The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-12-07, Page 1Ith, 1950 s: the S .rr . kies� esu.. ►cks, •. led). 4.-. FORMS , �'1�ir�, n •: have : A - wool,'.; $4.50 4 inrt ades ben:- 4 ,. , 14.95 kt .,:.. equip-• : 'spCCe y, elects .• t • Corn • - wiously submit- 1ist.:of These '.. Other )wled. .,.$50,00' 16:00.,, 5.00 .:. 10.00 :•25.00 • 5.00. :.:10.0U • 5.00 • 5.00 • 5,00 ' ,.. 5',00 �irls`rOr^�+► 1 �1• kr• 53.45, "P 52.95 ll 55:25 w, $2.95 1 275 ki • it - I,s • $2,50Yearly. In Advance t -..50e. Extra to U.S.A:* 4 a4.0 H. PERCY HEADS POLL . ,.I N KIN LOSS :Harold Percy, P. A. Murray, parish Moffat and Dan T. Mac- Kannq ' n will comprise Kinloss Township's 4 -man board:of coun-' cillors for 1951, headed by David H: Carruthers, wh.o was elected reeve by • acclamation. Dave, , who is 36, has been referred to as the y oungest , reeve to ever serve •Kinloss Township. The four 'councillors were elec- ' 'ted by !ballot on Monday from a slate of: si,x candidates. :Russell Gaunt and' Wm. Evans' of the Langside ,,district were the two unsuccessful men,• : with 'M . Gaunt just eight v of es • `behind Mr. Mac nnon Without a reeveship, ` battle, Monday's vote was somewhat. lighter. than :.usual, although wea- ther' . conditions, were good for getting,the . vote out. The top four men polled a total of 1.0.60 vel es; 'as compared with 1289 votes, by the top,four councillors in the 3948. election that also -feature a reeveship contest. ' '• At the' head • of the poll ori Monday . with 327 votes .'was.: Councillor ' Percy of ' Kinlough, Who, was' re-elected :after 'a' two- year • :term. ; Two. "ears;. a o he > . Y g polled 351 votes to finish sec - ono to Dave Carruthers ,, and Harry Lavis who were tied .with 354 vote 's In' second place on Monday was PA. Murray ,.who polled 301 "v tes. He returns to the Board, 'which,` here.viousl served. P y for four, years; prior' to his de- ,..feat e-•:feat in December 1946.. lac ,' Farish riMof- In,thiird,� .place i s a , sk fat,' a • newcomer to; '.municipal life. He 'Polled 219 'votes " 6 . more t than .ban T. 'MacKinnon, • the •• veteran member 'of' the Kinloss M .: veteran at Who "Fn.2�.' �, Council, who w:as returned for'.a ninth_ term. Mr., MacKinnon ser- ved for six years'. as ;"councillor p ser- ved to December 1946, when he unsuccessfully . contested • t h e reeveship..:'In 1948 hc• was 're-, elet* C Mcirlfz—arrdrtYc&lltillnrt - LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO, THURS., DECEMBER 7th, 195.0 EIGHT PAGES D•E'OUR FLQQD. 'DIVERTED TRAFF .C' , . � _ ON...S N DA •. • The weep end! •produced a var- iety of weather that varied from 'sleet to: torrential rain which was accompanied by a sharp electrical storm': • Freezing rain early' Saturday slowed traffic to a snail's pace for a time,. until rising; tempera- tures and . rain, cut, the ice Early.. that evening •fog'added • to' the •drivirig hazard and this;•was fol- lowed rl&y, heavy rain and; an el- ectrical' storm that night -:. The •, rain .arid "ixi:elti ng� ,Show caused considerable :floodi:ng and on Sunday: traffic on Highway 86 between .Winghan and Lucknow, had to,, be • diverted ; due to the flooding of : a temporary detour at .Morrison's, :where Looby arid ; •Looby are installing the last of: m' series of culverts and bridges. A bad spell• of.. weather through- out `,November;, has�:delayed the work„ .but the pouring. of ..cement'.1: was completed ` o'n .Monday.. • Traffic` that . was . re -roup. _ ted at this" point, found �: the railway: flooded :at Forester's : Sideroad, d theSecond' • SANTA CLAUS WILL.:. • BELFAST FRIENDS ACTED CHILDREN'S, NEW :ROOKS. •BE HERE ON SATURDAY AS' PALLBEARERS. " ON. DISPLAY NEXT WEEK H4,. Kids! Don't forget Old The funeral service for J'ose•,h P Santa Claus. M.is coming to; Brook; a ,.popular resident of the Lucknow on Saturday of •this , 'Belfast.. :community for several week, . December .0th. Meet• years, was' held at MacLennan's• . him at• the Town• Hall and . Funeral Home on 'Tuesday of:last' .join the' parade, : , : y C. • B. week •, conduct'ed b � 'Rev. • There's :a free show at The .Woolley. Interment was in Green, Playhouse in the morning for hill Cemetery with'• Will 'Cook, the town ,, children with Jack Twin' :Wm; Buckingham.; shows at 2.00 and. ,4.00 in .the'.: afternoon for 'the'rural child•= ren: • • And, . of course thereyll' be r,. a' treat' for all 1. SEE :BYT SE� ; T NEL _ SENTI NL 'Irvine Henry,'' Blake Altpn and i• Glen Campbell acting as ' pall- , bearers, •WELL , REPORT • I' ,. -4 native of : Yorkshire, Eng- i . d ' o � va �� 44 ear .of:a a:'and' • 'land. J e s s E N:'CO • RAGi I y. g U NG was one •,of a family of 14 child ren. He' came ' to `Canada at the , Lucknow Municipal ' Council age of 25, and , soon after cam e .held'a 'four-hour session on Men: to the . Belfast farm home of Mrs. ' ' day evening that failed to cover Thomas Henry and the.late Mr the; night's agenda, . and. an ad= .. Y , Henry, where•he, was employed J ournmen't was . called until next : l for most. of, the' 19 years he spent Ionday' When it is expected to. I' in this country. A faithful work-, wind •urp the year's business. er,.•.and of .a. .jovial\ nature, Joe '• 'Members•' of the Lucknow Made . Many friends in. the com- ,Board 'of Education waited on. munity:; • , 'Council `to consider Ways. and;.. . He.. had' been •hospitalized' for means'of�financing a year-end de- ,more than '•a year' priox,.:"te•h,is licit of.close to.;,$3 0010 .This_.was''' death, and suecurrnbed to a brain chiefly • due: to unforeseen .de- • .operation performed . in Toronto �'elopmOnts that required the an on � econ' • Concession' of ' . . Kinloss' there w • General. Hospital. hiring .of an: additional teacher, as anox's School, ,the• rovidin of'. an additional l . , THAT , a. � New • Harrpshre pullet , A brother , ; a Chir r;ac. p . g a o al, , chole•• west �',of 1VIu ' , . . ,, P : . �and xray s :School, on the farm of Blake Alton las;r for in •Stratford, is the only other,' classroom and the establishing of that was,pall but impassible. , •.. Member; of the famil m �anada.• an Ashfield bus route until the P, a • Mammoth triple Y yolked egg, measuring 91/2 •' in_. ches the long way.:'and '0 inches around. "'Uncle. Joe".1Vlallough. A :distplay of n,ew bo ksi chief= ly' for children, will b :on dis- play at the Public Lir: _ all next week, . December lit, to 16.th, As well there will .be some adult fiction books.:displayed, On Saturday morning, Decem- ber'..16th, as 10,Q0, there will 'be a !children's' story" hour at the Library;` •; " • LOCAL:.. CREAMERY STANDS H S In a ,provincial -wide quality, competition' •. coverin, but .t 6. r p g made this spast ; ;.'ear Lucknow .,year,:. Branch: ; of Silverwood •: Dairies was- avVarded' .