The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-23, Page 5, 1950 D anal Ont. ock • • r• UR ', NOVEMBER 23rd, 1950 THE LUCKls'OW SENTINEleLUCKNOW ONTAIttO OBITU • ITS, W. ,c JOI1NSTONE P1RPI GROVE: • Mrs, Angus "Graham of London' Lvcum Theatre z�zctic 111y lifelong spent the•week-end with Mr and Thi' death of Ws.W C john a cosi Mrs,' John Emerson, d Ash -field and Lucknow, WNa F AM Mrs. Milton Walsh visited at. Goderich on. Sunday.,. Sten e t' cti- • occurred in (;hatharn ,ort. .Th.urs daY; •Nc ember 1Gth. Mrs John- one .,rad been tn, f,.'1' heal h sinct ,4ufferin f a ,, • this •ptist two ...months" . seirious .i She -,Was formerly Helen Mae • • Two. Show Each Night •= St 1 - Mr. Goldie Emerson addresed t i az t the Young People Ort Sunday at. FIRST SHAW ' AT 7.15" to fiactur ed, hip Bethel and Pine. River churches,. some -.three years .0g0;. and for Mr, and Mrs, Young of .Hirigarf on shad been visited recently with. Mr, Burton• bedfast d Thursday, Friday, Saturday an lY, ll Collins, • We extend .our. sympathy to Lcrrn, ,a daughter` of tYhe• late Iron= the •relatives of the late Mx. Will ala M�cLeern•and Jane Ross, early. Campbell. VAN JOHNSON, • residents of Ashfield Township, • Mr. and Mrs: Len,' Geddes and •,.J LIZABETII TAYLOR 1where' Helen was 'born and grew boys, Mr, and Mrs;' Albert Col' to Worri•an.licrod. She' had resided well of 'Blackhorse and Mi : ands . in Lucknow since -her.' r>7arriage ;Mrs, Currie :Colwell'••and Bruce . to N. (2 Johnstone w visit who 'entered. visited with Mr, •Don ,McCosfia on the undertaking :and furniture Sunday, he BIG' HANGOVER!, . .. ; .: ss mere a sixty. years : Mrs. Helen busme> l 1tirost Mr.Norval Stanley MATINEE SATURDAY'ago, 1VIr•.'• •Johnstone predeceased Swan: And • Rosiland' • spent .the .. . 111S w.i fe.- by nine,tecn .years. .• week -end Ir. Laindon: lVlonday'� Tuesday; Wednesday NO,VIEMBER 27, 28; 29 BETTY'. GRABLE, P#-IIL .HARRIS, .VICTO M F ATUIi• . .,'WABASH AVENUE.. ' lee 'her ay. it. on. or 10 oek 31-J fzie or RIO ow floor: ding ice 97 Mr. - and Mrs. 'George Hunter visi'bed.a few. ,days in London with •Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and family.'. Weare sorry to'hear• Mrs.• Mc Auley ha'sn. tbeen .feeling well. Mr, ' and' Mrs.Jack 'McDonagh and Mrs: Fred Anderson Visited Friday in London Ma 'Charlie' Anderson, Charlie • ':McDonagh. and ,Cecil Gardner. ,visited: in :Toronto for 'the. week- ' end: ' Mrs : Ruth :Brooks of >Lucknow visited Sunday with Mr': and Mrs.: Gordon.Kirkland',' There: will :,be. a ,,community social evening •in Zion Hall :on Thursday. ,Sunday,: School,at •10.15;: church at; 11:0.0. ti Is;a .rich source •cif •proteins and minerals In their .. pro- per ro-per,balance' .enabling the ' farmer• .•to supplement, hid own. 'home.- grown.grains.. Contains :molasses Mix.one :part- of- Conten—,...... trate 'with ' 4 ;or 5 parts`': grain. 54:50 PCR CWT. • • • As a Mark - of respeot for 'a lady • • highly esteemed ": Fri . the cornniunity, `'an'd foi:•::.a fartiily long associated .with. the business life of Luckno«r, 'stores- .in the Vl'1 age were closed' on: Monday of-• ter•noon for •Mrs. Johnstone's fun eral•, which was held -at the John- Stine Funeral:home, in charge of :her two grandsons,- Donald Johnstone of Chatham and ham Johnstone of Lucknow..El mer Urnbach :presided at !'"the organ. Thea, •service was conduct ed' by ':Rev Chas: A,: • Witi of; the Lucknow. Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Johnstone. long had been a faith f txlxnember,:r Inter- ment was in Kintail Cemetery, the pallbearers being Donald `MacLean, ,Fred - Jackson, Michael Hogan', Donald'• McCharles, How'- and -Agnew a•ndn`Jo•hn 'McDonagh. Mr s : Johnstone is survived by 'two • •sons, J...R. Johnstone . of Lacknow and,;D. M:' Johnstone of 'London, and by 'five ,grandchild- ren and ;one.' great. grandchild: Also suPiving are -three brothers and three, sisters, Charles and 'R; D MacLean`:•of Winnilieg; John r nto and Mae and M'rc Lean• of Toa o Sarah MacLean and.. Mrs: James Purves: (Eunicel'',.'all of Wrnni peg. Held Autumn Thankoffering 'The ' :Autumn ` 'Thankoffering 'meeting of the Afternoon and E.v,'!. ening Auxiliary • of ,''the W,M.S. .was held. in. the Su. nday. School roorris 'Wednesday evening,. Nov ember .15th. :The president Mrs. Webster, .conducted, •the :meeting. Mrs: Ken Murdie read the scrip- ture and M>.s.'W. B.' Anderson led' in 'Prayer:,This gathering was favored by a duet sung ;by Mrs. J. W Joyht aTrti Mrs J Ha11. After. ',.the • offering was . received Miss Jean :Osborne gave a splen did reading,. A'piano. instrumental;. s chapel .in .the • mountains by. Mr.s. Harold Allin 'was :much en= ,. 'joyed,. Mrs. Webster introduced' •fhe guest• speaker for the even-. ing, Miss Clark, ,whose former home 'was . Teeswater, and Who' has spent the past 25• years •', as a •ni:issionary in Angola, She made. her address . most' interesting' by: Presenting colored, slides depict-. ing the•lives and habits of the African . people .and oy . showing the wonderful ,.work done' there. by • Our ,missionaries At ,the close. Of the meeting Dr: Mumford of- fered, prayer ffer ed,.prayer•' followed 'by a tasty lunch scr Yed bythe ladies of the Afternoon W.M.S. • Feeds, Fer.>tlzer Phone : 71. Groceries Phone ' 2 7 1'e Have on. nand ' d .• Alberta Lump;- Chest lit; and` •Stove Coat WEST. . INDIES CANi1 • M.OLASSES FRESH. SHIPMENT •SON HAND• •• rERTILIZED PASTU11,E AND. HAY FIELDS insure your fields from being •wi:nter killed We 'sUi1. C t that every: farmer fertilize one' field and see thc' r es.Ult:» yourself, NOTE!::: • United to -Op Interest Cheques .Cashed. At Par , at Feed and Fertiliser office. : a .'tknaw District Co.Ope!ative • GIRL- GUIDE The • Girl Guides held • their weekly meeting :on Friday, No- •vember 17th at the home of, Mrs., M,•`A. Rutherford. - We had roll call and some of the Guides tried their laundress badge while the othe'rS played garnes. Guides was .closed : by sin`ing" taps Guides will be atp 7,30. next Friday at -the Recreational Centreunless fur ther notice is .given,' ST, :H'E.LENS Flan• to attend :the afternoon tea and sale. •of baking sewing,. eta., to be held under the aus- pices of ..the Women's Association' in. the Auxiliary Rooms,; Luck-. nbw, on Saturday afternoon .be ginning:.at 2.30: Murray Gaunt Wand Ivan Mc,- ;Quillin :of the Lucknow.