The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-15, Page 3Wednesday, January. 15th. 1947 - 'THE' i, CF..F 'C w SEN'TfnTE L, ,,UCKNQW, - QNT. ,RIO ca1and;..c:enera1 . Chester Twamley of WoodStoek • ' Fred en - -waa -a-weed end-asitor with .rel 'tra -.a heart candid at has- atives here. confined him -to .the house., • •hardships, and hard 'work; or Mrs'. Elizabth Anderson is :con-. Road conditions on the •Ninth,, they take. it as e matter of ,course,, ;`valescing after' being i11." with Concession, last week, prevented bunta women have 'a natural desire' 'pneumonia, ' s Mr, ;and Mrs. Harry J. Swan spent the past week visiting with 1.: 'relatives in Windsor, Wallace- :lure' 'and London,. cuperating MacLeanfamilyHistory (Continued: from Last Week? Men ire supposed to -smile atr Mr.: and Mrs:- Robert' Rae at- tended the Heatherington.-Mills Wedding •in Windsor on January 4th, Margaret was'rsoloist Mr; and Mrs. Bob.'Hetherington and children of .'• Wirgham were Sunday ' guests ,: at •, the 'home of '` M. r.. and Mrs. Robert Rae. the s'eh o1' .bus. from making . the complete, circuit. on Tuesday .and Wednesday, ,. Miss Mary. MacLean of town is in, bed for a week as •the result... of ,a fall on the icy streets' last, Friday. Fortunately • no bones. were 'broken. • -• s ' Mr. • and Mrs. Calvin Irwin andchildren, :Allan, :Ivan `and. David of .Orillia, visited last week: at their. homes" here' Calvin fs..in .a' taxi:'business: partnership at Or- 11ia,' having a 'fleet of !six 'cars..' WEDDING BELLS ° FARRIER-HIGGINS' Knorr United, Church, Belgrave,. was the scene of a very pretty 'wedding on .Thursday, December 26th,, at two o'clock,, when. the: Rev. G, L. Dunlop solemnized the 'marriage of. Mary Ferrol, daugh- ter of Mr. ' and Mrs. 'Nelson . Hig gins of Morris ::'Township, and Carman,- 'Wesley, son. of .Mr, arid' Mrs. W . R: Farrier: of . White- church.' . Given in n arrange -H by 1?pr father .the •. brides .wore "a .floor-. length' gown .of white • l4pper ',satin, fashioned with fitted bodice 4tnd *sweetheart : neckline; .'Her "long,sleeves 'ended in lil • points :YR t, • 'ov.e.r, the 'hands, the full gathered g>.._. skirt fell :into a slight train and 'she' ,worea':.finger-UP:• veil: Her • :arm •Y•uque was -o re • rose The bride was, attended, by her e sisters.; iss_..C-ar ie iii th2 e �., , r ggins. as maid • of honor, wasg owned'in ice -blue • m,arquisetteover:' taf=' feta' with Shirred: bodice and &Wine frith ;sequin: trim She carried, an arm bouquet c q of pink roses. Misses Mildred and Edna -Higgins . ,:as bridesmaids, were,:,. dressed alike in pink mar quisette. over satin, .lith • • short uffed•:', sleeve's and 've '` : p ee long :1.'01 is and oa4 ;ie. pink:: chrytsanthemums `' and'': red rosebuds :• They • all wore shoulder > iength''headdresses'and.matching n mittens. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL (:The' Huron County•• Council of 1947 will be-eomp osed''of th'e' fo1 lowing, reeves arid deputy reeves*: Ashfield—Cecil 'Johnston,'. r Colborne-=Stani'ey Snyder:' `:. Goderich Township.= -Georg e.'C:. . Stanley -John Pepper:- -Hay--George Armstrong. *� Stephen. -,—•Roy Ratzi Arthur -J. Usborne--Hugh Berry. son. • Hallett -=John . Arm'stron• g McKillop- N:.R• Dorrance.. West Wawanosh - Brown'" Smyth .•�, East `':Wawanosh . J.: D.''Bee, f M�brris= T.Ceci1 .Wheeler.' Alexander, •''Stanley.