The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-03-19, Page 2.! • • **411111114,014= mesumsorglifugg.° THE.LucKnow SEN aE1 , , tomow ' 4. • THE LUCKNOW - SENTINEL ,uc ow, Ontario. • Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday Morning Subscription Rate — '$2.00 .A Year in Advance --To IL S.. A. $2.50 Authorized. is Second Class Mail, Post Office' Department, Ottawa Mefnber ,of The C. W. A. A. L,: C. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th, 1947, �IT E f O T�►. z: WIESTIONS: AND ,ANSWERS 4,* MUST: ONS' ' VOTE? Whydoes theRed Cross need ,Currently, in the. weekly press,' . x7- a good -deal: :of , controversy. is ....,,:.$5,000,0097 , . ..' ..•, ;•. . ; stion of 0 is the est taking . place•:. on the question . ted ' $5,OOQ,Op whether or not a municipal coon, :mated••. 'minimum required. to.. ;a. oilier ,can or cannot refrain from. .+carry' out the fall. peacetime work , t. , voting'. on. a matter.. sof -'the Red Cross in � 1947 There, ,. AR,T BAKER GETS LE 1100 ENGLISH Gum 'num) " is no .other way, of obtaining. the One ' contention:. is that • every =Honey required except through • ,councillor *Must : vote or vacate voluntarycontributions . to this his Seat for the meeting,: In sup Appeal. z:: • Is .the Red Cross"a'� wealthy. or ganization? - No; :During -1945-and-1946.--the - 1945andT1946.-the- - Ried Cross , spent approximately *17,000,000 for' relief in Britain, Zurope ''and a: Asia. Any . existing balance of funds °1 eyond this ;is, r the War' Charities Act, ear- 'found ' with the . decision they de-. , • _ d Charities ...: dress. So if I don t hear from you ng =When. Art 'Baker, i4 -year-old son of'. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker of, town, scribbled his name and address on an egg some time ago, he never thought • that it would start a romance. Of course,. Art's abityoung to, go ' off the," deep end, and his overseas `girl friend" is going to bb .a bit .dis- appointed when she learns •that Art can .scarcely yet qualify as But '.heves, the letter, ;and oddly enough its from St, :•Helens}• I. an; cashire;'. port -Of. this contention one • con-. Dear 'Mr, Baker:, • ,5 e -back.: from I <h'ave. �3ust: c'om . a�.., _. visiting a friend; of -mine • and wh1] t there was *given ..an, •egg for, my tea. ;I happened to notice the writing on. it, although 1 couldn't :quite make it , out " at 'teinparary writes;: . first.' "Wheti ;something of •a contro However :between ,pthe two of ersial nature -arses, - perhaps• a us we managed :to decipher and- majority . will vole for the motion. • and the others, rather than -raise an issue, will riot vote at.. all. After . the 'meeting,if fault. is WEDNESDAY: MARCH 19;,1947 LOOKING ' BACK ',fuss yA . S -THROUGH - THE SENTI. IN ' • before ., leaving. for the • West to �xty. Yea>r<S A$0. spend the s • ummer. ' • Patrick. Sherwood of -Beast William Johnston of Ho1yrood purchased the farm of, James joined the staff of. the Bank of Savage, .Con.' 6,• Ashfield. .Hamilton in Lucknow. • ' Members of the 1✓u c k•n o W J. .G ; Ar onstrong of Tbronta Board of Health were Dr, Ten- joined his brother in the drug nant, Wm. Alibi, Adam: ThoinP- business. son ,: Dr Baker. and Ba1n, o Wiarto Elliott,. James Bryan and n • Robert Gr azn. a purchased' the butcher businoss,'` at Hol Y essr-s,• Collins,"and 'Camp - '. Cram - Piers •• teacher y from. M , Gordon,..,o . Mrs Stot, , . ' . .r .- bell and `rank G . Nl r.. and . Mrs... oseph Gibbon;. 'left for . their new home at Rath-„ 1 . Manitoba. � t .n ,A: daughter.