The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 2rx • THE LUCKNOW S. ENTINEL, LUCKI(QW, ,ONTARIO ' THURS., DECEMBER ,7tYi1950 WOMEN'SCOL/MN THYMF1'' .....,• ' We are: wondering. hew deep • has 'been the • snow ',around The • Lucknow Sentinel's . immediate coverage, We heard a good story the other day A number of commercial travellers were: Sit- ting around ,the hotel, in a little '' 'town to: the south, recoulnting • their day's ,adventures' on the snowy roads. One of them grunt- ed runt ed "Huh, that's ` nethin'. 1 was up around Lucknow and. Wing-• 'harm, and there aren't any ,roads;' at all:, I. had' `to• leave my car • .and ,take' off on foot: I , plodded: along and suddenly my" .footwerit -..clown, in a hole; and a . puff" of smoke came. up at me , . ; I' was *Walking on' top .:of' a house, and se t `• dow 'i , the ' Peed n n chrmne .. y * .* VhristmnaS decorations in. your Windows. and on your' front doors leek,anost `effective in such .snowy Surroundings, don't they? • Hag 'a huge' °spray of greens on .your front door. • Paint some pine cones; red, or w'lite,_ : or ,with. al- uminum paint, twist some; : cord through the top. of the cones and fasten to the• branches of your greens, or--tie-a• nurivher-of "cheat b the greens in .a bunch,. Or mak your. door look like' a hug Christmas parcel .m • , with wid bands of red crepe paper. from top to bottom, and front side, to side, • with a big' bow at th Crossing.. We did that with our dinner table one Year, used a Plain paper 'tablecloth, and, at decorative points on. the. "par- cel?' par .cel?' • we used, Christmas cards for seals. How:' do :you' display 3 our Chrls5tinas cards, other than pile' on the ' "living 'room table? Any new: ideas? Would... you like 'a . re Y couple .eipes for Christmas, candies?. Divinity- Piiffs 1 , cup. White e e� • back on the': stove and -let it bo to the firm rn 'ball stage' (248. d. 'grees) 1/f eanwhile beat the syru and egg White mixture,, continu beating. after the :rest of the syru is added,. until it is of a con stituency to stand up in swirl peaks;: when you drop it' from • spoon ori waxed paper. The fia voring' and any.trimmings.. gar added with the last syrup, •Y'o may' use 2 teaspoon vanilla,.'.an '/x' cup .chopped red or green cher ries, or. chopped pecans: or al monds. We love them with c ed raisins thei r b seeded. �nc� _ R r _..g e or. with, one s ithein' i n more, mind) little . drop ..of oil o • pepperrnint . and enough gree fruit coloring to: make it th shade you desire -Be careful tha you : don't get it .Tilrous. , If yo can get someone to: help. With the final beating' .tdivide'. into two bowls, `arid .you have. two kinds Out/ of,: one batch, , Turkish. Delight ..; 4' envel- opes gelatine, . etip • cold water,' 4 cups- granulated .sugar, 1/4 • tea- spoon `salt, 11/4 cups'boiling; water, 112 tsp. 'peppermint 'extract '(oil of peppermint gives: 'truer •,flavor, but be ' 'niig�gardly), 1, teaspoon cinnamon. extract recd and green , coloring.: Soften 'gelatine : in cold water.:,Heat sugar; salt,,.and boil- ing 'water to dboilir g point,. Add. gelatine, and • stir until thorough- Zy :d ssoved Cook slowly X15 min-. utes.' Remove • from. fire, and div' ide into' 2lbowls•' player 'Pile with cinnarrion : and colorred: red: Color. the other green and flavor with pep- perani.nt.•. Of if you./prefer lei on use 3. tablespoons lemon : juice, and two teaspoons lemon extract. Have 2;.pans 8'', x 4", rinse with cold water, and':pour',in the candy td 314 °inch depth. 'Let candy thick-- .en' for at least 12 hours' in .a" cold place, but not. your''frig. -When it .has stiffened, loosen.from the ill p e p ly'. a e* u d' S, 0 n e. t u sugar,. 11/2 cups. brown sugar,' r cup 'light , • corn : syrup, iii • 'cup water. 