The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-22, Page 4opor IICIPtoW SENTfN a +a. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • TWENTY,S'X AT, FARM FORUM AT couttp ES 0 The January 13th meeting of f ®� : O held ate the •home' , of orMr.. _..-n Mrs, . ,Stott --- «.. _ U tendance of twenty s x. The sub-' ' ,jest for discussion was .concerned ..WANT AD RATES -1st insertion 2 . cents a word; subseque it with 'the` International Federation Most insertions. 1.. cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents,. Dep Replies careare' • of of Agritheslturruthey had of The : Sentinel 1Q cents extra: Legal line heard s of the presentorganization.stated ehad �subsequent insertions.. ... , insertion; Meeting decided that farmers count line first F;L•A1 cents. •ForiThree Consecutive Years rs,lORGAN. FOR. , SALE-- u y .. •ire bought • chicks from. Kitch- should be kept informed of any- Mrs, James Bodge, thing of. importance. concerning, 4KinloughRa�` - ever •Big -4 Hatchery' and .been' the I,F:A.P. by the, Doxziinori.Fed- FOR RENT Two apartments. well satisfied", says •Mrs, E Por- Ont.. Order ,them• •eratiorr of Agriculture ' by means Apply to. Albeit Gammie; Luck. ter: • of- Turners, . o r : ,radio' ,broadcasts, •b b' articles nol Fed- Apply now from local agent., The. G. v STOVE O , • ernment suggests- "early" chicks iri y rio,.us farm distributed. pap papers ebec literature to be i:tr ut d thru. ellen s POR SALE --Qu kit'" to; get into' ear/Y, production; :es local forums, There seemed no chen stove; enarrielx 6 lids; like; ' ecially •for overseas Markets. Fpr ms. ncingf s e I.edno stion a , to . A,:.'W, Hamilton; 'whatever market, .order' . Bxg-.4, •q� . new. App y"since the farmer.:' is already . pay- 1 Lucknow. Chicks; " Ca ads -approved; breed- ., {� . , ing PO - one -fifth ` of . a mill tam. tq, ers ,p illorum tested,: Wide choice finance the C.F.A. and .thig could breeds, .crosses. • . •be raised' if the rate . is not. )WARD V. BAKER, Lucknow enough to 'enable ' the CC F A..to.. CARD OF 'THANKS : pay its share in the- LF•A,.P.• ° .Those present also :thought that Canadian Agricultural policy should take.I,F.A.P. ,;:reeominen dations into „consideration since we consider•, the aims ' of the : or- ganization, are beneficial, and as its suggestions . would ,be •for our good, individually,. as well as for, ers as.: a whole.,, he�- ood of;;":farm.......:. tg. . . When. the : business was., conclu,d= • WWWT AY• FLOOR: SERVICE Sanding, finishing; -'prompt ser vice: For - particulars Telephone Wingham 454: t with Stan Mrs. N. D. • MacKenzie :and HOUND DOG—white wl 'op�eld �cGharles .are., deeply n'iarkings, blind in left"eye..Own ' D ; grateful to the i iany friends :who` el''Woe', MacLei#Y please ' Call at , ce -or 'Phone '35, to kindly remeYnbered , Duncan'. mares Residence during his long illness, and those . Lucknow.: who extended to them many ex- •FARM• •F,QUIPME1IT--Woods el , :pressions of sympathy . and acts' . i r ness in their bereavement. 11 of _k nd v . --_ _ .R ,..... ,-.. = 1 farm equipment_ ro yrs . , retries: ... �.