`sixth .rize: " at the „ p Ontai io:. i Creamery Association convention held - at Toronto:last ...Convention • Bare . "•percentage:;'`points I se arated ;the -to crearrieries. The p P percentage of. first grade butter I made by the local, plant .was 99.33 er'• ent: .p c This :award: was presented,: at the convention. to ..H. 1V1.::Ma^ pan, •buttermt•ker ~'at thea Luck - now Dairy, Eby M.J:arnes L. _ (-fie--ass+i 4.1,-cti4:ec or.- .f air' ! 'n( . for the Province .of •Ontario. Sharing in this•pri,ze and hon- • .who is 91 years of age, says 'that ' • ' •1 C He and his' wife and' her brother, ` .official ;' formation 'of'. 'the new : District High . School . Bo' rd'. • ,g Beard °. portion of this latter expenditure' of '$1888.. is recoverable :through •Provincial . grants. • 'The problem confronting . the Board •-in this matter of'financing, is due ,to presentat"ives • . ':at '' the 4-1I. ' Club the'; :fact. that •: they : cease-. �, ,to ' • Congress' in Chicago; • function at the end , of the. Year.. • and '' are re' laced by .a. District staxted i to the' AGED LADY SUFFERS STROKE 'Board. •The procedure to he fol- Y n turky°•business in a small wa lowed 'was .left, for decision to''a r, Y Kinloss. rs. Wesle Hudson .of. Kilos .• w � 1V14 y .. oi: t meetingof the mein,bers of � a'year.�ago with about 100 �bird�.:1. •, .1 n ,, Townshi suffered • a severe , This .year he :has; raised over I p. the retiring SchoolrSoard and the stroke last week that has render new Board. will' ed 'her helpless. Mrs: .Hudson,Protests Assessment. P . ,i, a on •.De , r-- . : .,. reach h_r ..88th .b xt id._y , .. ., . A:..Che Cheque •for: _7; .80 'n xo - THAT:at.theix annual meetirig.in �: .. -. Q �• 1.3 _.��., p p T ce ober ;1.9th: ext taxes on the Lucknow Fn u, onto last week the Ontario. y I • f, dustries lant was received from r Cream; Yroducers. Association A . Mr..: Ernest Huggins of ;Stratford; attended ,.the 'funeral in'. all his years he • never . saw MISS JOYCE ARNOLD o f the like-. r Purple • Grove Junior Institute ri r Ie- e: ori t . of the •Bruc C . =o 1 was one Y THAT a vey ''' H r y Hodgins ,of Kin- lough has, his bvg' 'turkey, flock ready for the Christmas 'mar "cn` voted not unani�mousl lout b' • Y, Y CLUB ALMS• . . i. 'seek a a 'heavy • ma ort •to s e Y J Y► • .tet ORE" R,EST°+OCK,I.NGr.. ing• that`ahis .assessment;'on .the. . : �`la,•nt-de�ur�•-glarit-aric��h�,cki.:-h:ad. day was.. again returned _tothe ' Board, as the senior member and who :has: given faithful, service • through f � eeti h augh a period o h c. Ye ars Kinloss municipal affairs. Resul'tsby polling sub -divisions are as follows: :1, -Blackhorse; 2; Kinlough.; .• 3, Holyrood;. 4, • Bec- • orid ,Concession; '5, Langside; 6, Whitechurch: • our with'"`Mac • is Redvers, John ston, to:'whom goei much ofthe credit' :for :this..;outstanding .•e-: suit. : '11/Leff" • is•• assistant , butteri maker and : graded most of the cream; that went into ',the; pre - duction ,pf •the , butter. • 1 2 3:. 4 .. 5 Percy r.. 42'- 53 ' 78 .. 61 63. Murray34 37: 76 • 66 61 Moffat 15 22 5.3 '.47 50:. MacKinnon . , 6: 8 ,45 73 52 .Gaunt 3 : • 19 49...37 -.32 65 vans 4 15. 