The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-21, Page 1521st, 1950 'o , DECEMBER '21st,, 1950" .�. �.- 11001,0010 000!0`10two'X1111'I.611M't,lll''Mc1hl'I0'i0I471r,704,104e.,^�'l4,01,Artrb 4 't4c r w SENTIN,F,L, Ll CKNUW.,.' ONT1;B p • • emains and' i'. fir • ion I i —SEASON'S GREETINGS. S p y Our Christmas Greet><n ' Is. Best Ex' rested b •. Wtsh that. Yfou. ma have �. the. Sincerey ,A Verr Merry Christmas:' Happy and ;Prosperous New .Year:: , () ca � I IiiMiii>p!�'f.. rti / Jose f H Agnew nariwri,�r►e� . pp � • new PAGE FIFTEEN CI• EN'T ANEW x'.�►NGSIDE LU E' OF .UTTE:R, The Sunday ,School. 'Christina's corxeert was ^held 'in the Fdrxest ''. There Nin be no doubt that er's Hall on Frida De-'. f • y. evening,, 'butter w,a5., ,churr�e.i and used man Christmas care's were sun t b eember °8, Rev, Currie. was chair---. arri( thousand's of years before • g I the birth of Christ, Historians' and recitations were given by t:nd t esearchers have found many: Aurdey young, Doris Moffat, Lois t.ef(er•ence.i to 'butter in records Conley,. Donald 'Young, David Wall, Cecelia •Crowston, Bobby originating earlier than '2000. B.,C, These have been traced .to the early Indians.of Asia,. the He- in (ews Grei.eks, Arabs, Egyptians, Scott, Merle. '1VfacGillvary;,• Jim Persians, . Romans and Teutons. my and Keny Young. The Prim- These. ecoids also indicate that ary class Sang "Away in a Man' the ch.urnin•g-of`butter.w,as done, ger". "Piano instrumentals. •were principally, in the cooler latitudes;. There -are numerous references to butter irk the 01d Testament. ,In the very. first•book,. Genesis, 18.8, it is learned that " he'Bab'Feagan played a piano "duet. �fAbr'aham y' took ?,:utter, milk and Awards ' were .'presented to' the the calf and Set it before' .• them". ' Children for attendance and •`l.hat more uses \uerc found for memory work. ' Santa Claus arriv-. Young, Donna: Moffat, Eileen Mc Gillvary,. Bryan Feagan, 'Marion given by . Ruth •MeGillvary a n'el Gordon. • Moffat., 'Jimmy. Moffat. gage a reading and Hrarold Mac-, Gillivary sang. Mrs. Bill Scott & butter' long before the Christian ed and lunch was 'served, :• • Era than .are common today,_ is The Ladies 'A"id rnet at' 'the • (nm pt the oddities of the history r;ome Of Mrs. Farish Moffat . on• of that natural food;.Many'•,pr�op-. Tuesday evening. Readings were (rties• Were •attrihuted, to butter given. by Mrs,_ Feagan, Mrs, Bill; 1optisrl�srlrl .lope es�1 ►sCi'1!S7'fM.a'l/'ltd'►b'itiifipO'srbebtir beg • •l,y h'e w orlcl s (l(T ij' : Tie Scott and Mrs. Wes Young,'Mrs•, , ; > --- • Hindus accounted it a sacred food' ' - _�---•- 'Bill leans and Mrs. Farrsh. Mo fat . sang „Silent Nigh. There 4 • :: W►4r�:r4r,rlr.��'l�►M�'��rr��l,e�r�►l�e.�K,�++i a� ,r�4,�v�y4�'1i4• 1� 4�'ri4u .:w,nd : it u as uSc1ci extensively ely r � rami Christmas . gift exc'hange. the' holiest sacrifices was �a , of then v,`oiship;.Butter w•as'trie The election of•,officers, was held e,Sentiat to the wedding feast oL ,and all, officers were re=elected: • a Season 4 /� 0,,, o ��r, a,Ck� rat. • the ' . `':4 ds. Iiii t4° (t1' .$ /l 4' td, every 4 . •'/� �.:o.o' tl�0'0 lam__ .• - +� spent ,a 'few ; • .mer ,t . T m; hter. Irlrria . Ki.gin• r ' V • lorthwick.a! assess• xk ' Needham ham families e Sparling. of w ,.s H w ti day :. . falde'nhy '' and d Haldenhy. ted SolInston• lds. attended. ay aft,ernoOn. end ykrittl tel- • • a • Hindu rnaiden.; Macedonians pros.,• Mrs. BillEvans; vice. pres„ used it as a healing Ointment and ifs an internal .medicine • in ad- dition to its. :riatural''use as- food. The Roman„•used .butter;to anoint bodies afflicted. `with -pain. • All used .t as foody Among the early, nigh neople, butter rias melted <,nd stored, and used to enrich other foods prepared 'for • rrrrport- 'recovery• • Mrs. Peter;Moffat,.Sr.;. sec„'':Mrs; .John Crowston; treas., Mrs. Far- ish Moffat The W.M.S.. • met at the home,. of•Mrs. William 1VIacDo.nald• on.. Thursday. Mrs.,Wilsbn Wall , has • been:`' quite/ ill We wish` her ;a speedy We, thank you. for the confidence you have placed i'in the past, and extend to you our very best wishes for• , •<: A .MERRY ' CHRISTMAS: GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS•' and . PROSPERITY° In 1951. . an .feasts. These .people regarded Mrs : Robert Donaldson spent a: it. as a rich '• delicacy...,.