� and milking machines;, .grinders . ; . . at 255.' Forster's Weld TENDERS installed $„ TENDERS WANTED .The -West •fng Shop; Lucicirow: , :a anosh T o w n s h p School: W w IT for tenders x- _ ; •?,o.J M= -=pa s±hes . Board -:is .asking ascs x ��1 - following' ' uantities o", Rheuinatic Pain, • Sciatica, tum- the' . fo g • •q a elivered•to of necessary: use' Ruma- :body hardwood. to be d -bago'•is ra. � schools. not later capsat once, for quick -relief.' Mc the • ,following•tenders . Km'S' Drug StoreDown"s Drugthan '•June 1st, , 1947, • .and not. . '>': . • to .b°e • in tire' .Secretary s Store.".:' Februar : 3rd, • 1947, for - iate�r-than y :cords• S.S, No.: 2, $INO MACHINES 'S':S , No. 17, 25 , . ...MIL - � � 5.�+. • No;. :3,.:.18 • cords; - I•, a ectric milking . 20 ,cords, . •Ford • � • lrne`r 1 � ids, X5.5.: No: 4, .. __ • � s with. fast, ` gentle S.S. No:, •`12, .25 • co_ machin - fiords; alsorCnrd of cedar action i. also. portable model pow • for each school• it air-cooled gas engine tried: with• o_ur_zr4i,K : ::' ri r�-- . fc�l`i ' 0 .y $100 d. u ; - :Save P- E..Bum-: • " � ing•n�achme- Write John .stead :8i • Son,ockshutt Agent,. . Box `46, WWTingham •• 'Agent. for Huron :arid Bruce. ed . progressive euchre was en- remainder of the :water last Thursday. Interment j.oyed •for the evening. _ • was in' Teeswater •cemetery►, ' for T eetiri was :at the' Mr, and Mrs. Groskorth•:spent . hetet �. ..• home. of . Mr. and • Mrs. L. Fa rish, the ."week -era Toronto. • Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan :has had . an• operation n • •Kitchen y.er hospital . 's Spent • the; 'Mr: .Lo><•ne • Johnston' P week -end in''•Totonto, ` -BORNIn ,Wingham ;Hospital Wednesday, January 22nd, 1947 (OOP. I.naveDistrkt. 'Plioine• '>r1 c.. I.LuckfRw (Q=OPM 'FEED INSURE .YOUR PROFITS by . FEEDING CO -Op, FEEDS' • FTTENINO MASH Oyster= Shell$:.' Dairy Ration r Bone• Meal Hog :grower' Pig Starter Sow' Ration Pilchard Oil Cattle: and Hog Minerals JSE OUR: ,FREE DELIVERY SERVICE On Ton 'and Half Tont Lots • •_ JOHN JAMIESQN; Manager. -study book.. The meeting :closed with . prayer. by Mrs. Mowbtay: Wei are 'sorry • to • report , the death of, Mrs. Ed;Gaunt, a former resident of `the village. •She,.pass ed away in Wingliam hospital:and r- was liirieii. � frofn'the-lrome� o#�.• he cousin, •`Mr.: • Rosetrell in Tees - ST Gardner .and.. and Mrs: Jack • Mac. Carol of. Zion were recent guests of Mrs. Helen and ;Mr..'and'. Mrs. • 'Lorne::Woods+, • ``� • erndt 0 f Sack B • r. and 'Mrs. • wee en :visitors' Mr: and Mrs.' Gordon: Me- with ac arae' 'L E N.S SHE_ On 'January. 17th' to :Mr. and Mrs ss - �i .-°�@V�alters) Detroit were a daughter. ".-tr •as. West • of • the • •� A. Stewart, sec e. " The � annual meeting. �W F"1 who M $ .Mr NOTICE •'' The annual meeting o .'the , L' ucknow . Agricultural .Society will . be held. in 'the Ton, Hall, ' Lucknow, _on Thursday; January 30th at. o 1,, P• • JOSEPH: AGNEW; Secretary. FLEECELINE YOUR, HOME Blown Rockwool'•Insulation.' ap- plied,to walls arid ceilingOof your home °will` save fuel. with more comfort andfire protection, •Work done. anywhere. Equipment 'in the district now: For free estimate and terms 'Phone 35, hucknow or • write •Rowand C. Day(' 5•Thorne• ton' Ave:,. `London. GSBRIDGE 5 n-_ rs_ 1 ' a �h nosh--Sehoo :Boa •d,- e an.