2 stiffly beaten •egg•'whites,> f1ay.'oring. Boil, sugars, water and syrup till .it , begins to •'. spin .a' hair. Pour . abqut 'half over the stiffly' beaten white, slovW'ly, beat- ing tveh, so �th.at the .hot • syrup; doesn't' cook the.egg into ,little tough. lum 's: ' h just, ' g g tat you dust, can t ibeat. •out. It' is well- to start pour-: ing the. syrup after the boiling u'bibles haves; subsie some what. Put the` rest 4,6f the.' syrup together. and let themhang, over crossin • • • edges. and pull: out on a board, sprinkled with confecteiner's sugar. Cut rrr ,cubes and roll in the sugar.,; ACKWARDS THROUGH THE SEN'tIN. EL "FILES ••ixty `Years Ago •J. Brurnpton was offering' $9,00 men's suits for $5.00. . • .Walter Stewart was. Moving his sawmill from Dungannon, to Lucknow. The death occurred of . John Camiof Westin ero n Wan�vanosh • his 75th year. lie settled on Lot 18, Com:" 1, West Wawanosh the year' 1848;, when his residence wsis on the only • open roadto the northern part .of the 'Town- :ship; and ` became a° stopping Place, •for a great . number, of set- tiers in search. oferown land. •You :could' get ,a 'good, second hand buggy. from ' T. ,.:Hildred for .$15.00 :and he'd .• deal •it out in• wood' or hay.. ' Council let the contraetfor'. the. installing. of • eight 1500 •candle power arc electric lights on main street frown .Ross to Havelock to be lighted 280 • nights a, year. at a. cost of $1.20, a. night. If light- ing ,was required over and above the. 280 .nights it, was to be at, the same. rate. (No explanation was :offered as, to why they were not'.te be in ;use 365.nights,) .L--uck•now-riterchantS-decldez to close . their stores • at. 7.00' .pari each 'night, except Saurday when they. remained ••open ,to" 9.30. The -merchants • deciding upon these hours were .D.R .. . lgeltitos'h, W J, Brurnptan, T. Detior, F.. Grun- dy;.Wm.Connell, Berry, & Little, J. Grenache, J. Peart, A: E ,Brasher,; W. H. Smith., . E:. J. Smith,. R.:•Prector., 'Mrs..,Mur chison, '-Cameron, Murdoch. and:. .Co. The Sentinelcommented "We neve} could' See. any.; goed reason • why 'our • storekeepers should be cainpellede-to, keep open;: Until ' all ' hours • of :the .night: 'to accomodate a few .people who in variably make it a :point.to al Good luck .See you_' next week. ways be late in' doing their shop - next titrie. ,',Same station. ROiSE1VLARY T•HYIVIE.. P.S.-I'm getting a terrific;`kiele out of doing this,. but •I'ni begin- nirig to •be: bothered.: Does_ any- one :else enjoy it? Even the pub- Usher: : remains silent. ' 'But .. ;Hurrah, Sorneonwrote and asked me for my: recipes, for. Christmas- Cake (recognized, me through .all, this 'persiflage). About the : cake • recipes, it was just.: to save ,rny 'face, though, Sure f knew it. (The Pulblisher would welcori e• comments on and suggestions ;for this column, .and. would 'be 'glad` to receive queries, household. hints and recipes,••which:'will be' passed on''to the , writer.). t 6` its WATCH. FOR now Fri l'S''' : TO. BE,GIVEN AWAY.ABSOLUUTELY FREE GET ONE FREE CHANCE,. *T11 EVERY $1 O0 PURCHASE' , MADE • IN. THISSTORE: , Also As A Second Gift . Beautiful' Fruit Basket e t • SEE THESE ON DISPLAY ON SATURDAY Draws, Tb BeMade• on Draws! Saturday De30 December' 23rd r "a �iy �y y�»�h t pm . ��l�"y Q}Y�� �yyy,.,�,,yry • ping", Thirty -Five Years' Ago Mrs Joseph' -Hanna died of a .fractured skull,. received. when she leaped from the ,buggy .'as . the horse ran •away. Mrs. Han- na__ ''young son, whom she tos5Pc1 from. the buggy, was unhurt. ':Mr.. Hanna` ns,anaged • to bring the horse. ,toga' halt 'a little. farther on.. • Following • a recruiting; meeting in.the'Fam'ily Theatre five young men signed :up for . service= --Her- bert .and. *Harry Chisholm, Geo. Abbott, Charles. Piercy and Gor- don `McKenzie:',.' An' -,invalid and great' sufferer for five. years;, the. death. "of; Mrs. Jaynes Hendersonoccurred • at in ; Lucknow in late September.: • .;Mr. • and Mrs. D. Campbell re- ceived word 'of the death' of ,their • son=iri law, • H ':D.. McMahon, who was killed when• struck by a train, in Manitoba:, • Miss Mabel. J. Aitnn, daughter of Mr. ancI Mrs: Dari Alton, died. in .her . 