56 37 50' 13 6 40Total ' 30 • 327. •27 • •`.301 32 •219 29 213 205 .175 A `SENTINEL• SUBSCRIPTION 1 ENGAGEMENTS MARES. AN. IDEAL GIFT , An easy and highly satisfactory factory solution;:to the annual problem of "what tel give at •C1lrristmas is, to 'sendl The . Lucknow , Sentinel •either as a personal or family gift. .A Gard announcing your gift will be , timed to coincide With the holiday season, Here's. a gift (whieh is economical and • ' aeceptalble: Place• your gift sub-• scriptien orders now at The Sen- tinel; office.' The rate is $2,50 'a year anywhere in Canada; $3:00 to:the ..United . States ... = IMPLEMENT SHOP CHANG'Et HANDS ;Effective today, Thomas Hack- ett,'3r,, arid Sons' of Ashfield take over the implement'shop of Sam, Gibson.; Mr.• :Hackett has ,the. Allis-Chalmers' agency • for the Lucknow "and Wingham District Mr, Gibson still' is 'under con- tract with the Massey -Harris 'Co: and has quite a ' stock of their • 4 arts on 'hand. He is' ,also the Purina dealer.' Sam has consid- erable farrri land in Ashfield,Ashfield,and' . come spring he , will crop ' his' holdings. The Gibson family will C(i:Ntlie fr, reside here', Mr,: and Mrs. Leroy ; Culbert announce the, ,engagement, :of, their. daughter; Bernice Fay, ;to. Arnold Wan ,cin ,of Mr, and Mi•s, John D, Hass of Lucknow.. 'The 'wedding will take place: Decem ber •23rd, 1950: Candi' Mrs. Leslie 11 ;Greer:: N1i. Puslirich, Ontai l.o, . 'announce the engagetnent ° of • their daughter,: Miry' Catherine, ,to •Norval lip, 'Richards, 'M,S.A„ 'of Guelph,• soil f M,r;.. , alio Mrs R. A, Richards; A - Luchri'U ; • Thi* 'eng,agement . is•, announced of Isabel 1),tn;r�lda; daughter of Mrs, M.acI)onald''a•nd the, date 1)' Mac'1)onald•of.Lochalsh, to Aoy A1ckander ,1T4rv('ns,•.son of. Mr, and. Mrs; Alex Havens of Luck - now. Thc,msrriage too 'take place, late this month, and Mr'.: Roy`•Crarnm an; 1VTr. ' _ of their i v the f!ngaW'mCflt': t1 e) t:ir1 CC dlu�filte M�lriot�' isobrl,:°to Mr., Y ilt-ev:rrei' Shill'1)e, son Of Mr. JFtrlic:, M.:t ,•1. AT � cwhich rn. Renaud of -Kitchener, W he "paid,: under protest", : claim= • • 0 • the .delegates. that .on the sub., The.. -annual meeting, of the .;been- increased •froth' $5000 to •, «: w Fish and Game .Protect- • unfair and '° excess- . jest of:. margarine, : we • have, Luckno $16;604 was, • "• given it.. more advertising than could have the Manufacturers,•. bought`for, a million dollars".. —o - THAT• sell -Put crowds' are ':in .o ,: cheated. for Thursday and Fri- day. nights: ,'of . this`' week, and to take care of the"overflew..a third' night's • performance.,wily be staged • on' Saturday :night •' December 9th by : High School• students —0--- ,THAT 0T ;THAT• Mr, & Mrs.` Albert; Camp- bell of Am;berley are leaving'in• a few' days with Mr. and Mrs. 'John. B: DeCou ',to spend the winter moriths.'in Florida —0— THAT, Jim Lein of town has pus- ' chased Yerrien's •Grill in' Wing-. hair •and obtained possession the ":latter part of the week: Mrs Lem, assisted:'. by Marjory England, is .in. charge of their restaurant here, TT -IAT Joe' Weiler• has purchased the' timber on the. George • Jar- dine property south of :;Point (Continued ; on. page .'8) • t i\I�•�: t ,,1,,'rt Sharpe of I- e ,11ic . Ths marriagemarriage��•il.l.. take t,l�• +toe t:rrr.1?inkerfon United 11r1(.ei,', trtt �'•k"(' "`lYtl)£'r :t(ltti tit 12,00 r'. .� i%1;.1(.,'0' jY�lri'':• + ;'iS)tt, (Info! il'1,.. . Y;P 1ti 4 ive__ ,Association_ was , held' ' •last Thursday evening in the ;Recre- ational Centre with . ,satisfactory 'attendance consideri the Wea- ther, and with George. Whitby presiding. • ive ' n Officials Appoint Election: O fi FP A b -lady.' was. Passed a oin t- Y R PP n-. 