-�-, r = - - reran -church',_. RWawa in iitlis `Rreshy Bannon, O t V turned home in the Church' on ° January in � anco ver re TB TEND R �S them; em. s en d b I• s. A ndr ew Gaunt�•. P TENDERS will : be .: receiYed� Y ' hIr her :sister,: the .unaersigried".for thee. Ashfield iiag •a few• days with3y Area tuntil'Fe`b- Wfrs."tepee:•°Rite) e --owing to the Township; School 1947,: for 'wood to , be \illness and. death, of lier mother, ruary `;3, , `delivered splitd piled.to •any ,1Vfrs:'+Sherwood. or all , an-_-.•, of the following .by July:' The: Farm; Forum: •meeting Was 1 .1947• 2': cords: of 7 12': inch. dry: 'held: at Gordon ,1VicPherson'a• on, to each. School except': No: Monday • night' with X11 present. cedarµ h ely Y :. ual ;Tlae , : topic W a s . `.Commodity .arts maple Land; beech body. •woo' : reemen s • an • ar p .r evie W'. night at . the to the'foliowing:,,14 inch. wood; 2• nary �27th�.s r night `cords.a• t 'No. • cords at 'No, home of Wallace Miller. • , 1,1;!'1A ''4. 12 ;cords at No..1,;: 15 cords at.' No ;17;' and ` 20 cords • at \No •0, 16 inch' wood,, 10 cords at:,Nosr; :6 and: 1005 ,cords at Nos: 3, •5,', 7•,. 13,..15 and'`16, •35 .cords at No 8, Lowest or , any tender not': nect essarily ap epted. Richard Kilpatrick,,, ec.-treas., R. R 7,, Ltick low, ,Ontario. • , i u Mr:and..lVirsom .T Q g leY vis- •• ited the . burg on. Sunday,, Congratulations; to .Mr...8r 'Mrs.. Mauriee, Bowler on the arrival of a new. son: in Goderich Hospital. Mr.. and: Mrs. Ed: Gunn • called on. their friends on Sunday. r;, M and :Mrs...Duncan McIntyre and,' Mr. and 'Mrs'. T.' •J_ Lannon. attended the funeral of their bre Ror ald then:in,.la , note- at µ Parkhill".on• - Saturday, • -Mrs. Jas., M. Bowler •of Toronto struck hirci. H:OLY:R'(O.D. Mr. Wm. Starters who has. ,had pneumonia ' is ;;somewhat improv- ed. Miss Doris :Eadie, R.N., is iri. • attendance. • Sidney Hewitt, who .as ., a, boy spent..a number of° years at the stin her : §on,•Maurice ' Bow- 'home .of :James • Ross, is 'visiting in is vi , g the 'vicinity ate, present, from Al le•• r •easy. of 1 beets: He has lot been back East . da ' : ilii on Sunday. Y toted- �m up. Seaforth o •Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank `' eiffin of`' ,-,Lloyd Johnston :15 spending a Detroit visited ` here on .Sunday,' few days `at the home of his •br'o • then-in-law,Bert• Moss, near . Au N$URAIE Y' CASUAL'T'Y. .and- AUTOMOBILE nd- A;UT � OMOBILE :• To Protect. Your Jack at 2.00 p.m. . and Mrs. Lorne Durnin" as • Mr, sari J D.• and Ross visited" on, Sunday with her niother, .Mrs. David Kennedy. �w resb terian Guilt The meetingof January .20th ' Th opened by singing . Psalm 1. The Lord's prayer .was repeated hi. the=.== r taire .reading Was : •giVen • by ' Donna Hamilton arid. .Dave. Barkwell read -the MaryChin played a "piano. topic.. he minutes of 'the last' • solo. The , ineetng,'weTe •read, the collection: •waS'taken. and biisiness•discussed, Hymn 278 was, then sung: A' read-' in • was .given. by Dorothy Mcg g 'sic;aind "•Mayrrie:' Irwin 'sang .a :: solo.. Hymn ' was' .:sun _ MacDonald - closed.. with ,R,ev: ., c , re then we .• ra . er: Bible contests _M�.. ducted . by A:rnra J-ohnston,- ` con . . Weds •sr Thi AI JAI tt� The social'- a large euchre Mr.' Wf this pa Mr.. Bil whiner of ;r. Linda ii day • !'Brown. Mr.a Sunday Emerso Mr.'