• for fair garments' and rich.. adorn nients, They dream .of Surround- ing ' their ' Moines and those they" loge, with .grace, cheer and charm of their presence and accomplish- ments. ' Thus,' naturally, girls wished to improve their condi- ns, but'. that could not be ac- cornplished: by remaining in, the backw, ds, and when opportun= ity offer; d;• they hied to ,towns and cities.' Some of. thein. were so successful As to become .the queen .of , their . own home. Some. came "home to show a brand• -new, gown or deposit their :surplus • cash to help their parents. • Mary was a 'skillful'• practical nurse, and her• services- were of- ten:. in f -ter :•'in' demand in 'sickness and accident;: but 'especially . in cases when the stork called, which hap- pened in :those days oftener than nowadays, as. large . families seem- ed to be the .fashion' and pride iif' the happy No'fee; `wa`s ever charged, and none.,. received, although' .the . walk. was often; far. and rough,' kindness' and' love: for their' fellow_ men , being the• pre- dominating characteristics Grey A'. Machan . °`n Ttrnbei r.i•Walter:`I•i. 'Woods°.`` HoWick—John .Winter„. ;Elmer,' J..'Far-rish.: Go ��d eric GeorAfy ge- NIS Clinton-' :Seaforth= —Geo: G... MacEwaii, r thiesor- 1`, D . Falc.onerr, ,F ' Daly Wingh'am-Murray, Johnston:. • Blyth=Frank°. Rainton •russels—R B R Cousins. He.nsaI1 A . W;•. Kerslake,::.: Clifford •Farrier, of 'Kincardine, brother of'•,the" bridegroomf,. was g best •rnan. Russell .Farrier .and Charlie Higgins •acted`:s ushers. : Mrs `Garnet Farrier -Played the w g• eddin` . murc and •G s ' • arnet was :soloist.; The bride d,.e vore..thagift, of • the groom, a gold wrist watch:''; Fol- owingire' ceremon,Y� a reception was `held . at 'theKoin'e - of . the bride's parents:.Receiving:: With the the bridal' couple: Was. .the: bride's. mother, Mao '. wore ' a •sequin -trim'-. mad black Crepe dress, black hat,. ' and corsage. of . red ' roses, assist- ed by Mrs. Farrier: wHto wore a :deep mauve dress' with ' matching accessories 'arid corsage, of pink chrysanthemitins ' For their . wedding'`. trip •to :Windsor and Detroit, the :bride • 'AGE TUREZ • some of thein are now.:occupying honorable positions =of ' trtist in commerce and trade, .in the lead,,: ing cities and towns at home, and abroad. All the 'pioneers , hawe . .passed, but the fertile fields,. well stock- ed,. "barns, ; , large comfortable homes,. remain as .' evidence ' of their prosperity ,..and as .Ynonu flgnts to the thrift, • character, laborand undaunted n ,,anted' courage."of the nen _and .women• who blazed 'the way for the preset •t genera-. i n .. The:, t cone ' . e:r ,,fes' or b P ,mini .. ster, banker, lawyer; .taeher, doc- tor, merchant; farrmer and others. speak with pride: 'of "our ' ances- tors, the , pioneers", . but do we _ e e''rei` `a'� s w' c onsiaer L e, ,nary > ships and privations they stiffer- : . Meanwhile, • Sara' .and AI . , �� • ed :for • us, that:.we ,might enjoy' shared 'with: •their parents . and: the comforts.: of life, which they neighbors the hard work and "p •i• Were e denied:. •Hovtnever,.° health; vations; incidental to pioneer Irfe . ,u m scular•.work; and early. rising., in . the ' :bu'sh-. country: • They .: saw the is` not the pace that kills Mary's the ,dense forest disappear, roads :mother 'lived t 't opened ftp ' and yearly iniproved. . 4 he .:age of 10? _ _ Years,. and .• never too Asn --of,„ industry. aric Scot "tbiift medicine. She helped with all. the they. prospered, the family:'being hard. Work, . With . , , ;, . , ,. w„th the other :women among.