'ing -officials in case of a an elect ,tion, . and which would. be. held on New'Year's' ,Day. De p ut '• re-,., Y p Y The Club had,- a` .strong mem- turning,- officers and poll. clerks bershi of 115 members,',in 1050, were named • for ;'the ' following P'. land hopes: to •retain that num- sub -divisions, No, 1", Legion Hall, ber 'for 19,51, 'The fee is : 50c.' . W. McCoy', 1V.• E. McQuaig;' No: George 'Orvis :reported .on the 2, Municipal: Office, ''.Richard committee's finding'• in inves�ti- Webster, Chas., ,Cooke, gating' possibility of` replac- Town Hall, E. B. ''Agnew,' George ing a: dam;:. on Jack' Henderson's Whitby property on' the 6th, as •-well as. . Provision was , made ' for '' the their suggestions:'. for improving.. dissolving of ;•the ; Board of Edu: other streams in'the 'area. cation, and' the establishing of a Officers and committees were: Board of: Lucknow . Public 'School re-elected for another year ' and Trustees.<:. This'. will be a six -man : Ken Chester , named chairman of board; who will draw lots to ":de- the .entertainment committee ,'to• Bide which three: serve 'for. a' ' 2- • ',a social evening: year. term. The other 'three will: arrange serve, for one year: No " ation' day c was set for December 22nd. Tuesday,. December .116,th' was proclaimed..a civic holiday: The :•business, assessment was cancelled On the four 'buslnesses • wiped out by;fire last', February..`• Council ' decided . 'on ; certain ; .' winter parking regulations, as a • matter of safety and" to 'assist in proper snowplowing, Reeve McNab outlined t h e !Mice of Magistrate Meclevis as The secretary's report 'gave a resume of.; restocking .activities during the year and : of future plans ' in this ' respect. The re-'• gp. g sults as ,sev'eral:good 'brown trout have been' ' landed in the "Nine Mile River. both' north ,and south of the village; • • In an effort to irriprov'e • the fishing it the: St. Helen's Spring' Creek, these waters were: • again restocked • this: ..dv Creek was stoekeliberally with Speckled trout, and it is hoped to sign Tor'r.ance's ; Creek for stock- ing next spring The .1M2 • program, anticipates the re-signing and $tucking of the Nine Mile, Dickie's and •St. Ilel- en's ,. Creek. . An .attempt was '.made by the :Club to ' raise rpheasants last. spring, • with' eggs made available through the courtesy of George,' Orivis. Approximately .100' eggs stocrokin ram is showing re of the Chinese Mongolian breed ' g� ' . `t u,mp i`ng were distributed in 7 : settings, ci nrracn'� cheni..ts do. a . o' About 35 chicks were, hatched ,.test and make •an ion the -spot • The'well' ' :ctestiori will the et•- arialy.si�s. • Th q and 10 survived, l±'rorrr .,Y , , is 'exported be, f',tt. tiler reviewed at r: ' t peiienc,:, galiied it nc `. ±�1►'' 1' "jj�''l' `wait ' h''Ylttt. .rr•n6.4.'. MO,"'f il'jr<,: to:' the statutory', regulations -a municipally must observe in levying and collecting fines. • Well Report. Good • The Reeve, brought the Board ;• up 'to date on .well, developments and: read a most encouraging let- ter from • Dr.: Berry of- the De- partinent of • Health, whose opin- ion was ,that the iron couldbe controlled, and that `it would be Unfortunate . not to use a well . of this capacity. • ,• : It' has been ' proposed • that gov- !`r triguaradiapidlipiLt. .• '4,4;4