• Was born. to.' M . and Mrs,.J .. R." Trane. ' f-larris of . Ripley ,were :Misses p making plans . t� .open a branch millinery shop at Kintail. rood •'school" `• for four yea , , e ..signed. to take .a position. •ing.the' Goderich :COilegiate. Henry Mil= ler-of ;Whitechurch yeas :engaged, 'to complete: the term. • •t ` • A farewell,, party was . held ,a Whitechurch \to bid adieu to the fainily of the late James Hamil- ton, • Gilbert McIntyre, formerly of Lucknow, was suitably presented upbn retiring -as leader of-. the -1 SQ asyou re q..uested on the egg, Win-gham • Presbyterian Church 1 am' writing • ,back. 1 hope this choir. •• He went to Mount Forest.' reaches • you ' safely as. I •am still young, ladies : at Ajmer form- a'' little:, doubtful about the ad- ed a club: witheach member Vows: not to associate with any e ! nt � r u it a rt a k v. co d f. n t t� it o r ent kala a h m wh �.... the s an n re irn eI a m ..bel cls let un rand is . Y reasonab o ked .for g P in a g . mar I Y t has not oms indulges in to that i .billiard r 1 s n is d o peacetime did they, vote g reached you:. For some reason or bacco • in :any form pr uses pro an war • relief: There are .t ere g y legally . they did 'not but :neither t .a afnst'it. The •fad, Is that ` 'a chairmen should ,make. s•MeQ . • ..,hit ' �11v �Yi...n1 er.,�- vQi e: : to the. conc.u'io. ed ' •#ore no . funds ' for- a rogra nme ' in. `Canada. " other I was always under~ the irn fane language or slang. =trig -does b t pression that' Luci+neW was., int;rho Haas' Ste••,va , ., suffered• r� �; Cross :. din '.' belt at his. h 1 Blood' course-`t'1Tris sawmiiT oCoxr:`12,: Ashfield... ° y . chance .that there maybe aLuck- A first colonist Orsi, +of;, the Or several men cannot ,legall sit save the, lives and health of . our . ' in•at a meeting. and not . 'vote - citizens by providing : free blood, no on ever : ' ues now • in Ontario,. Canada, or - have year; left' for Dakota; There were either ;yes or ; Y q I read the, address: wrong. Any four,'Carloads • of horses and oilier transfusions..to '..all, hospital` :•pat- ,.. . • • is in the maintaining and . tion.: that arises' .' way," I won't lose: anything by effects. left this station len if it Archibald .1KOMillan of the. the U Qr th p Ott � g of more ' f�.tpost os In pp t db t t c ,f. the arni When •tracture.`oi. ' an favor, then he. skou d rah was never. my strong it, was caught a Its -t e-ne� ions - ' .' �t'�vo e Vii' . 'veTOn�nnan g , P ion. Service desf gned' to ., point; • , u. , :. ofy fus :thr RAs: every motion. they do not °dot double to: use, this $5,000000? India, dont ask me wing, 1 :ask them ' n is never 11 I e v e ': riti i w w n g> .. a �'e _ _ osi w _ - --- � � _ f. t - rea but 'jus in case y Boundary. • vas seriously ill' . �dtirz r e oti do re ,serve • the frontiers.' of; a . Vitals to. se , l�tessrs. E. Gaunt The • Orangeville Banner says .in .part: •, nd and :Sons .xe- Canada, ;in providing an,.expa • � First,. � •t fused • �'an offer` of •x;$500 ,..froth �: a 'Our disabled .vet service. to . o in f g.. • e ans ± "in assisting some 900,000• Junior lied • Cross member s' to, be- 'healthier and. ;better' 'citit come ,.. , -in , extending such:; valuable : zens, g , Red .Cross: services as Disaster:,' Relief and ''instruction' in. .First min and: • water .safety, Aid, � swim g Y. ' nursingand nutrition. ' • #:time � • • Why,•is the.1947' Campaign vital' �'- fie.:=future": of .R d __ono. Canada`s f .. Because.: it : will, set scale' of R+ed - Cross`" work ' in .. peace. They .Red' Cross is equipped and ready re -direct the ,right, ;. Ynow '.to. strength and expeeienc? develop - War to�, a' " great peacetime ed`• in program}ne.: far' the..benefit •of all' , Canada. Whether': this strength : • t 'organization will' be used to. and. g the maximum in', Peace:,asr it was. in war; . will be'. answered ;by, this .campaign.