The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-21, Page 16• !!! • .4! 12 24 .44 2. tt ,t,t4 f4,41, 141 $t t' p.••1 . •••i,•12 t4 ••,? •t4 .1',i,!;4•!! • 4 • . • V: - i„.1," • ',•''',' •,• ,Pi ., 't`;.••'/ ' • • I , • 4 ' 4,04 • • „l2 ig! '4) " 'N • , • • " .• .10.• • • " • cr • • :! • ' ' 02 . • . • jAGE SIXTEEN J , 1 1 1 • ^ 1 * ay your Christani$4* a glorious One IP , Gay amesti lonout **1.81016 , • • TH LUCKNOW ,LIJC1C-NQW)',014;41114,, • rVEMBER •glat,„ . !!! • , OBITUARYY *. 0. t4v-N• • • ;.` And Velar , New Yeser.,bee twelve mOsiths kappi. - ain't siiiiceesg- Ma days: • .Anderson F ax Products, Limited • . . IMENVIAMitivitivklritimitam-Itotasitivitiviowttivrieottokerik,eservitareitertortivii "....44-4.••••6"1.466,,1 - /ow • A, . • OUR 11.EPLY. • We' aiked for gifts, . We asked for toys, . And all the daer Christmas joys! Theanswer was a note ' •to say, "I,ove each other ' this Christmas Day!" MRS.:RUSSELL MIDDLETON I• •WO. . The death of Mrs, Russell Mid- Pileton, a lifeigng resident of Kinloss TOWnallip, occurred at her home on the •Fourth gonos cession on Thursday evening,De eember 7th, She Was in her 64th year:. For a lengthy period, she had suffered, ,from .the effects of a strokerend for •some. time had been 'practically a total invalid. Mrs. Middleton was, formerly Lucy McCaul,- a daughter diRpb, ert,.McCatil and Lucy MacKen- zie of Concession. Six; Ic..inlos.s. In Lucknow on Noverriber 13th, 1910 she was married to •Robert Rus, • sell • Middleton ,who survives with a; family of two • sons, GeOt'ge• Middleton • of . Walsingharn,. Ont., and. Mearle Middleton -of ,Burl- ington. • = three sisters also survive,Mrs. • H •THE OLIDAYS ARE HERE AGAIN; Good Wishes are always i'* 'Season, but at tbis time of year particularly, we tike .to send GREETINGS TO' YOU ALL SL"' •. . • TOgether with the §inre Wish for a • .!oYoup pppDAY. pEApoN, NEW YE41R OF HEALTH, ifirpmEss. & CONTENTMENT A, . . . • lugs .Lu 410.046000001:10WiterOktagOiS700.61060birt1044/1/001010.1i100.61V0ant Angus McInnis (Nellie) of Van'- 110 • •couver; Mrs. Carl Nied. (MarY); Ypsii Manti, Mieh.; ra .PetrR eob • ertson ,(Alice) •elf Ripley. Pre- deceasing her were two brothers, Alex and Archie 'McCaul and:one sister. Mrs. Dick Robertson (An nie).. •••••• • Mrs. Middleton was of a 'friend- . 1Y, genial nature and had a wide circle of friends She was a Mein,' , .ber of the Kairshea InstitiUte:and o Lucknow .tinitect•:Church, For' sorne. time, 'while her health per- • mitted,: she contributed Fourth' ,Concession news to, The Sentinel. ••The .funeral service was 'held at' the MacLennan Funeral Horne on ,Monday, Decembercon-,' ducted by Dr. 'W. J. Mtinifoqi. Interment was', ;Kinloss .Cein- etery, the !pallbearers.being Rich- ard Martin; Wm. F. MacDonald,. 'Gilbert• Harnilten„ 'Allis ter thighes Huh Sutherland and -H c:trstel• s e op koritimtglisz_tososizttarti,Pfitmerliiiiglievit,tlyvkirltaliallosnerscwhow' sterrturiii • • . • MISS AGNES L. MALLOCH •,:The' death of' Miss Agnes L. Malloch occurred Very suddenly' onFridaY, Decemiber. 8th in her • 81st year at .the home of. Jake Hunter *here ;she had been •ten- derly taredfor: the last five • while.guite young she. moved to. Branifor,d.with her parents where ,they made their borne' and where .she 'grew to Womanhood. Some .tWenty years ago she moved to Ashfield where she lived •With her brother John until five -years agO, when her :health . failed, she moved. to live with' Mr. and Mrs. , •?. . ', • She leaves to mourn' her loss ene brother, John, of.. Ashfield; a ;sister; Mrs: C. Clifford, Of • Brantford, who is , a -patient, in: • the General Hospital, sthere/fol-, lowing an• atcident :some seven 'years when 'She suffered a broken, hip. She was preceded by two •brothers, Robert of •CalifOr7, • nia and Peter of Rochesteri N.Y.; • and one sister Margaret, a •nurse in California.' We at this time cordially express our apprecia- • tion of your friendship and goOdwill during the past year, with the wish that you will have A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS • . And A NEW YEAR of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. R. CE . . i s5 .. . .: .• ..' .. ‘. . . . . . • . . , , . . . , • . .., # .t.itthittiottinototiottoOnlio.140#40/40/4004outliotto,,,%/kiohopoeist'eolu 6. • • : . *. ' ..