The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-21, Page 14I,1 air PAGE FOURTEEN THEW LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ., lt' 'of por..o. ill ed. r0004$00,00.4/1!,o{'I,MR'!010' .140001140.0. M1401 . •'rHURS., DECEMBER 21st, • II wszog a,tt `it Ror#01 't '! `► ' quo t '1a'# ,1nitarlisriO!"1 '1 s • lGREETiNG5.... ChristmasGreetings and Best Wishes for Hap- piness and ,Success ,during the Coming, Year are extended to our clients and 'friends at this time ' with an addedword of ap- preciation and thanks ' for your `busi . ness and' goodwill.; airvew DaIry Alex Andrew. 3 3 a :. t . • .R+4>r+t��!,�l�lr3tt�l,�iti�►ht�t�t�t�'+�+ht�1�►iiliii'►�'t� , iori ettfOriea!'sortoii0 �4!'!Af'lAft'��'111�i1�!iNG#',fi�it'�t!!'!'t4!!Re11 .• 'SEASON'S GREETINGS The Christmas Season : brings with it a genuine . �oodwill. appreciation of.your ,..S wish is that you enjoy a 'full measure of appiness. a't Christ/ills and a large share of Prosperity in the New Year., rA,f".,narlp+tOCiaotishtOtto,vit, �?. t,tfteSA*i . , . , • ',afI tEo lE,C#E,C.?t,W7itoiE;cWuoita1Eot t,t'f oot,e;0 ,4*.t ptaf it t -01 m 1 Not only in appreciation of our pleasant business relationship throughout the past ears, but in all sinceritY. we wish ,you and yours A Merry .Christmas and Happiness itr. the year to come. scMilla Butcher.'. PURPLE GROVI CHILDREN'S.- WEEK L' IBR'. RYFEATURE Lastweek the library board endeavoured togive the children of the public school, and those of pre -,school age a special. treat, The library was ..decorated in a festive .Christmas fashion, and, there was. a showing of bright, attractive ,books for children from two to, fourteen. Mr. Roy ICuibert of . town lent a very''accUrate ship model which drew a great . deal "of attention; This ' took' Mr Culbert.. four months .of , every spare mol'nent. to complete and :was very inter- esting to a11 -especially :the ,boys. Mr. Wan. Bushell of down :showed 'a model .barn, complete with ani ;• mals,. implements, `and other • nov- elties; he also, displayed a beaut iful` doll's house complete with furniture, the -property of Nancy Johnston, which was the'erwy of 'all: the little girls. 'A model kit- , ' chen completed Mr. ' ushell's. display. .' Mr: Harold: Greer of town lent 'a recording ;.machine 'and. the children .enjoyed Dicken's Christ- mas' Carol, the Littlest Angel, and. the. small , people ' on •'' Saturday' morning loved Rudolph,. ' Here. 'comes Santa Claus, •,etc; `; Tuesday afternoon and Thurs- day. ; afternoon half the pulblic school attended- ± ,in turns With their teachers: 'Mr. Ross,. who is the 'chairman . . of .' the ' Library. Board impressed on t 'e 'children the vapleasure and, that can Abe derived 'from.our' Library, and Urged them• .all to become; pat - tons. Mr., J:. C. McNab, the manager; of. Silverwoods,, '.arranged that each child: on leaving was given. a chocolate'popsicle, . which quite obviously, : w;as , a ' very ' bright spot in the afternoon Saturday morning the:smallest children were entertained. With records, were shown and allow - ea to look at and••handle the new books, and: several stories were told' by Mis.; A. E. McKim. •.A `popsicie completed his f morning also. b The Lucknow Library, Board is. much. 'indebted to,, and very thankful to' .those ''who' he)ped. make. this a pleasant week for the . ,children -Mr... • Culbert; Mr. 'Bushell, Mrs. Marshall, ' librarian, and to; Mr, J. C. McNab of Silver Woods .and Mr. Greer.:',. Personnet.of. the Library:Board' is as follows: Mr. John. D Ross, ',chairman; Dr. W.J. Mumford:; Mr Jas. 'A. Pickering, Mr.' Walter Treleaven, : Mr. Howard . Agnew,. Mrs..,.W V. ',Johnston,. `secretary. Regardless of .world conditions, one. thing remail unchanged -our . message 'of f Goodwill and Good, Cheer, --and so, 'to our Mr ends, we•: extend' Greetings and Good Wishes for: Ch•ristmas .and the New. Y•ear. Mur 'Phone 10, Lucknow w ...,Wi,Mr41.l0lsr401lark,aph4,t40hm11m0t0harE1r4pi We welcome the opportunity. the Holiday Seas( affords to express our::appreciation of the patronage and 'goof will of 'our friends. .A" Merry Christmas to you .and yours` and eve good. ''wish..tor .'a. Happy and. Prosperous New Year... X31"!tll'�Ep'1�1I!i;!lTlely�,tfid'+d�'ltdildy'k,�"J11�S7!l��C Boss: You're' an hour: late 'get ting home with those mules, .Bill. ' Bi1l.I, knave it .You see, I pick- ed up Rev.' Davis on the way home, and from there on . the mules couldn't understand a word I said. cid � KINLOUGH -, +thehar+hd+#,sf,'lt,f,�s+ Sr. W.A. met.,o The n, Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. Mrs To .Hodgins was, in .charge and .the opening hymn was "Once' in Royal David's City" . followed by the scripture reading. by Mrs, Maurice Hodgins and prayers, The roll call.' was -answered with the word "Peace" Readings were given by;lVits. John'Colwell, Mrs, Wm. Wall,. Mrs. James Hodgins and- Miss May Boyle. A number of '.Christmascarols were ' sung. As ,this' was the business meeting i g were reports Ven. The .Rev.R. 1? Blight presided-forT the election' of officers' w..hi`ch were as follows: Quite a. number from' here at tended the- Christmas tree held Mn.s' Milton. Walsh '.spent the weekoend• at, Mr.. Frank Curries.,.` • Mr. and, Mrs: Goldie Huston; .' of Pine River visited. with Margaret 'Robertson on `Sunday.. ,t;, `Miss Jean Stothers ' spent the week -end at -her home -in -London. .Mr. and Vita. . Ralph Hill salient ., a.. day last week. with the- latter's''. -Sister; `Mrs. Quigley of Lucknow Mr Jack Walsh' spent Sunday` With his sister, Mrs.-,Hartwick• of Kixicard.nte . _..:._ __6 -en , _ v.. Mr.,and Mrs. • D . McCosh Mary' and Dickie, also Mrs. Col- • well, spent .Sunday 'at the home `of Mr. ,Currie Colwell • of •Luck- rMr.yit and'MVIrS. Sam Emerson:. and Hilda, . also Mrs, Milton Walsh St Mr. and, Mrs. -Jack Emerson ,spent Wednesday evening at the home i r Dan Gillies ofiE ipley. in the Presbyterian ,Church,: Kin lough,: on ' Monday evening, A shower *as held for' :.Miss Merle Dore,,`a bride-to-be' on Sat-.. :urday. . Mr. Calvin Robertson: and Ken- neth and 'Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Me - cosh spent' last Wednesday' at Ar- thur, : . :i ;,Cleve 'Hill visited- on, Tuesday afternoon at John Emerson's.. The Holy Year Comes to a Close T1ie-Reii. Francis :L,.LeBliffe S,. J., one of the 3,000,00,0. Holy Year. pilgrims,, recalls many:,,, of the Jubilee Year's most inspiring moments. Read Father LeBuffe's article, '`',3,000,000 Prayers for Peace", in this 'Sunday's (Dec,. 24) issue of The American Week- ly, exclusively, with The Detroit Sunday Times:. • i •• 'PHONE 110; ' .,LUCKNOW rrl,t�l�la+l0,he�t�ir�l�l0l,lt#,ipia! ! bEdna, Boyle; Little • Helpers• .sec.,' Mrs . Gaines Hodgins spent ,Mrs, • George Haldenby; work: days wibh 'their ,daughter .conveners, rs: c ae• er, Mrs, Wm. 'Wall; prayer partners,:, Mrs. John; Colwell; buying. Ecom mittee, Mrs. Roy Graham,' Ml's:• Ralph 'Hill; . Mrs, Maurice Hod- gins;. social service,. Mrs.. H. A. Graham. -Mr. ' Blight 'thanked all, for,; : their 'co-operation. "Silent Night" was the closing caret and the W.A. Litany... Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle were :guests on Saturday at the Towns- hend-Colvin 'wedding it • the the funeral on Sunday aft Church' of the Redeemer, Lon- Mrs. Art Hodgins; .Con don. 10, spent the week -end w •Mr.' and Mrs Tom •Hodgins and atives aat Hamilton. a Mr.. and ;Mrs. Cliff!orthw Mr. and Mrs, 'Clark Ne entertained the Needham f on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs::' Clare Spar Walkertonsfent Sunday w and`Mrs. George „Haldenl 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hal:, 'S'yinpathy isextended family of..the late Fred Jo, Relatives and friends a. 042.00 !!Q' l040sisepl room! Rigitivti rsh!'ils! 'moon' x'1111 iarsil re • A 1 ' YULETIDE GREETINGS .. . l "V000 4 its'10001*i4erersrirplrs arsl'ieisati►l is i►q It, is .:a genuine pleasure at the Holiday Se to', depart.• from the usual routine of busin and wish a' Merry Christmas. mLL May the New Year bring. you much Happir AO ° and a full 'measure of Prosperity., hon. ,pres., 'Mrs.' James Hodgins; pies., Mrs., Tom . Hodgin ; Vice pres., Mrs.` Maurice: 'Hodgins; sec.., 2 treas;, Mrs. George I Haldenfby; assistant sec.,`,Mrs, 'George. Go- ham; program .committee, :Mrs. Tom Hodgins, Mrs. George. }al. denby, Mrs. George Graham Miss arsibiexfNgil e rhrsri'esn . otm roaril '1 Purdon�s Ba.ke*i 'Phone ' 36 tuckrow r (4,(4.440i;lillA 1,')nbo1,is11 ►1,Is►+1, Mlouittay. (40(,il usfa ►4 'e