate. again. ;of` .bay •' geldings, 6 'years; R . and terms 'Phone 35, Lucknow or •write Rowand C. -Day, 5: Thorn- ton London 'ton �: ' w PA 'LICATIONS • A ieatioxis , will' ' lie • received' APt r . •' by the'. undersi ned Until 10 a m;`. April 9tl, for ;four maintenance` foremen, each to supervise ,about 75 miles."of highway and pr•ovide a 1 to .11/2: :' ton truck` . and fele-• hone :in the : following . approx 1� ,� ,iniate ,areas '.1., Hoiyrodd-Ripley; .,', -.. - lkertan• ,.3 P:aisley; 4,. Hep �a';'E? . f-� _. � at •o ' 1ar tcu s : n Par i rto W a t:. 2 wor - fice: of undersigned,`0 :`E.' Ste'h-: enson;• Co.. Engr., :Walkerton, :On- •tario ' ; YOULL WANT March chicks. KITCHENER BI 4 OIUOKS Immediate delivery, or ,We'll.book Your order •for : dater. They'll 'be • • h • in "tune to . %aieh good markets. For meatand :eggs: Special March pr ices,':puliets,. cockerels • --- some started: Canada • approved; breed • ' ere; •puliorum tested: • ;Reliable, healthy,, fast. growing. 'Save time, • contact local .agent—. ' ,b.,,,,,., _ori ._ n "3,,#},: ` Ming : �' �t `� ai atft3rcl�--GGe �. Wi iospital, •, spent the • week -end. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson:• ' Mr•• and Mr's. Oar Brooks, and two children ofmDungannon 'spent' Sunday at • the ;home .'.of Mr.,, and Mrs kaki! Brooks Misses Frances •and,;Betty'Iiam Ilton :of Hemlock. City ,Spent„.. •few' da s • last : Week at. the 'home Y -of Mr:'' -and Mrs:. Robert .Ilamiltou . Mr. and • Mrs. Oliver • McCharles received .word" : that their .nephew,.. son ; ©f, Mr.. arid Mrs ..Hartley• Mac-'. Tairish. .(nee• 'Marjorie MacGi11 gray) met with `a serious accident' wh • en'hit bya truck' in London The Paramount ` Women's Instir tute .`met .at the ':home: of 'Mrs Al Irwin on Wednesday' 'afternoon,. ation •.was . _. given to the'Red; :A don , terms. Robert Barkwell, •Prop , I re or is " hat ` Austin' is getting Donald Blue,' Auc: 1 1':.aing� fine now; AUCTION SALE ''Of . ,. C :farm; stock • Snite -a number attended ..the and • implements, ' Lot 8 Con.: 14, . t f u feral . of F'r Naegle .in Goderich 1.4:Mile east ' of :.. Lo •hals : on �Fri,,'ay.:.on •Saturd.. c h , • 1 - day, March '28th.,•at one o'clock; We :were sorry: to hear of the ° �team• of 'Matchedsudden . assin • of Jack 'MacLeod consisting .of p g working ,: horses;,;. one' black : Per-' `of . Kintail. 9h�rnn '�l � 9�E•' .l >la4ria Durham heifers,two years Q1d, 'week-end:in• London. two r -ed- i urham_ .l eifers one :..yr.. �. Old; 5 Hereford and Durham cross cattle. 11/2 years sold; 1' registered Jersey •buli,''nine 'months :old; `1 Poll''Hereford:.Bull, year 'old; 1. Durham steer, 8 'm1' onths; seven calves 1 co* due in' ;April; :':six Cows, milking; full, line:''of farm .implements; also some . household` furniture., Roderick, J.' McKenzie,. EDWARD V. RAKER,. L`ucknOw:.Prop.; :Donald E. Bltie, Auc. t1 )U - SHOULD'ORDER �--- Baby, Chicks; Peat Moss, Feeders, Waterers, Brooders, . Etc., While : They 'Last! CHICKS -ISS available at kill times at • �, (RAWFORD'S FEED :S `ORE. 1• Use, 'the' best New' Life . and Lifeteria • Feeds • Save Mtk,>ri,ey Buy. in Ton Lots Half Pons and Tons delivered (twee • tuartMacKenz e, BARRISTER '& $OLIC ITOR lkerton Ontario. �Va WHITECHURCH are:•glad to report Mrs D. Cr-eig,'who� hos been in' Wingham hospital 'for 'thea past 'two Weeks,� to be able to return to her'' home • here: .• Manyfrom here; attended the ;. funeral of •Mr. Samuel Hutchison on . Saturday. : He; Was a former. :. resident of 'this village, where .conducted: a blocks/4th, shop for. a nurriber of years His wife '•was Miss. Kate`.':Johnstoi and . is; left to rnou.rn :his loss. The •funeral was,held from' his home in Wing ham .;.with • burial;,', in' Wirigham cemetery • • 41drs.. i'I.: TicY borfie 'of Godei ich spent a•lew',days last week With her mother, :Mrs. Kennedy, . • Miss Merle'Wilson of the Wing- hate Hospital spent the, week -end at the: home; of her brother, Mr, J' and Mrs. 'Tames Wilson.. ' Mi. Nat , Thon'pson who' has been in' London 'for the Asst few weeks taking. treatments for his back spent the 'Week -end -here. The flu is visiting ourmunit.coni- y, t ;pe the' . visit wino be .ho be short. !ill• • : E ch VPtdne5d 17 - CE IN. ENDERSON.:$LOCK__ F.. T , ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST IN ,L , LUCKNOW 1CIRST F`RIDA'Y :. OF EACH MONTH frdin 10, a.m. to 6 ,p.m. '• AT WM. SCHMID'' S .` STORE R.. W. ANDREW Barrister=hand "Solicitor'' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office' in thJo. nt . Block Telephone Office, 135 • .Residence . 314 *lit ilk tire. • ,. _, Bray. "Chicks' bans done';Well .;for, others --why not for yofii3 .1'00% live ; deli'ory guaranteed.. 'Just let pms'kaow what yo i.W it . , ., ':FINLAYSON: EROS. Lucknow, Ontario SNOW" COSTS: in::'Southampton'` Seasoz have jalready.totall.ed. r INS RANGE ASUAL TY. FI• . d an B LE'�� �OMO I ".= Ai.�T , . . ,- hour '.Jack Protect � . Insure WlthrJacit Today � DO NAGH` A �M J. c now 'Ont. R: S luck r , Phone, 61,r5 'Dungannon Insure, In `: Surer Insurance ' Confederation.: -.Life ' WINIi'1r �l1R, 'rred Rates for: FIRE : Prefe• -- ---pre efl'lii risk.. ACCIDENT & '.JOHN FARRISH Phone•-8243--Dut�ganon--._ • °ACCOUNTANCY Service for the Small Mer- chant, Professional 'Man and the Farmer: In Lucknow Tues., Tburs: and Friday. ;Office- in Kilpatrick Block. S.' J. P Y'M' M P.O. Box' 74, Lucknow Ont.., 'Phone. 23 • . I r R.S. Hetherington, ,K:� ,Barrister, Etc.- ; . Wingham and LucknoW ' ,IN LUCKNOW Each Monday & Wednesday Located on the ground floor in thercpt, of r, John' Kilpatrick's Blinding • `Phone W inghatn Office 48 Residence 07 r, Y• • ° • •