The Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-01-08, Page 6• • PAVE SPC • 11710111MSEAPOPINCirikiltiMPM .:',1•1•••111•7171—;-- .• r may„ 1H_._ S MJGK'NQWSENTINEL, LW, ONTARIO .:._�WednesdaYr Januard g th,1947 ,.. ILGHL Iar .S'OF 194 (Continued' from Page. Two) heart attacl • theatre. ° was made to War- . A,ppLtcz�tto Village Council held aspecial time Housing for homes ,'Onstruc- session of the , housing shortage, I tion here. Robert -la ae' bought the Huston RThe farm borne of Kenneth Mc- . Borne and, converted it to a ,duplex. ,,a,. , Mrs, Russell, Whit)y, 'arrived' here as a war bride.. • . Gordon TaylorWas elected president of the Bowling Club. Lead;. luroin To�nshil, " yeas de- stroyedby. lire. Three 'war brides arrived on the Aquitania, bound for, this district,.' Mrs, • ,3., . • W. Ross, Mrs. •, Alex •; Purves arid. Mrs.. Keith 'McQueen sold his .Kin- Johnston ' Mrs. Harvey Hall from Adan? a, loss farm `to. Alex Staanley.- .; ` Aberdeen arrived on the. Letitia:: K'nta°1 community' welcomed Baseball made • a comeback • c re r illative .with the entry -of an •intermediate Mrs Gordon M G go #1 la• urnfries m Scotland. ;teain the,'WrOzA,A; f Ashfield Council .adopted one-' ne Leroy G: ,thrown, was appointed r. fifthfo 'Federation of Agrl.- acting Agricultural representa-' lnill_.r'_ Live of Huron •County o'n account of the serious illness of F. KL B- 'Mrs...John Moore, 73=year-old Stewart. Riversdale.� lady,. was killed in a of her Mr.' Win. Barbour „of White- 'highway accident, Was front , � home. church was 92 on May 1st, -A _ .tablet was unveiled ` ,i ri Mr. and:; Mrs. Frank 'Tyler lost • .Whitecl}ur, .. ch . Y Presb terrain church in memory of.' McKenzie Mow- bray, Toro •'Wilson and' Stanley James McIllwr. ath:: 'Mr. , and Mrs.: Ralph Nixon of Zion. were 53 years married. Dr.. 'Dr;• D, Carbeneto'•soId his Ripley practise to call and moved to: Sarnia. • Lucknow District. Co -Operative ;;decided • to • build' a ; $10,900 "ware- culture- purposes,, . BUNDLING BAD It is not healthful to • .sit around wearing those 'woollies you had to Wear :in the cold out- side. Women appreciate this. Health authorities at Ottawa sug.- t'.est ',that heavy, warm clothing be reserved' - .for the outdoors.. Wearing the seine . thick :Pings indoors favors chills; .which lower resistance and -'render you •liable to more` serious`.infection. IODIZED SALT In'.parts of Canada'where. soil• and 41y ater'. do not, .supply ade- quate natural, salt, it is advisable, SEPOVS ;WIN FIRST -0.414.."E IN •INTERMEDIATE ',SERIES, LucknoW Sepoys rnade •their post-war . eorneback ° ii Intermed- iate ."B" O.H.A, hockey last Fri- day, with 'a .9 to 7 victory over the • -highly, • „rated • Mount Forest. _team, Without an arena, this team plays.its- games in .Pafinerston, "frhe _ Sepoys, with ,net too much practise and, a. • bit; short.. in num- bers, .F , , bers put aip,a scrappy' battle, arid. aftex spoting the opposition three• g. oals in ' the first eriod, staged back in the second W;;ith.. a, 741: outburst.`and 'held the ,lead fin, the third,. Bud, Orik.was• good•,in` goal' to, help his tearnrnates off tb flying start. • ' The first period' ended 4 to 1 for Mt.' Forest: Li, ckr }•o% shagged .d •..._ .. 7 goads in the second with Mr., Forest. drawing. a goose -egg .for an'$. to.4"confit and the 'Sepoys, although outscored 3 'to 1• in the --third, held a final. 9 to • 7, edge. John . Dahmer, . a 4 prewar jyv- eriile 'star,' .snipped three, goals; Bi11: Chin' and Toby. Greer, got'. 2_ each and 'Ab Chin'. arid' Jack Gould got one.•each.. Gould who' is : far ing' ":near Kintarl ,;.;is "a fine ands should prove a, -tower of strength.. on . e ence N . •' . or not 'ot def,, George Hall, Jim' Chittick Bill'�hm, bfelieve rt ,,. g . , • _ ist3 line, 'Larry; ,Hutton, Murray • a mayor' for 'fighting. Bill's ver � ,Gerrie,`Kenneth 'Gregg, • carry • sio.ti:As; that in ' circling the net,; Bihy ;Foster,• she. crashed unto.' a; Mt. Forest°play Fry,' Neil . Stainton, Donald Biggs, •'Beverley Brooks,; :. • er, who dropped. his stick and , , • I Walter Scott, Jim Henderson started punching; and" Bill+ lust Lily Whites---May•:Irwin, Mar-, had'to reciprocate, With' eansid- .: _ , G i1 ' 1' all their belongings when fire .dei• to fortify the.. diet with iodized strayed .their ` home . at• .George - salt. town . DEATHS 'Miss .`Florence Christine MacDonald, - Bert Loyr, ett Mrs.