The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 8FACE EIGHT tr • THE LkICKNOW SEN'1711%,TEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO : • 1 ' SEE By THE.okekiworeasisiogiotrocooloopeososokokweeritmorotr•ismotivi 'SENTINEL. WHEN Til Y'R SOON 'BETOO win• TO MAIL EARLY It Will soon be too late tp il ' • early according to dates re- commended by the PoSt Office Department, In -order to ensure delivery by December 23rd, which will be the last mail de- livery datetill after Christmas,' the dates, are: to. United States, especially -parcels for customs ex- amination December 8th; Brit- ish Coluanbia, • December 12th; Prairie Provindes, •December. 13; Ontario and Quebec, December 15th. . It is also .suggested locally that a supply of stamps,,be tained; , 'particularly by ural route- patrons, sothat the Your- .iers Will not hav,e. to "buy and lick" stamps, at this time of year. Remember too, it,will be a •big • help if cards and letters are tied in bundles for easy handling. THURS., DECEMBER 7th, i95.8 WEBSTERS LADIES' AND MEN'S ;WEAR • ., . Take pride in presenting to you this Christmasone of the t •' best selections .of gifts since they started. in business. Pi . • • A' • From quiet tones to bold ,modern brilliance, there's a ' Forsyth Tie of rich fabrics and smart designs to delight every man's taste. Come in. Choose • • your gift from the greatest showing of ,Forsyth Ties in our history • • • . . • •,.• • • • MADE By THE MAKERS OF - /ma . No one ev:erregretted • • buying Quality"-4emb epleton r• • •••••• 1Fstve • Suggestions •GOOD—EATINo GOOD GIVING . •, Barker's Pickfair Pac 1. lb. box 'Fancy assorted English qUality Biscuits Robertson's Chocolate ,Toys WEBSTER,---iri Kincardine Hos- , pital on November -.25,• 1950, to •'Mr:• and Mrs.. James • Webster, Kiricardine, a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth. • BUSIIELL—in Xincardine Hospi- •l•tal oxi;Novemi:licr; 27, 1950 to Mr. and' Mrs. Elmer :•Bushell, 2, Holyrook a daughter. Wingham• General Hospital, on Sunday, November ••'26th, to' Mr. and. Mrs: JaS., Wil- .• son, 'Whitechurch, a daughter. •';RAMAGE--4n.,Wingham General •• HOspital, on Wednesday, 'Novem- ber. 22nd, to. Mr. and 1Vhs: Mac- • : Kinley Ramage, R. 2,'.Lucknow, • •••.;'-le • • 1. •`• 6;; 11 i ' A • r Assorted Novelties in Solid •• aVfilk Chocolate. Milk Chocolate Santass 'Assorted sizes 1:2C to $1.15 • ChristMai,' Cake . .2 • $1.00 • PLANTERS Silver Anniversary Offer I pr Salt and •••• , Pepper Shakers . 50c 1 bag Salted Almonds .... 10c 1 bag Salted Cashews ... Mc. •1 bar Jumbo Bid& ' 5c Total Value 45c .Yours FOR ONLY 50c Don't .fOrget that Santa cones to town on Saturday, so bring ''the -children; and plan to do your Christmas"..ShOpping at TflOMPS0111 The Store of Friendly Service ,Phone 82' • We/Deliver • - • (Continued from page 1) • • Clark and is busy cutting logs: Howard Robinson has the job of skidding the timbers; THAT Mr, and Mrs, Jim .Hender- son have moved. into ..theirnew •'home Which was recently coin-. pleted. Mr. and Mrs. L, C. ThornOson,. Donald and Pat- ricia are occupying their new home, which is nearing com- pletion.: Mrs. Maud Sherwood and Miss Dorothy Cook have • moved `to the Spindler ...resi- .dence,- vacated iby the •Thorn.P= • Son..familY,',and Who. had ten _anted. it „-for 13 _years:. 9 - • ti( FOR THE LADIES Searies, Gloves Purses, Vmbrellas, Scotch Tams, Hatikiii •.2 1 Pantees, Slips, PYjaMas, Nighties, ,Housecoats, Pullovers and Cardigans. ,• ' ' • • . FOR THE YOUNG LAD .` - • • ••• . A new Shipment of Shirts, Sport Shirts and THAT -JOseph .Agnevki• veteran t • • " . .FOR THE. MEN ,• clerk of the IVInnicipality, coo•v-es, scarfs? •Fedoras, Belts, tsrsis• oart,rs,, Tie!, confined to bed for a :rest. 1\1Ir. eiskt :Agnew suffered a fall on :his IN Shirts, Sweaters, Pyjamas, Sport Shirts,. liauseeoats, Jackets SMoking Jackets, Hankies (both plain 8t 0". way to ,Council meeting on • Monday evening, but passed it off lightly and performed his • usual duties that evenntg. Af-, • ter the meeting had broken up, it was apparent wasn't h -•• ' self, and he was taken •to the • doctor's office ,for a check-up and ordered home for. a corn-• . piete rest, .because . of a heart • condition. • ' THAT •filling ,and levelling oper- ations have been carried out at the arena' prior to the start of ice making.• • o' ••• a • viiaboortiliviatcootOovoignirOP..«,4-114tWorn400.AF4044000402?4,0,1;oi. er-1,47_0,toiloaroiiii,asekragoiloiii,sittisoativtiroareoina•giougeoe4fisotheil.:.: YOU AIIE ' To do. your Christmas shopping early. Any gift will be • held ,Until .wanted .• NO DEPOSIT necessary• . • " • fte• • FRNOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS each $1.00 purchaseFROM en titles you to a ticket on our draws—one prize to be A. sz given away' each, Saturday, with all tickets to•eonnti.:O.d '•a larger prize which :will be drawn Saturday night; De- 4: , cernber , • •,•' • ••• , • 2 • GIFT .SUGGESTIONS . .• • : • , --,- :or BLOP.SES in fine wool jersey, •crepes, silk.. SICIEVIIS— • neW shipments •in plaids and plain stylelSi; SWEATERS— 0 ligtri• h 'eYr owit:h a rayon crepe - at! and wool d n 5'4 FOR TRAT • PERSONAL• 'gown or pyjamas iti pink or, blue . , , See the , new. candy a, stripe satin pyjamas rnade from imported' cloth' ... Kayser-. a` ettes insnuggle-own, pyjamas or nigMgown.' ,e ...GIFTS FOR ALL CHILDREN & TEEN-AGERS.' ' , • . • • THAT tonight (Thursday) marks the first of a three -night per.; • fortnance y Lucknow • High School students at their an- nual Commencement.' • • = . . • o THAT . business• plaCes will re- main openthis afternoon and . each Thursday.. afternoon until. • Christmas. • - THAT Mrs. , •Orville Elliott of Holyroocl••Won • a $100, special prize at: the Lions bingo in • Teeswater last Thursday night. •, ' TILT as one lady was cautioii.s-o • ly • slithering • ove the icy streets this week she pulled • :this'. one: "If :sand was $2.00 a pound-. thprp'..d. bp mor of. it • on the.streets".: •• • . • • THAT Alex MacTavish received delivery this week Of the first 1951 .Monarch to ' arrive A Montgomery Motors. •• THAT James A. McLeod of Kin- loss spent:a couple of weeks in Detroit and LondOn, • vislting • his brother Alex; and his • ter, • Mrs • Bert Bain. While in • Detroit Mr. McLeod renewed an :old friend.ship with Jack . Adams of the Detroit , Red • Wings,. whom. he knew intim,- F ASHTON' .• 4 , . TOT-TO.TEEN and. LADIES' WEAR I'Phone ..89-wl" Lucia.) now, Ontario..47 roi.044/0404,0. 4.4".-4',0.11#1w• l'Atribotat'sow4040.. ttrit440.4011); • • . • . . •' where 'NI-. McLeod Spent many years inthe contracting busi-• • with the C.P.R. •• •. ,• their 53rd:Wedding anniversary on Friday, December lst Both THA'r regarding the, naining • • Lucknow's Main :Street, Don- ald, MacLean. says- • he ,often ' heard father. referring tO it in ConnectiOn..;',,With :Sir Colin Canpbell's'' relief '1;t' LucknOW. • "Big, Alex" MacLe." as he was known, took • and in. Ash- field in !Am). an d first come into. the township. frOm torra. • in 1847-103y, years ago,. before there was , a Settlement 'here—. ' ' • • . _ THAT' Mrs: Lloyd',Ashton is at- • tending the'.• Spring FaShion 816,00$140.itaraiiiatefatninzalgrautottotitilitortungignizrivagitztriatraigriumorieltiviiementaYtertafFeiraotitaaatits • arp' degree • that belies. their „age,. With Mr. Campbell busily en- ' gaged .in farthing operations hi• Kinloss. • Congratulations • and' •• .best wishes are being. extehd- ed ..by many -friends .THAT. it `you ywant soine. snow• - shovelling done this year, get • one of the Bantam . hockey ' Players to do it...l'hat'S one why • in which they plan to finance their' own hockey Club, tads • • ately wihen , in ort illiarn, • • Show for 1951.. being held. 'by . the Dress Manufacturers. Guild, f Toronto in the King Edward 1 Smith's Grocery TIIAT Mr. and Mrs. 'Ir a Camp- , .f •`.:,, "Don't Forget Your Free Coupons For Our.. , • , Phone. 20 4 . bell of town guietly . observed. go IOgether. • '' ... Christmas Draw. on Each $1.0,0 , ... .. '.. . ' • ' "" ' is . totek‘aniowitijogre,‘Iiistligrewtarikolierviiitfillindtriftalioinigtobenot, CashPurchase. ... • .. . , ' • : . : , BE PREPARED. tOR ' ..' " • ' .1.6t4100 •Lbt. REDPATH` SUGAR , . ,SPECIAL!•: . • • • - - 9 IN ,, ' ... : .• . - • , . •.,,, . . a 4 i • 2nd -4A. MPER °OF GROCERIES Miracle Whip Salad,. Dressing '16' ozi ._,,......_.....',.iiie 3rd --BASKET OF GROCERIES 4.. I': .,' • „ . •• ' .foi the 'Whole family.. . ''' •": : ''' ,3 ' ....- re. TakeAdvantage Of These Specials , 1 • .` ____,.... ,t..,.., ...,.,„._ RICHARD' MARTIN intimated .at Huron Township nomination last Week thatnext year would. either be a contender for the '-e6Nrgships or would. step opt.' Did you ever :notice how ofteh a narrow Mind and a wide Mouth... • iomiAite Line of. Rubber •Footwear • • --KLEENEX TISSUE .1.CiindirTeanes Chubby or Long 2 for 35a Jolly Prize P.,pcorn ‘15c Man's Size ' 29c.. Pop. Corn Balla.*• f 12 . . .... ... . .----------------3or _a 1T'$ nilINCEMEAT .TIME! • Aln;Lond'' Icing 4: VVOS. GOLOSHES • • . Women's laced velvet goloshes; black or brown ' all heels.: • WOS..,GOLOSHES • • Women's high zippered 4. • •• velvet, goloshd fur 1 •• • trimmed.' . t Clearing at L$3.5 Clearing at $4.95 • 'Maple Leaf 42c • ,. . ...., .• • I • f1. E Staffords • • - ..'. 4, -,.,.. . .. • 35c • • ' ,' : .. = Rir cl MISSES' VELVET GOLOSHES .4:.......,...: -„,..;.*..,',..s.„. . .' .. ...,..$3.45 a• • •:' .. 1,•;;4 P. ,.,..., ..• 4 ti., CHILD'S' VELVET GOILOSHES.........,„..,........ . ,.....„.:....:•.,.,,,,,,, $2:95 :1a xt . „ :.. 1040 Ill • • .,.. , . P c.f.-A.1..1, ..:::•-• -., '.. 1. 7 MEN% ,PEtt 'TOP HEAVY ,IttiBERS .....4.:;,..,...,..;....,-:' , .-, ..FRUITS-..and.'VEGETABLkS.? • .04. • S Maxwell 'Ho.titi'Coffee .44...: .2 .. IVIISSES' .3-BKLE... CLOTH OVERSHOES • ...„,„„;;.„,.;,;„„,;. • .$2,95 • • IYIeitiCati ,Oranges, 250's...____ L..: doze 34•c-111X,DS' 341KLit'• CLOTH OVERSHOES '...:„i..,„.......;,.' .$2‘.75 . i • 1'1E00110NY' • Celety • ,........:....,'.:...„....:.,.......,.. . ........ .. ,_........t.......-- 1.5c Lb.98c.'s •Titi $1.03 •.' ' . . • . 1 t REA '' ' ..! • . ' : . 996,.. 'Grapefruit'....', .....,,f4.:.....:......,............... '6 for:'29.• . .. ,., • . ..• • . — . • • • S. c. itatili**ttill 1$ SO . . • , . • . `:',• • ••• ' romeR40.04,0414nbroNtaili4”, ow; tfattroettg,..;$;x.,::44i/44:01,t4titklitali14744t44/44,,, , 41'4.:Wil4/11'094100114/40.040400 .1401004;044,114,04,441/„40441.motte,:0444.44/4040,14,41,40114/404,04KSVI r• , . . . , . 1 . .. . V . 0 I I . v ., i ' I . ,. . . • . • . . . .1 • 't ' . k • . • V • . I t.. • , 1 • 4 • • .. • i • . . . I, • ' ' • ' V 1 0 1 0 • ..i .. A 0 • . 1 • • I.. • .. , • • •