The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-03-12, Page 8.CKNOW SENTIWELr, LUCKNQW,ONTARIO.. MARATHON'. . BEAUTIFUL CHINTZ PATTERN DRAPERIES, READY HEMMED AND 11EADED. JUST HANG UP: - Bridge, -....March, '13th Mrs, W. L. MacKenzie --Mrs, R, H, Thompson, Mrs. Schmidt Mrs. Temple 'Clark, . Mrs, J. C.• Mc flab— Irs.. Yoven, Mrs. J; . L. ` MacMillan,' Mrs. A Andrew: • Mrs B, Roach.. f-= Mrs. McKim, Mrs. •R.obeftsdn, •Mrs., W. Huston. Johnstone -Mrs. Reid,, Mrs, George Joynt, \Harvey .Treleaven. °firs Brewer ---Mrs. W. J. Doug- las, •'Mrs: " Plewes, , Mrs. Morgan' :Henderson. 'a' • ' Mrs.. A. Wilson Mrs. Roy, Fin- layson, Mrs. McInnes, Mrs. W. ienderson. Mrs; R. J; Button—Mrs. Solo mon, Mrs. P. Steward, Mrs. Cain MacDonald. - Mrs.' Rae .Mrs. 'Healey, Mrs; WEDNESDAZ MARCH 4,".19.17 0 LATE SHIPMENT 0f. t inclitdes 1 pair drapes.2% iards long, 564,, inches yvide toSe or green. Pair . 12,49. Style ,Tested;: -..Fade Proof, Flatne., and No Ironing Needed: 4 SEE THEM QUR WINDOW By Simian Made _of oil tanned upper leather with full double soles, an ideal shoe for spring wear. Sizes 1, to 51/2. Regular price $4.50: BOOK Rgylp# R0.11**011t0.0-0 • • v aid it'$ Arise (Segorra; .for CSMPSON'S the wavihe Irish woUld say .language,. iess .well known fact that it IS, wise to Shop SAY MOM, what's doing Tie* 1/iOnday7 -How about having a friends iri tor ' bridge or, just sorriething tor the. family, .Remember, its Other' ordinary day. COME IN- arid broWse around. and °lir. display of taSty And.. don't forget get a bOttle" Of Green.. ColoUrine. so Eriri" to Our Cake ICingS and, ,COokies,.'.:Gelatine• Desserts .4 ope have followed the jalna books will be delighted to know 'there ls ariether added this, mica interesting. series- --ou-Are Interested,' This ishe=f. n ,l , ,:a s . it. sued: ,s, gifted , Canadian, that this book.' er- is fully as interesting: as the first. I Mr& .Hollyman, -,•• 'It is. the. heart warming story: Young' Maurice returns frorn o'DerrnOt's. in Ireland, -and from a concert four: Piers is re - Visit Th :Yoven; Mrs. Hoag, Mrs; Fin+. fr..ofn school, :and. Renny comes back' :froth. the: war. - - Those of 'rill who are: aecivaint bUient.;characterS wig be eager tO, reneW" their: acqUalritarice, and if: b,00ks, you have a treat .in stbre for you. You :NOM find Most -of by. Marjorie Johnston.: 9.1 Catelli Egg Noodles "Macaroni at, its Best" SPECIAL! 2 BOXES 25c •Ofifia-TO RELIEVE'. 11U,SAN SUFFERING, THOMPSON'S.. ihe.Stoie Of 'Friendly Service. Thompson; Mrs.:S. L. MacMillan,' Huston Mrs. 'Clark* Mrs. J.- R.. e. shall endeavour to nieet Suits, TopCoats '1414 .Sport Jacketi Purves,' Mrs. Fisrier; °Mrs. takes'. the. Windsor,' JuniOr '‘..47 Lloyd, Miss Ferri Reid Mrs...Mc- heing obviously ...intent on .,beT. irig noticed `by the spectaterSi• that they sometimes suCceed 'in look - 'But, she adds, "If Ihe piiitfires had ` 'tett rhore, players like George C,,hin- and Earl ,KeYes, winning .poWer.: Theie two. boys, 'players ,in every' serise of the, ers, Mrs. McCall, Miss E. Welsh., Mrs. Gillies -- Mrs. Strin6on, Mrs. Redvers Johnston, Mrs. J. Ritchie. ' Rution Coupon sEine Dates .C9upons 'now 'valid are sugar- .preServes S26 to 'S43; butter B35 to B43 ancLmeat M64 to M75.• maple products have been re - Moved from the'. list of 'rationed • UNITED, CHURCH LUCKNOW SUNDAY, MARCH 16th a.m.—"The Red Pragon”- 1245 p.in.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Ited Cross -Service in the Presbyterian Church; EachreMarch 20th • EGGS AND MORE EGOg McCall: ' Mrs. Lloyd—MiSs CoOk, Mrs. Mrs. G„. FisherHMri. b: Hus- ton Misi .Fern Reid. Mi. Ritchie. Were S'.Sight 10 see. Ole firsi of week s. accumulation of eggs,- Ed. many 'of them: were...stacked. ia case loti in their ri.artitio-ns and baeh tagged as to the Grade, '411 • tention THE NUBONE CORSET and Nritinity... 'Phone 84 foi:: aPpointments;,, 1.11 •FaMou.s.:Witteri 'Stay". • e Store -10t:of MOitil*2Heayy- Pants -and:. .Boys, • itunrimant -Vs dr 1112 MIK& 11111011.1 •