- :'he- rogress ve .members the . . �- � of the community,. ands was mooted of 'the crommun ty . fo h r strength • r g . and •activity, car.f Alex:had a boy's .love :for out -7 'f door life:,and- sports, .: x per . .a • an, e, t. rying a' -sugar kettle .on her •back. • OTkIERS ARE ASKING •.Q—Will you please ' teTl the ,f a tenant starts, paying his rent - in advance must it. be: paid :always ; that. way? Does .a landlord- have to' calf on the 'tenant to collect rent or can a tenant force the landlord'.: to L. do this? • • 'A—Both •these matters are. out. side the jurisdiction of the War. time Prices and Trade Boarc They do•._come :;under the. Prov- • incial- Law for .Ontario. we would ' advise .-yon.;;,to __consult—your;K:sol icitor: !.., „Q—I understand • the ' .ceiling . price, of oranges varies. accord ' dare` to .the size of the fruit. '.How can; 1 '• U-71%.I1tiVi ie `3.S Tor pay- ing ., more than' 'the ceiling rico �g p :when she isn't sure of - the size? A Dsplags •of oranges being,,: ;offered •for "'sale' must •include: a card showing'_ • the price and stat- ing, .the' size •of the' fruit, : Q Recently I could not .Ileave.' piny _..of fide :at.7.un apd_74ent l. sen •out.for food... 1 'was charged 20+ for :a, cup '.• of 'coffee':... Xsn't : this.: �. above :the „.legal-�•ce�iln-g� Frti�e . A -The . price `` charged :"' you ::. `should. be. the same at.that Iiste d, e or ; some. distance in her. . ;.99th .:on the, a la .carte menu or the a' 4' • • rl ' 4 lilt • I,, Sailed For; England; January -.3rd 'Wilbert. bur- nin. sailed for. England. his . j wife' and a'.young g , oung 'dati � hter• whom . he ,has not yet 'seen. as the 'Child was :bot n` after his return from overseas,' . • P :B Y A VOTE of. 2 : .to 1 '''Mount. Forest ,.ratepayers 'gave approval -t the . r •f.; a const taction , o., • a .sewage lketrr`irn �� p a""t,'.,>a , :prozcimately.140000. •restaurant froth i h , yoai[:T;.ob�” -. •tallied his ' companions the art The ••the Coffee plus any de Y• John'. • .1_ Would- roam'down, to the,big pond enjoy roan• ears in 'th'eir. cam- mi Y Y seven: les'awa: 'lottr. throe' • .Y� � gh modious: •brick louse; . and 'passed the 'woods, where there Were a' w,a y, at"a ripe• old age: Sara. de many Wonders to be 'seen, birds, .little' • animals and. the -babbling o n 'and Mary we red.te . . sit fo the' *container, _ . . p r, This de: • • posit >. would.: be 'refunded when you ' returned ::the container. ,If: yon will identify ::the restaurant we shall be lad'to investigate. veloped "into 7; a .beautiful' young. woman :and married' a • nos • erous roo s, . an• a :many, ;..won• er u farmer :;>while; Alex always . re- growing things.;'Hunger.';and * the , d m:aimed � on `the farm,' spending. to ',ramp• back home were forgotten Scotland' for his .boyhood play - when they, got into the : cool, re= mate,who shared tlie . har'd :work .of • 'bush b and arm' n f and -the raising of a 'family. Both -were blessed with:longlift and happy .'ears:' freshing ° water ' The amateur swniniers• had manexploits and 'narrow escapes from,:drow'ni•rig,. 'and Alex's 'strength was=' often tared in 'the .rescues: `-Time would pass•:, 'alio be,, •. forgotten: T1iey' Would ometimes seek shelter. s �° And fo��d .in'. the nearb .. abins o ,y c. until morning, ..Once-. theY went to. ••a'•cabin, strange to•them.'and e • y amen s e fiacno foocl.'. to give them, ,although she knew they :felt th-e' pangs. `Of hun- ger.'' Early.. in the: -morning 0 4P- . - wore a' black :winter ' suit `with Lamb trim;and black: 'accessories. ,Mr. and .Mrs”. „Farrier makewill,,::their: home in ' New Toronto. :p - Ab s batt: guests •were • pres. Y g � din, p . Merit from n eville Galt Luck- Orangeville, z , now; Toronto, ..; Kincardine, ' .Bel Ore, , ore, . Wi am; • Whitechi.rch &: Igrave• (Mee M:EETING . RE :POW( TSO. -• NIGHT.: A public •meeting' wail be held in the Tow Hall; Wednesday,"January 15th (tonight) .at 8 o'clock shar .