` few•, days recently in.•Galt. ' That 'milk. or., cream would churn into' butter vt as:`.p1 obab1y• :•'drst.ovci•ed • .through ,the early. iiracti>e (3f transpoi•ting••milk rn anirrial skin 'pouches:There .is > e cord•• of milk soling,. fermenting and- curdlirrg in such 'containers,, .and, in all :probability, the sway bumpy rnotiQn of :this meth i (d.• of tran'spor`t iii oduced butter. It is' know n that, early; Arabians i l• hes fdr 'the er urnm o ENGAGE. NEW TEACHER AT PARAMOUNT. SCHOOL 1VIrs.' •Olive 'Vogan. of : C(nces .ion 6;':Hur,on, has. been engaged to. 'teach at Paramount .School at the com'meiice, Ent of the New Year: Mrs.' Vogan succeeds. '1Vlas. Bert Bannerrna•n (nee ;:Catherine Steinhoff), who '' concludes . her duties this 1. U.:bvioi 'v there is vast differ., A. good executive is one who. -cnee between 1'he' butte: of 'those 'makes an immediate uecision and car'iv:. (11ys' and, the• 300. or,• more. ?s, sometimes right, y e'ur. to Cana a:, eir d.. Th Pit•7'.• f ifull�' crude rnethods'of produc butter • fs h now .more..tan 'ifull;�•cicjrt' methods of pi�od'uc-, oris, of the •, ,ri7 0 • lamed no«= by • . �'firsts”. NSTQN',S Restaurant t irivri itrivpoolvilcon fotiit tr o' y '"ur foods. pun til'e SUpli I�trieamlinccl w.lriittiiy triethods. To- • , mici•'food. we have the sclentrfrt :. • feedin ; of the' cattle, adVafGed barn ancl. nrtlking ••egi:r'lpin'ent to''' insure .:•clean,• 1 tilrKl(tn •:ttian1Oi•tetif),ri Methods: riii'sd i ri cillirnrrl :tact prUcessirlg; {.tl.11 tlrlr .l'n .,:to g;t.in i'l1t'. ritir' st in: iii?lith n;l' fla )1 1e ;igerationdY ta.i•'it !'`:'l.`"th(''sc.'Cltlilllti('`'.'•1)l.U$.' • l 'I r,itir)n for health .1)rotecti izssisf in the•• • tlav_,i• Anil ytd„iliw.'tl' tl1(' keepirl.-'. 111;•ll('c'tion 1 clay., -In the •iiak>ing• of• this': pre, - Season iusiness; s. appiness Y. Buittoft's,.:' tzt d►. ow►> lr dr t mita r tot►, roi> ' + a `44z ► '4 1 ••• t i'1.0111 COS,V tc) c ffitt1I 't l lit .tiit•i('tits did not have" these t.dvtintt.,r;t•;;, nor (li(lthey 11ave't» an kntr .ledge of 1)r(itf ins:'• vita- j. '►rttnw '�ii1(l•(all rit c(rntent,'•Titey • sve'rne(l0 ail realize': instinctively. I time butter tc ii+ a hc�kilili ,givrnk.l 'food. People.• ;t,day. are .1)Viiteeteci • l �' l.;tv rii;tfirist •l.,utt('r• of ••inferior !' i:tralrty....I3Utte.t, sold i1f,\'‘'•, rlrust t �)rft�lirl not less than, • i10 percent i ' of but('r f tit an(l .not r11nre thsrn '16 erCent fit i'inis:ttire^.. Each pt)un'd,, 1.: 291 1:•iric's or°. contains , aliotrt ':•3.� :ca it• a wirr'krng rt.ldti co,nsur1JG'd rit) otlrer.f.fr,r(l, chili one uftund of, but-, , day• his cabin(' intake �;,)ftl i l�( auffi(riirfrt' fur ltiw n(crd»;. C; and ; ' �'it�lrnrrls.: ltrund iii butterin l is lY (tl int- : t \• .ill c� (�1l F rrl.uu e,' 13rup(rl ti(m. \V hb'ri. the ffi it litre irG .butter Ir1,,tli(' .1:i, lit tyf. its .,,. � i t c,r(lf � l �, ;�trrt� ll I)litrrtr.+nal .t`(trit('Y1t; it.i, V•,n1(r that -til( .ir(i(i1ts • britt('• ,r:4 c i)e; ttle' fl w t'�.l aY c(�dl ' 'i,(1: (hti l.(, NVitlT all the, ii(.(itt:40dvi , yCr; • W ish ng you all';the pewee ' and Jog of ` Christ sas, and all. `tbe t leBeinge,' for the New Year: arb er 0 .viiiviollkgs.pigosifitirtootteroopoginviii • 1950 FLEETLINE CHEV. SEDAN, light; green. 1950 CHEV. , FLEETLINE COACH, $1,9' 1949 CHEV:. DELUXE SEDAN, 2 -tone, ' tom radio, ani! many :extras•.` • 1949 C.HEV.'COACH '• 1949 FONTIAC ' SEDAN with custom radio. 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE• COACH, two, •tone green 1948 CHEV, ,SEDAN, -two-tone green 1948 CHF' x COACH: ..•t 1947 CHEZ . FLEETLINE COACH, 2 -tone grey • 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE •SEDAN., 2 -tone, • radio, sun visor, white walls and many extras, 1946 CHEV. SEDAN: • 1939 • PONTIAC. COACH 1939 ' CHEV, SEDAN. , 1937 NASH SEDAN . 1935 •CHEV; COACH..: DODGE SEDAN ` 1938 DODGE SEDAN • 1935 • „ . O , SEASON'S GREE•TINS Sincere .Best Wishes for a `Very Merry Christmas and 'a Happy, Healthful` and mP.rosperous New Year.. russets 1 r'TxIte Home of Reiter 'Used Cars 'Phane '73x Brussels CAWS : Service Dealer :.A FI