•Calf Club are exhibiting their calices. • at the : Royal Winter 'Pair, Toronto, this` week.'Messrs. •F.:G. and ;Tom Todd are: also ...;exhibitors at. 'the 'Fair.. others attending included Misses W D .. Rutherford .and Anne Todd, Mr. and Mrs.: Fred. McQtrillin :.and Barry, Mr: ands Mrs. Andrew: 'Gaunt, Mir. •84 Mrs: 11 D. McDonald; Messrs. Ed Pur- ve's, W. I'. 1VIiher,'Ross. MrePher- son and Allan :Miller.. : • Miss M. E Salkeld, ,. Mr and Mrs. • Irving Hunter of Goderich and Mr. • Norman. Shopland' of Rochester, Alta.; were :'recent guests of .,Mrs,:.Gordon 'and -•other rel'ativ.es, • , You are asked to be • prepared for a visit from a 'collector fpr -the Bible. Society. -'who may: call on you during the • nest, few week's. ,Donations ••may ..be . left ''at the store .Mr' & Mrs, Neely' Todd, :David and , .Janet, of Stratford • were week -end visitors With, ,Mrs:, . D. Todd, Mrs. Alex . Murdie'and Bobby; Mr.- and Mrs. `Mel: BroWn-.,• 6f. Waterloo spent. ;the week -end With Mr: ,and Mrs,. 'R. 'Woods. • • Mr. John •McQuiilin, •' Mr. and. MVlrs:• Frank 1VIcQuillin and , Terry • • PAGE -FIVE. • IP 'presents T atu .ro Prese • .. , hursday: Friia S • . � Y� rday) Nov, 23,`241 25 • • A Boy and His Dog °:E . Story full of Thrills: SSS$ A Life ATTF'1LTION EVERYONE Startin this..Week-End; The Playhouse is bringing a serial "The Daredevils of the. West" Every Chapter Packed With. Thrills • onc3 Tue.• . aY,, ... sda ednesday, Nov; 27; 2 Once in a•' while a picture comes ,out of Hollywood which on'' al ,, g With its entertainment value carries: .a :message: •. of Christian convictions. Even it you are not a,regul,ar• .• movie fan this -is a' picture to see, rider ear with JOE E. BROWN, • 1VING (PEA OR .MEAL) rder. Now For Sure' D li e t��rerq. or the' best; T `FI:NN ,MINER'AL contains no,, Salt) .;YOUR NEW.LIfE. DEALER':• 'PHONE 165 ED STOR •LUCKNOW, ONT. Wilson . were recent .visitors,. with Mr.., :and ..1.4r$; Lail Johnston at. l3ltzevale.. ' Miss. Doris: ' Taylor was : hoine from London for • the 'week -end. Ivies. Al • Nlartirr . and.:Neddy- of .1st.. Detroit are visitors with Mr an Mrs. E. J: Thom.• The students' of S.S.• No.. 4 ares busy ' rehearsing for a musical. concert in ' the hall on . Decemb.e ours in a JOHN DEERE Model VHU Spreader The ''sure-footed. traction 'and 'stronger cow possible for you to spread manure every day"ot ;.strucaon oldie John Deere Model "II", Spreader the year. The box and, frame ate .of ail=steel con - enable y_ou to spread more loads every day -. stfuct on r1gidly braced prevent get soil-ed`rrtliing manure on your fields before. •twisting;out of shape , ..,to'take the punishment valuable' nutrients are lost:. Proper weight distributiop assures better traction of. both tractor and spreader' wheels in all field and weather 'conditions makes it, of mechanical loading . :.: • ,• • Big -capacity, roller -bearing mounted beaters `. shred manure completely—spread it evenly., See us coniplet•e.•information.. u, QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT Duron. Road 'Phone 1132 • Goderich,' Ont. irtubl.K4 Quattl. Tali" ,►. "tom*0' :!' ' '"`? '' +r►;:: •0 i