27th year;. , Annie Isabel, .daughter .of .Mr. .and: Mrs,. Wm.' MacPherson. of Kinloss, ;died at the . age .of 41/z. years, • • Alex Stewart of St. Helens died from. a heart:attack attack on October 12th. .Another -St. Helen's resi- dent;.' W .E Gordon,: :died _ sud- denly on October 8th., Letters home from HuntleY, Gordon .and'`Herb Miller indica•• fed they: were seeing, their share of.front line fighting,: Luck itesideri"ts"-contributed` REG McGrEE'S' large alurninum- $2,000 to' the British Red.•Cross Fund in. ,a "Trafalgar Day" can- • Vass; • Mr.George Matheson was Pre-' sented with a ':lovely 'Bible by 'the staff of the Pr..esbyterian; Sunday School: of which' he had been superintendent for forty years, and; Was still filling the position devotedly. Twenty Years Ago. Luc no�u Villei k., age �.coun l de-. cided 'to hold'' an early nomrna; ,tion meeting in ,November, The by-law was; later repealed. Alex'. Sriibh., and Miss Isobel Chesnuti representing the ,Luck-. now• J. F and'J. I...lost°• out to; .a,. Paisley debating `team. • Mita z MacMillan • died at. ••. his farm ho'm : in Kinloss. The death of Elliott .Miller oc curred suddenly,' when it •wag. thought'; he.: was improving,. from an • attack of phlebitis ,resulting from. 'a, knee injury suffered ,in'; a .tug.' .of war on Fair :Day; The death occurred.':ofMary' Elizabeth : Finnigan, 15 -Year-old.,, •daughter. Of 'Mr..•and Mrs. Rice -ard' Finnigan of West 'Wawanosh:` ;The; officialopening was held. .of • the .new.. school, .ra.orth' of Whitechurch,; S.S.,: No:` 1Q,, Kin, ,friss. Ch, airman .of, the .Board was J:. B.. .11:Torrisen, . Frank . -Henry 'gave an ,historical :sketch, of the school . section since the . ;first .school was built in .1863. • The congregation. of Ashfield P esbyterian ; . Church presented a :gift to Donald 'MacLean befor,_• • he left:'for a : trip.. to California. Ten. Years :Ago Alex. MacKenzie joined " the Bill Kennedy ;of' Huron Toy; n- ship ;bagged. a 4001b.' black i bear• in, Bruce' Peninsula.' T.E.„Henderson shipped 18: cars of ''•cattle, numbering: ,340 head: • :John' Mochrie died• suddenly at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth 'Balls. ay St :Helens Mrs. Ida ` Flynn , donated a •han.dinade lace altar cloth toy the. 'United •Churcl. 'iii rnemory of: lief, mother;: Mrs. Robert ' Graham. Ewan_ A Moore of Victoria; a: grandson of: Mrs. Ewen Mac- Kenzie -;:f Lucknow,' Was' one of 31 survivors when: thetCana•dian.. destroyer, Margaree was ;sunk 'in • the North Atlantic. 'He was” a; member of the' crewe:bof° the Fraser: vrhen it was sunk the: previous' -June 'off ' the French coast Ed ; V. ' Hoffman 'sold out • his stock of men's and .'.boys'. wear to accept a position With `a cloth izrg house': Mr. ',and Mrs. James 1V1cNain, of Ashfield celebrated their• golden wedding... Jphn 1VIalioch's red brick home on Con. 7; Ashfield', Was destroy- ed by fir.e.'. The Maple :Leaf 'Aircraft Corgi. potation . "was grooming ,their • plant" for a 'government 'inspec- tion. inspection. 'I'lie death ', Of Mrs. Sohn •A.' Murdoch,'. formierly Mary Jana Ketchabaw, occurred : in Goder-; ich Hospital in her ,39th year: Miss Mary Rathwell died sud= denly ,at South Porcupine.. Ted Howey 'recei•vedabounty`"° cheque for $180 from Kinloss Township • for destroying nine 'Wild' dogs';,- •._ _ sheeted. barn n on the forrher „Pt. ,Albert airport Site, is 'being used this winter, as a rink: by Port Albert skaters and hockey play- ers. Diner: Cold .soup again, 1. • seep Waiter, (about . to' serve soup): How do you, know, sir;? You ha,v-• en't had any. yet"; " Diner: Oh •no„: but'1. see' you aren't scalding your thumb.. Since Confederation the Con- servative party has areas eight national "elections, the Liberal Party:has wen twelve, • • During 1949 Canada's flour mills produced' 19,956,00p barrels,' of flour. ° The.'pepulatieli of the province of Newfoundland is 321,171, about • one fourth the. populat}ri. •of. Greater .Montreal.