• ; �191rs. R. ° Tiffin, spent S and Mi •Miss sisting:. 'Mr: 'I caller e Taylor. Miss now µs0 • home h' IVliss water home • Mr. J Mr•: Grp ter, win. Insure; In • Sure. 'Insurance, ' Confederation'. L W>iND •CAR, FIRE Preferred 'Rates for:: preferred risks. ' `, DENT - •& SICKNESS' :.. A McDONAGH wit; a Lucknow, Ont.' • Phone ;.61-5' Dungannon J M: GAME, I.P.S+, hacl,,n narrow escape near Walkerton :when a stray btillet shattered: the glass M' fortune•• has: dogged him ,as a(' turned the Middle of last • week. few• days earlier he suffered.' a -severely : gashed head when' an icicle fell from. • the° • roof -and\ in •the left .front. door of • his car: burn. • Howard` Uarris, who spent a feii r days, in :St.,Joseph's Hospital,,- Iondon, undergoing x-rays, • } .947 :! i MAKE IT A FINANCIAL •. SUCCESS By Using The Best:' FEEDS LIFE•,.i�' LIFETERIA from .. .t Delivery in halt -ton': and ton lots free Of charge 'a ° : aa: _.. Order �youu • Brooders, Feeders, etc.,, now and assure y',nurself of delirvery. Call•in or phone your. order collect, Lutkno..W 77-W • a' tuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 'alkertiin, Ontario. Each, ,Wednesday OFFICE. IN HENDERSONf1LOCK •• • Consult.:: .., JOHN FARMISH. Phone 82- 131.Dungannon'. ACCOUNTANCY Service for the • Small. Mer- chant, Professional Man and the Farmer.. ' Yn'L cknow ,Tues.,, Thiirs. and Friday;, Office `in. Kilpatrick lock' They found nothing of a serious nature. , • •r • Some of the boys on the lineal are taking in the short course.: Ripley. They repot it to be very ; instructive , • • There -will be a 'sho'wing by the 1, National ;Film •Board • on January 28th • at. 3.00 o'clock, for ' a number I' of schools in ,tl a townshiPp , at the 1'. Township Hall:• • Richard 'Elliott,' ex=reeve of Kinloss• .Township,- is attending County Council at Walkerton this week. e WHITECHURCH ,• The Presbyterian.`. W.M.S , was held atthe home of Mrs, C. Mur-. ray . op .Thursday. Mrs. R. Mow- bray was in the chair. Scripture reading by Mrs. Sutherland; 'glad 'tidings :prayer by Mrs. Murray; Meditation" rhY Mrs, Weliwood- &- a reading on prayer by Mrs. Me- Innes. As : ,the new study bopk Nis on Africa; the.., presiderr+ and explained,about Afri • • sould, be., a help in sts T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN ' LUCKNOW FIRST E tIDA'Y r EACH MONTH. `) • fronGt. 10 'a.m. to : 6 p.rx. AT ` WM. SCHMID':S; STORE R w ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW,,;ONTARIO.. Office in -the Joynt Block"' • •Telephone.: Office • 135: -• ,"Residence • 31=J •ei rYMNI L t nckn ow � On 'It Agit •_•wgia 011.14A YIIINit •a 9 S. Hetherington,,K Barrister, , Etc: • 'Winghan auttl' Lucknow ,' N • LUCKNO Each Monday .& -Wednesday- •Located on the ground . floor in the- front. ;of _ John Kilpatrick's •Building • 'Phone ,Wifghain Office 48 Residence 0 Courteous and Efficient Attention FIs .The Motto Owl ' B. G. CURRAN 'FUNERAL SERVICti Dungannon, 'Ontario Licensed Embihner and' Funeral Director 'Telephone 320. Dungannon BE IN 1647 as to Cash .•••• The ,i6cohur more e Tari{et, • Thi, •earlier,, husky,. :full mer .to have °: giving:l FR 120