-: ur..'ose'. of organizing a . local ,' ' Ps for the P p� g •committee for. the . 1t► TO CHINA CAMPAIGN r Representatives, of the various organizations • . .the Villa a .:and. citizos geiier'ally are requested' to attend:, W ` Jt Rv• Joseph Ace% ler �• : of boys,` in, the scuffles :of, dressing, or indulging in: a pillow fight, upset, the breadbox, . which was ` well. 'stored ' with bread: Needless 5 to.'`say4. each one.'tuoked a•• scone. under 'his coat, although the latly ;loudly deplored the' fact "that the boys;•would • be so. hungry, .They • toldher not to 'worry about that,' as . -boys. w seldom ate anyho,,:q'hey nay have • had pangs: of con- : `science ,for''s'tealing the ,bread, gut hunger won out. Alex lived ,.iii the era•• of u vent ship. : tion,. :saw the +adverit of the steam train and all'. .the •several uses steam could ' be put to.' He °saw on the ,farm, the •iraetor' and, binder replaceing •,the • "hoe and sickle, gasoline . threshersup planting the '.flail, ,hydro and the many uses . if can. be put .to, Sail- ing vessel to airplane, telegraph,; telephone,. radio, • talloW candles to electricity; ox. carts to ;auto- mobiles: '•and many _other inWexl tions and. iinprovernen'ts: ' ' Many Of- the .deceridants' of the pioneer#; of necessity, .le ft the crowned enV1ronhhents of their' homes, seeking. n . optiortunity to 'bptter their ma'teriatj itio s and , ser` ve tk)e new land,' accord ing. to their. acquired":.abilities; •'4 o. - Saw • Wolf ' Near Barn Harold Johnston of ' Ashfield • sighted ' a •wolf a' few gdays.`a go g near- thebarns on • their .'• farm„ He. didn't hav u with.. the' da g =': took after th':.anima ... which' rniade for the bush: Son Pa, what Ys the difference between? a cat : and.:,,, comma... • 'Pa :I:`don;'t 1 now, what is;:it? • Son: A :eat; has clawsgat.- t a encs h :of its paws' ,.and 'a ' cd` rola ,' is a .1• •pause• at'•the end 'o: f. •a' clause. :ALEN-• CIiAWFOtiR'Das disposed, X pas ct, e of his} ,garage business L to ' Jhri Carr and Wilfred Con "atn: Alex gr: will continue to reside, in Wing -i. ham He :.bought the- first • auto 3 d --t ��:ems--- years later .' obtained 'a • car sales .agency. ° or Housewives • WM. :MTJRDIE • & SON ;ann unce. that• they :,Will soon have• on exhibition' and for sale :in . Lucknow the new eattY Automatic ; Wash-er This •is good news for housewives because the Beatty: Autoniatic •does' away with 95 percent of the manual labor previously.. needed to .wash and ; dam -dry 'clothes.' ' • • The only •laber. required to operate the Beatty Automatic .Washer is that • of placing the -clothes 'in the machine, adding soap. and water, and turning' ,, switch: Within a few .minutes the • clothes will -have been thoroughly washed; .`rinsed and dani.p dried," ready for hanging' on the, line: The Washer even drains and 'cleans' au'fomatically=no 'soap scum to clean' out. The new revolutionary feature 'of the Beatty + Automatic is .that: the', rinsing and drying is performed by hydraulic prt ure No ins'tallat'ion costs are incurred, •in-installing*.the. washer in the hgme:, It is vibrationless and can be used in the laundr"y� kitchen or bathroom without, any special foun dation No special' plumbing or water •heaters required, The'. 'washer' can be ' attached to taps •as easily ,as a .,garden hose;' and Water can be r•heated .on' a stove if the home. :is not ' :equipped •with.a_water heater,,;' , Simple construction is. another: feature of the.s,Beatty Automatic. than has' less half the -number of part. of an.. ordinary wringer type 'Washer. , . 1 0 • • '4S