- The ',future of Red, oinv� ,re.. nds on' •the success , o: appeal'• ,.\ ' e ive ;it, here are • :a • few facts about. Myself irst, . my name, ; it -is � Teresa, • but ever o y rie calls "me Tess. I am a brunette and: fairly, tall, 5 . feet, 51k inches, loves danc- ing and beg pig,o1}04 my bicycle' n` the fresh '.air, dont drink and cdeiaiel-y -work fnr a' d'betor as .receptionist and find ,it ' o compel.a:member:of a pub- litbo t�: vote on •all questions would seem; to. presupppie.;;that therecan .be' Only, two, opinions and, twa;eourses 'of action on any :of `course is not the • case.' : There are' several , al- ternatiye: courses. ,of ;action open on ,almost 'any ...question that 'is likely • to .ar. ise.. A ..member' .May be in :favor - of . a` certain 'method wet known Canadian—breeder o The United ' ,Church their stock bulb. 'Lord Lovell". The St;Thomas. Times carried' a report of the marriage of •Aggie Sutherland And James ' Christie, both_former Luc 4 !wit - S� James Moffat of -Culross suf- er•Y v ' interesting , .work' too:; with feted a severe,' loss by the sudden' , plenty of variety, although at . the death ,of. •his imported stallion, it very timeis 'cold. "What I Care I": • , of writing -a-n waiting g for: the Twei> tYears Ago • :w Mabel McClure and Mary Rath- ' T were i o m e .from. their school •`well duties in the Nia?ra', district, due to an. outbreak�'of measles. Cecil Mullin •and Mark. Gard-, g. Her; 'attended L.D.U.--Grand : at Guelph: • .. Harold Dawson `' of the ; Bank' 6f' Cominerce.. staff was transfer -:. F and. is -place red-- to... ord;viich..'kt:., Denny z taken here-°(oy �.` A. c ^ �?, • of mat vihage. • oh Marrison botghtl Ross' harness shop ' stack and eq tipii ent. The death occulted of Herbert Roy ',Solomon, 8 -year-old son. of Mr and 'Mrs... 'Frank. Solomon i er Al st as�- Miss Catherine Mc p . ed•away at: the home of her.sist'er; b rtsorl Mr.'s..Georgt~ S. Ro e ur of dealing' not app dealing':with a question.: He, ,, ave an i. •w;e' ? May y roveof �'a: motion. and;1: f may ere, ety there, � be ' something, in- 'eorpo �� F rated in the motion that he d'oeS up ' of wish to :o oppose., at Should' he do? Manifestlyhe does not`.care,. .P ,. to su p ort' the Motion �� P nor •'does he . feel free to•0oppose' it About :'the :Only: thing' he' be- lieves he .can do is' refrain from; voting.. He may be quite justified • Well, Mr. Baker, .I can't think of 'anything ;more �oto ',Say' .not. knowing you,: but if you.write back to me maybe \ I will, .find •a lot more, to say. In :.;closing may I;say that the. `partictilar;.egg with your name orifi was • the one good: , egg one in five. •We had . a good laugh • over it - cliee io .... or now with 'best in taking this position, but: should Well . es he.' by : required to: absent t . him wish . self from themeeting; because' lice. ' Yours sincerely, s .. does ._not.:..c choose' to.. vote -m.4 is l;•: this .. one .` ;question? •• There wily •un- E doubtedly be other ° business consider during: the meeting on. TO BR_COMMENDED which his .:;views:.are : quite •;def o extend a, word . of ,praise to, inite business' : on wii;ich he would have no, difficulty 'deciding how to : vote if a vote ,~should: 'be• nebessary" •' anyone or •;