* . • .. . . , ... .. - 4I 1 4t. : • / , .4 ," , , ti•-• .1! us, She had .a quiet, -cheery dis- position 'which endeared her to all; Being' hard of 'hearing was a great . affliction which. •.patiently, $he enjoyed reading ' and .her -hands were always busy ,with. • her needles and crochet /4".X.7/4/ /7' .r/ hook. She;waS a faithful inerniber, sidi4; /oieff of Crewe W.1113. as long as health :*:.../ permitted. ' • • • .4 ". ,2 • /..,-,9:::sit., ;.: . • / The funeral en Monday, con- .'' AI' .• Oa al. , • , ducted •by. Rev!. Mr. Woolley of **idol de, ti*ess Is'sgtaii a Soo* IIIIed oath Isfajpiptatiss; Wait** ...aid: the Oriirieuthe sporte . iloodicut feud isisgetei:441 Ia • preriteist e"iferrwiliere •t!! s se • • / Jeweller. .1 'Phone Lucknow 6.400.110.0a114:4.04.1010610ttatilglagiti$1/001,401,14./600,00b01100,V11$134:011410;ru, 61 • •Ashfield Circuit,. was largely ,tz tended. ' Mrs. Peter Cook 'sang very effeetively "Some, Day. The, Silver Cord Shall' Break". Pall- ,barers were W'<,O. Wm, Ritchie, Raymond Finnigan, Wm. Hasty, Clifford Menary •and Wim Humphrey., • FOURTH CONCESSION • Sympathy is expressed to MI% Russell Middleton and sons in the lossof aod wife and mother: ' Miss Margaret-MpepOnabi and- pApiLs' and the . 'Music teacher, Miss 'MrfOri MacDonald deserve ST. HELENS The.,De•certlier meetings of the and. the, W.A.. were heia at the horne Of Mrs W.A. Miller cn .Thursday afternoon with an attendance of .19. Mrs, W.I. Mil-. ler; the president, led • in theim- pressive candle lighting service. She was .assisted by ..Mrs, .Gor don "MagIThersbn Mrs: J. Cur- . ran, . Mrs: C. •1VreDonald, Mrs. Frank McOliillin and. Har- • . vey „ Webb depicting joy, • love, light, peace and hope: Many of the lovely :Christmas carols 'were Sung.•Mts: Hayward read "Ted -'s gift to the. Christ Child" and •Mrs. Andrew Gaunt contributed a :s91� "Room for' JesUs'!.The ,treaSurer. • 1,eporteci,that the thankoffering. had .aino.untecl :to $35 • and that $105 had beenforwarded to 'the :PresbYterial treasiirer.•ReV. S. Hayward presided: for the elec- tion of officers., The report. of'the nominating cOrnrnittee Was pre- sented by Misr MacPherson, and .on her meticiseconded by Gi. Stewart. The report was ac- cepted.and th!..following are. the, officers for 951: hon. pres., Mtb, • .. .E..Hayward;- Miller; "vice pres.; Carri- erorr;' sec.,, Mrs.: W. A, •Milo, Areas., Mrs. Gordon; pianist, Mr's. E. W. R,iee.. The 'following con.: veners were , appointed associate helpers, Mrs,' Jas.' Curran; : corn- miunity friendship, . Miss W. D.: Rutherford, supply, Mrs E W Rice; 'temperance Uri' L Woods. literature Mrs W IVfiller• mis- sionary •monthly, Mrs. W. L press, Mrs. W. A• , Milier Mrs. Lorne Woods Wasin the chairfor the meeting of,the • •• , • • Wo- ixeWsAssociatjoh, The theme. of the .. Worship • 'service . was The Kingdom of Christ. The Meeting .was opened by the 'singing of. the theme song, 'the repitition of the ,creed.and the roll call answered by' a verse of scripture: The S•cripiure lesstin,the Christmas story, was read by Mit. Stuart. and the lessen' thoughts by. Mrs. G. MacPherson,: Mrs. L. :Woods, Miss W. D„" Rutherford .and .Mr. Hayward 'were appointed to pur- chase a ,puTot Rev. S. E, Hakt.vard' had charge of the el -z ection of officers., Mrs, Frank Mc- Quillin • presented . the." folloW.ing slate of officers which waS• ac- cepted: hon. pres.,, Mrs. Hayward;„ pres.; 'Mrs.. Chas. MCDOnald; vice pres., Mrs. jias. Curran; secreta* - treasurer, Mrs. G.. MacPherson; asSista.nt, Mrs. G. Stuart; pianist, Mrs, E,' W..Rice. At The corilus- lox was served by the hos- tesses.Mrs. G. Stuart and Mrs. Jas.. Durnin.• • Keep :Wednesday, December 27 iri mind for.the social .evening for the Sunday School Of the United church, • • •• •• ' gret praiseOf the Very eXcellent Christmas concert 'given he school house last Tuesday niht: Mr; and IVErs,. Fred GilchriSt, motored to Port: lgin last Wed- nesday to attend the funeralof a • merry, merry • We welc.ome the opportuniiy The Holliday season offers to 'ex-. pressour appreciation of • the patronage and good will of our; friends. • • • • • MERRY CHRISTAIAS YOUMD,YOiRS and every 'good wish for a HAPPY AND PItOSPER,Ot'S NEW YEAR. • • , • • -- MR AND MRS.' • , , Albert. Johnson'. Laiies Store °R. Ii:.i,'Ltsclinow riaboAiroevo'orhooterkepttmurforoll • • ..• All 'Good Wishes For A • . . HAPPY ,HOIDY SEA -SON Good -Fortune In: Tile, New Year 2 • and ,• Good Health Too. • •• ,. Fisher Barber Shop GORDON and I1U611 lanietSitYhozwitizetteritiortvevnfirthi,.10,ixW . , relative, • Mr. ' and Mrs. Don '1V1'4.ici\icf • were in Drurnbo .last Fri(*' for the funeral ,of a friend: •