` 'Andrew H. Hainilton, : • Charles Shaddic'k, • John Thom;;: Mrs. J W. Elliott of New Jersey; Mrs: E, S. McGowan, Sarah Jane Stewart, •Saskatoon, . • Neil Mac- Donald, Mrs -Hugh Pritchard, • Alex.. Naylor, 'brother of B.S.' Naylor':of .town, succumbed to', :a (Continued Next''; Week) Medical practitioners know: the: those.' who local deficiencies and would' ensure health will ask the, ,family . doctor for advice ..in this, as in other .health matters. The laundry' man . has stolen two of our 'to e The thief! i h ones, deo r. -"The ones ' vire hotel' in Miami". ox r PEE.-WEESrLUT-WHITES WIN 30TH .END OF U[kVBLE DHiL In.the local arena on,SaturiAlY morning 'the. Pee:-Wees (up to .12 years) and the: 'girls' teamr.' the_ Liiy Whites, ' each- wonvictories) over Winghani :4eanls. The lads( scored a •4•. tot victory, with the. visitors getting their tally later in the gameto rob Bob. Reid of a .shutout: The gids trounced .the . Winghau • Canadian Beauties 13. to O. ,. s � Goal • gaffe__Qr the' :Pee- Wees r.. or, Chicadees as Pelt; McCoy Pre- fers to call, thein) . Were. Qeorge'-0` ' ',,nderson, :Donald, Thompson -Art -• Baker • and Joe Iiowald:; The . Wingham marksman was Murray' Gerrie. - t • I. • ,For ..the ' Lily - W d s,, Mary.. : Chin;ail. '.McMillan and Shirley' � Johnston: netted .3 each. Yvonne Magoffin ;got ,two land , Margaret. Chin. and Winnie Stewart single counters. ° ' Lucknow—GPa1, Bob Reid; def.. Bruce Johnston, 'Al' Irwin; •first.,.. ne ;Bowen Ross, George Ander- . : son; 'Donald Tho Wsq ►,' a1:t, Bob` McNay, Jack McKim,, Jack: Chin,: Charlie Chin, Billy Mathers,. Joe. 'I-Iowald,: Art 'Baker. •S:. xton:" • • 3• • erable • success.. The ; Lucl now iWere jug•! gled somewhat ' for•, this • :first' game., The roster included,: goal:, Bud' Orr; .def., Hap Miall 8a Jack ,Gould,.'forwards, John Dahmer,' Ab.iChin•; Harold:.Greer, bill Chin;: Joe Writt :;: Mel: Stewart, Johnston, and ,Jack•Cook t . MIDGETS ,OPEN. SEASON:;. HERE •.THIS 'FRIDAY` : ' . • -g ■ ,. a • . • ! T__.. • McMillan,,' Mary.` Anderson, Shir-• ley Johnston,. Mary Chin., Winnie • Stewart, Glad-ys-.M=ille,-Opal Orr,- Yvonne Magoffin,, Gladys Gibson, Jane. ` Johnstone; • :Shirley Robin son. Canadian Beauties Marian Gerry, Marion T:rwiri, Mary Som- ers;; Shirley ,. Lockeridge,. Leis:: • Haden; Jean' Hobden,: Joan: Gregg, ;, Alice Buckman, Lois Cruick-• • • shank, . D.::McDonald.: Referee- Keith Kilpatrick: 0 . The following is .the Midget'. schedule ! whneh' opens here • on Friday of this •weelt Jan '10 : W ingtian at'.Lucknow•. „Jan. 13—Brussels at,;Wingham Jan.'20r-Luckriow• at..Brussels ' Jan .27yLucknow•at 'Wingl ani Jan Y29 Wingham at :" Brussels.' •Jan:.31 .Brussels at. Lucknaw • :Second 'and ::third` teams'�� home and. ' home games, goals to', count, second ' place' team having choicer of.;location of first 'game'. e on oo n war-rava e ''Crisoc:11::E1 tVotei.16.1§'%12.13i1; :11; .: ctatlese:: . This is the drily no' tionot uppfea/ to be ritade in, Canada 'within :the next twelve ntonth.s% for Ina JaPanese„ iS too weak tay.vor . His diet or months e•-• Of Chin 's pcOple;• 85, 'per: cent. 'are fatiriqrs... :Mil- . ,.agencies 'must. carry ',pp. canada Must do:.her • * etwenws, Clii.na a, Good Neighbor, calls to Ypu. ID :TO 'Make chiqste.frayable to CANADIAN .41Ds NA' and trail to' Nottincial lioadquartopt ; • -London Ontario TREASURtft,--8, .1, Case; Irriperial :Bank op Canada, Ilaylk,Terripevance Sts., r ace. ea intermediate ''Results Milverton 5,, °1VIt Forest 5 Listowel 7 Milverton 4-. Luckhow 9,' Mt. Fo-Kest 7 • 'Harriston.5,, Wingham';4 Had Lip Gashed During the Christmas'bondys the Pee=wees and .Lily-Whi es • booked up yin a,;three game seri s with •the bow° corning out on top each time :•by scores: of 6-3;; 7=3 & wai ,Soleinnized glebe Road .1thl,f;SaturdaY, 'December 'RO. Brailey officiatedjat the A, Whyte; 196 Hillsdale ANte.,' given ,in: Marriage, by her. lath; ser, the bride wore ,a:pretty 'dresa- maker Suit of toryoise wool with deep.. red roses: l-fert Only attend- ' [ ant, „Miss Dorothy 'Whyte,.. sister 'of! the groom, wai at - sequins. 'The groom Vira.S .atteriddd Lee of. Hamilton and Trenton arid •of 'Pittsburg, brother. of the bride 'and' Fir. I TOfontOo fered a 4 -stitch gash on hia upper lip, when . struck by the Puck, • ;but Undaunted was.. back • in the , MIDGET • t 4:11041.1110 WINGFIAM LUCkaINOW ri a Jaii.1 Support The Midgeti F011ow,.fig the' reception, thi short honeymoon trip to Montreal tand Quebec, follovired by•the best -wishes of:a host of friends.