The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-14, Page 514th, • 1.050, :ELAk .RIAN south' ot • ;►arage. 175 S and ;VICE 1LUDITS •• ie Professional Farmer;. . M >�cknow; Ont..;:. trick '.Bloek:- STRONG GRIST - NOW NESDAY )NTH1 'r p.m. 'S STORE tak �F a r, ' • D. EMBER l4thr 1950 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO:TH,URS„ Lyceum Theatre W 1-NGHiilvl • TWO 'Shows :Each Night FIRST. SHOW AT7:15. Thursday,: Friday, Saturday DECEMBER 14, 15, 16 • RAORY CALHQUN, • ' elpyo{{py{ oyyppgy payporgy pgp04 p4y p 114j p�,�y n16Ny(s a PAGE. FIVE Mr. and Mrs, Will H,unter.spent a, few days with Mrs. McKinnon as Mr, McKinnon is in Kincar- 'dine Iospital following .a car .ac- cident' . . Sorry to hear of. Miss Mall'och's death which occurred at the home of Mr, and: Mrs. Jake Hunter, Mr, . and Mrs, Robert Irvin and Betty and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wall visited Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey. Ritchie. • gown of cream,, rbrocaded satin• Mr. Jack- McKague •and his with a long embroidered veil and mother headdress caught up with pearls and'•wore a•five strand of •pearls to: snatch. The . bride's.. bouquet Was . made. up of •r'ed roses,and fern, `The groom's sister, • R,atherine;': WEDDING BELLS BURROWS--PINNELLrz • The.wedding was solea ned' by the Rev, , J, L, Ball of the .Mes- siah Anglican • Church, KIAcar- dine, on• Saturday, December 2nd of Mildred Ruth, youngest daugh- ter Mrs. •Wm, Pin nell, K near dine Township an Robert Liviikgston, son- of Mr. &. Mrs. Frank :Burrows, Kincardine. The bride; given in marriage by her father,, looked lovely . in a • JUNE NIGH +`+ of Teeswater visited Mrs. 1- Will Gardrier'.recently. , Mr. and ,Mrs. Ewart. Taylor of Lutknow, ,Mi•,. nd Mrs.. Morgan :Johnston "ley,' M'r,; 'a1id 'Mrs.. Jack Ackert: of Holyrood, Mr., and Mrs. ;.Glen Wald.en. of Lueknow assisted as bridesmaid in, a 'dress' visited with Mr,:and Mrs. George •of.,mauve taffeta, carrying 'a quet. of yellow mums and . fern. •Hei headdress was 'mums to. Match,. COUPITY- MATINEE � SATUE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday DECEMBER ,i8, .19, 20 STERLING .HAYDEN, • • LOUIS COUHO:UN The Asphalt Jungle (Adult Entertainment) *1414400001100att, • ki'untrrr: C M1 4intl Mrs Lorne Ritchie of Port Elgin'. visited Mr. 'and ,Nims,. Gordon kitellie on •Sunday, 'Don't fo:;eget the. school, concert en, Friday, December 15th. BORN QUIGLEY-in Wingham General Hospital' , on Monday, Decerhber 11.th to Mr. and .Mrs:. T. W. Quig- ley, of Lucknow (nee Jean.Long) O son.' • Insurance 'Weather, !rs' . Mutual" Sioku' . RR.LSH. Lucknow' ► Nc E ;UALTY, 'our. Jack, 'ack Today.: ONAGH. chow, Ont. Dungannon DREW d' ~ Solicitor'' `' ONTARIO Joynt Block. . Lone . Residence '3'1-J IAacKenzie• d Solicitor 1, ' ONTARIO ' KNOW dnesdayr • !E IN• ►N BLOCK ngtonr K. r, Etc. d Lucknow KNOW' , COnday • lnesday. ground floor 'ront 'of' ek's Building' Vingham ' Residence 9 GSBR D ���E: KEN � G Mr. and. Mrs.'. Mike. Law and ' family of London spent Friday with .Mr. and. Mrs,. Braise Martin. Mr. and ' Mrs.':Lyal Lannan at- ...tended' t-...tended' the,` funeral •of the date Ms.'.Sadie 'iMcKinnon 'in, ' Park, hill on, .Wednesday: • Mr::' and Mrs..Edwin were Sun a lay visitors • with. Mr. and Mrs W: Aare. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lamber- sus spent the week -end with -Mr... •::'and .Mrs.. Dennis. Dalton.. HODGINS-in Wingham General 'Hospital on .Saturclay,.:December 9,th' to Mr sand`. Mrs. • ,Ralph trod :gins sof Lucknow, a daughter. `. BULLEN—In. Chatham General: Hos�pital,':'on . November 25; 1950, to Mr. and Mrs.:. George Bullen, : a .daugh.ter, .Mary Elizabeth. , A sister, for Johnny; and'�Tommy. • 1VMORRISON-in Wingham Genes al Hospital' on 'Sunday, ; Decem- ber 3rd. to 1VIr, and Mrs.:Thomas Morrison, •Whitechurch, a : daugh- ter, stillborn': 3t!' �+'!i�'1,�1Ap'lhll`idl'!�!i��`�r.��ra�!r 1�r�!8th+►�.pa�n�;a���D���'�r��t�D:� $1 ( N(ENTR FOR LAYING HENS ►retain& only the. Highest Quality `.Ingredients: Vitamnts, Proteins and minerals 'are :supplied, from: the best qua ity- anima , .vege a e an, rte a1- scarces-aiailab and are blended in accordance .with. the.: latest 'seien- tifc 'methods and:knowledge of nu• trition. ROE: VITA LAY PELLETS . u lementa y • rriet'tio�l . of , s l p Provide_ a labor-saving .. • - feeding; when increased feed yconsumption; • ;Weather .riecessairy `due • to ; a period of: bad ',,uvea � a slump. in egg production. . 'or 1 'l'HONE 01-w,:. LUCKNOW 0,. x1 14 V.Dt 'lt,, iiOli+ itmtli" othvioit/rD Betro.4"`''f' ItiVi41itl?Alervitr' I1 rliV40!}iV101)00itr, :Y Feeds,' Fertilizer' Phone 71. GEHL ,"GRIND a am. are built for y ,ears of service,'Are_-ati�rptable for•.all usual . farm ,grin,ding.`job's. Swinging hammers i ev1erskble 1 a inst. The "slip • clutch" operated auger is •a safeguard a ain't injury to the mill' which also prevents no clogging.. the screen:. ( roceries Phone 27 TIE:'NEW .POWER TAKE -OFF` HAMMER' MIL' . :.: Is, just another "GEHL. lchievemen t`• Increases eases , apacit S— mill up. to 50 percent:• with, the. sante p —1 'NO SLIPPING. With, or without undercarriage! D op in•. and'get: